Magnet Fishing For Fun And Profit: Tips and Tricks #1

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we're back to magnet fishing today and we're not actually going to go magnet fishing but I'm going to show you guys something you can do to help keep yourselves from losing your magnet the first time you go fishing with it because it's very very easy to do we're going to go down to the river here and take a look and see what it looks like as far as maybe being able to pitch the magnet out I think it might be high though because it rained a bunch of last couple days but we're going to check it out anyway first thing you have to remember is there's a lot of stuff under water in the rivers and streams so when you go to pitch your magnet in there on a rope it gets snagged on stuff and it's very very easy to do that and you guys have fish and you'll put a great big old sinker on the end of your line you pitch it out there you guys know that's so easy to get caught on the bottom and heck you guys see all the sinkers I find exact same thing will happen to your magnet if it's not careful and if you don't watch this video just cruise on down to the river see what it looks like and if it's good we'll try it after I show you the one simple trick in it not I'll just show you the one simple trick it will be fine I promise so I decided just to come to the overlook at first because I'm not sure what the river is going to look like this big old tree that had blown down here yeah the paths are still exposed seems you can still walk along there but you tell us coming up is it still stuff floating in there below me here is a CNO canal you saw that in the other video I just made when I was exploring the old homestead but what we're going to do is we're just going to sit here on this rock and I'll show you how to hook up your magnet and then we're going to go over to the demonstration station and I'll show you how to throw your magnet and some of the dangers that you need to look out for as far as getting your magnet snagged is it's very very easy getting snagged so let's just set the camera up and that looks like a good seat right there for mr. Bo yeah that's a good one so the first thing I want to talk to you guys about is you know the magnet itself again I recommend you get the kind that has the hook in a threat ah ah the other day I was playing around with the magnets actually I wasn't playing around with the magnets i was putting stuff on my work table downstairs and i move something too close to one of the big magnets and it crushed my pinkie and didn't break any bones though and i didn't break any bones this time so that's a good thing but again be very careful with these things as they're really strong when you want to pull something apart you know don't just like her apart try to twist it to this less surface area on it like that and then pull it when you don't roll it off like that so always be really careful with these things but again put some glue or Loctite on the threads put it together tighten it down and then you'll never have to worry about it unscrewing when you're throwing it out in the water now let's talk about the rope this is just cheap rope from Walmart probably rated at about 150 pounds probably cost me like ten bucks I like the braided rope if you look here you can see it's all interwoven a braided rope they have twisted rope which is just three strands that are just twisted around each other but this is normally a little more flexible it so get braided rope which that's what I use knots knots are very important okay if you just make a junky not like you know like I normally making stuff like this that reduces the strength of the rope by up to a half so if this is really at 150 pounds you put a knot in it like that and it might only be rated to 75 or maybe a hundred pounds so use good knots I'm not going to teach you how to knot them or tying because I am a terrible not tire but look it up online is plenty of sites that you can find for not time so I'm going to go ahead and put the rope on the magnet and I want to show you the number one most dangerous thing other than getting your finger snapped about magnet fishing that you really have to watch out for and it's under order obstructions okay it's like tree branches and trees and piece the bridges you're going to lose your magnet on a tree branch and a heartbeat so been here about an hour and I thought you have not tied this is what I ended up with you can see how the Rope disappears down into the eyelet here and it snug down by all these coils okay so there's not a lot of friction and one spot on the rope to make it weak whereas if you just took the end of the rope like this and you threaded it through and just made a junky little knot like this that really really weakens the rope because not only do you have a lot of friction on these little pieces right here that will eventually eat through and of course it makes you rope a lot a lot weaker but you may also get this type of motion here with rubbing and moving all the time and if you get that especially when you start to get sand and pieces of rust and stuff in there it's going to eat through gyro so you probably don't want to make this kind of knot okay make something want a line to the one that I made and if you look online is a ton of different knots but this might help you just a little bit and the little