Magic Sword - Sword Of Truth
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Channel: undefined
Views: 683,527
Rating: 4.9488158 out of 5
Keywords: Magic Sword, Sword Of Truth, synthwave, retrowave, outrun
Id: Nt2qgY31ziE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 07 2014
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You watch Game Grumps by chance?
Sword of truth from Terry Goodkind's series?
Eh. Just my personal opinion, but it's a little monotonous. It has enough content for a 3 minute song, stretched out for far too thin. Again, merely my opinion.
These two Magic Sword songs were featured on the game Hotline Miami 2:
Magic Sword - In The Face Of Evil
Magic Sword - The Way Home
Magic Sword
artist pic 18,286 listeners, 193,814 plays
tags: synthwave, Soundtrack, electronic, retrowave, game
Please downvote if incorrect! Self-deletes if score is 0.
Anybody reminded of The Parachute Ending by Birdy Nam Nam?
If you like this, listen to "In the Face of Evil". It is by far my favorite song by them.
If you like these guys, check out Lazerhawk, Perturbator, and Dance with the Dead.
Cool video about Japan's car culture featuring a heap of magic sword: