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hello everyone and welcome to round three of this year's video World Cup we have a very nice game between two Norwegian friends Ari antaria and Magnus Carlsen and it's uh it's a pretty crazy game that features a line that both Players missed it's uh sort of what I like to call a disgusting Engine line Because unless you like unless you have a soul of silicon you do not see stuff like this so it's gonna be a really fun pause the video moment for you guys and yeah basically we are continuing uh the the journey here uh one of the pretty much the only tournament Magnus Carlsen never won is the video World Cup okay he didn't win the official World random uh Championship but I guess you could consider that not strictly chess uh but yeah affiliate World Cup is definitely something that he would like to add to his belt and he he played it a few times he played it as at the age of 13 and he even did incredibly well it was in 2005 and he um uh got to the to the final 16 he he uh won all the way through the through to round four where he was eliminated by Evgeni barev and then he played in 2017. we've covered that game if you guys remember against boujong ji he lost to him in round three he was a pretty pretty incredible game and then in 2021 uh Magnus got all the way to the semi-finals he faced yankeesht of Duda and Duda eliminated magnets from the World Cup now Magnus will try again and this time his opponent in a round two of their match first game was won by Magnus it was a pretty pretty drawish end game but Magnus kept grinding kept the grinding kept it grinding and in the end he ground him down and now tari needs to play for the win with the white pieces and he plays a most deadly line the sharpest of lines it's called the bayonet attack I'm sure you guys have seen it I've shown it a couple times on the channel it's a wonderful wonderful attempt but if you know your stuff with black it's very hard to press for the win whatever however uh the win does present itself in this game but it's uh like I said you really have to find this one so let's check it out Daddy has the white pieces and he opens with Pawn to E4 uh if my Pawn ever moves we have Pawn to C6 by Magnus D4 and now Pawn to D5 the karokan defenses on the board we have E5 and now Bishop to F5 and now Pawn to G4 this is the bayonet attack and the black has a couple of options here he could go back Bishop to D7 he will Bishop to G60 Google Bishop D4 and of course if you play this you have to know all of the replies which of course study does he we have Bishop T4 by Magnus Pawn to F3 and now Bishop to G6 and now the move that uh where you look for for an opportunity Pawn to E6 now this is I've actually uh faced an opponent once in the Croatian league and uh I saw that he played this with the black pieces and he was rated maybe maybe 2250 2300 and I prepared this Pawn to E6 line uh I got a great position but uh he in the end he just uh defeated me because he just knew that how to play the positions much better than than I did even though I was the one who surprised him in the opening uh but okay we have uh uh Queen uh Queen to D6 another movie is of course F characters on E6 and uh then you go into some like Pawn to H4 then Pawn to C5 then Pawn to H5 Bishop to F7 and let's say Pawn to F4 Knights the C6 and Knight to F3 and okay it's a it's a fine position but you you're really forcing things and it's not um not a great black will black will not have problem playing this so uh well you could could tried a queen to D6 is considered much safer he captures an F7 Bishop characters and now Knight the C3 we have Knight to D7 by Magnus uh Pawn to F4 and now Pawn to H5 we have Pawn to G5 and Ponte E6 now Knight to F3 uh and here there is a game where H4 was played right away gobblepop had this position with the white against benzekorpa last year in in Budapest in Hungary uh but that game uh ended uh very poorly for black umra pop won that game but here we have Knights the E7 by Magnus and it is now as of movie 11 that we have a completely new game a lot of pieces around that black king but if they are doing their job properly you know it will be very good for him so Bishop to D3 and now Pawn to H4 by Magnus we have Castles by tari and the bishop to H5 incredible how this bishop just comes back into the game becomes uh Fully Alive and now is again pinning this Knight we have Queen to E1 now putting pressure on that H4 Pawn also I'm painting from The Bishop's grasp and now Pawn to G6 by Magnus and here the problem is if you play Knight captures in H4 it's a free Pawn you can take it the engine probably does take it but then Magnus castles Queen side and what you've done is that you have castles on opposite sides of the board and you give magnus's Rook the semi-open H file so does it doesn't look like you know a dream come true exactly so Knights the E5 was played and now we have Bishop to G7 Bishop to D2 