MAG | Men's All-Around Final Stuttgart 2019 NBC|OCH

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today it's all about the men and the all-around final medals at Terry Gannon along with the Olympic champ snot Steele looking and Tim Daggett glad to have you along couldn't been any closer last year came down to a tiebreaker that's what allowed Russia's art tour della Loya to capture the gold medal over xiaorou Tong from China Nikita Nagorny from Russia won the bronze medal guess what they are all back they're ready to compete once again this should be really good how do you split these guys that's going to be unbelievable Nikita Nagorny in my opinion has been the best gymnast in the world for the last few years his problem a little bit inconsistent at times because he does the hardest gymnastics in the world she went back somersault and makes it look effortless he is also elegant and performs his routines as opposed to just throwing big stuff but can he ever do the big stuff watch this here spring double front background BM but of course is teammate our tour de la Lyon who Thierry as you mentioned the defending world all-around champion in there just on such a high this week they of course won the team gold medal the very first time Russia has been able to do it the last I not happen was the Soviet Union so of course they said that that was their most important goal here this week in Germany as well the competition is gonna be extremely tight he had a slight mistake in the team final but today it really is going to be a great competition all the way through with you mo Chou root song from China it came so close last year that's a heartbreaker to lose it on a tie-break unbelievable I mean it got decided by an execution score it is heartbreaking but he can win this title back he's got to be great though he was great in team finals on pomors this is that routine in the qualifying came he's the reigning world champion he will not get to try to renew that title but he is certainly in the hunt for the all-around and you know the last four World Championships before the Olympic Games every single man that won that gold medal here has gone on to become Olympic all-around champion so history has kind of said that you know this competition is pretty important here all right so those three the top names to talk about some others to including the sixth time US national all-around champ Sam McCulloch who came in hoping expecting to be in the mix for an all-around medal he called it a disaster to qualify he was the last man to qualify he was 27th actually but because of the two athlete for a country rule gets in what do we came back strong in the team event by the way what do we make of Sam McCulloch now well what the rub on him has been at the most important times for him internationally he has faltered in the all-around it was a disaster as you said in the qualifying here and he also said last year at the World Championships finishing off the podium was the sad incredibly talented but talent unfortunately is just not enough he has to deliver under pressure when the lights are on and that is going to be here tonight so McCulloch remember the scores don't carry over so no matter how bad the qualifying was he got here that's the most important three thing he's one of the 24 who will compete for the all-around title and we check out how they stood after the qualifications those top three names the gorni dal Alliant Blue Tongue but don't forget Kazuma kya part of a very strong Japanese demon well muldowr qualified 11th in the US and sanli Kulik number 27 the man will compete here in Stuttgart for the all-around medals as we continue from the world Gymnastics championship and fans have settled in athletes warming up for the men's all-around including Sam McCulloch who's looking to come back strong chances for a medal emotionally performance-wise have been all over the map so far this week last time the u.s. man was on the podium in the all-around at Worlds 2010 Sam's trying to do that for more on that let's check in with Andrea Joyce well Terry Sam has all year long that his number-one goal in 2019 is to get on that world all-around podium and that is primarily because of what happened last year at World Championships in Doha Sam came so close to winning an all-around medal but he fell off the high bar in the final rotation and definitely that was one of the lowest moments in his gymnastics career this week Sam told me that almost missing the chance to try again has been humbling well I definitely feel blessed I think for how bad of a qualifications I had to be as lucky as I am and then to you know just say forget about it now that I've got these opportunities let's make the most of it and just going out forward I'm just gonna have these guys cheering as loud as they can and really just replicate the same energy that we had because having fun is what it's all about and I did not have fun qualifications day and just as Sam wants to forget about qualifying he told me it's equally important that he forget about how well he did in team finals he knows that he is at his absolute best when he starts with a completely clean slate Terry Andrea thank you so we're underway the men's all-around suit away set to go on floor 24 year old from China and remember he was the guy who had a big mistake late in that team the final he did he came off the high bar more than a point off in deductions he was so distraught teammates did come to try to comfort him but really that was the main difference I don't know if it would have changed it completely but it would have been amber so close you know we talked about the pressure that all these athletes face every single competition to flee he will never forget that moment disappointing artist himself put the whole team he is just an absolutely gorgeous gymnast I think he has the best form and lines of any gymnast I've ever seen triple twist and Wow a great great start for Subway [Music] qualify for this final and all-around also parallel bars to and number five in qualifying so the top five couple of days ago it was fourth last year at world championships in the all-around just off the podium great double layout beautiful sticking position in beautiful form in the air as you mentioned he's been around quite a while he was very inconsistent when he was younger had the pleasure to see him compete many many times over the years but really just last year started to put things together denied that gold medal on the team event by Russia who want for the first time as Russia dates of the Soviet Union the last time that they had one of men's team final so close last year and right down to the end this time around as well [Applause] and some close finishes already I mean Simone biles