Magic & Possession - An Islamic Perspective- Shaykh Abu Suhaib

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[Music] similary menorah hang in al hamdulillah Amanda who on Astorino who wanna stuff euro when I older we let him in sure Rory and fuzzy never say a TR Medina me yeah de la who fella molding Layla I'm a you lil fella had yella ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lahu ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh I'm a Baroness de calahonda ticket Avila arsenal had he had um ahem so anything would be expected and so I would say Charla apologies is to be accepted just like a molehill number two is that our class will be always quarter past seven whenever I am here so tonight is this just one off and hopefully I will be able to continue the lecture before I fall out in a sleep because I'm so exhausted in time but inshallah seeing the brothers here coming from different places I would like first of all to start like every time I start just to bring their brothers all all of you as close as possible to me fill up the gaps just like um Allah healing everybody make an effort he shouts close the gaps particle of evil our topic definitely is one of the very important topics because of what we seen lately that lots of things that happening and this is the magic that is taking place in separation between a husband and a wife or bringing a husband to a wife or making the person I'm able to approach his wife and all of sorts of things regarding this topic which is the magic it is important because the sorcerers are plenty these days who are charging a lot of money and at the same times there are people who are rocky imitators they're not proper Rocky's and at the same time they're charging maybe more than the sorcerer himself so we're having a sorcerer and we have a person to cure the sorcery and both are charging and the person who is under the hammer is the customer so we would like to minimize the customers as much as possible and protect them from such thing for verily the plot of the sorcerer as a loss of Hannah who attire he says it that is it is weak and the sorcery is from the shaitaan we spoke in this mashallah Masjid about the evil eye we spoke about the MV we spoke about the world of jinns in one of the lectures so this is like a continuation from those lectures and it is linked very closely because it is from the enmity of the Shaitaan towards men since allah subhanaw taala had created an entirely his salaam we find the Shaitaan Iblees had swore that lender homage man he will misguide all of them his target is to harm you in the body harm you in your Deen harm you in your family that's his target to make a life in agony for you not to worship Allah and then you end up in the Hellfire that's his target and that's his mission so we will ensure Allah make it difficult for him please is the leader of this battle since the first time he is leading the battle himself you know we have leaders sometimes they don't lead but he is in person it please leading this battle so we will fight him with what allah subhana wa ta'ala had given us in the quran and what the professor seldom had given us in the sunnah for very now these days Bartel and Huck they are mixed so much the person cannot distinguish whether this person is a sorcerer or is a shear what is a rocky or is an imitation whether he is saying Huck or saying battle whether he's saying abracadabra cur who is saying Allah colossal people are confused these days so that is why I thought and myself with my humble knowledge I will participate in such thing phallic man hella can be inna we're here man hi I'm Benna that the person who will be destroyed he will destroy with knowledge and the one will will be revived will revive with knowledge and that the hack will not be polluted with a bottle and except for those people of course whom Allah subhana WA Ta'ala made them blind now you need to have an experience on top of your knowledge in regard to this field for verily this field of knowledge which is to do the magic and possessions is not just with reading it's actually it would experience and as we gonna discuss inshallah about the magic how Allah subhana WA Ta'ala had made it clear to us that there is magic and also how we're going to gain the protection and to spot the sorcerers for verily they have signs first of all the people the Muslims regarding sorcery and magic are of three groups one group that is they've gone extreme and they said that there is no sorcery and those are the mortadella and the ones who followed them as well so they said no magic and he does not exist and we say to them that they are absolutely wrong for verily allah subhanahu wa ta'ala had said it clearly whatever Matata shayateen wala will keep Suleiman and others from the verses of the Quran where it says that there is magic also the profesor seldom had been under the magic and not only that issue of the allahu on her she had a slave girl she also made magic to her and the other extreme which is the second group is the one who is affirming the sorcery but they have expanded so much that they make the person believe that anything happens to him he's out of magic and this is of course from the inspiration of the Shaitaan person comes to them with a headache you must be under magic so the person now end up with a bigger headache because he was a headache now is a headache top o the jinn in me so person comes to them with a stomach aches it must be somebody giving you something to eat and it's magic so these people as I said they've gone to the other extreme and this is not what the Prophet SAW seldom taught us for verily we know that the messenger sallallaahu alia seldom people came to them with a stomach ache he said go and drink honey some other people came with headache so some of them with a stomachache go and take honey some of them with a headache make a German some of them with pain in their feet go and put henna you know the henna so profitable anniversa to them you've got sorcery let me read Rakhi upon you so what we say in Arabic that some of the people or Iraqis they will put you jinn where there's no jinn you must have got a jinn so the person ends up with more illness and that is I said from the inspiration of the Shaitan and the group which are upon the Huq is the third group which are the one in the middle they affirm that there is a magic but also they affirm that this magic will not harm except by the permission of allah subhanho attack there's no such thing the sorcerer can make socially upon you if allah did not will for that sorcery to go ahead so everything is with the permission of Allah yes there is magic but we don't expand on it but we know that this magic also has no way to get through to you except if Allah made or gave the permission for it to go ahead and we're gonna discuss in sha allah those types of magic that comes to the person number one we need to know that whenever you experience the pain the pain is could be one of the three either it is physical you go to the physician doctor or it is psychological then you go to a doctor as well person who is gonna put you in calmness so a person who is in his specialty is a master so it still yes like I trust ya I don't so i specialist third one and that is the spiritual illness and that's when you need for an opium okay so which one we're gonna be talking about the third time I'm not gonna be a psychiatrist here nor I'm gonna be a physician to treat your illness I'm gonna talk about the third type which we hold it am Rob rouhani the illness which are linked to the spiritual or the spirit and this is only can be cured with the rakia and the Quran right as I said the sorcery is confirmed in the book and the Sunnah and with the each man number of verses but hamdulillah there's no need for me to mention those verses Allah subhana WA Ta'ala he says it all Haruna Bo Kemal I'm antennas are oh surely say or Hal una Bo come shall I inform you upon whom the shayatin descends down the nestled adequately effect in a theme they come down on every effect liar a theme sinner and this is what you are it is known from the old times we have the story of Musa alehissalaam with the sorcerers of around and is well now from the hadith of the Prophet SAW seller profitable isida steady bou said reimu be thought avoid indulging into the seven destroyers one of them sorcery and as I said lots of a hadith and lots of ayats now if we're going to talk about the definition of the sorcery we say that the sorcery is divided into five categories were concerned about the third and the fourth and the fifth what is the first and the second in Arabic as same it is something which is delicate something which is hidden and that is why the word from Asahara Sahar which is the late night we have a sir the pre-dawn meal at that time see right so we say it in Arabic our medaka why not offer mojave si Babu what is the reason of it is not like sort of expose is hidden and the religious terminology of the magic is number one it could be it means that Allah steam Allah meaning person trying to make another person to be inclined to do such a thing and this is from for example the magic of the eyes and Melilla blue sure about of the ilaha Ron he said that I went to marry a woman a gale so Abu ha her father and her mother went next to air so he said prophet of Allah he said to me to look at your girl and the girl was listening from her head she was be screened the girls they don't really mix up so she heard what he said he said well for verily the father and the mother refused but the girl she said if the prophets of Allah told you to look then have a look if he told you not to look than the look so he said no he commanded me to look so she lifted up the screen for him to see her when he saw her straight away he married her now what made him to marry her the magic of the what the eyes it's not magic which is Haram this is something that inclined you to marry her and he says after that for verily I've never loved any wife more than I loved her and even though I have married 70-plus from the woman we are not sure about of the Allah one not together of course 70 he had married this is the best also when we say a pub er to Sarah this is the you know when we say the nature