MAGICAL NEXUS - New Island INCOMING! New Sounds, Song, Teasers & MORE! (My Singing Monsters)

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The next new island is on the way along with the return of the magicals Yes that includes Peckidna and Tapricorn Yes we are talking about this right now Things have advanced far quicker than what I expected and we have a new teaser for the new island and it's premiering tomorrow So let's have a look at the teaser which we have First of all we have this trailer which has audio for once which had me already reeling We see something reaching out across the skies of an island it looks like here which could indeed be our island sky for the brand new island let's bear in mind But then it reaches out towards Psychic Island where we see one of the dots emerge inside of the background Now I assume seen as though we have four dots emerging from this mysterious entity This is going to represent all four of the magical islands We've got one for Faerie Island Bone Island Light Island and Psychic Island here All four magical islands all of the Monsters are Rejoining But of course we got to go over now What it says in the description too it says There's a being who's sure all that glitters is gold and is buying a stairway to heaven Now this has so many consequences First of all we've got this random light particle that emerges inside of this teaser as well and this is clearly hinting towards whatever is calling upon all of these magical monsters But then we have the stairway to heaven part which don't even get me started with that That's representing the higher plane which is where we see Gold Island and Amber Island come from Those reunion Islands where we see Monsters come from where they all come back with one another and rejoice in this final island moment We've also got this in game It says step by step and step is highlighted here Usually this means something so I'm putting this to be maybe something related to the island name or something I'm so confused I don't know I'm just so excited Anyway as well if we look on over to Josh Harmon's channel this is something which I wanted to make a video on for ages I've been focusing on workshop when I should have been focusing on this Inside of their channel they revealed two new magical animations too We've got a brand new sound and animation for bonkers and then a brand new sound and animation for Clackula too Now we're gonna look at what is this island actually gonna be mpg We've got all of these elements here We've got bonkers representing plant and psychic and then we have Clackula representing Bone Now there's no consistency inside of these elements We've got Psychic Island in the trailer and we got these other light beams going towards the other islands But what exactly does this mean? Well back in 2020 we theorised that Magical Sanctum that is the best way they could have gone to represent the Magical's finale and seeing these magicals come together one final time But it has been years now since the magical islands ended and everyone I think really wanted to see these monsters once more because they are beloved and they didn't get the spotlight they deserve especially over on my island and stuff Some of them they did not get the justice I wanna see these so much and I know you guys do too I think this is where this new island is definitely gonna come in as that's the other idea we we had back then it was to finally see these monsters rejoice amongst one another and bring them back It's been years since we've seen them I love them and we need them I think it's finally time for us to see these magicals have more time in the spotlight Now is the time It is time for Nexus bois As everyone is calling it this New Island it is Magical Nexus It is where we're gonna see all of the magicals return I think you guys have come up with a really cool name for it actually I'd love that It's Nexus time bois Now Magical Nexus or whatever our New Island name is gonna be it's gonna have all 40 magical monsters on it Oh my God You're breaking me right now All 40 Fill the screen baby Every single one 40 monsters on my screen right now My editing program can't even keep up This island is gonna be so crazy Oh my God You know what that means? That means Tapricorn and Peckidna My favourite monster I can see them once more and I can put them together They're gonna be best but it is They're gonna be Hold in hands together on this new magical Nexus Island and I am obsessed I wanna do that I don't know I'm gonna just cuddle them for a while They're gonna be best but I'm obsessed and I wanna see Peckidna and Tapricorn so badly again All of these cool magical monsters It's so many Monsters as well We're going up to Continent Dawn of Fire levels right there I mean it's not exactly 60 but my God we're approaching it right there That is honestly one of the most Monsters we have seen on an island in MSM It's comparable to Gold and Amber is surpassing it It's insane It's even more than Amber Island's 31 Monsters And boy that felt like so many already It's definitely gonna be comparable I think to Amber Island's Stride in just how many Monsters we're gonna have on this island Now although all 40 magical Monsters are here we got a question to more about these magical Monsters because it still leaves questions on who is gonna return Because we obviously besides Bone Faerie Psychic and Light we have Magical Sanctum which is also where we get 11 new magical pure hybrids which was the alternative we got towards the ending of that magical era inside of the game But it brings to question are those gonna be returning on this island? And so that I wanna put forward what we know about magical sanctum So already there's 40 Monsters Let's just bear that in mind We go up to 51 if we include these But besides that as well Magical Sanctum is being quite separate It's being put in the pocket dimension where a ethereal island is It doesn't really feel like it lends itself as much towards this returning element As well if we go back to that time where we're on about this final magical island Magical Sanctum that was just the offshoot of it It's not really the same as the traditional magical island I think in that regard it was an offshoot island to celebrate the end of that era It wasn't as such something to be considered for this I don't feel like it's gonna be here but I'm just gonna say G'Dayzos I wanna see G'Dayzos and Peckidna and Tapricorn reunite AJATAHG I could not comprehend having all my favourites on one island That would make my mind I I don't think I'd be able to take that to be honest I'm already exploded But Ambre Island it had 31 monsters already 40 that is such an insane number I feel