Magician Reveals 10 Best Poker TELLS! - (Reading People & Body Language)

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hey be sure to stick around to the end of the video because I'm gonna be feeling a giveaway hey everyone welcome back this is rich Ferguson and today we're gonna talk about one of my favorite topics poker we're gonna talk about some poker tails some psychology how to read people how to know what they're really thinking and this is all based around human behavior not so much the game of poker these are skills you can use in life in negotiations hiring firing sales dating anything but specific to poker I thought I would do my top 10 favorite tells you guys these are awesome make sure you stick around to the very end of the video I'm going to reveal lots of little subtle tips and talk about how they work and why they work as we go through so I'll grab my Ferguson playing cards and we're gonna have some fun now a little back story on me of course you all know me from YouTube and magic but outside of that I do workshops on body language and influence and human behavior for sales and from corporations I've toured around the world with Full Tilt Poker I've met a lot of the poker pros and talked a lot of psychology with a lot of people because that kind of my thing you can see here on my wall of my office I've been written up in a few of them poker magazines and all that stuff I'm not bragging I'm just trying to convey to you that I know what I'm talking about when it comes to psychology I mean I might not be the best poker player in the world but I can tell you this I have played for years against my friends pretending to look at my cards and I don't even look at them because I'm too busy glancing at the table looking for shifts of behavior things I'm gonna teach you right now let's do this alright guys before I reveal some of my favorite poker tails do me a favor hit that like button like mad and comment down below let me know if you're a poker player if you play casually with friends for 20 bucks or whatever really will tell you the higher the risk or the more time you committed to a particular game the more stress factors and indicators come out so there's a lot of fun stuff here we're going to talk about here's one of my favorite tales peer engagement it's very simple card to dealt let's say the flop hits and person has their cards they either hit something here because you see them look at the cards and they ain't gay you see them just subtly shift up and they're basically holding up a sign that says I'd love my cards they just do this and they just go up they come in and they might even hold their cards a little tighter pulled them a little closer and these are all subconscious tells these aren't things that are knowing they're doing this isn't acting this is all just human behaviors it's just reactions to stimulus so you see card you like or you're dealt cards you like let's say the cards were just dealt you not even anything on the table yet and you see someone look at the cards and you see them to subtly shift right up and it's a subtle thing but that lets you know they love their cards if they got dealt junk they probably wouldn't move at all or they might even sit back in the chair a bit and they might even pre fold or pre muck their cards so there's a lot of little shift to look for but engagement that's key if you get an engagement movement or an engagement shift that you observed is natural looking it's probably accurate and that probably means they love their cards so I just tipped off one of my all-time favorite poker tails not using the fingers when the cards are dealt you might notice somebody take a look at their cards and you might notice that they squeeze them tighter or might even bring them closer to themselves these are subconscious signs of strength but also more importantly it's coming from the part of the brain that's causing protection so this is wired in our subconscious to protect something that is valuable to us just like if you're walking down the street and you come across someone that looks a little sketchy you might inevitably put your hand on your pocket you don't think that you're doing it but you do these are just wired into us to protect what is valuable so if your cards are valuable someone might squeeze them tighter or they might bring them closer to them so watch out for shifts of fingers in hands very powerful another of my favorite telltale signs ease in the hands is when people pre fold their cards let's say the cards are dealt people look at them and you see that they're shifting the cards forward not really protecting them much kind of the opposite of what I just taught you there pre mucking or pre folding their cards they're just waiting to see if there's any action if nobody bets you better believe this is the person who's probably gonna bluff or try to steal the pot but they're gonna get lucky and hit something on the river or something like that but they obviously do not like their card if they're not protecting them they've got them they look at them and they subtly put it forward so it's a disinterest not protecting them it's very simple so look for that general shift of behavior from a subconscious protection standpoint it always comes back to the men behavior of psychology this has nothing to do with poker this is all about human behavior about dominance and control deceit bluffing protection intimidation all these different factors all play a role in poker let's move on to some other stuff let's go i movements can be very tallying but also very subtle that's why you see a lot of poker pros wearing sunglasses because they don't want to give off any subtle glances here's one of the main ones if you're playing with friends at a home game this is a very common one someone's dealt some cards they look at them or the flop a river turn comes and you see someone is guessing someone might have hit something valuable when they do either when they get their cards or when a card has come you might notice someone does this they quickly glance at the chips or their chips just for a moment and it's a subconscious sign to you that they're calculating okay let's put in some money this is something that just happened it's good and so they're reacting to a stimulus again it comes back down into human behavior they are reacting to a stimulus that was just dropped in what was it obviously something valuable that they hit so in this case we have a 9 a 10 a 7 5 & 8 all of mixed pips there's two diamonds so there's no way in England have a flush in this case someone could have a straight if someone had a 6 and an 8 so we're looking out for different variables here but this is not the most wonderful setup right here I have a seven and an ace all I had was a pair of sevens nothing too great however the last card came down here and it's an ace