really is got magic the magic of the scenery when you see the Tobia the nature around you which takes you with its beauty so you just ponder and look that's also from the we call it inclination you're inclined to look at it and also prophet of Allah he said in nominal Bharani let's say for verily sometimes from the eloquent speech there is magic some of the people when they speak they capture your heart you're all ears and all eyes looking at them listening to them because he is taking away yourself with his words he mesmerised you with his words also from that which we call it the wording is hikmah so it is actually from this magic as well there's a jicama which is the magic of the listening to the person that's the first time so it is inclination second one deception deception like the magic of musa alayhis salaam and those people who were the sorcery the magic of the sorcerers at the time of moosa alaih-is-salaam as allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala spoke about that so suhara are unanimous Allah says they have put magic into the eyes of the people you hire who Allah him in ceará him and hurt us those ropes that they have thrown in front of the people that people are deceived even Musa al-salaam that he was under the impression that those ropes are moving but they're not moving so this is called deception so this is the deception and that deception was explained some of the scholars had to say that maybe those ropes had some sort of mercury in them that was not known at that time that maybe with the Sun and the heat they start to sort of expand so the Rope would move and the people think that what they are snake but anyway it was not the real magic it was sort of we call it deception he called it Swift hand some of that like for example the cameras these days using magnetics using sedation's using medicine as well to make the person hallucinate from that deception as well the clock what is that pendulum you know we recall the hip hip to nism hip to nism that one as well so all of that is from the deception now this now let me just know first I miss tamela and regarding of its rule it could be halal it could be one Haram if it's used for something Highland then it is Helen but if you are for example have the magic of a woman and you want to fornicate with this becomes Haram and the second time the deception here is all of it Haram it's unlawful because it's got deception and it's got lying and also it has includes taking the money of the people with no rights and it will lead to the third and the fourth and the fifth type which we're going to be explaining in Sharma the third type which is the real magic which is that you are cooperating with the Shaitaan by getting closer to them by asking them to bring benefit or harm as allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala he says we're echidna shayateen a kafir oh you're on the moon and nasa see that is the shayateen who had this belief they teaching the people the magic so it is a contract between the sorcerer and the Shaitaan this magic includes making knots and also saying words and incantations and the rule of this is go for I'm gonna explain that more in sha allah but let me finish all the types you understand what is the seer so we've got now three types so this is go for ACMA major coffer the fourth one which is even worse and that is you the people using astrology and this astrology like from the zodiac sign and from that as well to carry a ring which is engraved with let's say the image of a school pin so it will benefit him by not to be stung by scooping all of that of course is cool for Akbar as well and the professor Selim he said a half ooh Allah Almighty for the three things a half I have a neuroma titillated I scared our fear of my Ummah from free that is - in the leaders are to be tyrant and it took place what a man and we knew you and believing with astrology and it took place what a crib and we'll cuddle and also be lying the destiny and it took place and that to fulfill the prophecy of muhammad sallallaahu re using the rule of it major coup for the fifth time it is the worst of all and that is to combine three and four combined in the real magic and astrology so that it will be much stronger and this is the billions were specialists at whom ibrahim alaih-is-salaam was said to those pavilions in iraq they used to worship the seven planets and is to call him gods and they made also idols with their names and they used to get closer to them by calling upon them and also with incense burning incense before so this sorcerer would use all type of magic that he can and then he would attribute that to the stars to the planets and the why so that nobody would dig deeper to know the reality of his magic so that's the worst and the rule of this it is major coup for now in terms of learning the stars the stars knowledge is of two types knowledge which will affect knowledge which will affect and the knowledge which will talk but there are the movement of the stars the knowledge of the effect are this number one that they think that these stars have an effect by itself without the permission of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and it will create incidents and this is shirk Akbar like for example the Big Bang Theory so the Big Bang had resulted in us and that's chill cackler because you believe in the Big Bang is to be a loss of hannover tan and also that is an another example for you know the stars movement you say that this will lead to such on such something or the creation of somebody or a happiness of somebody also this is a major coup for will take the person outside the fold of Islam was a loss of heart Allah says hola Alamo Memphis Emirati well our allahu allah ma nobody knows the absolute right except for Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the third from this knowledge which is the effective knowledge of the stars is that you believe it is a reason for good and think bad to happen but you know that Allah is the real cozy this is your custom it is not making shirk because you're attributing the real Kozar the one who is behind everything's Allah but you are saying but because a star such-and-such taking place do you believe there will be something happening on the earth that is sure a star because you believe allah azzawajal is the one who's running the show the second type of knowledge regarding the stars which is no problem about it that is to know the movement of it like for example when we know the the sun movement in order to know the hours the salah time the qibla direction all of that the last third of the night and this is to be watching compulsory and the second also from that which is for dunya benefits first you know the seasons to know directions all of that the moon phases as well all of that is to be accepted in sha allah and no problem about this right so they're magic that's the one we're gonna be talking about which is number three and that is the one that is these days is being used now the magic it is a reality it is not imaginary this is what I say because some of the scholars like Abu Hanifah aji Mahalo he says it is hasn't got a real effect it has a real if he believes in the magic but the real effect is there and the biggest sorcerer is at the jail for verily he is a real sorcerer the land will be empty no crops suddenly when it tells us bring the crops he would bring the crops up and that's real and he will have two rivers one river which is white got nice things and another river which is full of fire so you are supposed to bring to drink from the water or the river which has got the fire not to drink from the water that is it's got the good things because he's a real sorcerer not only that that the prophets of Salem told us to get your head down close your eyes and go to the fire don't go to that River which is the think it is good right now also this sorcerer which is at the jail he cannot for example fix himself he's ugly and he's gonna die as ugly not only that he doesn't know the key of the right he doesn't have the power to give life to a person who's dead except for one person Allah has given him that power for one person like he had given recently salam the power to heal or bring people were dead to life and he made it to one or two people as for the irrrb the betwen man whom his parents had died and that the jail he said to him if i bring your parents back to life would you believe in me he said yes he did not bring his father's and mother back to life what he did he commanded to Shaitaan to resemble this face of the father and the face of the mother both Shaitaan stole this Arabi believing that these artists parents believe this guy he's your Lord so he would follow him and he will believe it he's a goat a God of his right now the sort of is these days they're not like the dejenne the cannot for example turn something into something else they cannot make the donkey into a monkey no if no vice versa no way it is impossible because this is for only a lot of hano attack yes you could see that on Hollywood films but not reality so reality cannot make a donkey into a monkey or a horse into donkey you cannot so the sorcerer is not able to change the core or in entity of a person to another entity no way now what is the difference between sorcery and miracle and Kurama more G's and Kurama the sorcery only happens to the person who is fasiqun rebellious and it could be with the sayings and it could be with actions as for the miracle it is only for the angels and the prophets and it comes with a dua or Allah would give it as a gift as for the Kurama blessings Kurama means like an honorable thing happen to a person and this Kurama does not take place to a rebellious it needs some saying that it doesn't need sayings nor it needs actions it happens to the person by allah subhanaw taala giving it to him like for example her maja power of the allahu allah when he was on the pulpit one day and he started saying yes area or sorry al Jevon sorry is the name of a commander whom he had sent to meet the enemies and he's far away normally said sorry al Jebel he was not really actually preparing for that word it came out from him without him thinking about it as soon as he finishes hotma on even my battalion