the one who you throw out to say okay that's not gonna be closed she doesn't count no still talking about her the introduced guard today and what she did yesterday and the women's all-around widest margin fourteen point zero three three four soon way from China keep it here with this murder the top growth and kazuma tire we mentioned him going to break point look at the standings for the qualifications 22 years of age and a name that is gonna figure prominently next year at the Olympics it is right now absolutely he is about as dependable as you can get in this sport you can always count on a hit or team for him he was six in the all-around at the last World Championships [Music] nice double pike front somersault but you know Japan was very disappointed in their performance last year at Worlds they weren't so unhappy about third place they certainly would have preferred first or seconds but it was the margin behind the top two teams that bothered them it looked like it was going to be much better this year but in reality it wasn't because of that big discrepancy last year they organized a couple of different training camps one in China and one in Japan where they came together in a friendly competitive training atmosphere [Applause] the twist [Applause] - triple bulls so far to Scotland the entire Japanese team trying to come out of the shadow of the great Kohei Uchimura who has won so many titles six world titles two Olympic titles of course not here at these World Championships which is is difficult I think not only for the teammates but for everybody in the gymnastics world to come to a World Championships and not see him here and we could steep see him at the Olympics still absolutely still a possibility twenty-six-year-old 21st to the all-around at last year's World Championships you know for most of the people here at this competition coming here was all about getting a ticket to 2020 Tokyo the Olympic Games the Swiss did that by placing seventh in the team competition [Applause] said he said after that team final that their goal was to qualify for the onthe games they did that and so it was a relief and now they can kind of move forward solid routine little bit clunky that should have gone up to the handstand the judges are looking for Israel's great used to get up to that handstand Breger who saw in Rio at the Olympics he's 16th that year in the all-around you'll hold our by the way has gone pommel horse and got a 13-point 1 3 3 which was higher than he got in the qualifying not a bad start for Yul or for Pablo right here zoom Akaya 14.3 he nods in approval take you back to floor and the routine just about ready to get underway for one of the favorites we toss wanted a couple of years ago last year came down to that tiebreaker as we said back in the mix again hasn't been quite as sharp would you say no he hasn't been quite as sharp that's for certain they break that tie they they drop your lowest score isn't dividing yeah they then go to the execution score you know and I think there's obviously so many rules in this floor but [Applause] [Music] I'm us week I'm a fan of that last pass that was spectacular three they have twists stop perfectly that skill really popularized by another Japanese gymnast who is not here Kenzo sure I'd I'm also dealing with a lot of injuries this year Swire miss floor exercise [Applause] let's see if he can keep the streak going here to stuck duck triple twist three that's unreal [Applause] so roots on from China [Music] yes back to the World Championships on pommel horse on Lake vernéa from Ukraine the two-time Olympic medalist [Applause] and really after Rio has had just a bunch of injuries that he has been dealing with surgeries good fight there I'll tell you what he is one of the best at that your goal as a gymnast is to minimize the mistakes but if you have them hopefully even despise them from the judges that's best case scenario he is one of the best in the world [Applause] get your finger on the pommel there's just not a lot of room there as you mentioned Tim at the real Olympics he actually won the all-around [Applause] [Music] he was just so happy relief by Ukraine to the Olympic Games and you said next year I'll focus on myself a little bit more get the number for the veteran a moment meanwhile shadows score 15 point O to 5 number and what a start from all of the main contenders saw the name of Kulik on there he's gone on vault and fourteen point two six six which is a little bit lower than he was in the qualifying and the reigning champ art or devil laureate from Russia really complicated pass here very nicely done do another tricky one in combination those were less than shoulder-width apart so that means it's a ten as opposed to three tenths of a point another tenth right there might sound up we're being a little critical or a little picky but when you go back to last year and remember and that was a great landing right there but remember that it really came down to a time every single tent you just cannot afford to give those away the top three and he is one of them if they all go clean today have great competitions it will be one of the greatest all-around battles in the history of the sport [Applause] of sticks at the end here on this triple twist [Applause] especially at the end you're tired just beautiful gymnastics really difficult starting laid out somersaults into that double front leg straight with a ha see that difficulty score of a 6.6 really good i'ma DePalma once again for Lee Chi Chi part of that Chinese Taipei team they made the team funnel and it was really something to see there were 17th last year at the worlds they come in or part of the top eight that group unbelievable improvement and accomplishment for this team he's tremendous on pommel horse when the Blitz medal last year beautiful right up to the handstand it makes it look so effortless break that down into flares now you ask why so much in this flare or straddled position every skill you do with your legs apart like this it's an extra ten this is a great routine [Applause] it was tiny ties picked iPage upon the second medal ever at Worlds I love this look from off the books he is a master at this and look his hands are completely on either side of the panels on that skill the only problem right there at the end does not finish in a direct handstand believe it or not the judges like we've said they are critical I would say three tenths of a point for that it's still going to get a very big number short I'd go over on fall but a bit go a dolly from Italy who qualified 2054 that too athlete for country rule can get you in relatively simple fall that's a double twist will see athletes that surpass that in a big way but we know we talk about that both on the men's and