Magpakailanman: My father is a woman | Full Episode

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[Music] mama foreign [Music] foreign [Music] welcome to our new home thank you for making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] huh you should be home from work by 8 pm it's past midnight now where have you been foreign [Music] i don't believe you [Music] [Laughter] you're making a big mistake [Music] foreign [Music] foreign are you talking about [Music] what [Music] blah blah foreign [Music] that's [Music] [Music] yes she really deserves to be happy will she also deserve your life [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] you know it's funny i feel so comfortable around you it almost feels like i've known you for a long time come on are you hitting on me an hour ago well that's true but don't you believe in love at first sight i do love at first sight is possible but it pays to take a second look all right that makes sense well cheers to everlasting love [Music] and cherry [Music] when i first met you 12 years ago i had no idea how important you're going to be for me in fact you mean everything to me i value every moment and i just want to be with you [Music] forever yesterday it will be you today it will be you tomorrow and for the rest of my life it will be you okay roland you have visitors what um i am your father i know everything about you i love you can call me daddy daddy [Music] yes well i'll better leave you guys then was such a pleasure meeting you guys hey okay i'll then late for dinner i want music for the world okay take care [Applause] guys 12 years later is when mother or father because i don't i don't know how to feel either way [Music] so gonna go this is not gonna work it will never work [Music] [Music] and now [Music] [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] roland i'd like you to meet our newest intern filipino dinsha this is grace roland hello uh nothing you just done ordinary greeting in your hawaii pakistan is a hospital [Music] indeep [Music] discriminate [Music] m my body my morals my life my rules my choice not yours so keep your nose out of my business [Music] see i knew it please [Music] [Music] what six you wanna know why it is all because i love you roland the next time now my stupid girl oh my god [Music] don't play with her feelings [Music] no pain can ever compare to the pain of baby tree by someone special to your heart [Music] all the mistakes i ever made in my life when you have to say no and i said yes [Music] i'm sorry i'll head to you [Music] i cheated on you i have been so so bad can you ever forgive me i forgive you you know [Music] when you love someone [Music] you never give up on them but now it's time to forgive yourself too show yourself some grace i know you're not perfect but you're still learning lastly show yourself some patience you're on a journey always chin up my queen [Music] or else the crown slips [Music] [Music] m oh [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] my foreign [Music] [Music] india and jenna [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] namaste [Music] sexual and gender identity thank you dear you are so beautiful you really are have you can see the surgery [Music] seriously i'm thinking about it because ever since i was a child i feel that i'm in the wrong body oh dear i can totally relate to you you see undergoing sex realignment surgery is not about being a new person it's becoming a person that you're really meant to be remember this life is too short to be anything but happy [Music] so you went through the that long process yeah psychiatry oh and the surgeries and the hormone treatments you went through all of that exactly and how long did that take well the therapy alone took two years in psychiatrists evaluate if you are true really a trans sexual woman i [Music] [Music] can i just have a second with him please what's wrong honey [Music] in a few moments i'll be creating beautiful beautiful moments and memories of you but for last time can i say goodbye to roland why i have grown to love [Music] isa roland [Music] sweetheart are you coming i'm done and i'm ready wow [Music] look at you you look absolutely stunning [Music] wow just us cheers you look absolutely beautiful tonight thank you but i am getting older you're not you're just more entitled now to be your fabulous health [Music] [Music] roxanne [Music] i may not be your first kiss your first date or your first love but i want to be your very last everything i want to be the hand you ever need to hold [Music] roxanne will you marry me yes today i affirm my love to you to vow to share my life with you in everything to respect and to love you you're the most generous person i've ever met kind honest and beautiful i take you to be my wife to respect and to love you in sickness and in good health from this day forward you'll be the first in my heart and our souls be together as one you have been my best friend [Music] my mentor play me confident my greatest challenge and most importantly you are the love of my life make me happier than i could ever imagine in your love i could ever thought possible if you made me a better person as our love of one another [Music] is reflected in the way i live my life so i'm truly blessed i'm part of your life which as of today becomes our life together [Music] and so by the powers vested in me by the state of new jersey and the american marriage ministry i officially pronounce you husband and wife jerry you may kiss your bride [Music] [Music] you sweetheart is everything okay i thought that once i became a woman i can start over and turn my back past life as a man but i am wrong even i'm now a woman i can't deny that i'm still a father i can't stop thinking about my two kids really miss them so much even if they're not with me i'll always love the ways they will never understand i understand that i'm just praying and hoping that once the dust has settled your kids will come to realize that at the very end family is what matters most you're their father no surgery or anything will ever change that okay sweetheart [Music] uh [Music] they are in san francisco [Music] ah she's dying breast cancer stage four [Music] we're gonna have a much much bigger house and then we can build our family there [Music] stop here your daughter is right you are beautiful roxanne she doubles [Music] my [Music] i foreign so sorry the wrong thing is [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] i would have looked for you sooner but i can love stay beautiful but i mean might have been man [Music] mommy [Music] [Applause] mommy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you read anything just let us know okay uh dad except for one thing you have your half brother to 12 years younger than your age uh what's his name i really wouldn't know alum okay mommy grizznia [Music] i've been searching for grace social media [Music] to make it up to both of you [Music] [Music] i'm still so proud to have you as my dad thank you that's so sweet of you i excited [Music] [Music] grace [Music] uh i'm totally sorry i'm sorry is [Music] california do you have any idea how hard it was for me living each day being bullied i know that you have already judged and condemned our father indian that's a okay i to tell you the truth but it was your dad who stopped me from doing such a horrible things [Music] i forgot [Music] in [Music] foreign because i want you to be like him when you grow up so son i beg you give your father a chance it might be the best decision you have to make in your life i love you sir [Music] uh [Music] hey roland [Music] but this is roland my son [Music] yes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i need more time to process things [Music] foreign i just want to ask you this are you happier now [Music] yes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] hey come here [Music] just because things are bad now doesn't mean that they're gonna stay that way forever just go around spread love and don't let anyone come into your life without them leaving happier remember happiness is the best makeup hmm thank you for everything you've done to me and for being part of my journey of course [Music] hey dad happy father's [Music] happy father's day [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi sweetheart [Music] [Music] i always thought that i was stronger than you until i saw your strength to forgive me for all i've done and i'm sorry for being the worst son the best father in the world god i love you so much [Music] oh yeah are you you're a happy person yes yes very happy and i always go by because life is too short you know yes and in this life because i don't i blame us a lot of memories good memories yes thank you so much for this privilege of knowing you and knowing your story thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GMA Network
Views: 577,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GMA, GMA Network, GMA Full Episodes, Drama, Anthology, Magpakailanman, Magpakailanman GMA, Magpakailanman full episode, Magpakailanman latest episode, Mel Tiangco, MPK full episode, Magpakailanman Kailan Naging Ama ang Isang Babae, Kailan Naging Ama ang Isang Babae Part 2, Allen Dizon, Clint Bondad, Dave Bornea, Analyn Barro, Jenny Miller, April Gustilo, Kayana Klaws
Id: uqGeEZoZP2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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