Magic: The Gathering Except the Rules Keep Changing

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Magic the Gathering is a game of skill and today we're going to find out whether Yaman or tahal is the better magic player little do they know not much of what they're going to do today has to do with magic I'm kind of scared you should be step one pick your decks just as fast as you can excellent step two I need some sleeves perfect step three let's leave the decks that was fast each of those boxes compared to two packs of taros the winner gets four packs of Theros also you get to read the rules of magic before you play okay you know the rules now yes okay okay so put down your decks we're gonna find out put them on this side please thank you don't pay attention to anything I'm doing now um this is like start of the game now please Shuffle you're gonna play a game with the tarot starters to find out easy who's the best at Magic the Gathering what is happening to find out who goes first what's underneath my hat what's underneath your head a rabbit Kevin you go first let's go wait we have hair what hair have one I should have said hair all right good luck I forgot there's another rule oh hi we can't just play Pharaoh's pre-cons that would be kind of boring the content would be bad uh so let's spice it up a little bit there's some words you can't say them not actually under my hat there's punishments if you say one of the following words you get one of the punishments under my head wait you wanted to get me guest punishments you could have gone first the words you can't say during the game and if you say them you get a punishment are pass combat it is no I don't know scared in response clock beat broken and deck for reference Yamin likes to say it is I will give you 10 life points if you can name five of those it is pass deck um all right the good point is we don't even know so I will remain with these cards okay because me too play a blue card and I will give the turn to you are you trying I like it uh Mountain you I'll pick up a card and I will also play a mountain oh and I will play an omen speaker which when it enters I get to subscribe to and this one it enters the battlefield I'll scribe both of those to the bottom of my stack of cards Library I will draw a card from the library Play Another Mountain and a Sater Rambler it's very rambly to one tremble my turn yes sir I'll play another Island and I'll pass the turn no no no you said pass Yemen oh I don't want to switch lands with your opponent oh is it good does that go on the stack you decide no I'll also float Mana but I guess I didn't hear that might hurt yeah and we dropped play a mountain and I didn't choose the pre-constructor for anything so unfair you mean the four or five big Elemental that has monstrosity what is the store it might okay I'm tap draw wait I have forced ah I'm not a blue dank okay I will play a forest and attack with my embass model I'll take four and then we're gonna play a stone shark giant which also has monstrosity so we're saving up with their lands which is kind of cool I don't think you can beat that so let's go wait actually I rolled too far nailed it um beat is one of the words no that's a boring one gain five what I'd like to do that wait you said punishment is gaining life punishment your opponent gains one of your creatures I'll pick this one I don't like how happy yourself okay uh yeah play Mountain I'll cast a crackling Triton that was a draft medium star medium star yes sure I'll get in there of course it wasn't nice thanks Carl golf on tap draw okay we gonna play a Minotaur skull Cleaver which is haste and gives plus two plus o to a creature which it will give to my SATA rumbler and then we're gonna attack I'll block here yes take four from this and One Track before damage I'll shock the Rambler Shockey yep it dies then you will take four after all yes and I will play a forest and a seeden Sater hedonist oh I remember that card it wasn't very good untapped draw I'll Attack hmm you wouldn't have any tricks huh I'd never have any tricks alright I believe you I'll take five yep I mean I don't have any tricks in hand [Laughter] you said you don't have any tricks so you lied I mean Jamie you lied punishment if you can name a card in his hand you get it any card yeah if he has it do I have to reveal my hand to him you may it's not a good you get all copies of it wait you have more copies in your hand is that a trick like if you name Mountain oh God I have to go through the theorist things I don't know what's in those things uh I don't know is a word you're not supposed to say nah are you tricky five damage to each creature oh that's gonna do a lot oh I assume it doesn't go over this thing okay can I still guess the card yes you can just still try to guess a card in his hand oh this could be so bad this is the best game of magic I've ever watched this could be Ship Breaker it's not do you want to hear the correct answer yes no you don't even land I don't have it's your turn don't Chuck giant uh Mountain go go it's very good ciao go I'm a bit afraid oh afraid