the women's side so many times we'll go for the more typical elements or vault and have a lot more deduction so you see that execution score nine point oh six six and that is a really great execution score much lower difficulty though as you mentioned in his foolish World Championship so taking a look in the arena right now all the score screens have been completely turned off so there seems to be a slight delay and this isn't necessarily a good thing it's a big problem and I'll tell you the biggest problem is that the coaches cannot see what value was given to their routine they only have a very short amount of time to put it in anyway we've seen inquiries go both ways the scores could be lowered as well to read and Joe Frazier from Great Britain [Music] very much an up-and-coming gymnast really nothing he can't do makes everything full of just so easy that'll hold all of the strength parts on rings for a full two seconds if you do one in three quarters it's three tenths off beautiful handstand position dismount double-double a little step on the landing one of the first steps we've seen on a dismount you can't just do strength elements as a matter of fact you're only allowed to be three you must do a swingin skill adjusted their two in a row followed up by another strength part is dismount maybe just doesn't get his eyes on the ground fast enough pulls his toes underneath them if your hips are too far in back up your feet you're gonna take that step back thirteen nine six six four Joe Frazier who is coming along said I really didn't believe in myself I'd look around see all these great athletes I finally believe that I belong so while they work out these scores we're gonna take you back take a look at Sam acrylics fall chips do it perfectly with dart in the lawn hard to do that on these former facing Paul stuff that number 14.26 serene at the moment six rotations guys might take a while I'm looking down now and there is one score that was put up on the screen and it was ginormous the archer dalla lana del amor fifteen - is that what I'm saying in 14.7 3 in qualifications of 15 - in jelly tongue 15.0 - five for this you know a lot of the athletes here have been complaining about few different things the lighting in this arena and also the spores taking so long and whether that's the judges or it's a technology thing we're not quite sure but it's definitely been an issue here DeLeon the top number shall right behind and Nikita - corny the other of the top three headline names here ready to go on floor I believe the scoreboards working so we continue well they better because you know it matters it's not just for the fans to be able to see the numbers absolutely but watch this mount triple back somersault he doesn't even run into it look at the height we first started doing that it was a little bit out of control now it looks like a walk in the park [Applause] not quite sure I remember an all-around finals where all of the top competitors looked so sharp right out of the gate [Applause] doubleTwist right there used to do a much harder pass down the side a double twisting double somersault just really wasn't worth it for him it was exciting to see but opened the door for deductions he's been doing a full twisting double at the end yes he is oh my god unbelievable [Applause] everybody is bringing it to the house [Applause] the party who is the man who sealed the deal for Russia with that high-poverty NIT came down to him and he said he was not afraid at all he tried to enjoy the moment maybe not afraid in the moment but he also said the night before he couldn't sleep till two o'clock in the morning he visualized that last high bar routine about 400 times knowing that it was going to come down [Applause] wanna be dressed towba from Germany so you hear the cheer go up here in Stuttgart oh boy and that didn't quite make it up to a handstand and this doesn't even come close a lot of athletes still doing these scissor to handstands and it is such a deduction played to element he is gonna get just creamed for those two errors right off the top [Applause] it's a shame because he is quite good here okay also had a little bit of a hesitation on the way off very good gymnast button really upset with that 29 years of age he has been around six the World Championships here in Stuttgart and his dad was a gymnast and around for a long time as well a little bit close to the horse when he's swinging doesn't have the distance we'll see sir from some of the other gymnast but really all he's thinking about is the top of the routine both scissor elements Nagorny there's another big number 1504 one so less than two tenths of a point behind Ella lawyer great start for him and everybody outside personally thought it was maybe even a little better would have had to agree with you there but those top three names are the top three after there are floor routines Petra me up the last man to go on floor qualified six [Music] he started his career as a gymnast in the Ukraine Azerbaijan actually what was recruiting gymnasts to come in and train so he went there said there were a lot of things that were great but they really didn't understand everything that was needed to be successful as a gymnast went back to the Ukraine some people there said it was fine that he left but it's not so good that he came back [Music] he said I have an enormous desire to work to show results to prove to the whole world that Ukrainian gymnastics is at the highest level they think they have an outside shot to be a contender even for the podium in Tokyo good routine very good routine certainly same level you know the top three shower tongue hallelujah and Nagorny does hard stuff but doesn't do ridiculously hard stuff which is true for the top three similar to what we saw in the women's final yesterday watching Simone of course on the floor exercise and and the other athletes extremely difficult routines but you just can't quite compare it to Simone biles Joba waiting for his number there it is 12 5 6 6 as they complete this opening rotation first of six in the books here in the men and the top three the three we expected to be there a team high from Chinese Taipei also right there behind in ports and Buddha currently in after his effort as we continue from Stuttgart Wow the Chindits prepare for rotation - we take you back to that effort a pommel horse for you'll mold our rotation one and in the team qualifying you'll had a really rough set along with Sam a bullet came off the horse a skill I think I saw him do when he was about 11 years old nice one kama work here keeps his body elevated above the pummels this is where he fell day one on that skill it's called a Magyar the horse [Applause] thirteen in place ten things that makes the rules after