Mage Knight - Live tutorial and playthrough

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and good afternoon everybody we are live if you could hear me and see me in the chat please let me know that everything is working fine as usual the chat thing has stopped working again so yeah nevermind I'll remove that for now but yeah if you can hear me and see me okay in the chat please let me know that everything is working fine my name is Paul Grogan and today I am going to be doing what feels like it was my destiny to do this is major night this is my number one favorite game of all time and I've got a whole history about this game which I won't go into here but it without this game I wouldn't be where I am now sounds a bit overdramatic but that's kind of how it is yeah this game is he's a very much a big important part of my gaming history and what led me to to do what I'm doing with in gaming rules right now so can you see the chat and people are saying it's okay excellent right fantastic so what today's video is gonna be is a three player tutorial and playthrough video of mage night and what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be doing we're gonna be following the game walkthrough so if you are an experienced major night player and you wanted to see three people take on the full conquest in the next six hours come back next noon when I hooked these players on this being an amazing game and they want to play more today we're gonna be going through the game walkthrough this is specifically designed for new players who know nothing about the game okay so yeah I'm joined today by Rick you can see on camera we've also got Nilsson and Vashti that are not on camera today but they are here and the way that this game works you like a lot of the other videos that I've done where I will deliver a full tutorial at the start and then we'll play that's not what this is this walkthrough manual will take you through the game step by step we're going to probably be about two hours those two hours are going to be all learning because the rules are going to be fed to you as a certain things happen today not going to get all of the rules up front you're not for example gonna find out what those skill tokens do until about 45 minutes into the game because you actually don't to know what they do at all so the first scenario is first reconnaissance is a special scenario and there are certain rules for this scenario we don't apply to the main game for example if we were playing a full game at the start of the game we would create a spell offer of three spells we would create an advanced unit advanced action offer of three cards he specifically says don't do that for this game okay okay because what will happen these players will be looking over looking at the pretty pictures reading all of the text and go and what does this do right so normally when you play the game there are extra things that you would do which we're not doing for this first of all also these tiles have been seeded these are in numeric order that's for this scenario only normally you would shuffle them and it would be random what comes out so again it's a step by step board room right I'm now going to switch over to the 3k the the multi-camera setup is the chat working yes the chai is working right yes and thank you to everybody for joining in on the chart and I can actually see it now excellent Matthew say yo hands here David is here Christine is here awesome right getting warm through so interestingly enough the game comes with a rulebook and a walk through the rulebook we don't need literally you do not learn how to play this game with the rulebook it sounds odd that rulebook is all of the rules of the game but they're written in a like a bullet point fashion and they don't make any sense at all unless you actually know how to play the game from the war through so anybody who buys the game should literally put the rulebook back in the box and start with the game walkthrough and it takes you through it okay there's a whole load of flavor at the start up normally I read out flavor I'm not going to because it's quite a lot but it tells you a bit of the backstory basically you are all major Knights make notes are complicated powerful beings we don't try and understand what motivates them but essentially the first reconnaissance is a sorority's your first assignment as a make knife you have been ordered to travel to an unknown part of the atlantean Kingdom map it and locate its capital which is this you're going to find the blue okay for now all the counts done with the void that is all of the that is all that the council of the void asks you any treasure knowledge and fame that you gather during this quest is yours to keep now major night is a game which can be customized in a number of different ways it can be played competitively it can be played cooperatively he's arguably the best solo game accidently ever designed he never designed it as a solo game but he told you would be the best solo game ever we're playing the competitive version today so there is gonna be a winner and this is tracked on the Fame board here this is the fame track you've each got a little marker at the start the faint right now whoever has the most flavor at the end of the game is declared the winner although it's competitive the amount of player ranked player interaction in this scenario is actually minimal right you're not going to be attacking each other you're not really going to be interacting with each other in many ways apart from your turn order somebody might get somewhere before you do okay that's really the only way if you want to play the game with a more competitive outlook on it there is a PvP option in the rules as a variant right all right I have played this game about 50 times I have never used the PvP variant so you can still play the game competitively without pvp pvp introduces rules where players can actually attack each other but that's not that's a variant that you can use for the game that's not part of the game it's interesting because some people say you should always play with PvP and other people say never ever play with people so really what what is this thing yeah one of the reasons I like this game is that you can customize it to your taste and every option works you've just got anyway right this arrow is designed for two to four players although never play maze night before it's a bit long there's a bit to move down time and people generally say don't play with four so even though the game goes up to four five with the expansion it is strongly recommended not to okay very very high-level overview of what what the game is it's divided into rounds each round is half a day so we're going to start playing in round one which is the daytime at the end of round one it's not is there nighttime and round two will be nighttime round three will be daytime round four will be nighttime etc etc yeah a full game of this is six rounds so it's day night day night day night maze no don't sleep they're not normal people these major nights they are special super-powered characters today's game is probably going to last two rounds maybe a little bit into the third you might do it in two rounds if you don't do in two rounds you'll do it fairly soon into the third round okay okay just to give you an idea each round is subdivided into terms the turn order truck is here I'm gonna run demise these in a minute but basically this player will take a turn then this play will take a turn then this player then this player then this book and you keep doing that okay each of you has a deck of cards so you have 16 cards they are your cards they have your character icon in the top right give me an idea of those cards 14 of those cards are identical so you we have exactly the same face deck at 14 cards there are two cards in that deck with you with the artwork is your character right okay they are your special cards we tweak that character in a little bit because they all do work slightly differently but it's those two cards so 14 of those cards are exactly the same as everybody else you will go through that deck once during the round so there is a deck building elements of this game but you do not automatically shuffle your deck when it runs out okay when your deck is run out that is it for you for that realm right the other players if they still got card left they carry on playing but when you've run through your cards the round is over for you so you're really going to go through in a full game you're going to go through your deck six times right that's it okay but as I said there's a deck building element to it you'll be adding cards to your deck which is one way that your heroes can improve skill tokens level ups all of that will happen as well speaking of level ups you have these series of level counters here yep so what I'd like you to do is have a look at them one of them on the front is blank I don't want you to put that one this side up in front you hear this is a command token this means that you can command one unit okay the other tokens I'd like you to stack them face up in level order so that nine to ten at the bottom yeah seven to eight on top of that five to six on top of that yeah three to four and then wanted to and then you put onto your character card Dave saying this is better than Saturday morning cartoons excellent so you are all level Bob you can see your level one because you're on the first row of the fame track here so you're all level one which means you have an armor value of two and a hand size of five that means when you level up to level two you've still got two armor and you've still got out size of five but when you go to level three your stats improve and this flips over and becomes under the command oaken right okay which means you can command more units again first in arm you know you're probably going to get to level three maybe four full game you're going to get to level seven eight nine ten and you're under commanding a massive army right so that's that what else we got you've got your finger you've got your skill tokens skill token distribution fault yeah your deck can be shuffled right map tiles this is where we're all gonna start all of your figures are here on the portal let's see if we'll all fit on this is where you've arrived and your objective is to find the city so although it's a competitive game you have a shared objective which is find the city you find the city you win you're gonna win right in terms of the objective of the game but it's whoever's got the most Fame at the end okay there's actually two sides to this depending on which scenario you're playing first reconnaissance with three players uses this side and if you look at the coastline you can imagine that this coastline goes along here and goes along here so the map is actually going to be laid out in a wedge formation and the game goes on and what we do is we're going to populate the first two spaces with the first two titles from the deck this is during setup and remember these are in a specific order only for this mission so we have number one and these are always laid out with the same orientation so the circles and the stars must match up one goes there two goes there okay so imagine there's a coastline there there's a coastline there so you can't you can't go off exploring here for example mm-hmm okay they are the first two tunnels there [Music] right and what did we go we've got a whole load of things there's certain things that we need to put on the board right now and that is these sword symbols represent all coms kha n right they are rampaging ravaging the enemies that if you kill them people will be happy about it because they go around causing trouble so the game comes with a whole stack of these counters now this is using the ultimate edition of the game but we have removed all of the ones from the three expansions that came with the game we just plain the basic basic game so whenever you draw a terrain tile or a long time whatever the call with one of those symbols on we actually take the top time from here and we put it face on through there okay they have been shuffled okay bit more because we have to the same there which is forming a little bit of variation now all of these green tokens are not the same power level I'm going to go into these in a lot more detail later on but the number at the bottom and the red banner is the fame value if you kill them okay so these are both worth 2 which means they should be the same power if we drawn one that was worth 3 it would be a tougher opponent right okay the green ones are the easiest ones the other colors will come out later on they get progressively harder this is a village this is a magic blade this is a green crystal mine and this is a link okay so that is the that is the initial setup now the city that you're trying to find is in these bottom three it's somewhere there I have chosen one of the cities at random you're not supposed to know which one it is but I'm putting it here is the blue one and it was shuffled into these so there's there's a City tile and there are two non city tiles right it's somewhere down at the bottom right now we've done the player setup we've explained where everything is we've got the tile deck here we've got all the decks here that I'll explain as we go along we've done the initial positions and we've explained the little wedge map now the rule book at this point actually goes into an explanation of all of the cards I'm not gonna do that just yet but what I am gonna do is I'm gonna take the unique cards so unique cards come in normal units and elite units and we're actually going to create the unit offer which I think you do at the start of the game unit offer yeah so we're gonna take the normal units we're going to give them a shuffle a certain point in the game we switch to using these ones okay but the start of the game we shuffle these and we place them out in a unit offer and I'm going to apologize in advance if I get a rule slightly wrong I will correct it hopefully during play but I think you get two more than the number of players I am just gonna check that now regular units as there are players and then add two more and for the first game at least one of them should have that little icon on there we keep does okay and in fact I'm just gonna swap these around just so we've got that one with that icon those two with that icon those two with that icon so as long as one of the units has that icon on again only for this scenario normally you would just shuffle them and lay them out tactics count the achievements players hero card we've done all of that we've done the player area I mentioned how you win which is having the most Fame there is end of game scoring too which is this achievement card I'll come on to this more later on but there is endgame scoring for doing certain things during the game okay this is the day-night board these are manna dice again we have two more dice than the number of players in the game so we have five dice and what we have here is we have all of the different terrain types that are in the game and the movement cost depending on whether it's daytime or nighttime now May night has a reputation for having lots of rules that are exceptions and people go oh it's too complicated I find all of the exceptions in this game really easy to remember because they're thematic so if you're moving through a forest during the daytime it costs you three movement points rather than two to move through land but at nighttime if you've ever tried ringing through a forest at night it costs five yeah don't make sense yes desert during the day is hot you have to keep stopping so he comes five moving points to move through a desert during the day but at night time it only cost you three so that's that's that Lake you can't move through and mountains you can't move through so that what