like we're already going places with this island I think we're gonna be leaving them out this time Now as well I've seen people beyond these magical monsters be commenting are we gonna get new magical monsters? Which is his own thing in its home right? I think you guys are a bit crazy honestly I'm not one even more 40 I think is definitely reaching a tipping point and I would love to see some new magical monster hybrids ever so dearly some new combos we've never seen The magicals are so beloved I've seen some new ones at all would be a fabulous occasion but this isn't what this island is about in my mind It is a reunion between all of these islands It's not your workshop or mythical We've already got a workshop happening so you can have it all there But I think celebrating what we already have is what this island is gonna be about It's about returning these monsters that we already love and doing something really cool and unique with them Now with this This uniqueness though comes with a bit of discussion because it also brings to mind how are these mechanics gonna operate? We've got nine elements including the four magical ones just randomly on one island So there's got to be some new mechanic here or something in relation to what we've already seen How is this island going to work basically? This island is gonna take place on the high plane like we've established Amber and Gold so it'll probably take some qualities what we have up there So across these islands we've got actually completely unique mechanics across them all We've got on Gold Island the idea of just placing them down when they reach level 15 It's often thought of quite a dream-like place a fantastical one there We've got Amber Island which is where you power up your vessels and zap eggs towards the island itself to be able to power them up And therefore But the higher plane actually has completely different mechanics on every single one So it pulls forward what is the mechanic gonna be this time? Now everyone inside of the community is going about zapping eggs at the moment Zap zap zap That's all I hear about in terms of this new mechanic And the magicals we haven't really seen them be used for zapping besides the adult Celestials which where we are getting right now It seems to be the most theorised approach inside of the community So in that regard I feel like I do have to talk about it But personally I've just got to say I do not want zapping to return I had enough with Amber Island I'm over it for now I don't want it Please I think I speak for everyone when I say this do not have zapping on this island or we will be done Now it's steered its course zapping Let's just get on with these adult Celestials ravoir blings They're enough already We can put a zapping island to the side for now okay? We've also got the idea of gold islands placing down but in that regard I just say that's not really a gameplay mechanic as such It was just more of an end game thing They didn't even probably think the game was gonna keep on going at that point I feel like we aren't gonna see anything like that with this island It doesn't provide gameplay Then we got teleporting which is something we've seen with mythical recently But then again I come to this and I feel like it is the most likely scenario because magicals there's not really a way with all of these elements to combine them as such And this would make out a way for the magicals to be possible but still have a degree of challenge To me this is the most likely scenario that I see in terms of mechanics that we already have inside of the game They could also just have a nursery there with that and a crucible-like structure to be able to get your rares and epics from But even then it actually takes me back towards how this could operate towards the magicals themselves How this island is gonna operate lies with the lore of the magicals themselves in my opinion Monsters besides the Celestials and Wublins which have been described how they were created mind you to have not been created by the Colossals We know how they were created but they just weren't created by the Colossals But then we get to the Magicals which also weren't created by the Colossals but we actually know nothing about them We don't know how they were created We don't know where they came from It's just boop they appeared That's literally how it is described when they came to Fire Frontier and then it became Psychic Island They just appeared Then in the bios there's nothing mentioning where they came from how they were created There's nothing there If we go over to the Monster And Liz we also have something to say on this Magicals are one of the ones that were not created by Colossal spirits which is an enduring mystery We don't have the answers as to who created those monsters Seriously something is going on with these magical monsters I feel like Magical Nexus is our time to finally work out what created these magical monsters It's gonna be so unique as well because this is something we've never known about before It's gonna be something new fresh and it's gonna invigorate on the aspect that the magicals have always been about incorporating new monsters in the island which is what the magicals were created for This is gonna be a completely new aspect which is so exciting Considering how the magicals they have such a close connection to the Titans which they chose to go on board with when they chose to make the island Psychic Island or Faerie Islands I have to assume that this relationship came from somewhere It's kindled from something and with this being or whatever it is this being who was mentioned in the out of the new trailer Who's Sure All That Glitters is Gold I can't help but think Man we are finally gonna learn who created the magicals now There is someone calling out for them This is just fact from the trailer guys There is someone calling out and with the island design has been so eccentric lately I can't help but love this idea I've seen a gargantuan magical creator as a part of the island itself And all of its mechanics centred around this huge beam at the back of the island A friend to the Titans and a monster creation extraordinaire a manic large fantasy creature leading over the back of the island touching at the bottom of these islands He does look at millions of feet are ever up in the air How did this creature just lean in his head over with his body and stuff encapsulating all of the magical elements It could have eyes for psychic wings for Faerie beams for light and bone hands for bone All of these different magical element parts contribute towards its appearance and making out why it created these magical monsters in the first place and