Magnet Fishing An Old Bridge (I THINK WE FOUND A CAR!)

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all right folks I got some brand-new rope y'all ready oh you can't see yet before I open a guess what color it is you have to guess if you don't guess you're gonna be penalized somehow what do you think he said yellow I honestly can't remember oh it's blue I don't think I ordered another blue rope I wouldn't order the same color twice well that's this one right here I ordered this Sunday night I don't think I've seen you since then all right guys I got three gee I just want to make sure I ordered the right thing I thought I ordered a different color damn okay well I guess we'll go over that later let's go ahead and do some magnificient y'all either way this is my brand-new blue rope I will link this down in description it's like 24 25 26 books something like that I definitely prefer this over paracord and the skinnier ropes because we pull up some like super heavy stuff sometimes and that paracord just does not work quite as well as I would like it to even though it works it does the job if you a paracord at home you know what I mean don't feel like you need to just like upgrade your game like right away definitely does the job but this just just does the job better in my in my professional magnificient opinion Oh all right folks we're gonna start off with the claw because I know there's some heavy stuff out here dang I ever even like cost you up to speed I haven't even done like a formal like vlog intro my apologies we're gonna skip that because I'm feeling lazy today but we are out at the spot where hey no such thing is too far guns yeah that tree right there yeah guys this is the spot where I found there's two railroad signs which fun fact the second time I said this one fact cuz I think it's crazy still each one of the science was worth about $800 apiece I think that's a little condition oriented to where that one sign wasn't as nice as the other but one of those signs was definitely worth every bit of that 800 bucks so that's pretty nifty y'all yeah guys there's so much stuff out here we were pulling out all those car parts and stuff and and this wasn't enough strength for our magnets to get out what we were missing before so I think this is gonna step our game up quite a bit I'm just legit nervous there's a car down here I'm gonna hook into it and Danny's gonna need a new claw right away I can actually help you Oh No get it yeah there we go all right see that proves our point further there is a huge boom just like that yeah jeez yes it's actually like heavy heavy I think so it's gliding through the water right now but when it lands let's go to the side I don't think yeah hook on to it just in case yo that's back part of a car that's part of a car a hundred percent yeah guys we just had a frame to a car whoa sorry I'm out of breath but I know I'm not like the most in-shape guy in the world but I swear that sucker is heavy bro dang man we knew there was a lot of stuff here things yeah that's the frame to a car so how many folks at home added a grappling hook to your collection and for those of you that have isn't it sweet aren't these like super worth it one person's gonna be like no with always the 35 books thanks for recommending it this will get snag I mean there there's no other way around it you'll hook onto something on the water and it don't move goodbye dude those bubbles coming up let's see if we can get this thing on snaggers that's gonna suck please fill me in cuz I do not have a clue go down there every time I get snacks see if we can do some damage yeah did it come loose it is coming is it more what it's a cast net weave that is a cast that yeah there's something else with it there's like piece of metal stuck in it this is like a yeah it's like it's like a host or something okay mr. manga see if you can do your job today I guess I'm Mel so I think here that's just my magnet yeah oh no there's something on there for so long yo this is our this is our historical fine this is this is you guys okay so I don't know if you remember back to that video I'm like I don't know what four months ago now we got that old dam and those guys came up and told us this was a historical wheel yeah brake drum thing I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna act like a know-it-all cuz at the time I clearly had no idea I was I was totally going along with what they said I was like yeah we've got something cool here we go something big coming in nope yeah how your magnets got it it's a trailer hitch on the back no it's not weird angle I'm gonna get roasted what the heck yes what do you think that is okay talk about me like that nice it's a leaf spring oh yeah yeah there you go is that a piece yeah that's at least that's the leaf spring like another piece in the car man I wonder someone just like scrapped a car and just like threw all the parts that they couldn't sell hopefully like someone didn't just like drive in there accidentally and no one ever knew about it here we go oh we got a little something dangling it's oh it's another file file yeah say look at that so yeah I got like some Holy Cross and you got a file or you can I just throw it at you yeah I love juicy magnet fishing spots where you can just come back time after time after time and just it just keeps giving you more stuff we could've built three cars by now so this is 65 foot rope and I feel like I just used every bit of it on that throw for the longest time I'd only use like 50 foot rope and I feel like we'd go to tall bridges and just like it had to tie ropes together I could never like to actually throw I just have to drop it straight down it's gotta be some kind of hammer for something like some kind of specialty hammer I think I got it it's not what I hooked on to before but I got something it's something no no I smell I don't know I smelled it I don't know I maybe thought help me figure out what it is hey folks at home remember we were doing a magnet giveaway right now not we like we but like we like us you know like us like teamwork and so 21st you got to go back a couple videos to figure out you know the deeps and all that stuff I'm not gonna tell you right now you got to go do some searching and there's also a giveaway on my Instagram but you got to be following me and you got you basically got to follow the rules go find the rules you got a toilet well I even said something I was like what this is boiling all right you're gonna try to get inside of it I think that might be the only way that we're never gonna see that thing again we're never gonna see that good how did I get a toilet with the magnet okay yeah that's crazy you got a toilet take by hitting right inside of it I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory claws stuck in the water two ropes tied to my truck and we gonna try to get it back let's see if little little Ranger has it what what happened it was a log really oh my God look all that mud like holy crap things like this round when you started going and I could hear the car struggling like oh my gosh I like ran out in the road I'm like about is that Bobby holy crap dude that was awesome I do not regret do anything alright folks I don't know if you can tell but the background is a little bit different I'm not out of the lake anymore I'm actually at my house I'm editing the footage from this trip and I realized now that I'm editing it I realize I didn't shoot my outro my bad I swear I'm not trying to run away from you guys we're better than that we know each other better than that I try to neglect y'all America but I just want to say thank you guys so much for watching it really means a lot to me that you guys tag along and my little journeys and it's it really is a lot of fun to be able to pick up a camera and just bring y'all with me and and show y'all what we do me and outdoors weekly he's not here anymore but I guess I don't really have anything else to say I really just wanted to say thank you I don't know if you guys could tell but my channel recently hit a hundred thousand subscribers that's always such a tough word to say 100,000 subs recently and that is just such a huge number it is honestly like mind-blowing to me guys like it's it's it's so freakin cool it's so awesome that we've been able to grow this community to this point cuz that's what we are you know we're a community of like magnet fishing YouTube and people together right yeah that's us well combined we're all together we're like a little like a little family I don't know if that's supposed to mean family I just kind of came up with that but I'm gonna quit rambling my dogs are inside going crazy I don't know if y'all can hear this microphone is pointing towards me they're inside going crazy there's like daddy's outside we got to get to him but uh I'll be going time for my dog has a heart attack I seriously love you guys I appreciate you guys and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Daniel Bowens
Views: 465,270
Rating: 4.8125219 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, magnet fishing usa, magnet fishing america, magnet fishing raleigh, daniel bowens magnet fishing, outdoors weekly magnet fishing with danny, magnet fishing best finds, magnet fishing gone wrong, magnet fishing in the hood, 1000lb magnet fishing, 1500lb magnet fishing, monster mike magnet fishing, magnet fishing danny, magnet fishing outdoors weekly, danny magnet fishing, magnet fishing setup, magnet fishing for gold, magnet fishing in the ocean
Id: zEMbQ0ErBoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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