that there is the movement cost for all the different terrain types I see on the board this here this is known as the source what we're gonna do at the start of each round is we roll all the dice in the source and that is the manner that is available right now the six different types of manna in the game there's the four basic colors which is red blue green and white then there is gold which is special and there's black which is special during the day Gold is a wild card okay and black can't be used no black he's not a wild card black can only be used at night and he can only be use for a special purpose that's one of the things people get confused by this gold is a wild card during the day but they're not black he's not a wild card now what's going to happen is as as the round goes on these diets are going to get rear old anything that's black he's actually depleted it can't be used so as the day is going on more and more dice are gonna get rolled and the source is gonna deplete at manna which is quite cool things so we've started off already we've won depleted on that's the manna dice and that's a quick mention about the basic manna colors first round of the game so before we start up the first round I am gonna randomly determine brick top middle or bottom what is a hot spot not a husband huh middle middle is red okay now that isn't turn order so there's something that happens at the start of each round and that is you choose your tactics cards we have 12 type TS cards in the game six for the day time six for the night time so put these here and what's gonna happen now for those people who so in the order in which we have just chosen that is the order in which you're gonna choose tactics cards but the number on the tactics cards is actually going to determine your to an order for the whole of this round right so if you really want it to go further right now you choose this one with no special abilities this is this is the most powerful one okay but you're going to be going last yeah this is done at the start of each round so we're really gonna do this probably twice today maybe three times okay this is going to determine your turn order for the whole of the first round okay have a read through them if there's any that you're not sure about because we haven't actually explained any of the rules of the game yet before you choose tactics you can draw five cards so you draw up to your hand size and we're gonna be flown with open hands tonight I am missing messages in the chat so I'll just let you guys talk amongst yourselves so yeah you've got your five opening cards in your hand yeah skipping ahead a little bit just to let you know what's gonna happen on your turn you can play one or more cards from your hand but any that you don't play you can keep or discard this isn't like normal deck builders where you play all the cards and you have that then go on you can choose which cars to play and which ones to keep okay okay which is really the game would not work with it without that so early-bird you'll go first but no special abilities rethink allows you to discard up to three cards from your hand and and draw replacements and shuffle the ones you didn't want back into your deck really really good obviously if you don't know the game yet and you don't know whether the cards you've drawn are good bad or indifferent I'll go through them in a minute mana steel is quite clever so again skipping ahead a little bit every turn you may use one die from here in order to power one of your cards and make it better what mana steel does is when you take this card you steal one manner from the source and put it on that card and that basically means that only you can use that one okay so we can metaphor the people but it can also be like oh look is it a basic manner yeah of a basic color you're like oh there's a red there I really need it red at some point I'm gonna choose that tactic and I'm gonna steal the red nobody else can use it okay yeah planning once you've got one if you've chosen this as a tactic then at the end of every turn if you've got at least two cards in your hand you draw as if you're handling it was one higher which effectively means draw an extra card okay great start immediately draw two cards so your first turn is going to be good because you're gonna have seven cards in hand instead of five and the right moment is really awesome but it is that he isn't it does mean you'll go last is one time this day you can announce that you're going to take two turns consecutively okay so that's what the initial tactics do Rick chooses first if you've got any questions like all the cards in my hand good for the current situation cards yeah this is where if you knew how to play the game you don't actually be working out exactly what you're gonna do and round the bottom yeah right now because we have some enemies here so one of you might want to go to the enemies and try kill them we have two villages you can go to the villages and you can recruit right now you can only recruit these that's what this little icon means as they like on indicates where you can recruit them so right now the only thing that's available to be recruited at the peasants if you wanted these you want to be going only intern order get into the village and recruiting these recruiting these cost influence right for influence if you don't have a card in hand that produces for influence okay right then you're not going to be able to recruit people you got yeah yeah you've got promise number of the top and the bottom yeah so every card has a top effect in a bottom effect you you can play it for the top effect no matter what you want to play for the bottom effect you have to power it up using mana okay so I mentioned you can use one mana dice from here each turn so if you played that powered by that that would be a tactful they can anyone else use that manner that will then get rear old at the end of your turn and put back here so yeah which of those tactics cards do you want obviously if you're teaching this to your friends at home you'd probably want to explain more of the rules before you say but we're kind of just going to jump into it today and have a great start okay so you take this your tactic chosen right Ashley Oh Nora West to give you your official title which tactic card would you like planning okay so that just stays in front of you so this is interesting you could go first by choosing if you want to go last gold is a wild because we're during the day and when it says ranged attack threes at three right so raised attacking this game no ranged attack just basically means you get to shoot them before they hit you right okay okay it doesn't mean that the combat can be done at range on the map right okay so in order to attack anything we would need to move into its hex not these the rules for attacking is slightly different these enemies because they run paging enemies yeah there's actually two ways to attack them you can either be on an adjacent hex and say I'm going to attack them as my action or if you just move around near room make a lot of noise they come in it at you so you don't even after I think it's called challenge them you don't have to do that you could say if I move from there to there they actually attack you and now counts as your action for the turn and to give you an idea whether you think you can kill them or not you need to play attack cards of this value or higher so this has a three armor if you play attack three or attack four or whatever that will kill it remember the top that's hitting you right and if you don't play block cards if that value you're going to start taking damage right so a ranged attack three would ready to attack takes place so that the sequence of combat is ranged attacks first yeah then they hit you yeah then they deal damage to you if you didn't block them and then you attack them right so range the type will basically allow you to shoot them before they get to you quick now of warning that has the fortification or icon immune to ranged attacks don't attack that one with ranged attacks so again we're playing with open hands yeah so you wouldn't see what the other people have got but you have promising hand yeah you might want to go first go to a village and recruit the peasants okay potentially so I could move yeah you would need and you need to get into the village yeah that would be to four you need six movement boys to get there or one two three four five six seven eight nine movement points to get there so yeah if you can generate six movement points and four influence but need to mana so there is another rule about playing cards any card can be played sideways for one move one base attack one influence and something else that I can't remember clock look yes I could use manager or you could use so I say you need six moving points oh yeah yeah man yeah so I could go for the Man of Steel yeah well Man of Steel allows you to actually use to a turn anyway Oh does it yeah okay cuz you steal one where you can use any point so there you go don't do you take Man of Steel as a tactic yeah which of these do you want to steal can't be the gold one right okay so yeah I think I think we're ready for round one right so we've reorganized these based on the cards that you've taken so gold oops is gonna go first then no robust then air Athiya okay and we have the first turn of the game now because we're playing with open hands obviously we're gonna I'm gonna get you two to watch what's going on carefully but you also want to be thinking about what you want to do on your turn and this is one thing that really helps with the down time in this game is with three players what's recommended is that you take your turn yeah and you talk through exactly what you're doing step by step we've rigged watching you like a hawk because it's easy to make mistakes it's easy to forget that right so literally you will talk through your turn and explain everything you're doing Rick would be watching while vashti is funny okay so you would be planning your turbine while you're taking your turn and you're watching okay and then on your turn you'd be watching your plan your turn and actually there's very little down time if you play like that in a three-player game so for the first turn we're going to go through your toes so you can basically move yeah and then do an action right in that order so you can't do an action and then move you can't move to an option and then move it's you do all your movement yeah and then you do one action an action is only the fight or interact okay and that's it so so and you can play one or more cards from your hand so if I play those two cards so if you play with the mana so you played the stamina card powered by the mother yeah for move four yeah and then you play swiftness for move - yeah so there's move six yeah okay yeah and then we move six so two moving points to move through clear terrain yeah so gold X rushes off six okay so what you've done is you've actually moved into like the threat zone of this that's fine moving into it he's okay yeah moving out of it he's okay if you were moot if you were to move from one adjacent eggs to another adjacent X it would attack you okay okay now the other thing I'm going to explain is Bonnie's exploring exploring you need to be on a hex adjacent to the edge and spend two movement points to explore right so if you had to movement points left at this point which influencing so interacting interacting is one of the things you can do in a village there's actually three different things you can do in a village the first one is you can try and recruit the east by spending influence points another one is that you can heal if you were wounded nobody's wounded yet in fact there is a reference card there's a reference card for everything in this game so we're at the village you can recruit you can heal plundering I'm going to mention in a minute but every location on the board has a corresponding card which reminds you of all of the rules so all these rules that are in my head thankfully they're all on these reference cards everywhere you go is mentioned on one of these reference cards so yeah we're now in a village so if you can generate for influence okay so thank yous the gold yeah use the gold as a wild card yeah and play promise yeah so you're gonna make him a promise you've got four influence yep you can recruit these now that influence is modified by your reputation okay we have a reputation track here everybody's reputation right now he's in the middle which is not but let's say your reputation was here then you've got a inherent plus-one influence whenever you interact okay because word has spread that you're quite nice yeah if you do not nice things and if you're ever on the eggs you just can't interact they just they just hate you so much so this is your reputation track everybody starts off on zero you've now got these peasants this is a unit okay so that goes underneath your command token or below your command token you can't have another unit okay if you were to recruit another unit right now you can but it would replace the peasants right okay okay so what the peasants do the textbox below yeah read those horizontal lines as if they were all yeah so we can either attack or lock - or influence - or move - and when you use it you spend it that can't the unit in the house spent it's not for a turn for a render around okay yeah so amazed all right super powerful they can keep going all day all night units do one thing a day one thing during the name one thing at night right they can also be used to take wounds in combat but we'll get to that when we and this unit offer does not refresh until the start of the next round okay okay so there are right now there are no more units that can be recruited in a village we are done okay you've moved yeah you've done an action yeah would you like to now discard any of the other cards from your hand or are you happy with them I think I've discard the threat because you don't think you're gonna be influencing for the rest of this day that was a leading question you're probably not that is probably the right move okay and this is one of the skills in the game is knowing do discard that card because remember you're only gonna go through your deck once right that is a card gone ball for every card you've got rid of you gonna draw back up to your hand sighs yeah so by getting rid of it you have more chance of drawing extra cards that you want then you pull down you just gonna pile yep you put those cards on your yeah we can get rid of that now because you've kind of used it so we don't really need that anymore and then you read roll those dice and you pop them back into the source so we have a blue we have a red okay that is the end of your turn but I'm going to mention the third thing that you can do in a village and that is plunder and the reason I'm mentioning now is plundering happens when it's not your turn okay which might seem a little odd but what Lodge has done he's designed the game to try and reduce the downtime so plundering is something you now may plunder that village at some point before your turn again right because what it does is it reduces your reputation by one and you draw two cards okay and the reason why this is done when he's not your turn is so that you can then you can literally do it now and then you can be planning ahead right so if you want it to oh yeah you don't drop the answers do that first yeah and now if you wanted to plunder the village you could have a look at the cards in your hand have a think about what you might want to do next turn yeah what a plunder you can go ahead and do it right meanwhile Nora was the other thing to mention about movement this is really important is once you can move through other people if the PvP rules are not turned on which they're not you cannot end your turn on a hex occupied based or