approached him what was that all about o leader of the believers he said what is it he said you said yes arielle jebin o serie go to the mountain say did I say that two months or three months later sorry and the commander of the army he comes to Rama of the elan he said jazakallah Huayra remark atop our leader of the believer verily we had heard your call in the mountains and we hid ourselves to the mountain otherwise the enemies would have trapped us and would have killed us so they heard the sound of Rome are in the mountains even though it was too far and there was no telephones at that time it was a karma Allah had given it to roam our Arabiya allahu anhu baba so the muckman the real believer he will not be keen to have Karaman ask allah o allah give me Kurama but he should be keen to have st karma no Karami what still Karma's the akarma means to be on the straight path so your reconciliation or your Salah and virtuous and righteousness is based upon your deeds not bit on Karim at how much Kurama you're gonna you know get this karma always been acclaimed of course forcefully and Langley and that is by the Sufis you know that their karma and the Kurama I've got nothing and only good for eating food Ram so this Karim at even you might find some sort of supernatural things taking place on the hands of disbelievers so if it is it is the case so it is not not this guy is good not let me follow him so always the guy with a believer he's always after itseif karma not after Karami allah subhanahu wata'ala when he had created the earth and he had said to the angels in nature you don't feel all the ha'la'tha I'm gonna make a person to govern the earth so they asked Almighty subhana WA Ta'ala attach I do fear my you've see doofy how as we could dmap all Lord we have seen the creations before them like the gym they used to spread spread mischief in the land and spill blood so they're asking basically at least the same thing they're gonna be doing the same thing gotta in the Alamo man Italian he said to them verily I know what you don't know Allah created Adam and Adam he created from him how Wow and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala made them to inherit the earth they were in Jannah after meeting today yeah walk with corneria Adams coolant I was a local journalist I didn't into the general band name they were taken out from Jenna because they have Adam had eaten him and how are his wife from the tree but they repented to Allah Allah already ordained for them to be the inheritors of the earth they weren't on the earth 1,000 years they were upon though he'd know shirk 1000 years no shirk then after that the shayateen drifted him away from the hub it bleeds the curse one when he said from the first day to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala laughed and he can very girl verily I am gonna mislead all your servants Allah he said you have no power on my a battle machine the ones who are sincere you have no power to drift them from the hub this beliefs is the one who refused to prostrate to Adam and he used analogy saying for verily I am better than him you made me out of fire you made him out of the clay so I am supposed to be better so since that time when he expelled from paradise he made the oath to misguide us and as I said in the beginning his task in his mission to make us from the people of the Hellfire so that is why from his battle is that he cooperates with those people are called sorcerers fortune tellers sooth says magicians when he other Bellaire and I call them here call center to Khufu just like we have masjid our coolest centers to Islam these sorcerers are call centers to what to cook for disbelief Olivia mm right now this sort of battle between us and the Shaitaan took so many forms from those forms for example the mujadara the dialogue of the confrontation that took place and the argumentation between ibrahim alaih-is-salaam and the Shaitaan sometimes you would find this battle as in a battle witches got weapons in it and in it as well killing like carbine when he killed habil now by the way tubulin habil those two names are not mentioned in the quran or the sooner but mentioned in the interpreters of the quran from him in katheer and others but one of the sons of adam had killed the other that's because of the Shaitaan so the Shaitaan is target to make us shirk mushrikeen to be polytheist and as I said the Shaitaan plot is always weak because we are the righteous people put our hands in the hand of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and seek His protection this Shaitaan will lead you number one to small sin from the small sin to the major sin from medicine to the shill colossal our religion our to the sheer kill Akbar right now what is the magic in terms of now in terms of as we said the magic is it allowed for us to learn it in order to keep away or sell from it we are not allowed to go to a sorcerer to learn sorcery in order to avoid magic it's not allowed yes we're allowed to read our scholars books who talked about the sorcery and how to protect ourselves from that sorcery but to go to a sorcerer and tell him what are you tricks for the other be ladies is go for now the most strongest sorcery that you're going to find is the sorcery of the Jews the sorcery is a knowledge you could the person can learn it so a person if you wish to be a sorcerer when we had the villain he could learn it but in order for him to learn it he has to make a major cover its major Co for that will make him impossible to return to be a Muslim what is the major cover when we call it challenging cover one of the women who was a sorcerer and this is a real true story when she died and they washed her they found that some of the poor and verses were stuck to a private plot with the other Boleyn so those people they would go as far as urinating on the Book of Allah or throwing the Quran into the cyllage why because as I said the verse which is recited before Helena be aluminum antennas or shayateen then as the radically effect in a theme - airplane only descends upon those who are Lars the ones who are come far so this person you will find him for example that he will not pray all the five daily prayers you might find him with you the bid though topi and all of that but not all the five daily prayers you'll find them coming - not all the Jumeirah this we're gonna talk about this one how to find out about the sorcerer but this sorcery is a harmful very harmful knowledge where the person who wants to go to it adi wants to become famous or he wants to get more money that's a target he wants to be famous or to get the money now there is no such thing called white sorcery look we have white lies no white lies no whites also he already black when he ever been left all of it bad this sorcerer even is the one who's learning sorcery he himself needs some papers in his pocket to protect himself from the shapelin one of the social will be caught and when he was searched in Saudi Arabia they found some papers like the Howie's in his pocket said what is this for he said to protect me from the Shaitaan so even himself he wants protection from the shaitaan' is dealing with him so it is harmful to the society harmful to the sorcerer harmful to the ones has been socially done upon them right when he had to be learned now the magic as I said it will not affect you except by the permission of Allah so Hannah tell if you have believed that the sorcerer knows the right you are a Catholic cannot no nobody knows the right except for Allah some who what island right now as I said the strongest socially founded with the Jews because at that time the time of Musa Ali said I'm enough to that the magic in them is very old and now we have the moroccan jews moroccan jews as well they have this black they call it black magic now every time that the kufur of the person goes stronger then this the magic itself goes strongly the one who had put magic on the profesor salem is called libido blossom the jewish man he wasn't living in the medina person who pretends to be good what he did he took some of the hair of the prophet of allah and a cold and he had put it in the will of one of the tribes at that time and in order for it to stay fresh in the world because we'd be damp so prophet of allah saw salem had the sorcery upon him for six months where he used to think that he's making marital relations with his wife yet he's not so he's not making military he thinks that he's making it so it is a sorcery which is what's in the body not in the intellect you'll find for example the person who's under magic he will do his things like for example he will work anyone does his work but when it comes to a certain thing where the source is been done upon him like he's not to approach his wife so every time he comes to approach his wife he finds himself cold hey that's what the social but it does not affect it did not affect the prophet of allah in terms of the whole an or what he's saying to the people affected him and just like as a human being affects you in the body when you have a flu i'm a headache you have a pain in the leg pain in the arm same thing with this sorcery the reason for the sorcery it could be a me could be hatred could be that one person want to participate in your money cuz you a lot of money want to share you and also to make the husband love to the wife and the wife love to the husband or the wife she wants her husband to marry another woman and also making the husband not be able to make at before the marital intercourse to his wife so also the mother-in-law she's trying to make sure that the wife of her son will not do anything except to follow her commands all of these things were edible and we found that this magic and sorcery is flying around between the people without fearing Allah subhana WA Ta'ala either by deliberate they you know this go for or they've been misguided because we go to this person who's looking like a shake and they will tell him for example I want my husband not to marry another woman he looks like a shake and he might mix up some Koran with some words and we're gonna see what are the signs of the social in a minute Hashanah now unfortunately I have to say this please sisters forgive me for saying that but