the opening rotation first of six art or towel lion he did Gorney shall rue tongue lychee - Chinese Taipei so two tenths of a point separating the top and the culligan 8 14 to 6 6 in 22nd place after his effort the race and the kulit will be on at parallel bars guys what do you think this has been awfully good to open up hasn't it unbelievable really really incredible gymnastics and kazuma I'm sure we'll keep that going he's a world medalist on this event but you know looking at the very top of the leaderboard battle lion is ahead of Nagorny and it's a good thing because if dalla lion has a weak event its pommel horse the key to the morning a little bit stronger there so he wanted a lead after the first event Nyota 22 year old who helped young man back in 2015 to their first World Team title in some 37 years I was the bronze medalist on pommel horse that year very nicely done these scissors have to fly up to the handstand and those were done just about as well as can be nice extended body you don't want to see any pike in the hips on pommel horse and you want to maintain a good rhythm that was gorgeous right there and once again remember he does this in the flare position because that gets him to more tense of difficulty the event he disguises it maybe the judges didn't even see it obviously his emotions coming to say it all the Tim we've never done the pommel horse but how much of a relief is it to get past that event oh it's it's a big relief it's like balance beam and I have to a couple of times a long long time ago black and white was what television looked like keep going I like this stuff all right we get the number for him in a moment that over to you mold our honor eggs I used to be a really great routine for Yule but he's had some back issues and a big problem this year with his elbow and it's made doing the strength positions as perfect challenging that one pretty good it's called a Maltese now watch him roll into this cross open his hands and he does that to show the judges that he is not putting his wrist on the Rings which makes it a little easier and as a deduction this is his most critical element right here actually much better than we saw him do couple months ago in Kansas City the u.s. national championships but we haven't seen him do is what you'll is so known for is stick the landings really hard double double and once again a little hop for so long that was money in the bank that he was going to hit the floor and not move a muscle she needs to land in the cross and he does that extremely well by my opinion born in Seoul South Korea adopted as a baby n-c-double-a chimp 2017 us all-around champ seven three three just sitting naturally waiting gymnast it you do it in the broadcast booth all the time you said announce shot route um getting set on pommel horse so remember he came off on this event in the qualifying round and qualifying determines everything it sets up who goes into the team finals the all-around finals and the individual that sees the reigning world champion on this event end as I mentioned earlier will not have an opportunity to defend again he said after that father you know sometimes you're just not lucky enough to be perfect every time you perform so now he just wants to forget about it and focus on today's competition one of the few gymnasts in the world that will do that scissor to handstand in the middle of his exercise show his flair work nice and square the judges are looking for an angle on that and Wow today from 2018 Big Time routine had that look from the start didn't he determined nobody is function [Applause] hips are way above the cobbles as you can see and here is his travel work his hands should be parallel when they touched the leather and they are exactly does that extremely well which is a big challenge for many China has had a man on the podium the all-around eats in the last three World Championships and of course they have been dominant through the years in the men's team event Carlos you lo few moments ago on fall he is awesome beautiful triple twisting sugahara and this guy he is just a little little guy but explodes off of the horse look at the form in the air just gorgeous unfortunately you saw his foot traveled past the white line you lose a tenth of a point as you see there 14:6 no for the 19 year old from the Philippines he can be even more perfect than the first round of gymnasts we've seen on florrum believe it or not Chow even 15 a pommel horse another huge number so I sent the standard and our tour della Lloyd next to go as a very difficult element where you swing up to a handstand come back down and continue your flair circles it is very risky to do he starts with a scissor to the handstand a little bit of a hesitation that'll be a deduction swinging very well for him here's that really risky element great he'll do a what's called a spindle he's actually turning his body in the opposite way that he's circling very tricky what an incredible competitor this is the best I have ever seen him look on horse a little bit of form right there gets a little tight right up to the handstand scenario for that man right there bring your a-game if you want to win gold today at Stuttgart even 14 besides you what do you think no that is a great score for him the only other time he did pommel horse here only a thirteen point three six six is fantastic and now his country the makita Nagorny [Applause] I don't think he's as natural here as he is on some other events but watch this a full spin all the way around whoa got a little wild maybe only a tenth of a point though a lot of fighting going on in this routine which is exactly what you want nice travels across the horse doesn't have as much distance between his hips and the pommels or the leather as some of the very top guys but for a guy that's not a pommel horse guy right before he started Hawaiian actually was asking his coach in the whatever river area were gonna decide to call the kiss and cry it's his starting value was seems to say that that 5/8 was correct everybody on the floor has a huge sigh of relief when pommel horse is done we didn't see the routine but kayo sue said would taking them won't feed the host broadcasters pictures the 14.7 number Andre is Toba from Germany getting set to go on ring and here goes the crowd [Music] that's all week here qualifying and for the events as well and it's Oktoberfest as we said so this is a crowded area just few blocks from here taking place exact positions very nice start super hard held that for the prescribed two seconds a little bit of deterioration in the final position there swinging elements a little bit [Applause] nice kick to across very level right from the start which is what the judges are looking for has a little bit of swing