the players so you can't go to this village now and recruit you wouldn't want to anyway because there are no unique left to recruit but if there were you couldn't because Gold X is there and he's mighty presence once everybody else off magic glades magic glades do two things yeah okay I thought there was a card for everyone but I can't seem to find my D plays I know what they do they do two things one if you start your turn on a magic blade and it's daytime you get one of these this is a gold Manor you go it goes here yeah you can spend it on your turn if it's still there at the end of your turn you lose it okay okay so it's temporary temporal Maps while yeah and if you start your turn on a magic blade during the daytime if you end your turn on a magic blade you can remove it's actually the game term is throw away a wound card from either your hand or from your discard pile right so they are healing places but they also are a source of magic so yeah that's what they do this is an interesting space here because what you can do is you can move here fight this take a bit of damage but then because you're on a Glade automatically heal one of those damage and then next to them get a free gold manor so this space is actually a really good space if you wanted to attack that the complexity grows nicely through the game is not that overwhelming with the epic fights in the end yes yeah if we were to explain now how the city combat worked nothing nothing against you it would be yeah the way that this game is is a he grows in complexity as we go along okay have you decided whether your plundering yet so what that move me to - what it would move you they would zoom in space yeah movie to the next space down okay you go around and steal some people's stuff yeah then just draw two cards okay so no muss no fighting you've no influencing from here which means you can do the thing at the bottom yeah which is more moving pretty much yeah now there's a crystal mine here if you end your turn on a green crystal mine you will get one of these but you actually put it here okay so these tokens are interesting but some people don't like this and I think it's genius they're either manner if they're here order a crystal if they're here okay so the same token is used for mana or a crystal depends on where it is yeah the difference is mana will disappear at the end of your turn crystal would you keep you put them in your backpack what does a crystal do you can use it as manner so it is like there's a one-off you please a worn off use and your backpack can actually hold three crystals of each color and they can never be gold or black crystals gold and black mana only ever exist okay so London here and getting a green crystal is quite good because then you've got effectively a the green manner whenever you want to use it for at some point during the game okay and if you've no fighting you've no move then that's probably what you want to do okay you don't have any fight at all which means you're gonna draw some yeah because you know that there are five cards in that deck they're just going to come out at some point so yeah to get here you can take this way around which is five movement or you could go that way which is six movement always use a manner from the source if you come the green if you put your cards that you're playing so that's you know three of them so actually taking one your options now I'll place them in front of the two movement or you might want to keep that because movement is really valuable remember any card can be played sideways for move one so if there was another card that you had in your hand that you think actually what's that one there really what he does it's heal healing draw a card is it gangrene okay no that's quite good then so you can actually play that became one of these in addition to the one that you would use from here what I'm thinking is if you weren't going to use that card you might want to play that sideways for one movement but actually I think that becomes a really good card which again could be really good at the right time is a decision time it's only the play your stamina or your other has movement and they just waste one of the movement points or play one of the cards sideways movement well I think you just need to play as a move to move six so we'll say you go the long way around because it's the pretty way there you go yeah okay and then that's it so you may discard any number of cards from haven't if you wanted to okay I'd be tempted to keep at least to a second those cards go to discard pile okay you get a green crystal just because you've ended your turn on the on the mine and the mine has a card he says I think I'm missing some cards and then roll the dice re-roll another dice stays green drawback to your hand size but then +1 because of the planning there we go crystal mines if you end your turn on mine gain one man crystal of this color than the mine produces yeah so there we go they are the things that we have found so far I think so now you've got 6 cards in hand for next turn and you've got a green crystal and you rolled the dice and put it back and now it is or Athiya there are great stuff lots of cards notes of cards so move for using the blue manner so you can take the blue manner use concentration to gain another blue so gain a blue red man a token can use that now there you go if you don't use it it's gone okay and then I'm going to attack so we're going to come back yes so combat as I mentioned these four steps the first step is called the ranged and siege attack phase okay which is where you play ranged and siege combat the difference between range and siege is that icon there that can't be hit by range combat so we can only be hit very siege combat if he doesn't have that icon ranged and sieges exactly the same it's just to two forms of ranged combat range and siege so do you have siege attack three the answer is no because nobody has any siege attack cards at the start of a game he says no siege attack oh you do yeah oh you don't see you don't - no no you would need siege attack to kill it now that's fine so that's phase one done phase two is it's gonna hit you and it's gonna hit you for three damage you can block it if you don't block it and you have to block it in its entirety you will take three damage so if you have block two at this point you wouldn't bother playing it because it's attacking for three so you either play block three or not at all right right there's no there's no such thing as a partial block he's eager to play a card discard another card from your hand to get moved through influence to your okay look so this is a really useful card and everybody has this in their deck so we're going to explain it now when you play this card you have to discard another card from your hand in order to activate it okay you're gonna discard that so that goes straight to your discard pile yep so you're discarding another card from your hand to get block through so there's the block you've now got to hit it and you've got to do three points of attack you're taking the read manner from the source and you're gonna play rage and do attack for and he's dead right and there is a combat so that's how the combat works in this game yeah there's no dice rolling it's all a mathematical puzzle with the cards that you've got but it's all visible yeah you could have worked out this ahead of time and know exactly what you were gonna do which rigged house so the orchid did a few things happen here you get the Fame that's shown on the bottom of the card which is two so everything is on to fame and special rule about the orc cons is this printed on here maybe because they're not liked you get warm reputation there you go so word has spread this mysterious woman in like a BDSM has turned up killed some nearby orbs everything that she's all right please I use two dice from the source did you use two dice from the source you did you can't do that thank you very much okay which case yes you can still do it those two cars being attacked - an attack - there you go yeah so you can still do it you just don't use the dice with the source so you have to use all of your cards from you have I mean that is your special card yeah but that's what you needed to do so you have done it you have got the reputation thank you for that attention he's dead you got your reputation you got your favor yeah that was spent re-rolled all of your cards go in your discard pile so there you are Ricky seven cards through his deck oh wait yeah could you use the improvisation so you're eight cards through your 16 card deck yes right and now we go to Golding seas oh yeah into my turn yeah you can or from your discard pile so this is the thing you blocked it I did you didn't need to okay if you how much damage what I've taken eats it's damage divided by your armor rounded over oh you would have actually taken two wounds one of which would have healed straightaway yeah so this is a learning game the two were still have had a wound you would have had a wound or you might have wanted to do that where would that wind go 80 and it plugs up your hand there is a dead card but because of very Thea special abilities having wounds is actually quite good but that's the thing sometimes in this game you think okay I need three block to block it you don't have to block it sometimes taking the damage is the right thing to do okay okay your turn you have a massive hand of cards i doing two of them from dave staples that you stole last night yeah but you know we won't we won't mention those over here all right so you recruited him and then robbed all the stuff for me I was asleep right any thoughts on what you might want to do this turn and I was thinking too attack the orcs to explore so you would do that the Explorer would go to this because that's part of the movement that's me yeah okay and maybe to movement points to explore March now you're gonna play it for to move for for what would happen if you'd spend two on exploring yeah and then you'd spend the other two on potentially moving right okay what you can't do is you can't reveal the title and then say oh actually I would have boosted it so this game has a rule in the game it's in the rule book about reverting anything you do you can rewind and undo unless new information we've revealed right and the reason that is in the rule book is when we start getting to the later combats where it's really complicated you'll be like I'll do this I'll do that I'll tap this I'll use a manner from here I'll do that I'll do that and then somebody goes oh wait a minute you can't oh right I'll undo that I'll do something different okay so the game allows you to do that but as soon as any new information has been revealed effectively that's your savegame point you can't go back beyond that yeah so you need to make the decision at this point whether you're gonna play it as move to or move for okay do I have to move nope so I could or I could play two cards oh you couldn't play that to explore and then if there was something nice here like nothing on me and carry on moving you can't choose to you must decide when you play the card yeah whether you're going to carry it on so yeah I'll Decker we say your best move would have been concentration and battle versatility for siege attack for sleep again so your attack - yeah oh yeah oh you did no concentration yes you could have played concentration with the green manner which would have allow you to play another card and make another card better we did yesterday come for free yeah anyway I've got strategy okay so right move to I'm gonna move to okay so we take the top title from here and you're exploring here yeah if you were on a space where we could explore too you would have to declare now where you're exploring oh no we've got tile number three what a surprise now special rule only for this scenario every time you explore you get one fame okay because the theme of this scenario is exploring only for this scenario and that's that to move and put used yep so remember if you do move from here to here it will provoke an attack we accounts as your action which means you can't then bolts before you decide we have this this is a white crystal mine we don't have that works same as this one but for white this is a key so we have a new car so that's where we can recruit these yeah you have a new card to keep whenever a key is revealed we take a great oaken and we put it on here these are the occupants of the key if you end your move but not in your move if you move to an adjacent space to the key and et's daytime the token is revealed right thing ethically if you think about it if your daytime if you stood nearby you can see using the key if he's knowing time it's not revealed you'd have to actually assault the key and then you don't know what's in it right okay okay the great tokens are more dangerous than the green ones that's all I'm going to say for now oh but also the keeps are good guys if you assault it you lose a reputation and you can get these guys then yeah but if you do assault it you'll kill what's inside you'll get the fame and you will be able to recruit these and only the keep is quite cool okay so that's the key right do you want to carry on moving you've got lots of move cards in hand yeah I was thinking of using that one for the attack but then we haven't got any mana for that how much move do I need to get to the white crystal place that's fun will you come mmm because as soon as you move here your turn ends right okay and you get attacked and that's gonna happen unless I let you go all the way back around here all the way around it you probably want to move too and just just fight these orcs okay you can't as your action you can challenge the orcs right but because you've got lots of move cards in hand yeah you might want to move here anyway just so you're angry orcs okay so we initiate combat first phase of combat do you have regular type 3 is white swirly manner yeah no okay so they're gonna hit you for four damage okay so four damage if you you're gonna need four block yeah if you don't get full block it's for dumb each which based on your armor value of two is going to be two wounds which I'll go hearing which will go into your pound or you could actually put the peasants in the way and because the peasants have got three armor that would soak up one of the wounds so for damage either way to think about it it's for damage yeah the peasants go in the way and take a wound that's three of the damage Tok Tok there's still one left and you get that right and that will deal so if you don't block for inside the two wounds to you yeah well one wound on the peasants and one wound on you know they get wounded the wound card will go over the peasants and you can't use them until they're healed and to heal them you have to play the heal effect equal to their level right so heal one would heal so that's if you don't block them and do you have a way of reading block 4 I do we need provocation card with a manner okay there's another way you can get the block 4 there is there is I could use all four cards that's another way there's another way they've got block to Dave's abilities blog too so you could use Dave's block too combined with your rages block to make the block I'm not saying you should I'm just yeah there's multiple ways to Skinner what's the phrase rabbit rabbit cat your skin the keep is 45 yes that's true any meeting keeps automatically have the fortification icon so ranged attack does not work against them right siege attack unless he has got the fortification icon which means it's double fortified and not even seized if that works right thank you so I can I can use them to block you can part of it yeah but no you you had the block fall or not at all not at all right there's no point doing a partial block cuz I need the attack 3 don't know which I could use the attack 