through experience and you could read the books most of the customers of the soul stirrers are from the woman most of the customers of the sorceress are from the females they are the ones who are very easy to be deceived because of their emotions overcomes their intellect as the profesor Selim he said so the emotion controls them more than intellect that's why they could be an easy target for the sorcerer and as a sister we could just make sure that we are immune here against them those sorceress will Riyadh the Miller they might put you under sedation and might do the fahisha with you so be careful the Sahara the sorcerer who say he will exploit the naivety of his customer so he will first of all when you come to him for the first time he will say to you come to next time because he wants to make his investigation about you this investigation it will involve as well with his Shaitaan to link up with your Kareem your Korean your companion from the jinn he's with you and he's a cafe every person who are a Korean who's a kafir who knows about you except for the Korean or the prophet of Allah either he's a Muslim or he does not I was not allowed to command the prophet of Allah except for good either he Aslam or Aslam as the mo means I'm saved from him or Islamic ad became a Muslim become a Muslim your Kareem is a calf and he will be willing to cooperate with all the shayateen which are cooperating with a sorceress okay so he will know your you know you could say private matters what you know about yourself he will not know what you say inside yourself but you will know the Korean whatever takes place outside they want you inside all your a lot of somehow either knows it even the Angels will write your deeds they don't know anything about you inside only unlawful Hanna who attack now when the customer starts to believe that this sorcerer knows you know so many things about him which is like his part for in the hype from the unseen which is not the unseen then he would believe him and when you believe him this is that this believe the first this belief in Allah some Hanna what that because we said nobody knows the very except for Allah saw her no attack so now in that moment Allah will leave that customer in the hands of the Shaitaan because you chose so once you are under the pair of pliers which is like under the the the tool of the sorcerer and that you are believe that he knows the right and you have this belief Allah will let you will not help you now he becomes like a ring in the hand of the sorcerer so he would take his money bit by bit and he will command him to do more and more comfort slowly slowly so you'll find that those people come to the sorcerer they will never get cured completely they will get computer cured temporarily and then they come back again to that sorcerer has to be like a ring as I said now from those things that I have learned from our sheikh may allah have mercy upon him muhammad bin musa no sir he was his the king of that field in his time only died last year rahmatullahi re-shared Muhammad Musa bin Nasir I have heard from him directly some of the stories like this woman she was married and she used to see a person coming on to her in a room calling himself Sheikh Muhammad a person is a jinn so she came to the Sheikh on us you could see his thing he comes my husband doesn't see man I see him and he calls himself Sheikh Muhammad so he said to her is not Sheikh Muhammad he's definitely Iblees number one he does not take permission when he enters upon you number two he comes to you and your hour is exposed you haven't got your hey champ number three he comes to you while he was your husband and number four he is approaching you and actually is later on into causing with him well the other billion so it's not Sheikh Mohammed now also I had a story being narrated to me too by my grandmother whom she had experienced the same thing when she said to me that your uncle mother sigh he was after my daughter which my aunt that means he wants to marry him so the best thing for him is to make her talk to him so he went to a sorcerer and he asked for him to do something so he gave him like we call inaudible on a bait to put it in the tea and in that bait there will be shape on attached to it and that Shaitaan will make sure that she will be yours so he had followed the instruction of that sorcerer and he put it in the tea my gramma was telling me and she put the tea instead of my aunty drinking the tea the grandma drank the tea and she said when I drank it I started calling his name Muhammad the name of my uncle Muhammad and he's so much younger than her why am i calling your name all the time then later on she knew that she drank that bait which she had to extract it my taking I don't know the name of the Englishman Sena how about the center I know what's the English word of it somebody can help me with that huh no no no it's not Black Sea so now would it send us a nice call in English will Sena okay Santa Callas Santa Ana right if you take it it were like a flush flushes everything takes everything out so she taken another after that she was cured but that was magic that was magic as I said now from this Sorcerer's signs number one they will not come to the gym as we said it will come to some of the Jumeirah he will not pray the five daily prayers he might make you believe also that you research in the Quran but he will be also sometimes reading that we call him cup readers fin gem or palm readers as well from the science you'll find darkness on his face even he's got a beard but there's something wrong there he's a darkness darkness of the cook for disbelief and he will ask you about the mother's name and your name so what's your name ok what's my mother's name why want to my mother's name for your after her what do you want because he has to link you to the mother because those shayateen will link to each other by the mother's name not by the father's name are on the day of resurrection you're going to be called by what your father's name so on so the son of a soul had he had thought to fool an even new fool and not by your mother's name as some of the believers they think this is as well what the Jews they do you know that the Jews the linkage of the mother not to the father as for us we link you to the father now they will also ask you for a trace have you got something from the one that you want me to treat him for you treat him I put magic on him treated for you something like from his hair something from his clothes something Rome is nofa that he washes himself with it anything that is a trace that is stuck to his skin something from him he bring it and then and also he might ask you for things which are strange one of the straight things that I have learned they've asked us all to lie about the Moose and also he said to us he was asking this sorcerer eleven mices why 11 - 11 - is like a lemon or a car - 11 mices we want ya mices not only that you said an orphan mice how can i oh no as an orphan mice investigative his father died before he reached his puberty that's funny a team yourself an orphan mice or you all ask you to go and slaughter a dick dick which is the rooster why cuz the rooster is what their one calls for the prayer in the morning is the one who sees the angel he makes the sound gonna kill that will ask you to for example kill an animal which is black when the star such-and-such star can appear kill that animal and leave that animal into or throw it into a will which is deserted by people in order to satisfy the shelter well the other below you'll find him for example that if they you know the hoo boo hoo boo hoo dude the one who talk - sorry - and I was called Hoopoe yeah the bird they might in fees as well asking you to bring him who parole then himself will strangle the hoop why the strangle the Hoopoe for two reasons reason number one that this hoop who is the prophet of Allah had forbade us from killing four birds one of them is what and who do it for animal not for business for animals one of them is what the hood hood so this one because of this a number two because they hate him he's the one hood hood who told soul a man about the mushrikeen the people are polytheists so they hate him because he told Suleiman about the policies people remember they are cooperating with Charlton also from their signs that they will use incense before for example nice smelling incense for bringing love between husband and wife bad smelling incense that means to separate between a man and a woman that's how they use it also from theirs as well they will command you to do Amasya sin slow to the other name of Allah fast from meat was why fasting from the meat don't eat meat be vegetarian generous I mean that imitates Christians asking to me a sinful put some taneema then you find him for some tau YZ and their necks and all of that these things Leo Kamali to do that to hang them and he will write his magic with only the person who knows himself and the person who learned which we call it son secret said it words which you don't understand them letters numbers caliber rouhani decoded the pencil which is the spiritual one those ones if you refer them back to the book you'll find that he is making his theory that beseeching on calling upon gin names or making Khufu but in that one is for example is saying put this verse into the toilet but the toilet isn't a number you don't understand that so basically is making shirk he might use that what this is the worst the menstruation blood will he other belong to use it for the magic I they would write Quran with it with the menstruation blood and that's the worst of the magic ok he will make knots and he would blow into their slots with his filthy saliva okay he might also put a ring which like a ring of Solomon the call of the ring of so they men because they know that they believe that soul a man is to command the gym not by the permission of Allah on the power of Allah but by that powerful ring also they might put the magic into a lizard you know the small lizard call it an Arabic was a why because that lizard is the one who blew fire on to Brahim Ali Salim they put it inside him that magic so lots of signs I mentioned here I come you could come across more than that but these are the major