so guess what at the last moment when this card was dealt I knew I hit and then I looked at the chips so that's that subtle moment watch when there's action either the flop the turn the river or just when the cards were dealt to begin with if someone gets pocket aces they might sit up high they might protect their cards and they might glance at the chips and then you're going to look for the opposite of all that which is all the acting they're gonna be like well you know my cards aren't that great I don't know what to do this leads nicely into a conscious tell you know their subconscious tells and there's conscious tells the subconscious ones again are ones they don't know they're doing quick little tightness --is of the hands or shifts up or moving their feet forward things they don't know they're doing but when you're acting and you're like what you got yeah all in let's go and it's all acting and it's coming from that place well then you can reveal quite a bit here's an example let's say I just landed this ace so I know I have two pair I don't think anyone else can beat me I'm pretty certain I have it you might be met with this kind of tail a lot of like smacking or like uh what was me kind of stuff this is a really good sign that I have great hands or it's a good sign that they have a great hand so watch out for the smacking the Oh hums geez I don't know I guess I guess I guess I'll raise yeah whatever that's a sign of conscious overacting and in general when it comes to poker or negotiations if someone is overacting you could probably just go with the opposite of what they're trying to convey the very first tell we talked about was people shifting up engaging into a table well along those lines is a little subtle thing that happens and it's best to someone sitting next to you for you to recognize it but it's great negotiations and hiring and firing anywhere you can see someone's feet and that is a shift of their feet so if someone is sitting up they're engaged but after a while when there's other action on the table you might notice them still protecting the cards but they might sit back but they might put their feet forward when someone puts their feet forward in a very confident comfortable position that's a sign that they're confident and so watch out for confident signs sitting up high sitting up big engaging sticking your feet forward those are all signs of engagement all signs of confidence and strength more importantly than anything else so when it comes to poker if somebody is got a good hand that equates to strength which is going to equate to potentially a sign in body language now the opposite of that still applies as well if you see someone sitting up and their feet retreat they come back almost for comfort they might even hook their toes around the legs of their chairs this is very common in dating girls their toes around a table leg or chair legs if they're uncomfortable even though up here they're acting like they're comfortable so look for shifts of behavior shifts of body language but especially with the hands and especially with the feet the feet never lie no you might say how I can't see their feet through a poker table it doesn't matter if I stick my feet forward there's a look to that you can just see it in their body language but more importantly if you see someone next to you shift their feet forward and there's also other indicators multiple signs that also let you think probably strength and you're seeing two or three of these indicators you might as well bet the bank that the cards are strong hey before we move on to a few more poker tails do me a favor make sure you are our subscriber and you hit that bell so you never miss any notifications from me because YouTube is not going to notify you if you don't I do a huge variety from psychology to magic to pranks to poker all kinds of fun stuff so if you don't want to miss any of these videos please turn that bell on right now and you guys now onto one of my most deceptive poker tells this is so underhanded and I feel so guilty admitting there for years I used to play with my friends we had epic poker nights and you better believe I had a lot of chips a lot of nuts and a lot of gum out I had lots of drinks out because I wanted people that be busy with stuff because as soon as they weren't busy with stuff I knew they were bluffing and it's so underhand and I feel so guilty even admitting this but always serve gum always have nuts always have something out and here's why think about it from a motive standpoint if somebody is bluffing they don't want to raise suspicion which means they don't want to be seen they don't want to cause a commotion they want to retreat they want to become invisible because if I have junk and I have just said all in or I raised a substantial amount I'm trying to steal the money on the table with junk cards the last thing I want to do is bring attention to myself so from that standpoint from that logic what's gonna happen the person's gonna be perfectly still they're trying not to rock the boat they've already committed their money and now they're basically saying please don't bet please don't bet nobody take my money please just fold I don't you know that's what you're relying on so what happens when somebody Bluffs is they stop chillin and I know that sounds crazy but it's true this is wired and dating negotiations this is the same type of behavior that happens over and over so if someone showing gum and they're excited and they're engaged looking at you faster if they're scared they want to retreat if they're bluffing if they're lying they stop chewing all in watch for it this is huge in poker I'm not gonna mention a name but I was in Europe touring with Full Tilt Poker around the world doing some workshops and I told a very well-known top professional poker player to quit chewing her damn gum because every time she'd Bluff she quit chewing and so you better believe he doesn't do that anymore so that's a great underhand sneaky little tail it's not often you see people chewing but if you do watch for that tail it's awesome speaking of having chips and food at the table another really great tale is a disconnection from the game so for instance you have chips and dips and drinks and stuff all available for people but you're running low or the drinks are over in the kitchen and someone has their cards they look at them and there's a disconnected disinterest in their cards in addition to the other tales you might have multiple indicators like he looks at the cards he sits back pushes his cards away all signs of disinterest but then he says hey can I get another beer please or another drink that's another sign that they're they're not engaged they don't love what they're seeing they've just checked out of the game already this is especially true at like a home game which most of you would be