Magnets & Copper Part 2

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[Music] hey this georgian sale again i'm back to talk a little bit more about magnets and copper one of the most common experiments that we see in school and that children learn early on is the lens effect how fun it is to take a copper pipe now what we use in our lens effect is an extra thick walled copper pipe and so that helps us get a little bit more drag effect we have an N 50 ring magnet that we had made so it perfectly fits in here and floats down inside the pipe without touching the sides or getting stuck so you can see what we're talking about is we just drop it in you can see how it how long it takes it looks like about nine or ten seconds for that magnet to fall all the way through this copper pipe well this is one of the most common demonstrations but what we've decided to do it super magnet man is to give you a little bit more of a feel for how magnets and copper work in this lens effect or any current drag effect isn't that's frequently called what we're doing is as a magnet moves past copper it actually turns the copper into a magnet and they're attracted to each other and as they're attracted to each other it slows it down that a slower it goes the less the effect so that's what causes it to break but not stop it will not stop it because there's a magnet it stops moving the effect stops so another demonstration that we want to do is to see how this magnet works with coinage we know that a penny is made out of copper or we know it's got some copper in it quarters have some copper at them too as do dimes so what we're going to do is we've set up this little demonstration I've set my 2 H cube up in a pendulum form and we have a nickel in here as well let's if a nickel is magnetic as well or has any magnetic property so as we swing this across you saw the quarter just took off but you see that the nickel is not moving whereas the dime and the penny continue to jump around you let's do this one more time I'll get the quarterback in picture again and we can watch this back and see how it does you can see the quarter reacts quickly because of course the quarter is larger but the nickel has not moved yet so let you know that your dime penny and quarter have some copper in them and that allows them to be drug along with them as a magnet moves past it since copper works so well we thought we'd try it with a little sheet of copper so we've got a piece of copper that's a fairly thin sheet of copper you can see it's already making the magnet move as we put it underneath here but let's see what happens when we let it the pendulum swing over it you can see how it drags the copper back and forth it's also slowing the magnet down as we'll see in our following demonstration how it well that works but one of the other things that I wanted you to see as to how well this works with the copper sheet it works not only to drag it along watch how it does and picking it up if I just set the magnet on top of it that's not magnetic so it's not doing anything but if I grab the magnet and pull it up it pulls this up with it you can see how it's just pulling this straight up even so it is attracted to it as it turns magnetic and the magnet is pulling away it tries to hang to it hang with it until it gets to the point that it just can't support the whole weight of that copper if it was not half the size of a copper it would actually pick it up off of the off of the table okay put together a little example to show you another way of looking at how the magnet interacts with copper and this is going to be we're relative to the breaking effect the breaking effect is the that copper has as it becomes energized as a magnet moves across that it energizes it and turns it into a magnet at that point in time and it creates some very interesting things so first thing is I'll explain what we've got here is we've made a pendulum and over this pendulum I have a two inch cube in 52 magnet and we've got the length just right so we can start with two bars of copper these were two inches wide 1/8 inch stick pure copper okay and so if I start the pendulums and swing you get a feel for what it's going to do this is with a 3/8 inch air gap so we can do this a couple of times and you see how as it approaches it it just gently brings it to a stop and we'll do it one more time now what we want to do is increase the thickness of the copper by putting two bars together and we're going to decrease the air gap because we're go to bars together instead of having a 3/8 air yet now we're going to have a quarter-inch air gap now with two bars we have order of an inch thick of copper and we'll take a look at our air cap again our air gap with this is about 3/8 of an inch a little somewhere not 3/8 of an inch range and we're going to see how this affects the braking force as we pull it back and you see it's a little bit stronger that braking effect it catches it earlier and it makes it slow down smoother you'll see in a slow-motion shots how it tilts it forward and you can see how it works and how that braking forces Brandon to stop okay now we have added a third bar and decreased the air gap even further let's see what that does to our follow you can see how the increased copper is having an effect but also decreasing the air-gap is having an effect on this that actually makes it slow down even more you can get a feel for how this works if we spin off of this and let it spin as it comes in you see how it slows it down gently this is part of the braking effect that we're talking about and wanted to give you this demonstration as we'll look at other demonstrations that are even more interesting and how we have a magnets operate in the presence of copper another demonstration I'd like to do take just a second and show us let's have a race this is something you see all the time on car shows of everything if you want to see how things work and how high to cars compare you have a race so that's what we're going to do except we're going to