monkey knots that I normally make are a lot weaker and if you get a knot and you rope up here cuz you will over time always make sure you undo them okay because that little knot right there you really make it a lot weaker and you don't want that if you have a decent magnet on the end of it so this is where we're going to demonstrate how not to lose your magnet this is by far the most important part of the video and the best most important tip I'm going to give you other than being careful with your fingers this is what a typical riverbottom might look like you're going to have rock ledges you're going to have submerged trees and stumps and pieces of bridges and stuff like that pay particular attention to this this is what's going to get you when you have your trees that are submerged see all these little beasts but the limbs make that's what's going to catch a magnet and if you're a fisherman I mean you know this could you lose tons of sinkers and it's just as easy to lose a magnet but I'm going to show you how you know to safely pitch the magnet out and if you get snagged how you might be able to get it loosened up other than just diving in and getting it which can be very uncomfortable this time of year let me show you the camera right here the first thing I do is I tie off the rope to myself so I do not lose the whole kit and kaboodle in the river an easy way to do that is I just make a loop run it through a belt loop like that and take the loose end on the back through and that's pretty good that's nice and snug it's not going to go anywhere and if something happened with a magnet where I wanted to pull you in the water I'm sure you could break this belt loop very easily if you had to get away so you don't have to tie it to yourself but I always do now what we're going to do is this I'm going to pretend I'm standing on the bank right here my rope is nice and uncoil beside me is not going to get tangled up in anything and I'm going to just pitch it easily underhand out into the river I'm going to aim for that tree right there which normally I wouldn't do but for the purpose of the demonstration that's what one aim for so just nice easy pitch okay just pull it in slowly across the bottom and you notice a Mori certainly gets snagged up right there on those little bees that I showed you in the tree limbs I felt the apple just keep holding people and people and I seen y'all look Tim getting snagged now I might be able to just use brute strength some pretty brutal pull that out of there but it might also snap the road so at this point we're kind of stuck aren't we very first toss imagine that now this is the trick I'm going to teach you what you can do and you guys that fish know this is keep the line kind of taught you walk up and down the shoreline and if it's caught in a V like that it may come out okay so I'm going to go over there and grab the camera and I'm going to walk up to my left and see if it will come on snack and I don't think I would be able to pull this free the way it is so grab the camera and I'm still stuck and what we're going to do is we're going to walk up on the edge here the bank and see if we can get it free okay still stuck all right what you do just kind of keep a little pressure on it and everyone's all you might want to let it down and see if it comes free not coming free not coming free you go and keep going walking up along the back plus or more that one stuff good in it I'm letting a little bit of lino because I don't want to get wet yeah look at that see just moved we're free go ahead and pull it in just like that and that's how you get it unstuck pretty neat little trick huh you just need to walk up in back on the bank and just change the angle of the Rope a little bit and that might pop it out of the V that's all there is to it guys there are some times where you will get this hooked up that you will never be able to pull it out and if that happens to you I'd recommend shortening the Rope up a little bit if I mean if you can't go in and get it which I would I don't care what time of year it is and just throw the rope out and maybe come back when it warms up and maybe you can get it then maybe somebody wouldn't have found it already but yeah they're really easy to lose if you don't know that one simple trick about the trees so this video made sense to you guys just remember make a decent not in your rope so you don't reduce the strength too much put some Loctite on the threads and if you do get snagged up don't get aggravated and just pull on it until the rope breaks use some finesse you know go up and down the bank change the angle of the rope to where it snagged and chances are it'll come free I've had it so that they didn't come free and I actually had to diamond to get it but you know nine times out of ten use them finesse patience patience is a big thing and hopefully can get it back all right almost back home
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 617,800
Rating: 4.7139606 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, magnet, fishing, searching, collecting, underwater, snags, underwater snags, treasure, river, finding, profit, fun, adventure, nature, interesting, cool, how to, howto, tricks, tips, fishing for fun and profit, tips and tricks #1, angling, hobby
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2015
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