Magnetic Indicator Base how it works and the 2 most common fixes

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magnetic indicator base how it works and the two most common fixes here's a bold statement i guarantee you that even the most seasoned professional will learn something new by watching this video what actually is covered in this video we are going to repair the two most common problems that you have with your magnetic base what are those two common problems strip thread and a broken arm so the on off arm when you drop it sometimes they break and in doing so i'm also going to explain how the magnet works inside so basically the magic inside the box at the end of this video there's a sneak peek at video number two that shows the final product okay before we get started please take a moment to like and subscribe it's free and it'll help me out okay let's get started right now okay so let's take a look and see what we have here so if we look at this guy here right here these threads are stripped out there's no threads left in here okay so this guy's almost useless and they're not expensive so most people throw them away so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do something a little bit different i want to turn this into a better product than what it was originally okay how am i going to do that one step at a time first i'm going to re-tap this thread here to 3 8 16. okay so what's the first problem that we have well i need to drill this open so i'm going to probably be using a 5 16 drill well if we take a look down there do you see how the magnet turns and that's a solid chunk of magnet that's turning i don't want to drill into that but then again there's only like 200 thou depth here that i can thread in thread this guy in so my problem is do i take this apart or not so let's take a look and see what one of these guys actually looks like when we take it apart i just so happen to have a magnetic barrel you can see the two poles this little tab goes on the back and then then the tab goes on the back inside here to keep it spread spread out and allows you to turn the knob what had happened is someone dropped this and broke the handle off here and the faceplate apparently so now we know what it looks like so i need to remove this face plate here pull it off take out the two screws here to pull off this plate hopefully i can strip this sticker off without cutting myself that would be nice can always glue the sticker back on surprisingly that was easier than i thought and there's a piece of foam here now this guy's not just going to jump out so what you have to do is kind of trick it a small amount as you slam this thing down you want to put something in the hole here to stop it from getting sucked back in and then pull this out after you have a little bit of grip on there so i don't think i can do this on camera without smashing a finger oh okay that guy's out there so now i can okay magnets are fun now i can guilt-free drill this out and tap this guy okay so i have tapped this guy here three six three eight sixteen reassembly time to put it back together okay now that i have my hole drilled and tapped here luckily a little something stuck on there stuck onto the actual bolt okay so now let's install our spacer plate here and go this way or it can go this way it doesn't matter all it does is stop it from slamming up and sticking up against the other side so now about ready to put this in so what i want to do is put a little bit of lithium grease along the outside just to help it spin around and we'll put some on this back plate here on the back side as well and in the hole it goes we take our piece of foam put that guy in okay put our knob in our plate on okay that works [Music] do i need to add some contact cement to this yeah i think i do okay we have our sticker here we got a little bit of contact cement just going to smear this on because i got my gloves on put a little bit on the magnet let that set up for a minute boom how does it work let's discover the magic inside the box let's now talk about how this actually works okay most people think oh there's a barrel in here magnet positive negative so when it turns on it works and when it doesn't it doesn't work that's not quite how it is this is actually three pieces of metal so if we take a look on the inside here shine a light here you can see that do you see clearly how that's separate pieces of metal this here is also another piece of metal and you can also see the lines going along here okay my regular magnet's not strong enough to depict it so these super magnets here very strong very strong not at all here this is nothing so this center piece is aluminum and this is steel and this is steel let's take a look at the magnet itself here for a second as you can see or hopefully you can see there's a split across here so what you have is you have in this case a south end here sorry a north end here which it doesn't want to stick and then you have if you flip this 180 degrees here you have a south end here and the north will stick to it okay so what we want is we want the flux lines so when we turn this guy this way the flux line that flows across from side to side here is broken by this piece of aluminum but when we turn it this way sideways it is no longer broken so therefore this is the on position here and when we turn this this way that is the off position so on position here let's see if we can see the magnetic flux from this magnet this is not a very strong magnet so we're going to put a piece of paper over top only put one now this is just grindings that i have for my grinder that i picked up so some particles will be longer than others but if you take a look here's the outline of the magnet here what we want to see is kind of arcing some kind of arcing do we see how we get circles around the poles now keep in mind if i had the same size grit this would work a lot better do we see how we're getting circling around the poles around the ends and then circling here so you can see the magnetic flux lines okay you've broken the on off switch or even better yet someone's broken it for you this is one way of fixing it okay let's recreate the knob now unfortunately we cannot recreate the knob exactly the same way because that piece was plastic injected so what we need to do is recreate it slightly different so that it can be produced on the 3d printer so i started out with the base added a couple fillets the reason why i put the fillets in is so that i can remove it from the build plate add an extruded boss that's fine come through here added some clearance holes for for screws to fit in i could have glued it but i thought well it could break and i could add some ribs to reinforce it but i thought three screws something simple there's not a lot of pressure on it so this is the bottom piece that fits inside of the magnet this here is the actual on off switch that it fits into so when we have the mechanism it'll lock inside of here and we have the knob this is just there's no plans for it i just freelance built this then we have the assembly so the idea when the knob turns to a certain location it locks in and then when it swings around here it locks in as well so when i have all of this done i save each one as an stl file and i import it into the 3d printer so let's go back here our file looks like this so all three pieces are in they're all on the table i've selected which printer had to use print all i'm doing for printing is just using the standard that comes with the machine if i wanted a finer print but it takes longer so this guy takes approximately i don't know an hour and a half an hour and 22 minutes i take the g code save the g-code put it into the machine and it prints so this is going to build layer by layer so as i bring this guy down we'll zoom in a little bit okay going to build layer by layer and it's hollow on the inside now this is the first time i've ever built with letters facing down and it doesn't come out so bad but you can if we zoom in you can see that there is little problems here even before we start so i am going to have surface finish issues but for what it is i'm okay with that okay builds up to there okay let's print this guy okay it's assembly time now so we take our pieces here this guy goes in the back like this snap it in turns nice and smooth this guy up here this guy here in the off position so that guy's going to be in the off position here up over there line our holes up here on off let's give it a test here we're in the off position switch this over to the on position here okay let's get back to the off position oh need to put that in that'll just make everything a little bit firmer on off on off a sneak peek at video number two and as a special thanks to those that stuck around to the end of the video here's a sneak peek at part two i decided to make my own arms and it does come with interchangeable arms so you can have plunge indicator style finger indicator style or you can put whatever type of tooling end you want on the end of this guy so if you wanted to put a light on you could put a light on if you wanted to put a chip guard on you can put a chip guard on or any other type of tooling accessory you want to put on hey what did you think of the video let me know by leaving a comment and if you didn't learn something in this video most definitely leave a comment if you have other ideas for videos or questions leave a comment do you want to see other great videos check out my youtube channel shop and math and if you have not already please like and subscribe it's free and it'll help me out all you have to do is click on the icon on my face and i'll do the rest thanks for watching the video have a great night
Channel: shop and math
Views: 3,786
Rating: 4.8904109 out of 5
Keywords: starret indicator, noga indicator base, magnetic base dial indicator, repair magnetic base, # 3d printer fixes, solid works, how magnets work, magnets, rare earth magnet, electromagnetic, magnetic moment, power of magnets, magnet, how do magnets work, why do magnets attract metal, magnetic field, fixed striped threads, magnetic base, dial indicator base, dial indicator mounting, dial indicator articulating arm, dovetail dial indicator mounting, cheap magnetic stand, best base
Id: 7o584D3U5LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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