how it could be involved in these new mechanics I was thinking is it could summon the magical monsters into a structure maybe a glass-like chamber once the individual parts are activated based on the elemental affiliations If you wanna summon a monster with the bone element you'd go to its bony hands and you'd activate that part wait for it to be activated and then use it inside of the chamber A little bit alike how you wait for meebs to synthesise you'd instead be waiting for these body parts to activate I love the idea of the creature being behind this as well because it will give so much life to the island You could have the individual parts be animated based on what is being summoned inside of the Creation chamber Let's say that you're wanting clackula the bony hands would gobble up in the air or if you want a psychic elemental its eyes start going with swirls inside of them Seeing this unique aspect would be so cool and how it could be embraced as this these gigantic creatures I feel like this is an idea which everyone has Seeing it be embraced like this but not being the centrepiece of the island overall and being so encapsulated It is such an entrolling idea to me I love this so much The whole new gameplay saying just like Workshop With Workshop I feel like we are entering a new era of the game like Matt said as well in my msm live I feel like we are gonna be seeing even more new mechanics and it's just so exciting Of course as well we've got to talk about the island design itself It's gonna be of course in this fantasy setting it's got to have magical hats wands stars all kinds of magics encapsulating that magical atmosphere floating around just being there Of course you know that I want that magical sigil The magical sigil that is described on Sanctum it's inside of Sanctum's logo too Inside of the path it's described as a symbol that represents all of the magical Seeing that sigil to be representative of this magical creator in the background the person who's summing all the magicals it would be just so cool As well just learning more about a new creation creature I love it I want it As well going back to Josh Harmons' Teasers I wanna talk about the Island song a little bit I've not listened or looked at the Clackula and Bonkers parts because I wanna wait until they're in game because I'm so excited But I've been told all about them so I do wanna talk about them And also we have a prediction at the end I'm gonna play a duet between them the sounds and also a prediction of them So stay tuned for that guys But I've got to say this song I've listened to a prediction without clackula and It is so funky and it's weird in its own way It's ambient and it's so weird and cool I feel like Workshop and even mythical they have a similar setting but this seems to be differentiating from that even more And yet it seems to be really cool I'm so excited I feel like Shanty and Amber were very akin in the counterpart To how mythical and Workshop thought Just song-wise the feeling that I resonate with inside of them But it feels like this is something else entirely which is very exciting There's so many hardcore instruments I feel like with the magicals which we just weren't encapsulated enough inside of the magical islands Like with Fiddlement on the island basically all your light element Just bringing em' over here is gonna do so much They just played the same power with it And It's just so impactful these instruments It's finally gonna give them a chance to do so much more And there's so many unique vocals we're gonna be able to captivate on here And just the idea of having all of them on this island is just gonna make out to be such a unique song I can't wait to see how utilised Wimmzies and HippityHop in different parts or whatever and how they mash together in this unique way which you wouldn't really expect I feel like Jake the Drake's magical madness prediction definitely comes to mind because this feels like it is going to go really hard because the There's just so many good monsters to play around with inside of this song Amber Island though I feel like I do have to bring it up Amber Island Last time the monster was so not involved and this is a very akin island to Amber Island so I do wanna bring that up Its Monsters just weren't involved with the song There it was so diluted But I do wanna bring it up that Bonkers seems so much more involved in the song than it was over Psychic It definitely relieves me a little bit in terms of worrying in terms of seeing so many monsters on this island because last time they didn't quite get it right in my opinion on Amber because there were so many breaking parts and the Monsters just didn't contribute enough But it sounds like with Bonkers it's even more than Psychic Island where it's contributing So that definitely gives me a lot of hope But recently on islands I feel like they tend to think more about the song than what the monsters feel like individually And that's important from a gameplay perspective So I'm hopeful that we do continue to see more like Bonkers as counter-esence or whatever We see these monsters contributing more rather than less Bonkers definitely makes me worry about that less But when is this island gonna be releasing then? It is of course gonna be releasing this Wednesday I would say We're getting the trailer tomorrow on Tuesday And I feel like going by how many monsters we're gonna get I feel like six might be a good starting point It's gonna be interesting to see how this island escalates and how many monsters we're gonna get in waves and when they're going to be coming Oh my God I'm so excited I think I'm most excited to see more about the magical's creation themselves I just can't wait Okay I'm literally AHHH TAPRICORN im literally breaking right now I love this idea I'm Fiddlement I haven't seen that God Got me Oh my God This is gonna be so cool Anyway before I have a meltdown I'm gonna wait till tomorrow Now I'm gonna send you guys over to the prediction and the sounds behind Magical Nexus as we're calling it now On to the
Channel: MSMPokeGamer / MPG
Views: 185,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my singing monsters, dawn of fire, msmpokegamer, mpg, msm dof, msm, all monsters, all island songs, all monster sounds, my singing monsters new island teased, my singing monsters new island, my singing monsters new island full song, my singing monsters new island teaser, msm new island, msm new update, msm new monsters teased, msm magical nexus, magical nexus msm, magical, msm magical, new island msm, new island my singing monsters
Id: m6lZ8OCY14k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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