have it with magnets I have two of our 1 inch diameter 1/2 inch thick in 50 magnets I have a piece of aluminum that is almost an eighth of an inch 6 just a tiny bit thinner than our eighth of an inch thick copper and so what we're going to do is hold both of these up and create a little bit of a ramp for them to slide down and we're gonna see which one slides the best the one that goes the fastest in this case happens to lose the race so let's see how it goes you can see they're both moving very slow but the aluminum does seem to have the edge as you can tell the copper is doing a great job of holding that magnet even as I tilt it higher and higher you begin to see that the aluminum take a lot faster approach going down this thing these are both almost exactly 1/8 of an inch thick and so the thickness didn't make much of a difference but you can see copper is I'd say nearly twice as good with this braking effect and that's why a lot of our demonstrations do that now the next one is the one experiment that everybody really likes it's been our most exciting video and everybody is enjoying it on YouTube except this time we're doing it with copper instead of aluminum now we're ready for the big demonstration this time if you remember from the previous video I had a six before by one inch plates now what I have is a 6 inch diameter 2 inch thick in 50 disk magnet now in the other video reading through the comments one of the things people would ask from time to time is they would ask if it was the air cushion doing it if maybe the fact that this this has this surface area and I'm dropping it on top of it that it's the air slowing it down so we're going to start our demonstration by showing you how much help the air cushion gives us so if we take a look at this and just drop not much help from air ok now and you'll see me spin it in the other demonstrations so we'll try and match that it will spin it as well doesn't look like the air is helping us very much now we'll take a look if you remember the previous demonstration was on aluminum since I have a different magnet I'm going to use the same piece of aluminum again but with a different magnet and for those of you who are not from the US yes I know you call it aluminium we just like to say a little faster aluminum ok so let's set up now and see what it looks like on the aluminum now we're going to look at this with the same magnet and a 1 H piece of aluminum as we drop it here so you can see this is this is sort of what we did before except with such as round it helps to spin it you see we get a little bit of cushioning effect you can see when I tilt it and drop it how it kicks up on the tail end and then sets down we're getting a little bit of this breaking effect here we'll do it one more time now what we're going to do is take a look at what we get when we use copper now copper gives us a totally different perspective on this breaking effect let's take a look as you can see it is hard to even get this magnet to roll from side to side if I take it and pick it up at the same height drop it you see I'm giving it a spin to sort of give it a gyroscopic effect so that it makes it level and it settles out but as you can see in the slow-mo the the part in slow motion you'll see how it just flutters really slowly but the magnetic effect is actually helping to level it out so it floats down evenly now one of the things that we get asked a lot about is what would it be like if you dropped it from a higher elevation so this time I'm going to step on a little platform I've got so I can get a little bit higher up and let's take a look and see what it does from this out this elevation you see it still failed bounced up and then settled back down as it went we'll do that again [Music] all right so you're getting an idea of how this effect works we've got one more thing that we want to add to get it as high as we think we can and let it still flutter down what we came up with it since we have a hole in the center of this magnet we decided we'd get us a wooden dowel that fits almost exactly in that side it goes right inside gives us very little clearance so that we don't have any effect from this gives us a little handle with this now all we have to do is get it up and we're going to try and see what happens from this elevation just to try and help hold the magnet flat as it falls that way you get a little bit different view of how it does so this time we'll go even higher a little bit higher up still and let's see what happens you could see that impact that it made as the magnetic breaking effect happened and slowed it down bounced it up and then settle down and you don't you can't tell it but it is really adding a lot of weight to the magnet when I try and pick it up that magnetic effect really is holding on and making it weigh a lot more you could see how that one did that's dropping from about three feet high and you can see the difference that it makes now one of the other things that I think is just kind of cool to watch is how it does as you saw with the aluminum as I would let it float and it would flutter and then settle down we can look at it this way in the copper and you see how it just really cushions it as it goes down and slows the fall so hopefully this gives you a little more insight about copper and magnets and the things you can do with them and how this braking effect works and there's a lot of applications that are using this 80 current drag to slow things down and actually bring them nearly to a stop and then use convictional methods to make that last little bit of a stop so hope you've enjoyed this demonstration remember if you like this video share it and subscribe to our Channel oh oh I shared it I shared I shared it I shared
Channel: SuperMagnetMan
Views: 78,116
Rating: 4.9110012 out of 5
Keywords: physics, magnets, electrical engineering, science, do it yourself, education, eddy currents, lenz effect
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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