3 from yep them and discard 2 cards all that yep probably that okay so you spend the peasants and you play that so that's the block for right so you take no damage and now you need attack 3 which is improvisation discard another card yeah you haven't used a mana from the source you don't have to use the money from the source good yeah well but you don't buy a tank 5 an attack three basically I'll still kill it three what would be the benefit so if I do that with that yeah and discard another card from your hand so if I was to just go on that March yeah four attack five yes yeah you're absolutely right you don't need to use the red banner rule yeah but by using it you re rolling and putting it okay which might give me which okay so the orc has been splatted yeah you get to fame and because you've got one thing from exploring okay you've leveled up leveling up happens at the end of your turn and again that is designed to reduce downtime because you can actually be doing all of this stuff while the next player is taking their turn right okay so you're going to level up at the end of your turn also you get one reputation so we've all forgot we've all forgiven you for stealing Dave's cabbages yeah because you just killed the orcs that were causing trouble of eggs you giving me pills and your tourney done okay so would you like to spend discard any remaining cards from your hand no okay so the mana dice gets re-rolled they go to your discard pile you draw up to your hand size of five and you're in a new village remember what you can do in a village when it's not your turn you can plunder bow before you plunder we're now I'm going to do your level up okay so when you reach an even numbered level up two things happen the first thing is you've got your skill tokens that were shuffled yeah okay reveal the top two of them and place them here okay choose one of them and that is your skill for the rest of the game okay and they're all explained on your skill card but I will try and remember what they do not having played this game in four years this is a once per round thing which is what that flippy arrow means yeah once per round you can flip it over to get two points of healing okay cool okay which allows you to heal wounds from hound or can heal your units this one means that when you turn up to a village you're trying to interact or not just a village but when you're trying to interact anywhere yeah for each different colored crystal that you have in your backpack they go oh look at him he's cool he's got those crystals right so yeah if you turn up somewhere with four different colors of crystals in your backpack that's for free influence that you've effectively got four is that what he says on there yes exactly correct there we go so which one of those would you like and main stinks say I keep the healing okay that's yours yeah that one actually goes over here and when other people level up they could choose that one instead of their own yeah you can actually learn other people's there's something else that happens as well and I mentioned about an hour ago that there are certain things of the setup that we haven't done because it's the first game so normally when you play the game you would take the advanced action deck at the very start of the game you would shuffle it and you would lay out three cars in the advanced action offer now these are actually supposed to be placed vertically here I'm just going to put them here for now but I'm going to treat this is the bottom card so can't card at the bottom middle card the top card you get one of those cards and you put it on top of your deck oh sorry and this should have happened before you refreshed your hand sighs so apologies for that but those extra cards that you've just drawn there yeah pop them back on your deck quickly yeah this happens before you draw all right Carl's here two men twenty games game you've always wanted to play but not had a chance yeah a lot of people have been in that position yeah check out how good these cards are these are three yeah these are good you don't having to think about what you want to be doing on your turn essentially depends whether we're gonna be doing lots of fighting on which I guess no I'm better that's more that's more versatile I think okay so that goes on top of yeah yeah it does refresh the advanced offer deck does refresh that would become your first line you've drawn yeah right you're go he's done remember you can plunder at some point yeah yeah there we go right so it is normalizes turn and again because we're playing out pounds feel free to help each other discuss options and what you might want to do that concentration it's good if you boost it up because it allows you to take the best a better option with another card for free with the +2 yeah I used my source I had to get a blue thing from it to be able to move I gained a blue mana token by using this there was no green source the other blue there was green in there a blue source to move for yeah and then a blue token to move my other phone so unfortunately because there was only one unit in the offer that had the village symbol on nobody there's nobody here worth recruiting have you got lots of movement even - yeah you probably want to boost it to fall but then again if you learn if you use boost ration but that would be six so there you go the six movement so that would get you to here's on year yeah so you played the bottom effective concentrate which is to disco with another card to play another card with it give the stronger effect for free concentrate with March and you've got move six okay so move six will allow you to go one two three four and explore okay okay so you found its title number four which goes here remember this is a coastline yeah exploring gets you one Fame in this scenario and only in this scenario and we have found a wizard's tower in the desert right wizard tower another type of site to explain wizard sounds are very similar to keeps in that I'm gonna put a token on there it is face down but if you go next to it during the day you'll see what it is you attack a mage tower by being next to it and actually moving into it which is an assault you have to pay the terrain cost of the thing so the orcs you could actually attack them from the adjacent X right the keeps and the mage now if you have to actually move on to the space right it counts as an assault because the mages are good guys that will lose reputation but you fight a purple enemy purple enemies are more dangerous than great ones okay however they reward you with a spell spells are another type of card that we haven't seen so there are very very strong abilities but they require mana to use and we have another village over here and we have another org so I'm gonna take another orc pretty there okay a nice nice simple one so lots of options would you be able to kill that all can you still know you got three attacks somewhere but you've got money to draw okay so I'm thinking ahead here you could potentially play manager or to use this yeah put that on the range and there's your attack for so if we can get you into a fight with this you can kill it so can you get moved to you could just play the other two cards sideways yeah you could again whether you want to because you're using two cards that are quite good although noble manners because there are no other units and the offer maybe not and then your planning ability wouldn't kick in because you never turn with no cards and this is this is where the skill and the game comes in he's knowing what is the puzzle is what is the right thing to do and your other option is if you don't do that if you've kind of had a bit of a turn where yeah you could plunder the village yeah yeah it's whether you decide to end your turn here plunder the village and then have a good turn next turn or do you want to push your head the other advantage you're pushing your head just think about this if you'd move to here you'd see this which means next turn you could actually plan whether you could attack it or not it's whether you want to have what six eight cards potentially next turn now oh yeah if you still if you ended your turn with the planning and the pillaging you could start next tune with eight cards there you've got lots of options in this game I don't know which one the best is items online thank you for joining in yeah there's numbers on the tiles so you know the orientation so that's the end of your turn yeah okay back in here thank you those two tiles get discarded and you drop to your hand size Plaza then take it back to six Stephanie's going you want a pill it no one's watching yeah so we drew Shore reputation down by one I thought no us was supposed to be nice cards yeah well next what you wanna do you wanna move to here because if you can then kill this it's probably worth doing it but these are really really tough okay so so I'm gonna move in because I want to do investigate before you move if I move I guess guarded your turn on a magical blade when you play the full game seems critical to take the whole game you'll be using like eight manor on your turn right you don't think there's a lake you could try and influence the lake so I'm gonna move forward with that okay and then I'm going to that one to say five so three to move in there I think that daytime and then don't exist or a Rooney's I'm gonna give you a favor you're gonna level up at the end of your turn yeah what have we got we have a blue crystal mine we don't have that with it we have a magic blade we know how that works we have another or calm token nasty witch doctor and we have a monastery so first of all I'll explain the witchdoctor right the week doctor is it's worth three phone so you already know it's a tougher monster it's got five armor so you need to hit it with attack five gosh it hits you for three but it's poison what poison means is you take an extra one for every wound you take you actually take an extra wound okay and the monastery monasteries are like improved villages okay so monasteries have various options the first thing you can do at a monetary you can recruit and it's that icon there so these two things here can be recruited at the monastery okay the other thing you can do at the monastery you can heal now we didn't mention healing at the village or if I did have forgotten but healing at a village you use three influence for one heal the monastery is to influence for one heal okay every time the monastery is revealed we actually take a card from the advanced offer and we put it here in the unit offer so from the advanced action deck we put it in the Uni offer this represents the knowledge of the monks so it isn't there these are what you get for levelling up you can't buy these with influence this you can buy with influence if you are there it comes six influence and you can get the monks to teach you this skill this action and there is one final thing you can do at a monastery and that is burning down okay now burning down a monastery will lose you three reputation okay you draw a random purple monster so remember a lot of the things here you're going to get to see what it is and therefore you can actually work out the combat puzzle beforehand if you attack a monastry you get a random purple monster so it could be could be anything thankfully the game does come with a reference card so once you've know once you've know the game you can actually look at this to see what it could be okay so it's a random purple mobster and you can't use you units because your unit refused to get involved in this you know nasty accents burning down monasteries but if you do succeed only will you get the fame for killing the purple monster you will get an artifact a nod if you thought advanced actions were good you've not seen the spells yet the spells are really powerful the artifacts obscene or obscene okay and you get an artifact for burning down a monster and potentially killing that bomb once you might get your right so that's the new home well okay okay are you gonna carry on moving even more oh you've got crystalloids yes specialize is a useful card to explain because everybody has one of these in their deck basically when you play it you also pay a manner of a basic color and it turns that manner into a crystal mm-hmm so another way you could play crystallize take these red and turn it into a read an actual crystal I don't have to use a blue line no or if you spent a blue one so you could spend the gold as if it was blue to gain a crystal of any color I say yeah either way you get a crystal okay but if you spent a blue I say you could get a crystal of any color and these basically what it says so yeah crystallize is quite useful but yeah do you want to I mean if you move three onto the hills you'd get a little crystal at the end of your two in anyway but then that's gonna be three six yeah which I could potentially do with two cards you could be next you got to think about your next day in France how you thank you for I'm gonna level up I'm gonna take one of them you're gonna get one of them and you're gonna get us killed yeah so in which case I'm going to I see you're thinking which card you're gonna turn with that one and three movement any good Hills yep I might use the gold one to use this to get crystal any color yep okay now as well you play crystallize use the gold get me a red get it red and you'll go bees done yes okay so I'll ever love well we roll back to the gold again sons command you've ended your turn on a blue crystal mine goes so you get a blue crystal discard all of you cards again so draw the top two skills of you don't see what you go so you have this one so once per round you can flip it over to get a red crystal and either a red or black manner which have been use on a card yeah okay and this one is you can flip this over to draw two cards and if you have the lowest Fame you also get a red manner okay I'm doing all of these from memory I think I've got you take use that one now if you choose this one you have to take the leftmost card in the offer and could take that which does whenever you start interacting with anybody you get bonuses to your influence depending on how much crystal different colored crystals you have in your backpack it's one yet though I've put even use them though yeah okay so that goes here you can take any of those but you're taking that one okay we get a new topic and then draw to your hand size of five remind me and I will tell you about ending the day I will tell you that they start of your next turn okay back to Goulding's yes if you have you've had three every set three turns each yeah okay it's normally four or five go through the day yeah and then if you wanted to assault the keep that would be able to three movement okay and you will get to see what's in the keep beforehand because it's daytime if it was night you wouldn't right you get the theme attitude for me just makes sense so if I use this pure magic card so what does pure magic do when you play it play a manner or pay yeah if you pay green so you're playing pure mana pea-green yeah so that's move or you could do that Oh II see yeah but I get the gold they need my manager all don't home yeah no you can take the gold anyway but I see you can take two days no mana drawer allows you to take another one yeah yeah yes I could take the gold could not with this with the card have to use that card to draw the gold yeah yeah you could you could take the gold now what do you need to go for so basically take my attacks so you could then use money draw to take the red to do that and that saves you that could you need the blue to access oh yes oh yes when you play this yeah that's a move for and the swiftness for move to so there's the music's okay one two three yeah and then we flip the token over and see what we've got one of them right so what is that according to the list he's a golem right he