playing in it now the opposite that very similar tell is a disconnect in the game but not a complete disconnect where they want to go to the bathroom or get a drink but a disconnect from the focus of the cards the cards are now great and the person sits back hey so where was that out that party you went to last week and all of a sudden there mr. chatty or mrs. chatty be careful of that they're still involved in the game they're still present but they're trying to keep the focus off the cards because subconsciously they don't want it to get caught evaluating and staring at the chips and looking at the cards they know what the cards are they know they've got it and so watch out for that shift of behavior from a normal stance to all of a sudden huh hey so what's up guys and get chitchat chitchat while there's still action going on the table that's the key difference now if they've mucked their cards they're just chatting it's about if there's still action so be careful on this one this connection could mean really bad cards if they're disconnecting from the game or really good cards if they're just disconnecting as far as keeping a distance from the action as a way to tract to you now this last book Ertel does not happen all the time but when it does you can't miss it and that is when someone is nervous you're not gonna fake nervousness you're not really thinking about there during the gameplay there's so much other stuff going on people talk about false tales and reverse tales and all this kind of stuff it's not inception when people are playing poker they're focused on the game and you might try to do some acting and do some fake tales but it's pretty evident when you do when someone has been raised and they have a great hand and they decide they're gonna raise or go all-in inevitably their fingers start to shake this is the kind of reason why a professional poker player has a cadence everything's exactly the same cards are dealt one two three one card is looked at another card is looked at one two three look up cards are good cards are bad everything is robotically the same that's why because certain tails that are wired into stress factors come out of your body they exhibit themselves and tells and a stress factor dealing with an all-in situation you might win rent for the month or you might lose rent for the month that level of stress is going to cause someone to completely freak out they're gonna get wired the excitement and the adrenaline as well of potentially winning the hand so watch for the moment when someone is doing all-in or a really big bet and you see them trying to hold back the finger shakes if you catch a finger shake and they stop it beware alright guys I really hope you enjoyed this help me out do me a favor share this with all your friends that's how you can help me best more than liking and commenting just share this I want to have a lot of people learn more stuff it's my gift to the community to share some of my insights that I've gained over 22 years of doing mentalism full-time and like I said before I do workshops on human behavior for corporations I'll leave you with a little trailer if any of you know anyone in the corporate arena that would love to have me come out as a speaker and do that my workshop on human behavior and influence that would be great let's do this giveaway I'm gonna give away a pack of my Fergusson playing cards now this comes with a 32-page booklet of tricks you could do to fool your friends really basic stuff but really fun as well that you guys just comment down below let me know you shared this video with your friends I will go through I'll pick a random person I'll send this off do you want to you I hope you really enjoyed this I tried to teach some psychology for poker that coming from a human behavior standpoint not so much a poker game plays standpoint I hope the explanations made sense if you want to learn anything else like top 10 ways to read tails and negotiations or in dating or whatever let me know I have a food list already prepared because you guys been asking and I love teaching this stuff so if you guys like it I'd love to keep doing it but it only makes sense if we get a lot of views so I can pay for this so please share it with all your friends once again I can't do this for five bucks so I hope you enjoyed this you guys thank you so much for all the love of sport and I'll catch you next week peace interesting hey I'm rich Ferguson and thank you so much for stopping by the magic of body language is a crash course on body language and forming strategies real time to be able to influence anyone anytime for better connection and far better sell success I've been performing magic and mentalism for over 20 years and I didn't learn to read fly was 11 years old so one skill I have is reading people that's probably why I got into magic to begin with and now I'm going to share my secrets with you and I will share what I call a shift of behavior which allows you to tap into the exact moment of why somebody may be scared uninterested bluffing offended intimidated dominated lying or dozens of other human behaviors you'll quickly learn that the real secret to the magic of body language is simple first you identify if there's a shift of behavior or not secondly you decide what's your goal with that information I would love the opportunity to show you see the biggest mistake a salesperson can make is not observing first before they try to push their agenda we've all seen it we've all felt it it doesn't work the second mistake is missing the context or motive of the verbal or nonverbal cues this is time-tested real-world applied psychology not theoretical psychology it's no illusion with my seminar you and your staff will be influencing and cells wizards even in a simple introduction in handshake you can determine somebody's motives and desires and we'll also take a good look at ourselves to see what message we maybe unintentionally conveying that could limit our success for instance have you ever sat on the customer side of your desk is it inviting intimidating or I look forward to sharing my observation and formulated human behavior for better cells influence human connection and success consider having me at your next seminar training or convention I would love to give you a hand [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rich Ferguson
Views: 361,651
Rating: 4.9038358 out of 5
Keywords: trick, tricks, how to, how to do, diy, hacks, epic, amazing, cool, crazy, reading, human behavior, tells, observation, poker, dating, win, body language, facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, cues, non verbal, betting, nlp, conference, training, rich ferguson, nonverbal, signals, communication, bluffing
Id: -UViNf1k-BE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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