science now when the person under the magic what happens to him how do you find yourself as imagine when I say these things please brother oh I've got all of them I must be under magic Oh I'm saying that this is some of the symptoms number one you having pain which is going from one place to another without a reason in the head sometimes in the arms and down the leg sometime the mouth sometimes and unexplainable so pain which is transferable in your body without a reason you'll find a headache that has no reason headache migraine no reason for it also lots of forgetting you forget a lot not normally I forget but a lot and no concentration and you'll find a very important point and comfortable dreams especially if it is to do with you know you know nightmares like black dogs black snakes okay lizards all of those continuously you'll find yourself as well in moody mode sometimes you just explode you were righteous to your parents suddenly become walk undutiful insolent you're not listening suddenly it was a good man masha'Allah respected man horrible person suddenly started to be well the other will need the opposite insulting a lot so Hanna without insulting his parents so sinful after he was obedient he would sever its kinship he will have very temper very very fast temper he would get really angry very quickly he will find also weakness general weakness in the whole body weakness human weakness is not ladies lazy not doing before he was not those are signs now how can I save myself from the magic how can I protect myself I haven't really gone to the stage where how can I treat myself ever got the magic how can I protect myself because the protection is the best before you get the disease number one notion whether it's October or a salon if you play shirk you're vulnerable whether it's the major or the minor so don't hang ambulance and tear wheeze and call upon Peter Sam and all of that number two avoid as much as you can all this is and if you sin repent to allah subhanahu wata'ala especially music Shaitaan likes music and putting images especially the ones which are like images of three-dimension in your house camels human beings and all of that clean your house because you want the angels of Rahman to come not the share clean of a beliefs whether we let her come number three Jumeirah prayer come to the congregation Shaitaan find you vulnerable if you pray on your own in the black cumin cardamom kasi the wolf goes to the Sheep pushes on its own so pray with a Chimaira pray the Jumeirah gives you more power and you will be as well more secure from the magic and the sorcery and as I said the social sometimes cannot do magic continue because of your powerful yet the prophet of Allah is the most powerful in man he had magic on him and he had removed the magic by the will of Allah by we were in seen each other in a minute too sewers were revealed only for the prophet of Allah Arabic and could other ominous it's because of the magic of lemon law some input in the process of sin and his tutor was revealed how powerful they are number four federal prayer on it's time you can do the Jumeirah mon-sol al Fedorov iijima of our reading metal is in the custody of allah well solid virgil he who prays the federal law in general will remember there is no German on his own his freedom machine custody one of car in the morning in the evening every morning wake up your car don't forget the money especially during the night and I could see very important the three holes so you break recite the verses and then that three times before asleep as protection but the door of the allahu under its rust on the profesor salami said a la una betoken be highly a malecon was kaha in the malika comb shall I inform you of the best of acts and the most sincere in the sight of your Lord in the sight of your king is Allah Subhan Allah and the one that elevates you in the highest ranks well are funny - Raja Tico hydraulic me in they're happy while you at it and it's better for you than spending in charity gold and silver well hey welcome and tell how I do a comfortable you are not oh well the Rabbinical even better than she had that is going to meet your enemies so that you strike their necks and they start your next you make a Shaheed is even better Benihana woman I said well yes tell us what is better he said the cool they remembers of a loss of Hannah what Anna also did was named a madman on the authority on the libel suit on the Aloha two men came to the fruitful source Ellen from the Bedouin this is a Messenger of Allah who is the best of the people he said the one blue man - hooray a tree in Jannah hundred years for the rider to cross it for the one whom his lifespan is being expanded and it's full of good deeds the other person said o Messenger of Allah the there are too many in Islam things and they are upon me and I want to make sure that I will do them properly so tell me something that I will hold on to it he said and to fiery cut dunya to depart this dunya while he sang hookah as I do listen you cannot even medically and your tongue keeps fresh with the remembrance of Allah Samaritan number six McDevitt call upon Allah he that wallah they were cool upon Allah American Allah for what has Allah would suffice just put your topic good so the person who is much I let me get delicate it does not so if something happens it could not Allah he's not ready Allah Allah will have suffice me he's not worried he lost the car is not worried he lost an Kerala at the sub bush beside the tamarod in the morning you take seven dates from the Tomorrowland especially if you are going to the land of magic Orlando lots of magic please forgive me brothers from Pakistan the ones who go to Pakistan and go to an area's most of the customers I seen them they come to Pakistan did you visit Pakistan India recently he comes with magic because there they see for example your red passport is general students a me so either they want you to take them around with you or they want your daughter or you want them to you want you to go and marry to their daughter you know Sammy so they put magic for you and the magic there is is cheap very cheap very handy you come to the person ok well it's about 25 rupees my guarantee 50 rupees guaranteed 50 repose he gives you a magic it will put that person down so make sure when you go to these places if you want to go there you protected seven dates from the dates of Allah do I know the hardwa there's two types of our addresses Medina and I will tell you you want not the agile Medina I'd little Ali because he said to Tamura Lila allowed you seven dates to medallion okay so there is a jeweler two types I drove the Medina as I drove the what Ali take from that that's why Spencer because of the hadith that if the problems are very expensive also avoid accompanying those evil people and if you've been invited to dodgy people be careful to either food be careful there might be what something in the food if you're not sure sure yes there are some sects who call themselves a Muslims they're worse in their magic than the others so for example you get the magic from the the so called Shia they are powerful they deal with more powerful Sharleen because their Cooper is more powerful the more core it is the more what powerful is a magic when the other building right now we're coming to how can I remove it I've got the magical me number one to know is the magic prophet of Allah in order for him to remove the magic from himself he had to know what is the magic so gibreel i makayley came and they started talking about were the magic was so he said that the magic done by libitum in lhasa and he was in mr. Machado comb and some hair and it was hanging into the will of rarity Quan in that when that will so I leave my battalion went there and he took it out suddenly took it out the prophet of Allah I was relieved and then also the person well he's I think what no you shouldn't be carrying gonna tell him but if he makes food oh and he prays and he calls upon Allah Allah will tell you other with your dream you'll have a dream something the magic may be under this and there is inshallah teach you some of some of the the things that is usual it is the case so when the person gets the symptoms of magic he gets closer to them where the magic is healing so you're finding for example in that area is having more trouble than another area that's a sign that magic is in that area okay so call upon Allah and you might see that magic in your dreams number one if the magic is to do with separating between a wife and a husband you'll find that magic in the bedroom in the pillow underneath the carpet okay or underneath the tile if it is to do with the magic for the whole family you'll find it on the dome at close to the dome and in the garden outside so the five moon enter the house okay now when you find that magic either is gonna be knots ropes or something like wrapped while you are taking it out you have to recite the Kuhns who Allah who I had allowable fella now gonna be nesters and blow into it blow into it so your nuts will be loosened very easily okay and then you have to loosen the nut after the knob goes these nuts they've got an assigned Shaitaan on it to fulfill what is being read upon it to do something so you when you do this you'll feel the person who's in under magic he's feeling something strange now that pain or that headache is gone so not after the nut and loosen them and if it's a paper now the best thing is to dip it into water to take the ink out if you can't then burn it but don't smell the outcome of that paper could be the magic in that ya toxin that's coming from the paper burning so keep it away burn it with recitation of the holes and lose your saliva to encounter the saliva the filthy one of the Shaitaan when the other will let number two this is something which is tried by the seller and even conceived talked about it which is seven leaves of the load what I can Sydal seven leaves and you grind them okay and you put them in a water and you're a suck on them and why are we that now are shaking I abandon the idol Chrissy I wash al granula he Mahalo he's not supportive of this because there is no trace but if we use it as a medicine not as a spiritual sneeze Quran and Sunnah like for