Magnus Carlsen wins US$60,000 | Closing Ceremony of Weissenhaus Freestyle Chess GOAT Challenge 2024

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[Applause] thank you very much Fiona the shortest day of our whole tournament and suddenly it's afternoon we all sitting or standing here um what an amazing tournament I mean I have used enough words of uh expressing the extraordinary success that we had and first of all let me say that this is of course my success and holic success and the players success but especially is this success of all the 200 people who have been constantly working here behind the scenes in front of the scenes to make all this happen and uh to to basically honor them I would like to have on stage Natalie Fisher Nagle Frank nager Sebastian Ze and toor [Applause] haw so as you as you of course all well know Sebastian um he is actually as I learned the tallest Grandmaster in the world so uh even I have to look up to him um and then of course tooren Holly's father who you all have seen a lot because he has put all this together in 11 weeks the whole thing uh like this in this incredible Resort which is led by my wonderful management couple whom maybe you have not seen so far it's Frank our general manager and his wife Natalie and uh they are in charge of course of the hotel operations and so that everything is fine with your rooms and the food and everything so and uh they are also joining us a little bit for this evening they're always so humble they don't want to sit with us at the table said okay we're going to make sure everything's fine so maybe if the one or the other would talk to them they will be available tonight thank you very much for your so um I will come again for some words at the end to talk about what's what's going on but we would like to now come to the point that we honor and uh give all the prize money and yes it is real money um I I personally ordered it by the bank and uh it's a $20 builds because I thought if you would use them it's the most easy uh small part to use of course if you say I don't want to carry $60,000 with me you can give it all back to me or parts and then I wire the rest to you so no no worries so you can just take out as much as you want take with you and then uh I wire the rest so um yeah so it's real money I'm going for that um and um yeah so the first is um I would like to welcome our world champion in uh in traditional chess uh Mr ding Len Len if you could uh thank you [Music] very I would I wanted to say that we all basically suffered with you with this tournament that really didn't go as well for you at all and uh we all wish you to regain your strength so that you are ready to defend your title at the end of the year and uh that you are as strong as you have been before and that this is just a little ditch in the in the on the way there thank you very [Applause] much coming to our hometown boy Vincent um yeah come up to the stage please of course very proud to uh to have a local in Germany of course it's a little bit further away there from here but still it's a German player and uh it looked so well at the beginning and we thought you would make it to the semi-final and you would maybe challenge uh them much in the end you challenged like uh ding in the end for for for the seventh place and so this is your prize money thank you for [Applause] coming uh now I would like to welcome Mr gues up here and um and um yeah I just I just spoke to your father I I here that despite it only it's like uh the the sixth place um it is you had a lot of fun here and you enjoyed it here and as I said before you are all Champions and you all deserve to be in the final but mathematically we can't have everybody in the final so that's basically it but thank you very much for for being here for taking part coming to Al Resa who uh not only beat gues congratulations for fifth place and of course uh some more price money but in addition he qualified for the Next freestyle goat challenge that we're going to host and I'm going to tell you more about that when we are at the end but we are definitely going to welcome you again for the next go challenge thank you very much now the top player of our Jacks he managed to become fourth place and uh thank you very [Applause] much a spectacular tour beginning and you were basically like everybody said wow who can beat nybe in the beginning and then uh it was all the kings coming through and uh you battled very hard uh so it's the fourth place but it also qualifies for our next uh go challenge so uh welcome next time and thank you for being here and here's your prize [Applause] money now the top three all Kings established players number three Leon come [Applause] on conratulations congratulations um I'm so happy that you uh in the beginning everybody said W Leon I don't know he's like very weak and we were sitting at a dinner at the time and he said well you know I'm very strong they just don't know it yet that is and so they know it and now they know everybody knows that you are very strong and that you can beat all the Jacks and like all nearly all the kings is the one uh remaining but uh congratulations thank you very much for coming and of course of course uh Leon you also qualified for the next go challenge of course we're happy to have you back and um the only difference between not the only but one of the differences between us and formula one is that please don't open it and spray thank you very [Applause] much so now half of the prize money is going to two players and um it's not a secret who gets what so um uh just coming to um Fabiano thank you very much and [Applause] congratulations you delivered I think with Leon but in the end you had the upper hand you delivered the most spectacular semifinal two days ago and uh we were all like in insanely looking at what's happened and then he is sacrificing a rook and then the next game another rook and there it goes and he's like okay he's still coming back he won it he went to the final and it we we we we played I think until 7:30 8:00 and then what I love about our farm format also is like half an hour later you were sitting with your friends and with Leon and his friends and you were at the table and everything was easy and everybody was chilling and I love this competition very strong but in the end we all friends thank you very much for coming thank you PR M and of course you are qualified for the next uh go challenge thank you very much coming to uh our Magnus goat come on stage I'm so happy I'm so proud what can be said about Magnus it's like this was a little bit the same like in the beginning it's like what's happening we can't have Magnus not in the semi final it's just not possible and then you said oh yeah I think you're right I I'm going to win some games and then so Ali Raz had to suffer unfortunately he lost like three times in a day and uh and then he made it through the semifinal and um and then it's like I I haven't watched the game fully because I was so busy but your father taught me that it was a very very high quality high level game so so congratulations and thank you very much and I'm not arguing about Chess because I have no idea you are interviewed by other people about that I can just say happy that you are here I'm glad that we are continuing the journey I'm telling more about that and I'm really really happy that you won the first goat challenge against yourself kind of everybody against yourself and you another winner and this is your prize money and thank you very much and uh say some more but we would like H for you to say a few words if you yes okay of course yeah uh first of all uh thanks to