looks fairly very easy he's got an attack of - yeah he's only got five no that means he's got physical resistance right we haven't talked about the elements yet but there's actually four types of attack for this normal attack which is physical there's ice attack there's fire attack and then there's something called cold fire right anything that doesn't say ice or fire or cold fire is a normal physical attack right any physical attacks played against this or have because it's a gold okay it's resistant it's resistant to physical attacks now if you had ice attack five brilliant or if you have fire attack five brilliant yeah otherwise you're going to need ten points of normal physical attack to get rid of it okay yeah magic doesn't do one as a target yeah so do you have any form of ice or fire attack in your right so you might not want to attack it right if you can't generate ten points of attack there is no point assaulting the keep my blood rage take a woman to attack nine yeah because they still can use the peasants I used now they can take wounds right okay but you can't use them to do any any vertex yeah you wouldn't you would assault it spend three movement points lose a reputation take a wound and then go back to where you came from sound like it yeah you always take a look now okay yeah it's just how much of the attack is then soaked up by taking that wound right okay so we don't have PvP play but there's still a little bit of play with duration with regards to white crystal mine yeah which would get me a white crystal you think you would need three attack okay so move three on to that right so first of all do you have ranged attack three no okay so they're hitting you for fall do you want to block it and if so you need four block okay so four damage is coming in do you want to put the peasants in the way yep okay so the peasant take a wound that soaks up three of that so there's one left which goes on you okay and you get a wound which goes in your hand okay and now we go to the normal combat do you have three points of the normal regular attack so if I use my marriage play your mana drill to allow me to use a second die from the pool yeah could use red or you might want to use the gold to use it some people actually play with a friendly variant where if the color that you need is in there you are not allowed to take the gold that is not in the rulebook right I don't think he's in the rulebook it might be I'm a forgotten but some people play with that we would play there we go okay so you get to favor the cooperative thing only really comes in when we go to the city fights later on but still it's a 1 reputation for Cle in the orcs yeah too faint for killing the orcs we're done crystal why crystal at the end of your turn yet we roll the dice pop them back in the sauce blue no green discard your cards that you used discard any other cards that you want from your hand now before it's the only return I'd use this oh yeah over for two healing that's one and it requires one healing to heal a level one unit yeah okay there you go and then draw back up to yon size right okay we don't know you gonna either need anywhere between five and eight depending on what it is between five and eight I didn't explain how player armor works and then another five - yeah it's an assault so you have to actually move on to that just just going back of it so he said I didn't fully explain player armor if you hadn't have taken the wound on the peasants you would have taken two wounds instead of yes yeah because it's damage / armor rounded up yeah that's fine which actually would have been exactly the same because you'd have healed - so you to make six and then you've generated seven points a movement you can spend two of it to go to here okay right it is you're already going to need five attack okay but it does have five attack so you're gonna need five block or you're gonna take some damage and it's poisonous so let's say you don't block it that's five damage your armor is - that's three wounds but because it's poisonous that's six wounds okay you can explain how poison works every time you take a wound you take another wound right okay so you really want to block it for a couple of reasons the first reason is six wounds is really bad but there is another rule that I didn't think I was going to have to explain in this tutorial and that is exhaustion if you've ever taken a number of wounds in one fight equal to your hand size you're exhausted and it's really bad so yeah I was I I figured I wouldn't have to explain that rule because nobody would take five wounds well you can use the rage it's going to end with a cooperative win or with one player one player will be the winner he's basically at the end of the game the player with the most fame will win well okay you have to block yes poisonous okay poisonous is for every wound that you take you put another card another wound card in your discard pile okay so it would be three wounds in your hand and three wounds in your discard pile that's still bad it's still bad if you were to block two of it no you can partially block there is no such thing as a partial block attack two three four using the other two crystals what can you do with that green crystal but you've innate was rejuvenate do it boosted hail one that's the BLT then he'll to going to draw two cards gain a green mana crystal to your inventory already a level one two or three year so you could do that to pull two carts let's have a look now right here to draw two cards gain a green mana crystal or yet so you could do do this yet to draw two cards in your cards okay this is what I love about this game it's a puzzle yeah and there's there's so many different ways that you can solve the puzzle but that is it if you're shorter card so you spend the green crystal to draw two cards it's one of those four things right so now can you live it yes if I live from hot cocoa pods all of them okay good yeah because that's gonna give you a tak fall straight off so you can you can grab this so use your manager all play manager all to allow you to use a second die this tone let's just get these out of the way ok so what's that is that the block five yes and that's just on his own just a block five Dean you don't need to discard a card because that's gonna be two four and one other cartier five isn't it it's just about done okay so that's the block five yeah I know you need a tap five there you go attack five one dead and what's really nice about this game he's somehow larger has designed it so that things like this what you can literally just about do it it seemed to happen the only way you spending that green Chris having that green crystal you got rejuvenate just to draw two more cards they give you the extra one that you needed anyway so the thing that we forgot to do is your reputation goes down by one because you assaulted the keep which means you are now on the minus one space so anytime you want to interact with anybody you out of your total influence off you do get four fame however for this which is there and I did mention that there is a reward because you have basically defeated the mages in there if you get a spell so again another thing that you would do at the start of the game if you were playing normally you would create a spell offer okay which is three spells and you get one of those lose a reputation and fight the monster it was fortified so you wouldn't have been able to use ranged combat you didn't do that anyway oh we need one of your little shield tokens right no it's not yours a key would be yours but this it just this this marks that you got rid of the mages that are in there anybody can now go here but you're the one that effectively liberate identify this will be worth points at the end of the game so you get a spell take one of those spells now this this is a spell which goes on top of your deck it requires mana to use the top bit and it requires manner and black mana to do the bottom there so the bottom it can only ever be used at nighttime or when it's very very dark but somewhere later on where you can go that's very very dark interesting yeah lots of text bigger tap card that requires blue mana using the ability of units in the offer temporarily okay from one manner yeah or causing all enemies to lose all of their fortifications and all of the resistances this one be good for that one goes on BB deck that gets replenished with a new spell crystal goes the dice get re rolled another depleted one it's getting dark which is and there is now a new action available at this space anybody who goes here can spend seven influence and a manner of the matching color to learn that spell okay so that's a new action that everybody can do here right your turn I need to explain something and I am just gonna double check this rule because I want to get it right this is ending the day right okay if a player runs out of cards and they do not want to play anything in their hand they can announce end-of-round so because your deck is empty may if you want to declare end-of-round you don't have to if your deck was empty and you have no cards in hand you must declare it if you declare end-of-round then you don't play your turn and everybody else gets one more turn right okay so you need to decide if you want to have another goal or not yes please so are you gonna use your skill this there's no reason not to because it's gonna refresh anyway isn't it yeah so goes red crystal and potentially I'll get red Manor so draw two skills again if you're playing the game normally you would be doing this while Rick's taking Easter so the one on the left is for every unit that you have which is not spent you get an extra moving point every single turn for every unit that you have yeah you get extra movement points the other one is your interactive skill what that with the interactive skill though is one in the deck and remember what we did downstairs in the setup we're playing with that one because it's a competitive game okay you get to do something and then you put the skill in the middle of the table and he's going to affect everybody else as well yeah and you're in your interactive skill is the choose a terrain type [Music] movement cheaper for you for one time round but more expensive for everybody else no Nora Wes when you're playing the full game Nora was will end up with a big army of units because he's all about being friendly influencing getting lots of big armies together not going around stealing yeah what noise is about you get to choose which one of them your or you can have one of these two but if you take one of these two you must take this card if you take one of your own skills you can have any of them is that one thing but once per round yeah for then it will refresh refreshes at the end of the rest yeah so you need to be going the recruiting unit so choose one of those that goes on top of your deck so that's a good one for recruiting it is a good one for recruiting the first time I ever played the full game I played Nora wasps I got this card and it was awesome that was the sixth round game we were gonna be seeing right right you're gonna take your turn remember limit of three per color okay and that's because of instability in the crystals if you have too many of them together so I'm gonna take those auxes so you're not moving no yeah these memories move first and then in action and only one okay so do you have ranged attack five four three do you want to block it yes block three and now you need attack five to hit it blood rage and take a wound to increase its attack five okay so you take a wound so you're not pairing it or vimana nope don't need to you don't need to well but are you using that I need to use that don't otherwise what's the point okay yep so you get three favor and you gain a reputation yeah okay white spend the crystal here discard those and you get a blue crystal at the end of you terms of being another right you may declare end-of-round if you want to I mean other than the fact that I can gain a couple of crystals there to these cards she's pretty good bridging ready for yeah so I should really kind of stay where I am okay see not gonna declare into round because moving anywhere is gonna be three three yeah three into the whole focus which basically ignore green crystal take a green crystal to my inventory how many of those three of each color oh three of each yeah okay and then if I get crystal joy yeah lots of text yeah I don't need to take the car back into my hand and then have another go next time in order to get another crystal okay yeah okay in a crystal of that color to the inventory at the end of the turn may discard another the card back into your hand right okay which you might as well just go tranquility because it's you're done I'm done would you like to go around around it's fine movement to get to here okay and then another - so what's your heroic tale if you power it up so we have no units that can be recruited in a tower but you could have a I mean are you able to get to mana mister some help so so the heroic tale how much influences the hero tell just on its own three three if you then played the other three card sideways that's another three 6 minus 1 is 5 now if you could have girl if you could have got to 7 you could have learnt another spell if you were at tile using the white sauce yeah thank you how much but you need a manner to by stealth 7 influence and so you two options are declaring a friend or play 5 move and just get to here you could it took to you the reason why you might not want to if you decided to win their own now you'll make the other players only have one more going and they they're probably gonna have one more get weak anyway yeah it means you'll start the next round in the town which means if the units come out there allow you to recruit this is going to rephrase this is got a completely refreshed all of these are going to go and then it'll be nighttime and moving through the desert is easier okay so yeah there your two options you can either they're now on get the jump on the movement for next turn or stay here in the hope that you'll be able to recruit something cool yeah I'm gonna do that so you're declaring in around you to only now have one more turn the training cards that go with it yes yes this one will disappear a new one will all new training will come out yeah at the start of the next round we will deal out one advanced action into the offer for every use that with the green yep can move for one two three four or you can explore well explored move to all right okay I'm staying on the monastry yeah six I should have asked where you were exploring this so we have an org token which is this one we have a red crystal mine and we have a monster right so complimentary rules I'm going to tell you now we've placed that hex and he's adjacent to only one other hex that's fine because this one is adjacent to two so that's okay but you can't now go exploring here right okay so the hex that you place has to either be adjacent to two hexes or adjacent to a title that is adjacent to two other times basically you can't explore off in a monster dens first rule I'm going to explain about monster dens is the most confusing one that people get confused with and that is and once the den and like other things that we're going to find later on or called adventure sites an adventure site means that there is something in that hex but moving on to the hex does not trigger the adventure sight entering the adventure site is something you can do optionally okay so you could move on to the takes one the round you know have a campfire you have a big party do all of that it doesn't affect this at all but if you are on there you can choose to enter the adventure site and then you get to do everything that it says adventure sites are completely optional things in the monster donor is a random brown monster but you