example if I give you two three tablets from the let's say paracetamol your Nana say to me bring me an ayah brother Percy to Mulholland or not this is something to try it so seven leaves overload but the recitation that's where it comes you need to have what a proof to recite and then to blow to the water to drink but some of the self had used it there for one week and it will help and I'm saying this because it is documented in so many books of the rota it is beneficial but shaylen Bonnie says it Rehema to lolly that seven leaves yes but not the recitation for very the Koran is to be beneficial with that the water you just reach out on the person himself because he or AHIMA Holly said there is no better and more beneficial on the person who's under the magic in all of his magic to be removed then what has been revealed on to the prophet of Allah from the to Muhammad that in all around the rock and on our bourbon yes and also he says ayatul kursi third one hey Gemma hey Gemma is taking the oxidized blood the no healthy blood so if you know where the magic is where is the centered in the head the arm so prophet of Allah had gb/s said in passing upon him he says matically a german command you'll AMA to make the high jama cupping with cutting now prophet allah said if there is as she fair a cure in something then the she fires in three things one of them sheriff thought to me engine the cut of the hajima now it is very advisable to make the hegemony if you have high blood pressure would bring it down and you need to go to a person who is a skillful person who's making the high jama merciful with a swift nice very light hand then a person will make you three big lying like this the person was made a hegemony the first one he wasn't using me as a guinea pig he's cutting me and he had left three big lines on the back they stay for about two three years I remember they had gone hamdulillah was what my own blood brother by the way hey Gemma on the 17th and the 19th and the 21st of the lunar month profitable I said she fell on me coolly down it's a cue from all the diseases so those seventeen nineteen twenty first or any odd number from the the days of the month you have to avoid the following day which is an era is the disease were struck a Yubari Salem the Wednesday and their behalf and do not choose in particular days and Juma and acceptable a hat but if you had to do it and you must have had no problem but do not choose these days do not pick them so Wednesday avoid the best ship gemma is a leaf named at full affair alchemist listening Commission authority is the day where are you ready Salam was cured he was pure on the day overthrow that now the most of the diseases these days are because the people had left the Haeju well I have you got the high JAMA you'll find your illnesses a lot profesor Selim had made a German to other companions and so he had he had made the paper to make a JAMA to himself and he made as well the that person to make a JAMA to other companions also from the good things that the person can use is the following Zam Zam Zam Zam water you drink it okay the seven days that we mentioned will cure you from the magic of sorry protective from the magic and also a Curie from the magic so we talking about protection and also will kill you so and also from the poison so if you go to a land with his poison there take seven days it doesn't mean it take seven days and drink poison no no take the seven they send me talking upon Allah if you had been struck by this poison poisonous snake and channel I would not harm you right and had by so that the black seed very helpful the olive oil mentioned the Quran that he was a tune with Tina was a tune and also the honey very important there's a source codes for tonight the be okay the honey prophesy ami said three things I have to be the cure one of them is what honey the other one is what hey jammer the third one is what huh in Kenner she fell off her feet LF ketamine are very well and that is the cauterization when how I'm with the NK I don't like my Ummah to use the K which is the Coriolis it is essential right now this is as I said how to remove the Sahel now finally we talk about what is the punishment of the sorcerer the party of the sorcerer scholars are three opinions one opinion is that the sorcerer is being caught red-handed is that he's allowed to be having time for Toba if he'd mixed Toba is it accepted so it's to Taba to who no problem so some of the scholars whether this magic of his is to do with ko4 or just a magic of Swift hand and deception some the other scholars they said no if it is co 4 then we'll give him time to make a sativa but if it is not co 4 and he's a Muslim and he's making this magic as a swift town and all of that and he made magic he's not is not a kafir then the person who's in charge the one who's the Khalifa he's entitled to make a had on him had is not to do this de Tabac if you caught been for example as a thief there's no such thing earlier I repent we have to cut your hand ok same thing with the magic if you've been caught red-handed then there is a punishment some of the scholars like him a Malik and others says death the had the sir he'll not about to be safe is not highly sorry it's not authentic re that is the prescribed punishment of a soldier is one strike of a sword that's not authentic but if V Khalifa the author the one who's an authority had seen that this person has lots of damage in the community he might come out for him to be killed as a punishment the third opinion and that is there is no st tab all of those have to be killed whether he is making it a cover or not cover he will be killed and this is from imam ahmed and imam malik as we have said and the inclined opinion that we are inclined to it not because of the magic because of the knowledge we are inclined to the law that is if person he was doing it out of Co for then he will have time to his to Taba and he did not make his tea table he did not repent he would be killed as a kafir and as the other person who is not doing it for Co for then we say that he will be punished and that punished for him is to be prescribed punishment even worse to death yet he will be as a Muslim and be washed and prayed upon and buried in the Muslim cemetery right this is what some of the things that I've summarized as much as I can now is half past nine it's more than an hour of 15 minutes I would like you now to ask me but before you ask me please brothers I'm not here making an advertisement for myself to treat your magic no I'm a teacher okay so not these are my number but some magical that's not my field and I'm not gonna open that field it is a field that is it's an ocean if you go into it you might drown it's a lot it's a lot of money involved as well person can be a millionaire and I don't want to be a millionaire okay people should fear Allah the ones was giving rocky to the people I have seen them they're charging more than the source of a charge so these people go to the source alright in order to get what relief from the sorcery they will relieve him but he will have his own now effect on him she would come to him still going to the first sorcery sorcerer so you fear Allah as a person who's given rakia if you find your brother cannot afford it why you're asking him a lot of money I'm talking about a lot of money thousands he makes a thousand and date this person thousand a day better than a doctor yeah thousand a day more he traveled to another country okay fear a lie he takes about 200 an hour an optical engineer or what are your apply little masha'Allah a lot of money if it's a rich man is Bill Gates with him but if it's a person Muslim brothers almost some of them don't really some of them they stop to even make it taken the rocket because it's too expensive can't take it too much for them he would rather live with the illness rather than to go to the rocky because the rocky does not feel allies like a butcha with his life come on I'm gonna skin you financially of course nothing left with you type your questions please let it be targeted on to the subject I'll take from the first beginning for them that's the person if he find symptoms on himself do rocky on himself who shall he seek treatment from other shakes I cannot give a general fatwa Lagaan disease I would say each one is treated individually if this person he finds himself some of the symptoms of the rocket notice no problem that he does rocky on himself if he is knowledgeable in the rocket and also he needs to know that if things went out of control that he should stop and seek help for verily this magic can make a lot of bad effect that would last for a long time maybe a loss of memory may be a loss of your life maybe maybe a loss of your legs you can't even walk can't even speak can't even remember anything so be careful not any person I can you know read upon himself but if you can't you're not knowledgeable you don't know then I would say seek somebody's professional and the one who's professional is the one whom you think that he's sought a righteous person you think that he's masha'Allah is too Dean it's nothing to do with the money so he will not the first thing that without a brother how much you're gonna be paying me if he's like I like this don't go to him I the person he wants is listening to you he's listening to you he's listening to you okay and then you ask him how much brother D charge well it's up to you how much you're gonna give me it's a gift no problems a gift you give me okay so if you want that and this person should not exploit the situation by giving him something which is not in need of so he gives him honey he does not hint honey this honey is very good brother it costs 200 pounds of this honey 200 pound what is this made of what gold honey which type of me had extracted this honey 200 pounds I wasn't 200 pounds for one jar I'm not saying this money I didn't say like this 200 pounds for one jar of honey what is it what type of is a queen bee or what is it it's a normal B now well that's intellection general in general the major shirk is the shark that will not be forgiven in a lauhala are few and you should okay me Allah will not forgive the shirt which is Akbar what does she lack of our Sheikh Luqman could be in