T thanks to Holly thanks to everybody um this tournament has been a dream come come true for me uh and uh I would have said that like regardless of how the tournament had had gone but I felt that this whole tournament was uh was uh a joy to play uh and uh I think uh all the players really really enjoyed this um this format and we'll be uh we'll be e to be uh to be back so um just joy to start from to from start to finish and I cannot wait for uh for the next [Applause] one right that's the right exact word that I can do the next one so um I have been escalating everything in my life the village as you see little hotel by the Sea Studio having the most beautiful studio and now a little chess event turned into this now escalating even more every day I had exciting more news and there's as I said earlier even more news that I can't uh share still but that makes me so confident that I can now say that we will definitely have the next one another event here in one year from now in February we just have to see about magnus's he would set the time like this time so when when it suits if it's February again it's fine if it's another time it's also fine we are ready we are happy Franken Natalie already say okay we made notes with all our team but we can improve if there's something to improve and so definitely we'll welcome all of you back we now know that five of the players who are playing we're going to have three wild cards uh which we will carefully decide basically between Magnus and and the whole team um about who we would like to invite uh maybe we invite some of you back um maybe we invite other people we already extended an invitation to uh hiara Nakamura and it seems like he he would he would have done this event as well but he wanted to PR prepare differently for the for the candidates tournament that's why he declined to to to come here um and so but here has a standing invation so it's not really clear who will come in the end but we'll clarify that in the next few months and as I said maybe it's this is the next maybe another because we are in serious discussion with uh players and it may not just players but players in the market um and it may well be that we have one or even two events before that but in this format freestyle chess go Challenge on another continent other partners not in this Resort but then it would be the same five players would be qualified and then we would play this tournament and then we just have one additional rule because next time fourth place will not qualify so it's basically we only have four places plus magnus of course if Magnus is in the top four we have four new uh seats to give and if we have uh only uh three places to give we we do that so we make this um a real um very uh narrow um possibility to participate again I make the analogy always like to Formula 1 there are only 20 cars 20 seats and so you have to get one seat and you have to prove yourself and you have to stay in otherwise you are replaced by somebody else we're going to do that um we also I'm also so now I'm I said my my minimum goal as I said not even goal is like it's going to happen to have another tournament here but if um all of my craziness and ideas come through and we're going to we're going to manage that actually Holly and I will take a trip we we thought we got back to South Africa and chill like for three weeks now we're going to have a serious business meetings uh as early as Monday so we're going to fly out on Monday to some locations um I don't tell you right now because maybe you know what's going on but so we we are we're going to to to do that and if we are managing that then I can just tell you my dream my goal and then you know this was my dream and my goal and we put it together in 11 weeks so you can be pretty sure that I'm doing everything too so I my dream is a grand slam of freestyle chess goat challenge in on five continents so five times a year at one of those tournaments um with these rules that I apply with five times the prize money okay so we're got five for the prize money so that we have each tournament a million dollar prize money so the winner would take 300,000 eighth place would get 40,000 so that's my goal and I'm going to negotiate with that with all kinds of players so that we [Applause] have so that's what I'm going to work on and I don't know what you're going to work on but before you start to work it's time for tonight we're going to have the last dinner the Champions dinner in the boat's house again and in addition to our normal stuff like in the beginning we had our wonderful magician today we have two other uh important additions uh we have uh the best DJ that we can find that we used for our wedding and for our studio opening party uh Gideon he will come tonight he's playing Amazing Music and we have uh our very good friends uh Leo uh and and he's he's coming uh with his girlfriend and they have been to together for a long time she even did her um her education here in weisen house and they have founded a cocktail company and they can make the most amazing Cocktails so you can just try out we can see what is you can talk to them then we invited also like after the dinner some other friends of ours so there will be a lot that we invited the whole team so I mean I know that for example uh Len is flying out like 7:00 in the morning tomorrow so I'm sure that he's going to he's going to be early in bed so if you know as with me for the players no obligation you can all go to bed or whatever or fly home or or party with us and this is my last word and I thank you very much uh for everything and I couldn't be more proud I couldn't be more happy to see all of these faces and thank you for wearing my jackets so yeah that's it thank you very much thank you so muchan and please give them a very round Applause there is one final thank you because the show is still live but our commentators are here in the room so I would like you to please give a warm Round of Applause to Tanya to Peter and to to our and last but not least to all the viewers at home all of you who followed us throughout this week it's been really spectacular and uh Yan I think you are going to come back and we're also also going to invite Magnus back to bring the gong in a second to officially close this yes it makes very very well sense because I was just asked by all the media and so on that we would like to have a group picture of all the players up here so maybe you can leave your money at safe no worry and you can leave the champagne and then all come here and then you can arrange the group first Magnus first Magnus will just ring the gong to close the tournament and then we will take okay perfect first we he closes the tournament officially yeah take it you can take it off the thing makes sense and from from the front and I think that concludes the live show once again thank you very much and we're going to have a media moment now thank you okay all right so all the mediaa you can just like go a little bit forward so just in one line and we can have uh yes and Magnus in between uh fa and so fand can be between gash and Leon and between Fab and Y good course color scheme as [Music] well yeah next to mag perfect can you make a little step to the left yeah amazing yeah to the left all of you just to be more Central stuck yeah yeah yeah go ahead go ahead beautiful pillow
Channel: ChessBase India
Views: 55,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chessbaseindia, interviews, chesstraining, improvechess, chess, how to play chess
Id: HlC2q23YZR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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