will get two crystals for defeating it yeah draw a brown monster so it's random if you failed to defeat it it stays face up on the space okay golden black do not exist as crystals okay right we are now at the end of the days over and we now have to perform a whole load of cleanup steps the first thing I do is I'm going to flip this board over because we have the new terrain costs we re-roll all right these cannot be used because he so gold manna cannot be used right yeah that was that was a bad roll however there's a rule I forgot half of the dice should be basic colors which they're not so this is in there to prevent this kind of thing happen if you get it wrong yeah yeah so re-roll black and gold dice as needed until this condition is met so at least three of them need to be the basic colors there we go never happened right take all unique cards from the unit offer that were not recruited and we pulled them on the bottom of the regular unit deck and then we deal new ones in a minute and the amount of units is equal to the number of players plus two if there are any monasteries on the board we're going to replace that with that boy I'm just checking when we deal the advanced units I think it's if the core tile has been found if we have if we have found a quartile one of the brown ones then we have a mix of regular units and elite units because we haven't found a core tile it's just regular units so we need five of these we go that goes and we get a new one for the monastery the bottom card from there goes they slide down let me get a new one and this spell goes they slide down and we get a new one okay so we are refreshed all players shuffle their deed cards so your hand your discard pile your deck all of that gets all shuffled back together and you need a new deck skills that we used flip back over units ready so you take off the spent tokens if they were wounded they do not one room but they were still ready yeah and all players returned their taxi cards there you go the elite units are not used in further reconnaissance okay thank you so we're not going to use the elite units in perfectly normally thank you very much I've forgotten that right tactics cards right because now we are at nighttime right so we have night tactics the player whose token is on the last space of the faint track against first choice then the one who is second-to-last gets to pick next etc etc so because you two are tied on fame is the player who was playing later in the previous round so in other words Norris you get first choice of night tactic then it will be gold Dix then it'll be our Athiya okay let's go through the night tactics again I'm gonna zoom in just so people can see the nine tactics again go first but no special abilities okay long night at some point during this particular round want your d deck is empty you can basically shuffle you discard pile pick three cards at random pull back on your deck and basically extend your how long you can go manner search once per turn so this is every single turn before you use mana from the sort you can re-roll up to two dice in the source so it doesn't give you any extra money it just allows you to re-roll what's there but it allows you to re-roll gold which are normally depleted midnight meditation one time during the night before any of your turns you can shuffle up to five cards including words from your hand back into your deck and then draw that many cards so once at some point during the round you can do a mulligan yeah effectively preparation this is awesome when you take this card search your deck for any one card and put it in your hand okay when you're playing the full game and you've got that uber powerful artifact that you need when you take this card when you take it and spare in power this is also amazingly powerful once before the start of each of your turns you can either put the top card of your deck face down under this or flip this card over and take all of the cards under there in your hand so we know the words turn one put a card under it to put a card under it turn three carbon right turn four over to draw three cards and I've been amazing to them as is the full conquest scenario is all about taking on the cities and to take on a city you need to basically prepare you need to spend the whole of the round preparing getting the right cards in your hand at right at the right time and then at the end of the round hit the city with one big attack right which one of those would you like me yeah okay so you're gonna be going last yeah goal Dix your choice next preparation well in fact draw your five cards first sorry I should have done that you should have drawn your five cards first so if you had the one you were looking for you might not want to take based on what you know easing your day where you are and what you're planning to do this turn okay you can stay you're still gonna take preparation yeah okay so rate which one you want you can take midnight meditation and still go first yeah tactics chosen as well as yeah you draw your normal five and then choose tactics lonely man BG says it tends to use preparation a lot yeah I'm the same especially in the solo game because you need it to get that good that one card that you need okay right we're all ready so it is night time utilizing re theories first but if you two want to start looking at your cards and working out potentially what you might be doing rusty cards that can be recruited in the tower at least three okay anything any monster each of them requires seven influence which for you because they don't like you he's eight so you would need to generate eight influence okay - the one is seven you could recruit one of those three things monastery that one the herb lists all this this is six influence need to generate five to learn this although he's only three you're about to level up which means you can have two people yeah I should have mentioned this at the start I completely forgot but if you are watching this on Facebook I've decided to stream this out on Facebook at the same time and I can't see the facebook comments so if you are watching this on Facebook and you're typing frantically away thank you very much I can't see those the chat windows it you'll see the chat window on-screen is purely for the YouTube comments only so yes thank you very much if you are watching this on Facebook though hmm right so I'm going to undo two things so well as exactly I can explore getting media which would level you up yeah I could kill the goblins which would double you up orcses you can explore around kill the goblins the odds okay oh I could explore and getting dude yeah all the blood ritual stone up here for ages playing cards so you have to play at least play any cards there's also something in the game that you can do called rest I haven't actually mentioned that is what you do when you've got loads of wounds around I'm going we haven't got to that stage yet use a move to to get the tile out okay so we gain you a favor number seven which goes here so we get another one of these cards and we put it here what else if we go we have an orc which is all it's the biggest he's the big tough one we have a swamp a new terrain type we have a healing blade and we have a dungeon dungeon is an adventure site remember our venture sites they're safe spaces to go on but if you wanted to you could as your action go down the dungeon when you go down the dungeon your units don't go with you if he's ninety is considered nighttime because it's very dark and you draw a random brown monster but if you succeed you only get a spell or an artifact as a reward okay the other difference between dungeons and monster donesies monster dens once you've killed the monster that lives in the den that's it whereas a dungeon there's an infinite supply of monsters in the dungeon but only the first player to defeat it gets the reward right okay so I've done that now that you've spent your - movement on exploring yes what you gonna do I'm gonna recruit the herbalist so you're gonna interact with the industry we've got to influence with the promised white horse one because of your okay yeah which gets me through history so you've not actually used you could easily get influenced well there's there's something I'm gonna do next okay that's what which I wanted to get these guys first yeah so you don't know Marie directions what do you okay you can burn down monasteries well that's what's gonna do oh you're gonna do that yeah well that's an action that would be next time yeah okay I don't want to reduce them I think so you go into the monastery you recruit the yeah right so this is level three so level three is really easy use take the top tile of your level deck and flip it over there you go your armor is now gone up to three yes right okay Goulding's to attack this again yeah yeah he's only keep so you need to spend the three movement points to move on there yeah so things together you will lose one reputation because it's a keep right oh yeah I'm sorry Yeah right it will thank you for - yeah so you need two points of block or you take two damage which is one wound and then you need either five points of Elemental attack so with that pure magic says if I pay red I get an attack seven attack seven or the fire attacks attacks so that's that would be half to three and a half right okay okay okay focus because this is you don't have concentrate you have this instead right this is a better version when you play this play another action card with it get the stronger effect for free and if it gives you move influence block or any type of attack get that amount of three this that is a better version of concentrate and then explore explore for another two so we have tile number eight which goes here which gets you one Fame what do we have we have an orc we have lots of swamp now this is a summoner so if you kill it in range combat is dead if you don't kill it in range combat you don't fight it it summons a random brown monster okay and that's what attacked you okay we have another village here and here we have a Ruben Ruben is where's my cards we've even got a card for the marauding orbs and the card with the move costs he's the ancient runes when revealed we take ribbond toka and we put it on here because he's if it was daytime we'd flip it over right now because it's nighttime we don't flip it over but you will flip it over by the when day comes or you move on to the space the ancient ruins are an adventure site they're all different okay so we'll explain it but when you get there but nothing is going to attack you immediately it's always always optional right so you've still got three movement left calls gotta go Thank You Cole for joining in thank you yeah okay so re-roll the mono dice probably black disco ID cards that you played disco at any other cards that you want to discard and then draw back up t out sighs yeah cuz that's a man of any basic color to gain a crystal of that color but you've already used the money from here oh yes right normos well because of your reputation at minus-1 you need one more than what it says so and you would need eight influence all the threated and the improvised but two is threatened fine so threatens only improvises 300 minus three and I thought threatened was five yeah that's the eight but they knew reputation because tell your reputation goes down to leave but that yeah don't mind it's your other option because your other way doing it is only said unless you just turn over another card spend the rent on the threaten you play the improvisation you have to discard another card for the improvisation yeah so there's the 8 - the 1 is 7 your reputation goes down could you threaten them which one you would you like the illusionists or the Guardian Golden's so the the illusionists they they can be used to generate influence they can basically target one fortified enemy does not attack this combat if you spend a white mana or you can use them to gain a white crystal the Guardian golems can either attack or if you power them up with red Manor they can do a fire block or if you power them up with blue mana they can do an ice block Guardian golems so they go underneath your level token so that was your action yep that's it yeah so you didn't stand oh no you did you threatened yeah okay can't give a ranged attack no one normal attack on attack well I'm gonna throw caution by the wind know me saying yet the brown token attack you but you attack the orc yes the brown token attack you you yes but then when you attack it thank you for the clarification I'm gonna burn down the monastery hmm because that sounds exciting try an artifact so you lose three reputation yeah r23 you're gonna find a random purple monster but your units won't help you okay okay but if you succeed you get an artifact let's find out those guys it's illusionists okay so illusionist summon random when they will but first of all if you've got sick if you've got three points of non-physical ranged attack you are if he is burning down the monastery of town and while you were gone everything you went tell you what I'm just gonna burn these monasteries are you not able to kill it okay so does it store and set up easily I have to be honest there's quite a lot of setup and there's a lot of bags that you need for all of the different bits but he's worth it so I haven't got ranged tax six okay so each summons a random Brown monster this one yeah think you for six damage yeah so have you got six block yeah it's fine this is not actually too bad okay no okay so it's six damage you can't use your units because they refuse to get involved in this but riddle so you're basically okay yeah yeah to take a wound yeah it's increase it to nine okay it's a nine attack splat carved for our spa get for fame one two three four and we put one of your shield tokens on the monastery because that monasteries been burnt down I'll be worth point to the end of the game and you get a reward I do okay artifacts so whenever you get an artifact as a reward you for burning them yeah I stole stolen you might you get to put it on top of your deck now this is a reward from combat so we should probably do your worst no because I've been to use tranquility yeah green disco all these guards - yeah have a look which one you want put it on top of your deck and then put the other ones at the bottom of the artifact and then Goulding's gold eggs and the and the key with the gold inside because i can use these as manicotti they can be used as money you break the crystal open the matter comes out yeah yeah so if I used the pure magic and swiftness with the ranged attack 3 can I use that with can't you've ready to type 3 because it's in a keep everything in a keep is fortified which means you can't use ranged attacks each attack if I go with it and I get the stronger effect of that +3 so that would give me so I still need to play it pay and manner I think because when you play this and you need so artifacts you can play them for the top effect yeah and the card is then discarded or you can play from the bottom effect and the card is destroyed and removed from the game so with that I have attack 10 so there's the attack 10 but you're going to need to move three okay so I'm gonna use those two okay so move three you move on to the keep yeah you lose a reputation for doing that it then hit you for - yep which is come up peasants in the way what was blog yeah yeah so you spend the peasants and then you do all of this stuff you have to deal 10 W to it yep done right so you get for fame here's one two three four so you're gonna level up okay you also put one of your tokens on the key that is your keeper okay so if anybody else moves on to this space they fight a random grey monster yeah get half the fame but then they take the keep off you your key only you can get the benefit of that key because it's yours right there are two benefits of that key