Atari just continuous development now you have to figure out how to go for that black king how to how to uh you know cross F5 if Magnus goes Queen side how do you advance on the queen side it's not easy to do these things so here we have Knight to F5 by Magnus and now Knight to A4 now one thing that you have to be very very careful about is that if you play C3 and you kind of want to play C3 because the D4 Pawn uh is hanging in in some of the lines uh you you could trap your knight with Ponta B5 uh if okay you do have Knight to C5 at this point but you know you have to be very careful but that's actually a good question why is tari offering the D4 Pawn well if Magnus captures it it looks like uh again it looks like it's the dream you eliminated the Central Pawn uh how his wife to react to this well the the point is Knight captures on these seven Queen captures and now just C3 and white has full control now the D4 Knight has to move the D4 square is no longer available uh for the bishop in the future and if Knight to F5 you can go Knight to C5 now attacking the queen and there's a double attack on the E6 Pawn and the white is definitely now in white no longer has to worry about being worse or anything it's definitely white who will be pushing for the win here so Magnus of course does not do that he plays Bishop captures on E5 F captures on E5 attacks the queen queen E7 and now Bishop captures an F5 uh Atari eliminates this Knight as okay the D4 Pawn uh could be a problem but you you can't really I mean a C3 just B5 and it's a really really bad position for white so here Tata decides for Bishop captures on F5 G captures on F5 and now Pawn to H3 and now while Magnus could play something like castles and I mean it's something that we all would play Magnus plays King the F7 this is how he wants to get the Rook into the game and he doesn't mind his King being on the same file as tari's Rook that's okay King to H2 we have quanta B6 now stopping Knight to C5 and also preparing a C5 and 30 of course stops IT Pawn to B4 and it is one the strongest moves recommended by the engine as it usually is Knight to f8 and now Knight back to B2 we have Pawn to C5 by Magnus now B captures B captures and Knight to D3 putting pressure on that C5 pawn and here uh you you have to play a move that is uh sort of sort of a move that you don't want to play and that movie Spawn characters on D4 this will double your pawns and it doesn't look like a very useful move however this is the move you have to play however Magnus played Pawn to C4 uh he grabbed more space he Advanced upon he forces the Knight to move and now the position is uh well if you go really really deeply the position is just lost for Magnus so feel free to pause the video and try to spot this incredible move while I give you a couple of seconds foreign so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on finding a move that even the engine doesn't find at lower depths and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is Pawn to G6 with check this is uh with the move that tari missed had he found this he probably would have won the game because once you know this move is there of course you find all the other moves uh but yeah it's a it's a really a crazy move to play now how how would you react to this obviously the pawn has to be captured you can't just allow the pawn to stay there Knight captures on G6 and now you bring the Knight to C5 so it's very important to open up the G file for the attack and now after something like let's say rotate the B8 you will play Queen to C1 now you will bring your Bishop to G5 and then you will control this diagonal your knight is beautifully placed on C5 and to give you an example of what could happen let's say Rook the B5 Bishop to G5 attacks the queen queen has to move now comes Bishop to F6 attacks The Rook Rook move somewhere uh Queen to E3 and now let's say queen to B6 and book to F2 adding another Defender and also preparing to bring the A1 Rook into the game Bishop to G5 uh sorry upon the F4 and now or you don't have to play Pawn to F4 but the engine says that you you have to Bishop to G5 you will now eliminate this Pawn because it is pinned and now King the E8 with Bishop captures on F4 Knight to E7 and now Rook to G1 it's a very very long line but I I gave the engine time to Crunch the numbers Rook to F7 and now Rook F to G2 and uh it's very very hard or rather impossible for black to defend Rook captures on C5 the captures on C5 Queen to B4 and now Pawn to C3 even we have Queen to A4 and now Queen to F2 uh King to D7 and now you go in for the kill queen characters and H4 uh Bishop to F3 but now just Pawn to C6 with check King captures and now Rook to F2 and that's it Bishop D4 you will play Queen to H5 attack The Rook once The Rook moves you will attack jacket again and now connect with the pawn on E6 and There Is No Escape now something will fall once the queen captures an E6 uh happens then it's just