Magnetic Slime Swallowing Monster Magnets

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Hey, what's up guys Grant here, popping in with another subscriber giveaway I went down and picked up a Nintendo switch with Mario Kart 8 I'd like to give it to one of you so I got a link down in the description for some subscriber appreciation We'll see you there. Hey guys, I'm Nate and today we've got a fun experiment We're going to try and see if we can make our very own magnetic putty. There's a couple different methods we're gonna try and both of them involve using this synthetic iron oxide also called magnetite, this whole one-pound bag is available on Amazon for less than ten bucks and it goes a long way. As the first experiment I have a little blob of silly putty and we're just gonna see what happens if we mix some of our magnetite powder Into the silly putty. Now this bag is full of magnetic powder and you can see that a magnet does stick to it quite well I don't want to get any of the magnetic powder directly on the magnet because it's a very fine grain powder It would be nearly impossible to get it all off But, I'll try pouring some onto a plate and then playing with the powder a little bit with our magnet under the, plate and [can you] see It's a very fine powder It does have some clumps and those break up into just dust, really You can see how dark this stuff is and that does transfer onto your skin. If you touch this stuff with your bare skin like It's just like charcoal dust it it gets, it gets on you. It just kind of likes to stay on Alright, so there is our black magnetic powder. Let's see what happens if we bring our magnet Underneath it on the plate Cool little Shards spike things forming pretty similar to what happened when we made our ferrofluid except in this case, it's not a fluid It's just a powder we've got our magnetic powder and we've got a little bit of silly putty if you're not familiar with silly putty, it's a a Rubbery gooey substance that is like an extremely, extremely thick liquid So this is already a pretty neat putty I want to see what happens if we mix a bunch of our Magnetite powder into this, and see if we can get a magnetic putty that way [Rubbing it in reeaaalll nice] hoi youtube Okay at this point our putty is completely black there's no trace of orange coloring left to it so the magnetite powder has really Overpowered all the orange color that was in it. Let's see how well this is attracted to a magnet. Oh, I would say definitely Definitely more attracted and now it's sort of just jumps up to it One of the things I've seen done with commercial magnetic putty is you can put some of it near a magnet and it sort of Just swallows the magnet whole this is a pretty powerful magnet. So, let's see if we can get that result using this putty Despite leaving our homemade magnetic putty next to a magnet for a while It didn't ever really envelop the magnet it started grabbing on to one end of it and then just kind of stopped I think the silly putty itself is just a little bit too rigid and durable and then when you add in the magnetite it gets even More rigid by just a little bit and in the end It's so hard that it doesn't really like to move very much. Another cool little thing You can do with magnetic putty often is pull a little strand away from the main blob using the magnet And again, it's attracted to it But it doesn't really pull it hard enough that it can stretch out very well while having black silly putty that's pretty much normal But it's attracted to a magnet might be cool, it's not really what we're going for so Let's see if we can use a different recipe and make a slightly softer putty One recipe I've seen says you can use two parts multi-purpose white glue and one part Laundry starch and we're gonna add one part of our magnetite powder to that as well Let's see what we can get using that This won't make a very large batch But it might be about the same as the size of our silly putty glob so it'll be a good comparison This is not a very smooth texture at this point But I'm going to keep working it and see if it gets any better and it is already getting a little bit stiffer So I think that's a good sign. It's still very sticky though It might just because it likes to stick to the rubber on my gloves. I'm gonna try this without gloves Mmm, sticky on my hands as well. Not just the gloves Assuming the sticky is from the glue Maybe adding a little bit more starch will stop it from being is sticky Maybe this recipe is just really really sticky That seems to be helping and it's still we ewey guggy but it's not sticking to my hands nearly as much so I think it's just getting Just the right balance of starch and glue because now this is turning into a putty that I can actually handle a little bit So now we know if we're mixing our glue and our starch and it's too sticky We just need to add a tiny bit more starch not even a lot I just dipped it down in on one spot a little bit and now I can handle this and it like There's really not sticking it to my hands anymore If you want to make homemade silly putty I'd say this is a pretty good recipe It is a little bit thinner, but it's pretty similar. I wonder if I can bounce the ball of this stuff hmm not on this material just stuck right to it a little it bounces off the workbench Not as high of a bounce of silly putty, but a bounce All right. Let's try adding our magnetite powder to this and I'm going to try and Add about one spoonful I think we have a good puddy The question is whether we have a good magnetic putty let's grab our magnet and see how well it's attracted to it Oooh, I would call that pretty attracted Let's try the same test We do the silly putty let's just make a ball and see how easily it moves to the magnet It jumps right out of my hand nicely putting the magnet near it it immediately starts stretching out and grab onto it The silly putty itself didn't do much to grab around the magnet Let's see what happens if we just leave this putty near the magnet for a few minutes That did a much better job than the silly putty it reached all the way around our magnet this magnet Compared to the weight of the putty is probably too big for it to move with its own magnetic draw but some of the putty reached Over the top of the magnet and down in front and grabbed on to that side, too So really did a pretty good job of enveloping the magnet. This works pretty well it's a good magnetic putty I think the natural step at this point is to make a lot more magnetic putty We now have one big old blob of putty This is a there's a lot of do right here. You just let it sit for a second. It just starts stretching yourself out Slowly slowly stretching yourself out so Now we want to try and turn this into this And we're just gonna pour our powder on top of it all around it. My hands are gonna end up so black from this See I'm black already We now have a pretty giant blob of our putty let's do a test and see how magnetic it is That's it's definitely sticking And of course this blob weighs way more than our magnet and so it doesn't just get lifted up into the air just sort of Grabs at a portion of it, whatever's closest to it and stretches that out Let's try watching our magnetic putty swallow some of our powerful magnets I would definitely call this experimental success mixing the magnetite powder with silly putty not so much It is magnetic, but it's too stiff to really react to the magnets But using our homemade putty made from white glue and liquid starch We were able to make a perfect consistency of putty so that when we mix the magnetite powder into it it reacts Really? Well with the magnet, I mean the magnet gets drawn onto it it sticks to it It pulls the putty away from the blob and of course if we put the blob in the putty It just gets swallowed and you can see this is in real time I'm not speeding up this footage like the magnet just gets drawn down into this stuff really quickly Of course, this is an extremely powerful magnet, but we have a lot of magnetic putty so it seemed fitting to me guys There's still more for you to see that little box up the top will transport you directly to our last video go check it out That box at the bottom will show you what YouTube thinks you should be watching next and if you hit this bomb in the center You'll be subscribed to the channel. So you never miss another video again Don't forget to ring that Bell and we'll see you in the next one talk to then
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 3,352,018
Rating: 4.8763614 out of 5
Keywords: magnetic slime swallowing magnets, magnetic slime, magnetic putty, magnet, magnetic, magnets, slime, science, diy slime, magnetism, chemistry, magnetic force, neodymium, how to make slime, how to make magnetic slime, strong magnet, king of random, grant thompson, the king of random, grant thompson king of random, random happens, weekend project, science experiment, science experiments, low cost, science fair projects, slime review, mega, solar scorcher vs dry ice, liquid, asmr slime
Id: zliXBtCQDow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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