the first benefit is no it's not here but if there was a but unit that could be recruited in keeps you could recruit it right and the second benefit is if you end your turn on or adjacent to one of your keys your hand size is increased by 1 for every keep that you control on the board because they are supplying you right okay okay if you again if we played the full game I played the full game once our three keeps which meant I ended my turn next to it one of my keys I don't really like the car yeah it's yeah right and I think you're done yeah so that goes yep we're old cars do you play to discard it you can discard any other cards if you want to you've leveled up okay so it's level three which is just another one of those tokens it goes there okay and we're done yeah and your hand sizes one more because of you keep right okay Nora [Music] right so it'll be three movement points to move here yeah and then it will be another two to explore taking the green manner for the March that's full movement for six yeah that's fine yep for three and then you shuffle intently so there is a rule about quartiles quartiles cannot be placed on the coastline okay right title them a nine we have another tower but even though you're next to it it's nighttime which means it stays facedown okay if you wanted to attack it it would be a random attack we have a key over here we have another dungeon here as well right only call time is left the city is in one of these three yeah shuffling again just resolution right okay did I give you a Fame for exploring I didn't it's still your go well it's to move to here remember any card can be played sideways but what you might want to keep them okay there is another thing as well that we forgot to do your skill you actually have one free movement point okay every turn you've got one extra movement point because if you the humans now yeah so it would actually only be one of the card if you wanted to move to here kept oh you could have kept that carga to just me no you needed five one two three and then two four five you need a five or using out a move there okay just make you a little bit further out yeah okay to a degree we want to be getting the goal of this scenario is to find the city so you could spend lots of time in scoring and building okay finally a major night tutorial from gaming rules yes it's kind of been my destiny to do this so in fact I don't if you knew this but there's a Paul Grogan YouTube channel so not a gaming rules YouTube channel there's a Paul Grogan YouTube channel and on that channel is a tutorial video from a generic created by me about eight years ago with a very very old camera it's awful it's really really people say it's brilliant people loved it but it was filmed like you know 640 by 360 with the camera bounced on a book yeah but he was a the first right anyway meanwhile are you meditating yes including wounds yeah so we haven't mentioned this because people don't have many wounds but if you have an ability on a card that says discard a card it cannot be a wound right unless it's the other thing we haven't mentioned is resting so when is your turn you actually have two choices you either play Turner's normal for you rest resting is the only way to get rid of wounds from your hand and you don't get rid of impairment that you discard them right so when you rest you discard one non wound card and then any number of wound cars okay so if you were there with for wound cards in hand you dressed yeah yeah the wounds would go to disco part so they're gonna come back old wounds are gonna rent yeah and resting is effectively skipping a terminal okay so five-card draw what are you planning today oh you're over there with the orcs okay too bad I should get royalty payments for the upsurge in mage Knight sales I predict over the next month I'm just happy that the games got a new lease of life because of the Ultimate Edition and more people are discovering the game mm-hmm so interesting voice is this got another card from your hand can you just cards so moving forward okay and as your action are you going to enter the dungeon I believe so yes okay so you enter the dungeon so it's County doesn't knowing time your units won't go with you and you draw a random bro monster it's a Medusa Medusa what's this thing paralysis right if you take take any wound right from the Medusa you immediately discard all long wound cards from your hand okay if a unit take any damage from paralysis it's destroyed right so first of all do you have ranged attack fall are you gonna block six if you don't actually you're gonna lose all the girls yeah well I can block six but if you don't got some trait with the green you do it if you do it yes when you play this play another action card yeah with a thingy yeah I'll discard another card in my hand yeah three but I'd have to discard that there was a COMTAC yeah oh you need to save that for the for the attacking tank do that before so you lose all the girls around the block six [Music] that's why I'm just going to be I'm glad he's changed my mind is that particularly bad dungeon creature or is that typical of them I mean if you have ranged attack for easy you know yeah thought that that is going to disappear whether he defeats it or not you'll get the random wall next time yeah the game and you know the tile makes the Medusa disappears and I get now gold right okay right buildings yeah there's a number of things you can recruit nothing no you can recruit these two you could learn these you could heal or you could burn yeah all these good deeds I'm still liked everybody is now below zero on the reputation truck yeah yeah it basically means war but if you don't block it it's treated as a damage yeah which for you would be three wounds yeah which you could then he'll to straightaway yeah because he's awesome I mean all the skills are awesome discarding another card three six because it's got physical resistance I mean you've got your crystals blue crystal which takes that to a block five non attack you peasants are spend so you need the rage on the determination to kill if you start your turn at night on a magical blade you get a black mana is five to me no yeah I mean you could go one two seven if you've got seven moving pointers you could end up there okay you can make three so you can move through someone you just can't end the turn on the same spaces then give them a kick on the way past so are you going to challenge the orcs so do you have three points of non-physical ranged attack it's the same as those six you mean six yeah we'd you've got okay you can do it I can use you can you can play crystal Joey yeah paint blue to take a crystal of any color that's red red okay to power that so you could block taking eight damage you take it it's three wounds on you or you could wound the peasants and two wounds on you five left which is two wounds on you yeah there you go yeah and even if they're spent you can still use them to take what you can't use them again yeah to take wounds now that they wounded you can't use them again so I can use that blue crystal to get a red crystal yes you put that blue into there to get a red crystal and use the red crystals and break gets me so there's the attack 6 because it's physical it's hard down here 3 ok which is enough to kill it right so you get for fame yep 1 2 3 4 and the reputation because it's a walk okay there you go very cool healing you can flip that over to heal to what you want to do if you want to heal because the healing for the magical Glade oh yeah isn't heal one it's you can heal a wound from either your disco coil or your your hand right so the healing from the magical Glade cannot be on units right when you rest or if you're poisoned you're gonna start the next turn with a black mana because you want a magical blade okay I'll give it you know I don't you can use it right yeah so sparing powers our mommies next one's gonna be incredible what you go to the tower we go to the dungeon you've no move so you could well you've got one free movement point to there for one card sideways could if if you're not going to use that spell for anything else you need black mana for that day you know the top effect is just white and I see the bottom effect these black and white okay so you play that sideways as the extra movement that moves you to here okay and then are you able to so if you need to use a white banner for that no it's always it's just one movement so you've got enough to kill it yeah are you happy to take a random Brown monster who's going to attack you [Music] so you're gonna change the orc yeah so if you've got ranged for you can kill it before someone's the creature so we get a random monster see what the drawers are summoned so if you got five block you've also got your unit as well whatever that can do okay but if you've got block five concentration so you could just play concentration to get a blue mana yeah that spell needs to come up here as well okay there's the block five okay so the Minotaur has been blocked and disappears source and then ya read from the source on the rage killed us a minute yeah awesome there you go for fame one two three four and one reputation honestly I'm not going level up which is level three so you just flip over the next level token put it here so you can have an extra unit and size right everything yeah what you gonna do or even arrest take two men a dice in the sauce and set it to any color except gold okay green gain a man a token for each of these colors two weeks okay and don't reroll them when you put them back yep okay so you gain two green mother yeah and then they're not in the sauce yet I think okay okay so might need a range of ten three yeah you might be useful rolled those two don't get rolled you're done yes okay Goulding's okay so one Fame for exploring it is the city right so I'm going to put the city on here we have a monastery so we're going to get another advanced action into this offer here and we also have a draconian draconian operate in the same way as aux-in they are rampaging enemies they have a threat zone around them you can't move near them protecting that but they are worth to reputation if you defeat them because there are little bit tough he's going to at the end of the that was from the Explorer so this is the hi dragon right so it has nine armor but it is resistant to fire and ice but it's not resistant to physical okay so physical attack of nine is enough to kill it lovely it's a tag is cold finer of six and the only there isn't really block against it so any any block that you play against here is half effective on fire okay and it's brutal so you are gonna take a huge amount of damage from this you need 12 block 12 normal block is worth knowing Fame okay dragons are super - super - super tough so the objective of this scenario is to actually find the city which you would never end up again the first scenario is almost over when the city title is revealed each player including the one who revealed the city will get one more turn and then the game is finished so we didn't even make it through the second once the city has been found everybody gets one more turn including the player who found the city and then we do final scoring gosh again it's a learning game it's an introductory game so you finish your turn next to the dragon and possibly attack it next turn just for a laugh Oh in your hole right no not really well I could you could put your nails so those go yep and you've leveled up so two new skills that says killer dragon right now you can choose only the one of those or you can choose one of these but you can't choose your own okay so the one that you decided not to take earlier you cannot choose that one yeah okay so you're gonna get one of those two and one of those three or that one or that one which means you would have to take that one right that is basically flight okay you flip it over and you move either to an adjacent space or spend to move to go to two spaces away but it doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity I believe and then you choose one of these which goes on top of you don't which you will then draw immediately no ycs the last turn so your mouse will take all of them right what awesomely epic stuff are you going to be able to do yeah you could go to the ruins and see what's there or you could come back here and try and beat up this mage tower or you could explore here see what's here to explore is to movement okay so one thing for exploring what if we go so that goes there yeah so we have another ruminants we have another dragon this time we have the swamp dragon and we have a blue crystal mine and we have another key there we go so it's actually five movement to go into the forest and it's for movement to go into the wasteland so if you can generate the full movement he's twice as hot the block is keeping ranger to you if you can do braised naina I mean yeah there's a dragon as well if you can take on that dragon it's worth seven flame here's how the dragon works yeah if you can do nine points of ranged combat great instead if you don't he's attack he's five but he's got swiftness swiftness means that it's attack is doubled for the purpose of blocking so it would take ten block to block it but if you don't block it it's only five damage but it's also a way to damage last it's also poisoned yeah but wounds came up with a negative score at the end so if you use the red manner that would be fire block four that's just how we do it so you can do the attack nine yeah so the question is are you are you then going to be able to do ten block and if you can't do ten block how much damage would you take yeah it wouldn't kill you yeah you can put some on the gold yeah but the thing is the goldens have got physical resistance we haven't covered this yet so let's work this out if you don't block it and it would be ten block because it's swift so if you don't block it it's five damage but it's five physical damage if you were to assign that damage to the golems because they are visit they've got physical resistance the first three of that five he's gone right it disappears left over is two which is enough so actually you wouldn't take any damage from these it means if you take a word you take it okay and that's how a unit can get to roots so you wouldn't take any damage from this because you've got the perfect unit to protect you against the damage against doubt that particular dragon not this one no good against that one you need for movement to get onto the wasteland don't you got free one as well which again in the second ruin the dragon you sure about that move on because you've moved on to here we now reveal this ruin okay so this is a ruin you've now got a choice you cannot either attack the dragon yeah as an action or you can enter the ruin if you enter the ruin you're going to fight a grey monster and a white monster together at the same time but if you succeed you get an artifact and dispelled right this is amazing this is the most powerful Ruben in the game but it's the hardest one I I would probably recommend not doing that because you've already worked out you can do the dragon oh is this okay so you're gonna challenge the dragon as your action yeah so you don't have ranged 9 no you can't kill it in the rage phase so now you need to do block 10 we've worked out you can't do block 10 okay so it's doing 5 damage yeah you decide to allocate the damage to the go lumen because the Golem has physical resistance 3 of that 5 disappears yeah two left goes on the Golem to wounds because it's poison that's it and now you need to hit it from knowing yes so I know rampaging enemies getting involved in adjacent combat my thing and correct me if I'm wrong is not just got it wrong it's not just adjacent combat if you were to look you would know what that card is so if you would use the rejuvenate to draw a card it would just be smoking