it's on the word list you guys are doing this purpose here I bet your opponent has three goats goats you have an army now fresh from Remy there you go it's a stone shot sometimes monstrous creatures without flying can't block okay go draw a card we're gonna play it and it's yourself are you aware of this be blocked I'll draw um I mean I'll get in there I'll jump with the gold man now I'm a bit afraid of future punishment removing all of my stone shots [Music] I'm back did I say scared you said you're scared of another punishment getting all your stone talk Giants it's like you summoned it into existence you get a frog hat oh that's my favorite one wait what is this I mean it's very literal does it have features [Music] now be honest with me how close is this game to finishing uh close is it okay I have to spice it up before the end one second actually stuff is happening this is February everybody loves football fit next one to the striped bubble pip gets two colossal dreadlocks uh in response I'll griptide um sorry I think you said a bad word it's interesting response we're running out Oh you mean like literal rug events not the boring ones that are legendary oh no no the boring ones so are they legendary there's an effect on the stack wait I have to pick a Ragga van um this one sacrifice the rest now does no one get a colossal dreadlocks well I'll put this on the top of its owner's Library so you you what do you do I put it on top of its owner's Library becomes Target Shuffle into its owner's Library all right here you go did I destroy it why don't I get dread Moss we didn't destroy it it's in your library yeah okay I I feel I'm very I think I should have some colossal dreadmills here okay go ahead also a regular van I can push through Joe how do I do this I drew a token oh does it have Yemen's face on it yes oh it goes on the oven's board what [Music] to me do I get to draw another card no that's flying the scripture must be blocked the table that was the worst draw steps say this code must be blocked okay and then we attack a block all right take four down to eight round do your stuff all right there's your treasure the gold dies what do I get death touch Defender reach I mean why not all right I guess I'll attack with my yam and talk yes sorry this creature must be blocked if possible it flies oh no bye bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll play another Stone shotgun go drop play a nessian ass oh that one was crazy and very big go ahead add a card to my hand I guess it's time for my Giants to shine in a rhyme [Music] you said it is yeah I said it's time gets too close do with it what you may well I'll cast a curse of the swine I'll Exile three Target creatures and put two two swine token five another instead the ups and downs are crazy I just had okay they're gone okay I need three boars I couldn't find Boris because the Pirates is dead are they tutu yep all right go ahead it's a goat [Applause] he said it is he said it twice I only have one punishment left I know put it back oh no yes look at this you get to cast a glare of heresy yes yes and a lightning strike you have to cast it and the Titan's strength enjoy you have to cast it sorry I'll cast a glare of heresy you get sorry being my favorite hero yeah I get a Plus on plus one counter okay I'll Exile it tighten strength will Target my stone shock side I'll scribe one that stays on top and lightning strike will Target this thing all right bearing any unforeseen happening stances oh do you have a second volcanic as it again remember the time when I said the game is almost over I'm gonna attack and see what happens um I mean I have to block you up take four regular one dies get those out of here it's blasting time that would be lethal right oh yes it would be it would be game master Carl you said it is blasting time so um this is on the stack there's a lot of counter spells and Theros right I get to crack a counter so I get to cast it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait not a counter spell not a counter spell enters the battlefield untap another Target not a counter spell no counter spell can't be blocked no counter still contract come on the return to our creature to its owner's hand why isn't this like counter-target creature spell oh there's there's dissipate right dissolved dissolved yeah it's called but that's not rare that's something that's not uncommon there's one more Uncommon and there's one song one song would be so good there's a foil oh no yeah I mean you lose the game you had a frog hat it was beautiful you have a fibble tip in your deck hope you enjoyed Please Subscribe this was science talkative is the best magic player see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Cardmarket - Magic
Views: 49,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cardmarket, mkm, Wizards, MTG Arena, Magic the Gathering, MTG, TCG, deck, WotC, MTGO, Magic Online, rules keep changing, MTG Rules, Crazy MTG, Magic variants, MTG Noah
Id: PoNh7qsZdeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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