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I'm excited hopefully now we'll just cross your fingers everybody especially kamila had my heart this really hope ma'am upon the same f that's a good opportunity for a movie to go big debuff and we we worked for a long time for the movie it was kind of hard for us cus from a fresh movie first movie nominee latinum main cast Bruce Lam and so we're not hoping for a lot pero we're still you know hoping listen obviously said the repo artist but in addition to your manager and be careful because now that you're in this this world where your were you every year in like everybody's watching like Britney I could say every time I talk about my manager daddy Wow people started talking about Papa but I'm talking about daddy better make tea Papa's in daddy Co like papa Yumiko put you alone you need each other see Papa uh low forehead eyebrows eyes no public service in the conversation we must appeal to the say ma showbiz first that's what I enjoy you know doing good stuff that's giving back you know that's something any anybody should do everybody should do because that's how we help each other it about the nurses video other Danis about while he was remember that kid began our journey on savings now balance among city I had better stuff than other people like I got lay compared to what my dad had before maybe I was pressed but then in terms of being spoiled as a kid no I always denied stuff because I didn't I don't like using other people's money yeah that's not what they don't like that's why I really wanted to start through business but I can not you know I cannot rely on other people's things I don't plan to but I don't plan to ask for a fire somehow with the tax nowadays after the dream law oh my gosh buying an Audi I'm not namiko children let's see a genomic watch bro parade bro can I read this no no actually among our friends our young person Allah studied in ballet as in China gondola para Geist but Dean Dean Selig a Fellini martica bf and Magus the swim coach it yeah gas insurance are much it 18 to well Apple Apple I try to push away because I'm not ready after what I did before like 30 days in Chicago before the power already like I don't wanna I want to find myself muna find yourself reach the very my facebook my own power gamma kind of can enjoy I have to they have to look for what's inside bar gamma kind opponent the right person and you know happens nominee love happens anytime there for me are you a woman kind now my Hannah I don't want to push myself to look you will find or ABS I saw bring I know I want I ask for a picture so problem starts truck or I'm parent as a picture it's a navigator for a while less than a year later neither one body very so when I have I'm always other people than are safe the whole I'm never Busta Busta anyway this nominal so better than any attempt time and I began got better you just now we don't want them we're not we're not that open special and the careful corrected on we don't have any miss that big Oh your dad then circling in me or their arse maxima enough yeah don't like people will go to us we read your private number you know not like everybody knows where we go other than I have to be more private do you know where James read this right now Sabra once you become more public like a king more private they actually may incentive gamma sabaha if you want to get your allowance that with a pacifier so only kebab a so Allah Allah I see me eat apparently my Barnum is 200 I mean my carlomon pop one day I won't pay for community then my school my school's food for lunch that's like 65 persons to 85 pesos depending on the meal some a meat Sehun Mehmed most expensive who knew dismiss cipta it's too big or inner Starbucks above on high oh I don't like coffee after class stick and fish ball better hotdogs mini believe you know no Christmas last year in thei Tahoe the sovereign I lived in a Gustavo Vica benefit of a 50 is some box will happen takes the obese corner at the bottom no don't get the whole I like grade six to grade nine fifty years my three years I bought because everything three times the gadgets no fool no over the beginner Savage I don't know just simple things love I mean that not everything luxurious is fundable like alcohol tastes bad no the average alcohol first for better mr. Balaji doesn't become a bar you could explore about trips abroad just over first I would like that yeah but that's pretty school I went to school six weeks yeah there I lost to eight the no way the commitment the Beijing a promise a provincial China or and the food they're so dear friend well I'm young Chow and there's so much early in the food that soon we're always walking around China I barely ate when I came back from 195 I lost about 25 pounds six weeks yeah nobody even noticed until we got back from a at the whole USA their family is a bomb site Singapore one school school exam you have to do goodness school like greed I'm bad in Filipino before super bad Filipino audio Homer unknown Philippines that's why I not way man I didn't want to learn Filipino that's why I always listen to OPM well on song the English nowadays letna been in bands and people psychedelic boys of course even though your attack at least I see this Mumma game is that I told you dude that's give him our job I saw pepper all was very close to her us one time casino premiering on premiering on the Backman then vitamin E Sylvia Sanchez second summer was you know Santiago not Osama he said this is a Sun movie so we were invited to watch the premiere of the Batman I loved it so much ever since that night I watched it man I finished the show so I'm so proud of what they get to do character a bad boy yeah evil guy evil guy will achieve the Ganga shake is a Bachman shield pero the weighted of the story is measure in a good way
Channel: Jefferson Fernando
Views: 2,679,328
Rating: 4.8971109 out of 5
Id: g1UE40ktLt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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