one card from the one so you can't do tricks you read it him he's not likely used it's not been used but it can't be used now because it right you can't healing heal to heal one we want to use this or you can use that aliens a level two unit so it requires two points of healing to heal one wound and it needs both before you can use okay so we even do yeah you don't do that well do the moves what you can do if you want to you can try taking them because even if you don't defeat both of them you'll still get something changing no because so yeah this is enemies with treasures when entering such a ruin you draw the defeated enemies and you find them so you guys well right so you draw one of those and one of those yeah and you fight them together so ranged combat first do you have any ranged combat okay this is hitting you for sakes yeah and this is hitting you for three ice with swiftness and paralysis yes okay so the way that a new block works for elements is the opposite if you think about anything matically if somebody's casting a fireball that year the best ice block yet so fire block for would normally be okay but it's Swift he needs fire block six well no no normal block it would be hard so if we can get fire block for ya right that's four out of the six because this is paralysis if you take any damage from this otherwise you could have just taken the damage hit this and got a few okay so let's go through that so you're powering up the fire block of the golems yeah so you spend the unit you put the red murder on it so that's fire block for you've then got a block to from somewhere which is hard down to one and then another block to which is hard down to one so that is the block five six yeah so that's blocked yeah right this then hit you for six damage which again you couldn't then so that absorbs the first throw because it's got physical resistance right and now can you kill no no you did your best yeah you did your best I mean this was the toughest room but the rewards for doing it would have been amazing right yes I'm good to burn down the mana so here we go again so one two three random purple monster but it's a more monks amongst its always monks in the monasteries right ranged attack yes yeah yes I'm gonna use crystal eyes on that skein a crystal of any color to in for troops a white one yeah I'm using the white dice okay to do range attack three in Winterset three dead see how easy it makes it for fame for doing that one two three four and you get your last time you find dragon you can flip that over to get the blue crystal Wow what now I get a blue crystal and green ranged attacks no yeah who do ranged attack of nine so we are doing he's time to adult the final school so we have achievement bonuses which I didn't mention it mr. Neville up what you did so you get yet a skill we doesn't matter and you get one of them so final scoring so get your deck and all of your cards that are in it every spell that you have is worth 2 so you get you in a spell yeah so you have to thing for that spell every advanced action you have in your deck is worth one it's an advanced action yeah we should have got for leveling up an advanced action looks exactly the same as an action but it doesn't have your character symbol at the top right right okay so I think you two have got two each so you got one from that and you two have got two to each and then the player who got the most points from that is you get an extra three okay so that's the greatest knowledge next the greatest loot two points per artifact yeah and one point for every two crystals so you've got seven and I'm gonna give you the the greatest one there so you get ten so that's the greatest loot the greatest leader the level of your units but if they were wounded is halved so you have one level worth of units you've got one level worth of units you've got one level worthy of you so you will get one point so you're all tied for the greatest leader I see you all go an extra ball right next the greatest Conqueror so we're looking at tokens that are on monasteries keeps and towers there were two each down to monasteries so you burn down to one two three four and you to each got a keeper yeah you're the greatest next is the greatest adventurer which is monster dens dungeons ruins lairs and tombs any of those I tried - two for every wound in your deck no I healed them don't even get any wounds - Tim and then - three for the person with the most wounds and that is it so a stonking win for Mary Thea mama story started off nice but yes so that is the end of the tutorial you know 75% of the rules of the game hmm the bit that you haven't seen is the city combat right and it was recommended to me when I announced that I was going to be doing this video that we should do a city combat just to tell you what it's all about so the fall scenario if you were to play for conquest these six rounds and with three players if you're playing competitively there will be three cities okay so we will shuffle some extra city titles into the bottom because there are four cities and we would choose three of them at random and they would they would be here and the reason why they are quartiles are only placed in the Middle East so you don't get one player exploring the city here and basically reserving it for themselves right so three cities will come out over the course of the game which will end up here it's kind of done in such a way that each of you should take on one city but that's not always the case if somebody decides to hang back here too long it could be that one player ends up taking two cities themselves right why do you want to take on a city well I'll explain why so at the start of the game you actually decide what level City you want to play on they go from 1 to 11 this game has customizable difficulty through the roof okay let's say we were going to play on difficulty level 4 okay so it means that the city itself has a card which I did put to one side somewhere here we go this is the blue city okay and each city has special abilities all of the cities are different and then the blue city on level 4 comes with a white a purple and a great oaken it's a white purple and gray now these are always fatal even if it's Nami time because if they were faced down the surprise value would be way too much I really need to see what's in there so they are they are the occupants of this city and if you want to attack the city you have to move on there it's an assault you lose one reputation it costs to movement points it's always two for a city and then you fight a combat and you fight all of them at the same time okay now with the blue city the special ability of the blue city is if any of them have elemental attacks it's increased and unfortunately we've drawn these ones so that is not three that's five and this one would be seven okay however you would have played six rounds mm-hmm and at the end of the sixth round or sometime around maybe the end of the fifth after you've built up your deck with like a couple of artifacts spells advanced actions skills everything else you're then go right I'm ready now sparing power as well sable you you have a hand of maybe nine ten cards you've got lots of advanced actions you've got lots of skills and you basically spend five minutes working out how you're gonna do it and that is the epic conclusion of how the game is that's in competitive mode now interestingly enough even if you're playing competitively if two people in next to a city when one of them attacks they can invite the other player to join in okay even in competitive mode because you're saying look should we work together temporarily just to do this and if you agree what happens is you decide in this particular case there would be three enemies so you decide who's gonna have to and who's gonna have one or somebody could say I'll have all three so you would agree beforehand who's gonna get to and who's gonna get one you should for them yeah and you know each do you're really fine okay okay if you manage to defeat all the enemies brilliant the city's gone you get loads of Fame for defeating them you put a counter on the city for each enemy you defeated and the one with the most counters on there is the owner of the city and they get make sure benefits if you don't defeat them then the ones you defeat disappear but the rest of them will stay on there and then you have to go back and then you can have another go right so even if you're playing competitively you can still cooperate together with an attack on a city if you're playing the cooperative version of the game there is one more city than the number of players and your objective is to defeat all cities by the end of rm6 right okay and again you can customize them so the recommended set up for the first game is that the cities I think are level 4 and the last city is level 7 and a lot of people can't beat it at that level that's fine just reduce them play again make them levels 3 and 6 reduce the levels of the city until you can beat them I know people that play this with all cities at level 11 hmm okay and can still do it yeah because the skill factor in this game is actually quite high it's all about timing taking the right cards at the right time managing your deck managing your hand yeah making the right decisions of when to go on there is a there's a gradual progression of skill level as it goes oh I can't but I know people that can and this is just the base game yeah right to the first expansion was Volker which is a big bad enemy and there are scenarios with Volker that's really cool it's a big bad enemy who basically there's a city on the board Volker is marching towards that city he's recruiting units along the way in gathering his army your objective is to get to the city defeat the city yourself and then garrote in it and protect it when he attacks that's quite a cool scenario that's one of the Valco scenarios and then there's two extra expansions in the game as well designed by some hack from that is that is an introduction to me was was we about three hours then yeah right now obviously this is my number one game of all time I have thoroughly enjoyed this it's been a long time since I've played great fun I'm gonna let you talk now do a bit of around the table discussion I have a I want to play more tell me if he was what he was expecting yeah which isn't just rolling a dice dinner five months over on a while now rata six yeah yeah it's working out which cosmos and twos and then wants to improve your deck how to level up stuff choosing from your skills and then combine them together going to certain places at certain times it's all very much more of a puzzle element I like the fact that you get to go through all the because that's been a frustration with exploration games where you know you've got a bunch of cards in your deck but they're really good that we're going to help you and they never come and yeah it's just more control it feels like rather than then getting to a point where you just you fail to a friend of mine about four or five years ago in this house and we did this scenario yeah and he got to a dragon it was the last turn of the game and he got to a dragon and I said nobody's ever defeated a dragon in first reconnaissance I mean you were nowhere close and he did because he had exactly the right which would have been you got a spell week but that didn't feel like not doing that didn't suddenly feel like that you've got to go back and it didn't ruin the game which you get to those points and you don't succeed at something and it's almost like yeah the downside is you spent five minutes working out the puzzle you thought you worked it out so what you two were expecting from from the little bits that you'd mentioned before okay it was my only real experience of games like this's Glee maven and there is still an element of I think the cards are easier to understand certainly the Nakamura straight off the bat yeah yeah it seems a lot more from the combat is forwarding the combat is deterministic the MU random element in the combat is the summoner's worried someone's a random monster or you go into a dungeon which is a random monster yeah attacking the cities you see exactly what's in there beforehand and you man you work it out if you can't do it you don't know you do something else or you go somewhere else yeah I mean I like that about the game on your hand yeah so we didn't see the elite units so again these don't go in first reconnaissance but they do come out this is probably the most powerful one in the game so this the more of these yeah oh is it no it's the ultimate yeah but yeah you get catapults this is where see combat comes in so if you've got 45 enemies you can do siege attack on them yeah if you can if you can imagine if we were playing here and you got to level seven or eight you've got four of these skills you know four units yeah you got eight cards in hand yeah it's literally right now it looks impossible and all of a sudden you like and what artifacts did you get I got the amulet of the Sun which has gained the gold manner token if played during the night forest set that move cost reduced to three you can use Goldman and you of your Garrison's of nearby for size very very bright all the same as the basic except we get three gold mats I can set at one okay so cool three gold manner which means you can pair up three because yeah diamond ring gain and white man okra token and a white crystal never to refrain plus-one I'm looking for the Horn of the sword of justice if I talk to do siege attack five but you can add up to five to this siege attack for each one you added roll the mana die and you get a wound for each black or red roll so that could be senior TAC 10 right lobby or senior thanks them these artifacts and massively powerful yeah same with the spells I mean that will you took expose is really good for killing cities because you just get rid of all of those notifications so suddenly they're not 45 and then you can go in with the ref both for them blood rage all physical attacks you play during the attack phases turn enemies lose physical resistance system yeah 980 anyway we we are doing over thank you for giving the opportunity to teach it again Thurio thank you to everybody in the in the chat for joining in I hope you found it useful and if you are watching this video afterwards then I hope you found it useful as well again this was just the first reconnaissance scenario just a little bit of a teaser for what the for what the full game holds if you were to play the full game and got any questions about the game please let me know if you only rules questions about the game please post them on bgg rather than send them to me because there are people out there who know what the rules of this game better than I do now because as I have not played it in in a long time and as always thank you very much to all of my patreon supporters for making these videos possible and if you like my content please like and subscribe to the channel and consider supporting me on patreon and next week lots more live playthroughs Glenmore - age of steam Runestones boss and a couple of the ones that I haven't announced yet but yet more live stuff coming for the rest of November and for December and that's everything so yeah until next time thank you very much for everybody for joining me thank you we'll see you next time [Music] Gaming rules is proudly sponsored by game Stoppers upgrading your gaming experience visit game stoppers you
Channel: Gaming Rules!
Views: 27,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, instructional, Mage Knight, Tutorial, how to play mage knight, mage knight tutorial, mage knight tutorial video, gaming rules, paul grogan
Id: xuZfW50Rx2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 52sec (11512 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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