more than you're supposed to they call this event the still rings you're supposed to keep them still they'll incur a little bit of deduction on [Applause] to be perfectly honest you have to do a high-level dismount a devalued skill like for it to be a D you have to keep your body straight he definitely had some pike one more swing element and then he'll do we're not gonna see it so a little bit you know I would say maybe a tenth of a point at the start so look at his hip angle throughout the entire way I mean he wasn't ninety degrees but he certainly wasn't completely straight Nikita Nagorny 14 five six six that's a little surprising to me relative to what dalla LuAnn got I would say it's a good score but that is much higher that I thought it was gonna be he definitely had some struggles in that routine quite a bit better score wise so over two parallel bars we showed you the struggles in qualification for Samba Kulik here came back and his entire effort overall in the team event was much better see what he's got for us here and it's such a shame that he had that rough day in qualification because as I said it sets the table for the rest of the competition does not get to do parallel bars in finals was absolutely a contender to win a medal maybe even gold skill that he's not doing just pull Heights through that box are beautiful hand sin everything about him is just so classical when he's on he is absolutely brilliant [Applause] normal sale today it seems like he found it right away but nothing's been easy even the day of the team finally woke up and his is back locked up on him and the training staff working on him all day and it worked but emotionally up and down throughout the week here finals and that means you always start on floor and that last event is high bar because he placed so low in qualification he got to start on vault and that is the same rotation he had in the team Championships where he knocked it out of the park second highest score 13 6-4 Toba over to pommel horse and soon way from China he does all of the things that the gymnastics folks love perfect toe point look at how straight his body is and how high above the pommels his hips are just gorgeous work so fast with his hands so this is going to be interesting here because this is at a different level from Nagorny and dalla Lowen hopefully the judges remember and reward that because that was phenomenal he had no deductions maybe 1/10 on both of his travels because he wasn't exactly squared to the horse but he has no form breaks the rhythm is perfect flies up to a handstand and somehow the judges are gonna find more than a point off and I think it's wrong what are you predicting that no it's just that's what they do you know I am NOT a fan of it I believe state-of-the-art gymnastics should be able to approach a perfect 10 in the execution and they don't allow it Coolidge in third place like I said he could absolutely have won gold silver or bronze on that event and I'm not shocked that's not the inflection that but at this moment that's huge for him huge name on Karimi from Kazakhstan ready on parallel bars 20-year old and his third World Championships all spin on one arm it's called a Healey you notice the pads on his upper arms because he does elements where he'll kind of slam on the bar right here is one of them no deduction for having those pads on there they have made the rule stricter though you're not allowed to cover the entire arm now some gymnasts we're wearing an elbow sleeve and they said that is not allowed anymore dismount front double with a half turn Kulik because he doesn't have the same starting value he starts lower but excellent Kazakhstan has won a single medal at the World Championships that was all the way back in 1997 yeah the great Sergey Federico has a some moves named after him that are still being done today nice release skill there and you see why he's got the pads that even with the aid there it kind of hurts to be honest doesn't have as much rotation as maybe he wanted but he does what's important feet don't move the problem is his chest and shoulders were way down close to the floor what do you make of this 1499 one well it's obviously a very good score but I don't think it differentiated quite enough you think it should be even higher than the till a bear did delawanna and Nagorny Karimi 14.1 chau gordi McCulloch to top three right now through a couple of rotations second of six in the books here the men's all-around final shall rue Tom who wanted a couple of years ago tied last year but captured the silver after the time break Nikita Nagorny and then San McCulloch it as they move over to that next rotation McCulloch over to high bar he very well could be leading after this rotation absolutely if he does what he's capable of I think he will be leading I would advise him not to look at the scoreboard so nasty really that comes into play because you come in you qualified last at the last man to qualified you've got your own expectations but now you start thinking hey I could actually win this thing only you could and that's why we always talk about obviously the smartest of physically demanding but it's that mental challenge and that is what he has blocked year after year on this world being especially qualifying it so high up typically that maybe but this is gonna be a good thing for him he's got nothing to lose qualifying in last place this is truly for himself here but he has one of the riskiest high bar routines in the world we are going to start with our coverage here in this rotation on the still raisin Shalu Tom who is leading after the opening two rotations and this is an event still rings where the all-around gymnasts all these strength parts perfectly and do them really hard it gets in the way on other events makes you a heavier voila shaking around there on that first strength part and definitely too high arrived too high in the cross and then stay too high as well that was better couple of the holes were right on the line of two seconds as well really way too high that should be a minimum of three tenths off for that position that he showed on the cross you can't have a stuck landing hop backwards it was good but there are errors in this routine I love your body English this I think it was the best position he did and it also was held for a full two seconds which is what the judges are looking for dismount to look just like you see his toes start rising up a little bit his shoulders go back you know sometimes that happens when you're just so excited to get off the event you think you have a perfect landing you go to Salutin Lee Jung Yeo hi bar from South Korea South Korea has oh boy big mistake right there they have a gold medal hope in Yong hak soon who was the 2012 Olympic