uh it's just game over the king hunt will reach um uh you know it's its end uh so that's what you should have done here after this Pawn to see for move but tari missed it he didn't think that Magnus would allow such a thing if it was possible he trusted him a bit too much and he played Knight to F4 and now okay Magnus played Knight to G6 and he gives him one more chance not to get a better position but to get a playable position however here tari has to play Knight captures on D5 he didn't he played Knight captures on G6 but just to give you an example of what happens here captures captures and Rook captures on F5 checks or two pawns for the piece and also for the attack King the G8 you also go after the queen with Bishop to B4 after the queen moves now you put the bishop on D6 and it's a very very nice position you can bring the Rook into the game you you can bring the Rook to F6 the bishop here really controls everything you have the past E Pawn uh white white is definitely the one who will be playing for the win here but tari didn't do it tari just played Knight captures on G6 King captures and now he played Queen to E3 uh Rook H to B8 by Magnus Rook 8 to B1 and now Rook to B6 Magnus just offers a trade here he will double up on the B file Queen to C3 and now Queen to B7 doubling up here uh tari trades with captures captures and Bishop to C1 and he was in this position on move 32 that the players agreed to a draw as there is nothing more to be done here there is no way for tari to break through and now it's definitely Magnus who is better here he can play some like a five Queen before he can play Queen to B1 as The Rook on F1 is undefended then bring the Rook into the game so that he can only lose this game from going uh four sorry forward but Magnus of course it doesn't want to risk uh you know pushing for the win for for no reason as he already he really wants to win the World Cup this time so a draw in this game means a victory in the match and that is enough for him but yeah you can't break through here the pawns are just uh uh unmovable you you can't pass your own G5 Pawn also one of the reasons why it was really important to sacrifice this G Pawn just to open up lines of attack towards the black king uh and yeah they just uh drew the game game here but after they spawn to C4 yeah I mean a very crazy stuff like this uh this is uh the strongest because the Knight can no longer come to C5 once you do this then Knight to C5 it's not scary in itself but once you combine it with G6 and all of these lines of attack towards the black king open up and Knight comes to C5 then it's incredibly incredibly dangerous but yeah I thought he missed it he didn't go for it and the Magnus wins the match he goes into the next round uh we don't have the pairings of round five just yet I know that Magnus Carlsen will be facing Vincent kaimer in round four so uh there's that okay let me just uh check real quickly maybe some of the other pairs have been decided so I don't wanna uh misinform you guys now let me just check ever since bought chest 24 it's it's loading time has like quadrupled so okay uh camera will be facing Carlson we decided that we decided that rasmusvane is uh in round four but no opponent also now upon Google defeated Narayanan and he is now very very close to overtaking anishagiri and Wesley so in the in the uh world top 10 we'll see if he will be able to do that Daniel vocaturo eliminated Daniel dubov uh he won a very nice game one and then he drew game two also we don't know who his opponent will be Ray Robson still waiting for his opponent and I think the last one is Alexis Arana also waiting for his opponent Arjun erigasi will be facing Java kirsinderov that will truly be uh you know a contest to to recommend uh and the last player uh is Hikaru Nakamura who is still waiting for his opponent well there you have it you've been nicely informed on the on the happenings of round four very nice done by Magnus too bad portari Magnus gave him a chance he didn't play it um and yeah it's kind of kind of the theme of the bayonet attack uh you know at least the what I uh the little work that I've done you know that at some point early on you will have E6 maybe later on you will have G6 probably so you know in case you you guys play this you know always look for E6 and G6 breakthroughs it just might be the difference between a win and a draw uh once again really hope you guys enjoyed it I would like to thank schlerture Paul Harris Samuel Kane Aaron is the best wife and no Laura is the best wife for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and I will see you soon continuing the coverage of the video World Cup until it finishes uh thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 134,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess,, play magnus, magnus carlsen
Id: _IhYnAZ4FH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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