the load ship you are seeking other than Allah it could be in the worship you are seeking Allah but through somebody else it could be in the smell of Safed you could give somebody who is a person the knowledge of the right a certain asthma ossified that should occur it is unforgivable and it will take outside the fir trees now if it is not a quarter nice what is the Ocelot like RIA showing off not lots of showing off smooth showing up so a person praying and he's beautifying his prayer because people are looking at him he's praying to Allah that's kosher Islam person was putting two hours on his neck and he thinks that this tau is only benefit mother permission of Allah should cause her if he thinks that this time it will benefit without Allah once or not but nobody would believe like this oh he thinks a lot is the work but I'm putting this necklace those people who put the bracelet or the yes in the copper one for arthritis you've heard about this people bracelet is made of copper for arthritis for bones none have you seen anybody seen that yes lots of people seen that medically speaking this is nonsense there's no such thing the copper that would treat your limbs so this is culture castle because he had taken a cause a reason for healing which is not a reason that she'll cast iron good for the same thing go for Acapulco for oscar so every shirt every Co for Akbar is similar to share Akbar so every Co for Akbar is share government every shirk Akbar is Kovac or the shirk is more than a coffee go for his part of the shirt UNICEF go for Akbar let's go for asthma go for Luna cover so a person make a small Cove or not big cover like the person who's ruling bad on the nose of Allah and he knows Allah is the one who said the best of the rules and he's searching he making these rules and he believes a large roles allows are better but because of whims and desire he's an evil man but he cannot be a co for camera take him outside the whole of his lap okay and you could measure and do this on all of these acts as well okay now go for a coke over us the same thing she declared last lap in the question is the magic magic magic show in television david blunt this magic of they for example cameras or swift hand or cars you know the cars mean all the tricks by the way okay now watching them I would say very very harmful harmful to children they must go to this business because paying a lot of money harmful to you that you think that these guys got supernatural things but they're not it is actually something they trained as I said I say or a moonwalk Tessa it's a knowledge you study just talking studying to be an engineer you start give a musician okay honor this magic is the world which is to do with using chemical things and and Swift Han and cameras and sedation and hypnotism and all of that all the one which is the shape art just the co for both of me good learning when the other villain so this is Hara and this is shield Kumar so watching that why what for why want to watch it but to watch it for the sake of pointing at how lying he is no problem do you understand that so one of these people had sent me something to somebody called Criss Angel [Music] American I think he's and he is cutting a person into half okay and then the half me walking like this and the half is looking like that I said how naive you are look this is the camera to shows they cut it because you could find that there's a cut there and one of the clothes do you have to really look properly they can't make everything perfect before the camera the cloth of that woman was like this after the camera was like that see that means what two scenes they've done something between in between really put it together and what the photoshop you could do whatever you like and in one of the Gabbana the people's in fear Allah made me shake in the hands of Obama and mr. Ono who's that French Lee they're putting his hand on my shoulder a picture made out of it so what is he doing it allowed he took a picture of me and he sent me through the emails and he made me with the kings and the president's and it looked like I am with the Paladins I am I'm on my phone he took a picture of me on my phone and Obama is laughing with me and shaking my hand super handle a skinny I said the fear Allah you know hypnotism hittin ISM is type of magic definitely don't go to optimism optimism is two types one of them which is the spiritual one the co ferocity and the other one is to do with putting you solution you know sedation like I've seen a very funny dentist in India somebody sent it to me he does hypnotism but his way so he goes to the old guy and he does some things to his neck like this like this and up and down like this and after and then brings the pair of pliers he's five teeth together and then he puts the piece of cotton masha'allah drop opportunism do you know send me so he had actually done something his neck the guy did nothing one two three put five tooth out and then he put in that don't go to the dentist you're not sure is it true or not you don't know no cameras no we have given a full lecture about my evil eye and MV we said not every MV is evil eye but every evil eyes and MV and it's linked because the evil eye transmits like laser light to the person who's had even evil or IED and he will affect him by the permission of Allah so hard so it is linked so you find for example a person having three things in him magic possession and evil eye the three together and that's the worst so the evil eye we have to make a wash from the person had evil did who eyed him to give it to him and then for the possession we have to read or an and Quran or Quran to get him out and the magic we have to find whether it is really the worst this is the worst case he's got three things he has to make dua to Allah to help him Malaya DS is a big dilemma so that's why the first thing we tell the person under the magic to say has to be Allah WA Nimal wakil diamond Sahara Lee I seek in a loss hand refuge to help me against the one who I put magic on me o Allah make me to be what defeating the person what has to be Allah you are lots of fighting huh you know this person why does he want harm to you whether the sorcerer or the one who paid for the sorcerer to put the Harmonia when the other will miss his life hell there's no enjoyment whatsoever true or not you forgot you've cost you I did not put magic on your brother don't worry if we remember it's a problem I'm gonna hang another yes magically be business a big business say it's a big business magic because the Sahara to around what what did they want how can they do between business you mean like to make a business bad how can I protect you well as I said all of this protection the same thing that car of yours protect you on your business and it's the business all of that you say bismillah everything bismillah and everything you start bismillah but as I said the magic allows I really had put an effect if you do something you can end up with a result so these people need put magic this magic will take place but the permission of a lots to be there so it might affect your business of course and not just magic as well evil eye sometimes the magic that will let no customers to come to you no customers this something they are preventing them either burning of incense which is ugly to make people keep away from you from you so you have to seek Allah's help always put your hands in the hands of Allah has to be a lot of and sahari these people don't fear Allah so it you're something that you want to share with us you've got something no ok hear each other in the grades of somebody they could do that if they have got something out of you in the gray they might dig the grave and take that thing from you from from that thing let's say for example you left something from yourself into that body but to use that body in to listen to you no we can't do that but it has to be traced from you a trace from you either your your scarf your underwear your vest your hair okay your nails you cut them live in laughter it yeah yeah unless you go to the graveyard itself if you don't go this Agreement affect you if you personally if you're happy because they will always put it in the area where you hang about will you hand them out what do you hang about they put it there next okay but then if it took something a trace of you they might put it in grief in the grave of your father or your mother might because the why did they put it in the will and the graves and because they wanted to be as fresh as possible because once this dries they need to renew it when you put it again it has so every time the wind shakes it you feel the magic going worse on you feel even some needles going to you but yeah they will have some of them for what are the women's you had to add like something is poking here and they found that in that magic there was like needles every time they move she feels like needles stick in here these people were like one of the magics it's being caught there it costs ten million reals that's about 1 million pound or 2 million pound it's as big as this wall ok paper all the share thing names on it then million or 1 million I remember maybe 1 million sorry maybe one in the area but it's a big one made is be caught there is there in the Saudi Arabia people who have been assigned by the government to go and search for the magic so they're magical finders and they're very good very good they've got a thority no further left it no problem to dispose you don't have to bury your nails nor you to bury your hair if you think that there is no way that somebody is around you're gonna do that because not every person is vulnerable so you have to know once you get married you can have mother-in-law's other families I have to be careful now be careful not to say that again anything needs the mother and lo but I'm just saying do you know Sam it's not gonna be your mother's gonna meet Mac magic on you normally nor it's gonna be your brothers it's gonna be somebody from the outsiders so I'm not gonna say to you please hide your nails from your mother and your brothers okay once you put them in the bin Dagon and then I'm gonna search into the big bin and go out to the bin man whose nails belong to this there having got forensic