gold medalist on vault at Achilles and calf problems before 2016 could not defend his title is back and looks tremendous here and really big break in the middle of the routines right here doesn't complete the skill until the very last second that's a full point off folks South Korea one of those teams and has qualified for the Olympics long with Brazil Spain in Germany those four didn't make it to the team final but they have made it to Tokyo saan that number and now for Shou thirteen nine three three and he should be happy with that number the way they have been judging that could have been a lot tougher it was a tenth higher than his qualifying score we still reach as a coach you love having the opportunity to train someone that is at their best go time in the competition that is his story a hundred percent he looks so much more confident beautiful position level on the cross maybe a slight bit movement you see right there but overall very very good after he gets through rings he's got three huge events it's not a big error it's only three tenths off but certainly with luck tests have an opportunity to stick that one more time get his number in a moment it's important he was in fourth after that last rotation had a great competition at this past summers p.m. Championships won the all-around title also the Team Champion defeating the United States releases in combination very tricky because you have to place yourself far from the bar to do the next one as a major release right here nicely done pretty good [Music] or that one as well like three tents on the second one very solid routine though [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're on still ranks Taketa to corny and by the way the last Russian to win the world all around other last year he did it first time since nineteen they remember using forth after the last rotation so exact positions they'll do the same exact amount we saw from della Lauren that's a Nazarian to Maltese and down he didn't arrive at the cross he was a little bit high and then lowered down let's see about this one once again a little bit high not a huge deduction though monstrous last three events they are just off the charts great on them so if they're not at the top of the standings [Applause] just like at the team competition most likely will come down so watch this he's supposed to be in a cross right now and you see how he is elevated and then three get the number for Nikita - garni fourteen point six three three into the lead he goes pretty good stopping like I said three amazing Ortiz gets a lot of flight on those that says how you're supposed to do it the judges can be a little bit less strict on that I don't know why so the gymnast sometimes don't really push it as much don't think I've seen a stick and his is unorthodox double pipe front [Applause] look is hard but it's actually quite difficult and value oh it looks hard parallel bars and the 24 year old a mate stone England James he called his competition at Worlds last year just an unbelievable experience said he was over the moon with an eighth place finish has steadily been upgrading but curses himself that he is so slow twitch he says he doesn't have a fast twitch muscle in his body but he sure does an amazing job of disguising that mr. dependable and he says it's a great quality but he said to get to the next level I've got to do harder stuff I've got a challenge the best guys in what they're doing difficulty wise New York thirteen four three three after his effort on rings ready for a big effort now on the high bar from sama cooling [Music] there is a lot of really tough stuff in this routine really tough and it'll start right at the top double back laid out position with a full twist over the bar another one but in tucked position nowhere near done folks laid out just gorgeous now let's do this in combination right here [Applause] Terry you said that he could be the leader after three rotations from being the last guy before scratches to make it in and he very well could which cost him an all-around here at the World Championships not this time around [Applause] cheering contingent for Sammy says he has 11 family and friends that are here look at the form at the end of that so hard to do had so many mistakes as we've talked about on other events in the qualifying round competition but had a great performance here in the high bar qualified into the event final and second place all 14.2 but just starting to quiet down this arena from that McCool a routine on high bar very much could be the leader after this rotation part of that group with every routine he is trying to erase two days ago it's a memory of coming off a high bar and taking China out of the race for the top spot is weighing elements not a perfectly stable position but pretty good [Applause] nicely done does arrive higher than the cross but not bad once again you see the rings are swinging and he's gonna want to kill that swing did he go at the right time [Applause] we've seen from just about everybody on that dismount gear today he had an error that I didn't point out while he was doing it because I'm shocked that he did it he pressed up to a handstand and you have to hold that for two seconds - he did [Applause] executions for order than to test samih Kulik and he goes to the top of the standings soma Kulik talk about high bar in the history he's had with that he's so good at it but it cost him award all-around metal came back individual last year this first at the World Championships and now he leaves he's got for next pommels after that and rings floor last year he made the event finals pommel horse is tremendous there as well to Zuma kya last man to go on still rings a little bit of an arch his back should be completely straight I don't love this position shoulders are a little bit higher than they should be that was gorgeous though so three strength parts that you gotta break it up with a swinging element it's almost compulsory on rings another excellent strength Park right into that iron cross maybe doesn't have the highest difficulty but he is so reliable and just chips away lets other people in the competition falter a little bit dismount same one but in the laid out position much more difficult [Applause] started off on floor with nothing but sticks yeah and that rotation by the way you'll mold our on vault fourteen point three six six currently in 14th place really difficult dismount a lot of the gymnasts are doing it in a tuck position only a handful really in the world actively compete that double-double laid out I was talking about how little this guy was check out the the difference right there with the parallel bars yes Carlos kilo from the Philippines you're right hey you mentioned Sam not looking at the standings how about now the problem is Sam is so experienced maybe he doesn't know that he's winning but he knows he is right up there this young man was trying to make his Olympic dream come true by going the individual apparatus world Copts series like American Jade Kari but by him making it to the all-around finals that will give him an automatic berth he's going to Tokyo as he should he lives in Tokyo trains there he asked train there since 2016 yeah initially he didn't like it was so homesick wanted to come home he was you know convinced to say to stay now he says he absolutely loves it and doesn't want to go home mom and dad aren't happy about that in the world just does beautiful release named after Raj Pop's are from the United States Olympian gorgeous you said while living out there in Japan the Olympics I just become something a bit more real being there seeing all the signage I'm sure be really real next year fourteen three retire midway through this men's all-around photo here at the world ship Nast exchange ifs in Stuttgart Germany Terry Gannon Nastia Liukin Tim Daggett and Andrea Joyce and it's a name coming in many expected to be there near the top maybe not at the top but certainly not after qualifying Sam McCulloch of the US was last in qualifying and he leads it at this point over Nikita Nagorny shall root tongue who won at two years ago banana from Ukraine and then our toward a lion from Russia who is the reigning champ you expected his name to be in the mix but it's after the high bar routine that's what put him to the top of the soil and he was so spectacular here but this is what we have been saying is he is so talented that is not the issue he is capable of finishing the competition [Applause] three down three to go Sam and he goes to floor next which is a phenomenal event for him not in day one benign and what he has been able to do so far well he is such a gamer as well you know just a tremendous athlete competes more than anybody in the world I would say Oleg did the unthinkable in Rio in the qualifying he actually defeated the greatest of all time Kohei Uchimura by a sizable amount and then just fell short had to settle for silver came down to the last event the high bar as it always seems to do they move over to vault right now with the three rotations left what are the chances for Samba Kulik with what he has left well he's got a very risky event pommel horse coming up and then still Rings is probably his lowest scoring event he has to finish on that but the thing he's got going for him it's not an event that he's gonna miss it all he'll probably do the best ring routine of his life because he will be so pumped psychologically and you've brought this up a couple of times you come in you have your own expectations but you were the last guy to qualify was the disaster he called it that now you're right there are you trying not to think of yeah I think you're definitely trying not to think about of course I'm sure whether or not he's looked at the scoreboard he knows that he is up there after three very solid routines so now you know possibly the pressure or expectations that he's putting on himself he doesn't need to do that he really just needs to have three more solid routines this is the man that won it last year the all-around at the world championships fault that he'll do a handspring double Pike keep his knees straight on it it's up the line is what you know really just looked like he was trying to get her dick kicked out a little early two big steps but the biggest problem me this is gigantic look at his body just jettison in the air opens up a little bit early kicks out of that pike and you saw how close his hips were to the ground if they touched it's a full point I don't think they did the judges don't have the benefit of seeing it in slow-motion like we did but that is going to get a much lower score than he's been getting here at these championships he lost ground in that last rotation in fifth going into this fourth and that didn't help but like I said there was nothing to worry about at that point because he had three spectacular routines to go it is so gutsy to do what he did it's so easy to say I've got to be a little careful and I'm gonna land it and take a step forward and really bad so he's capable of getting a 15 year that is devastating such a different look than just a couple of days ago as he competed in with that high bar and the team's event team event had been Nikita Nagorny he was watching this man and Russia won their first title as Russia Soviet Union it was the last time that they won the team for the men right now that Brown turn of Nikita Nagorny there was the bronze medalist in the all-around last year huge ball gear has great doubled front three times around you'll spot the ground and do a half twist great height looking at the ground it's it's like impossible to do that it's so unbelievable capable of sticking that dismount somewhat consistently I think what makes it so impressive is Tim as you've mentioned it's not just the difficult skills absolutely they're difficult but the way that he performs them in the landings the way that he lands those skills is just so impressive so we take you over to parallel bars olegmon I of the 26 year old veteran who's won a couple of medals at the Olympics a gold on this event yep does a ton of really tricky elements first one right here under the bar and to one bar absolutely actually he's doing it a little bit later right here and into a Healey that was great so tricky to do that skill you got to keep moving and go right to one bar beautiful light there on that hi on this as well gorgeous big dismount double front half out spectacular routine thus far [Applause] yeah you know I mentioned earlier I talked to him after the team competition and he kind of was almost brushing this day off trying to focus on next year but not the case here today is doing so well you see the tape on his shoulder that's been giving him a problem basically since Rio probably before Rio but he didn't think about it then that he had surgery on both ankles in 2019 so got a bunch of big releases and he does them in an unusual order for me he's gonna do the double flips over the bar right here has had problems with it at these Championships one more time great today a solely meant for the great Chinese gymnasts who invented it I remember seeing it and thinking that's impossible 1981 World Championships well he's doing a great job today but I'll tell you what there is far better down the road for this young man he is an athlete - keep your eye out on his only 20 so that happened a short time ago get the number already even 14 [Music] [Applause] the Gorney vernéa dala law in the top three right now terms of those that have