evidence okay they're not you know but as I said if a person was dodgy if you let him inside the house watch him so if somebody gets keep yourself behind him if he's a woman let your wife through your mother behind him hi bind them to know what she's gone gone to the toilet search the toilet might leave something there you know Sammy so she'd be behind her but if somebody's not dodgy and everyone you know but evil I can take place even from the closest of the people evil I can take place even from the father to his own son or vice versa because you did not say masha'Allah Tabarrok a lot and he had got him with the evil eye straightaway so nails in places like this I would you know cut them from not my place not in my house outside okay cut them in out sides they're not in my house so they're gonna be in the bin because they gonna search my bin for those things gonna search into my bin some hair than exposing outside in places which are you think they are okay so I don't want you to be now extra cautious and be now much worse in what's what's that miss person watching me this person huh paranoid yeah paranoia yes I don't hit me like this but Inc places like that if we watch now trouble leave that to me please again these go psychology problems okay okay so this person psychologically speaking is not sound and he could be shaken or committed a crime is he gonna be responsible well first of all these two parts of it the governmental part the life part we killed somebody you're gonna ask her are you in full control yourself or not the second part which is Allah Allah knows if this person is completely shut or is able to control that's between him in Allah as the governmental world I'm in stop for me they're gonna check and they're gonna ask expertise is this guy hunger personal his illness is there or not dinner Sammy Allah are them so let's just have a last questions father you remembered are you sure bye let him before he forgets for them no no no wonder he it is permissible to make not permissible swear chip to make dua against that the source of it may Allah treat them what they deserve may Allah keep their evil away from us may Allah make their plot against themselves trouble free masons and magic you have free masons and magic no maybe when you go with them inside but as in their magic the magic is that they make people think there are charities but are not charities but maybe inside once you go into their rituals who are them what do they do more than magic o allah o most re-play father a condom parrot movie magics place in my hands my new move house ah if this magic was in a house and you moved to another house does that I cannot really answer the question it could be could be not most likely their magic will not be the same effect most likely if you move from one place to another but this person who put the magic in that house he will follow you and put that magic again in that house there was a person who were you talking about and he is an X Y Zed country in could say he's the company because you don't know him in Germany and he used to have in a place magic I can't even stay in the house he stays at work I can't even enter his house he came to me and I read up on him and I knew what his mistake so move house so he moved house stayed for about a year or so masha'Allah then afterwards come back again so the guy he followed him he moved place for the third time I don't know what happened to him now okay so the definitely the effort will not be the same huh no to what I believe the magic is done by the ones from the insiders gentleness army very close to him closer than that now [Music] Gorton's virgins Oh mashallah so if you ask the mother's name what do we say if any person asked the mothers what is he surah straightaway so he's saying good Jin sha Allah you know when you work people people that we see them do we know that they're good or not good do we know them if I know I do I know you're good dude oh I'm good you don't know me I don't new you so if I am speaking to somebody I can't even see him how can I know he's good or not good I don't understand that I'm just saying you didn't sign me I met you now you don't know if you're good at I'm good no no so these people they say they treat with good genes yes how do they know this good genes that's number one did the prophet of Allah do that did the Companions do do that the followers to do that started to making good genes brother who is speaking to my friend from a good gin there was a person he's taking advantage of the people who's the kid lucky and because the kid he had made himself to be person who's got extra power extraordinary powers if you got something wrong you come to his house and he have to bring some water as well everybody verson comes with a pani water like this goes inside and he will make the good jeans no better angels to make an operation upon him that's even better huh see put him in a room and he said now the Angels will operate on you well I started with an idiot - idiot three idiots if you bring other idiots customs be customs you know Sammy so when they say well I was cured are he so the person who I'm gonna be cured as well because the people who are drowning they don't mind to hook themselves into an ash you know like a haystack to hold him someone's gonna drown good so these people they heard something it'll go to him no they have queues of people the guy's grown up now simile you mean money are these people angels or making the operation so it goes inside outside Hamas maybe and I just call him you know come here and instead of having operations in it no sedation nothing just and people they believe so there's no such thing brother good gene that TV that you watching don't watch it okay sues for fifty times alright one day a brother came to me and it's a very good problem Steve me know what my son little baby lie he cries and I recite on him short man his kids quiet so it's talking you know is I said so if it is so typical I would not be quiet you know Sammy one sorta like man why man you be quiet but not buckle a dozen be quiet but I longer I think he would be bored and just to make him thinking just pleased how he started think now he's making sure your hand in a rock man makes baby cry somebody else no yes he makes maybe me cry now this guy's is 50 times this surah 30 times the surah where did you get this woman tell them what did you get is not you how do you know that this is Dean to recite it 50 times and 40 times and 30 times you making Sharia Dean either Ghibli I still am is given now revelation to you you are a prophet and there's no prophet after prophet muhammad's Ursula oh you are taking advantage of these people were fooling and the camera is helping yunjin by the way they'll make acts by the way sometimes the gwang-soo guys calling is an actor he's an actor one of these sorcerers which we have seen on TV and it's been exploited his phoenix explode and I'm sorry he's been pointed out by somebody who was shaved mashallah look and they were did that this call is calling and she's a lady she calling you know I am a Christian woman and Irina watching your program this was and I'm really a he said you are a true believer you are masha'Allah you are a Christian lady and Christianly gonna be watching Muslim sorceress what is this you are the one who smoke Mina your Eman is true Eman your love must aah so all of it act so don't believe those people who are calling that they'd be cure and these people say fifties they he is a source of a hundred percent asking for the mother's name and giving numbers which has no basis just like this do you understand that bro what is that TV called lemoncello slam it slam channel Islamic channel oh the Islamic channel there are Islamic stylish or not muslims by the way like new TV heard about new routine you should call it Val on TV no room is light and alarm is darkness Allah Allah t this person good like this and everybody's cured through the TV Wi-Fi people believe alarmist and I you must cautionary diarrhea critically whilst in the back trouble and magic everybody's got psychological yes that's very important I said at the beginning might talk autonomy where he or not at the beginning of my talk there are the regarding energy three groups one goes to the extreme of saying there's no magic the other one brother got a stomachache you are under magic a goddess to play got her arm under magic impose match upon him there is no magic yes there are some psychological problems and even physical problems they do have the effect of a person who's caught black magic I'll give you if you have inflammation in the colon the upper part of the column you act like a person is under magic they start having bad breath coming out enough he's having to have like for example this hallucination even bad dreams and all of that and it's actually physical problem it's not a spiritual problem and it's very important that person you're going to is not after your money because he will put magic on you said oh you're got magic for that you have to redirect it and give it up your okay there's nothing happening but anyway if it's true here it will be beneficial will not be harmful okay probably harmful but there are people put magic and jinn you're possessed you mean possessed because you are shaking it could be having but Parkins here for example any disease on the hotel Adam some Hannah Columbia hammock I should understand was a kimono here
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
Views: 4,807
Rating: 4.9104476 out of 5
Keywords: salafi, masjid, glm, green lane, mosque, abu usamah, anti isis, terrorism, zakir, naik, arifi, fawzan, sheikh, shaykh, ahsan, hanif, assim, hakeem, wajdi, yahya, ibrahim, peace, tv, saudi, arabia, syria, child, jinn, possession, quran, mishari, taha junaid, mishary, sunnah, emotional, makkah, lecture, refutation, debate, powerful, islamic reminder, islam, allah, muhammad, qadhi, mufti menk, sudais, fiqh, aqeedah, barelwi, sufi, deobandi, nauman, ali, khan, yasir, sami yusuf, nasheed, hadeeth, arabic, bidah, shirk, grave, death
Id: GIa-_ZZ_cQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 52sec (6172 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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