gone here in the fourth rotation but we wait on that floor routine of sama cooling in the lead heading into this particular rotation three to go post up the three on floor was great on this event and the team finals really struggled on his second and third pass double pike front to start it off a little bit of a hop but very nicely done here are the two passes he struggled on day one very nicely done really good as well just a little hop forward as some of the nicest flare work that you'll see effortless up to the handstand back down to Flair's [Applause] really good took a little bit of our wrist they're going for that stick paid off triple twist that we saw so many stick in that first rotation [Applause] how can this be the same gymnast we watch the qualifying that's to really not not the same gymnast at all he said that they had that early the dreaded early morning qualification that subdivision he said he just couldn't quite wake up wake his body up felt sluggish and heavy pretty much all day that's just really different no doubt there today no question the corny 15 point zero six six four seven five four vinaya he's going nowhere superhuman score right there desert zoun way over on vault 9th overall going into this rotation beautiful form in the air on this one big step back and I believe over the line so those two errors combine to make 4/10 off a look at the form nobody does it better than him from board to table it is almost impossible to keep the perfect form his legs aren't just together but his toes are pointed from off the board amazing it's a fifth [Applause] as to hope for a good land he doesn't have the hardest vault two and a half and a big staff that he crossed over certainly over the so this is one half twist left that we just saw from so the way so that means it's maximum score is four tenths of a point less 14 he drops to sixth shall route on now he can sometimes look a little out of control on that landing she's just about to say it was so well controlled straight down that line just to step back he also has very good form on that fault not to the level of sunway his toes aren't pointed right off of the board but legs paste it together and that's close right there remember if you take a step that is less than shoulder-width apart only one-tenth more it's three times [Applause] so get the number for Sam Akula 14 [Applause] leave it in the hands of the judges don't after three rotations that big effort on high bar and then after floor he's in third and he's gonna drop it to fourth right now because Shalu tog with the ball fourteen eight and what Sam has said maybe the last 8 years is especially when Kohei which amaura was in the midst he said I want to be able to put some pressure on him and if I put some pressure on him maybe he'll falter and the same applies to any of these gymnasts so far we haven't really seen much of that that wasn't a conservative error but his fault he was going he was going for gold but it certainly cost him burn is not a shock to see his name up there but it wasn't one of the top three that you're expecting to be there sorry he qualified coming into this final date rotating it's all seated but we can't forget how well he has done since those real olympics been to every World Championships meddled individually James Hall from Great Britain nicely done as one more we'll do this one with a full twist in the top that's too bad he says I'd like to be known as mr. dependable look at his hands right there really Pasha's the bar a little bit the other one Bailey is fingertips you know one of the things though it's it's so critical to get your head up and your eyes looking at the bar his head was down I think a little bit too long didn't know where to grab those hands might have been able to save it I don't know has come a long way the sport as I said earlier has added a lot of difficulty parallel bars andreas Toba from germany underway nice underbar work it's critical to have a good grip gymnast around the world use different concoctions to eat that they're all basically sugar based explain that well a lot of gymnasts use honey but many more actually have their own special combination of stuff they boil stuff down you know if you if you're touching a can of coke and some coke gets on your hands sticky fingers right and actually the Soviets [Applause] sticky with was not a good thing our dolls with a Chinese gymnast dude just chalk and water right for us 13900 eight sixteen place we talked about that with the women the other day but how its prepared differently and who goes before you and what a difference that can make well in so many times you know we've obviously said here that the judging seems to be taking a while so on situations like parallel bars or the uneven bars it could be a good thing because you have more time to prepare the bar how you like it but sometimes when that green flag or light goes on you here on parallel bars is you'll mold our qualify just outside the top ten gorgeous gymnasts overall but I think especially on parallel bars watch this I'll do a full spin on one arm now he'll go into a giant and do that same ball spin much more difficult big release right here he does it actually took it out a little bit bent his knees which is how most people do it sometimes he doesn't laid out stretched body probably loses more than he gets for it dismount double front half [Applause] for Team out though like you said though he is a sticking machine and you know I asked I asked him you know are you healthy he said 100% and I said well I've asked you that before and you lied to me he goes no no I am but with the landings that I've seen the entire competition from you'll I gotta think something is bothering him a little bit Carlos you go from the Philippines I know he's one of your favorites the high bar down so clean his aesthetics his twisting abilities and the way he looks while twisting is it's just perfection and there's a whole nother gymnast in between him and the high bar I mean he is you coach younger children and you always build up the mats because it's scary it's such a long way to fall I'm sure he has gotten over that but just perfect for him though here we go with his first release he just floats doesn't have the highest level of difficulty on high bar looking for another handstand right here little shy that would be a tenth of a point deduction also very good in the landing department [Applause] I love you today as you said it takes take a look at that form again his body is so high above the bar that's what the judges are looking for that landing position they don't want you bent over at all which I disagree with but incredible I would have preferred a little more bend in those knees on the landing well his backs with his back we'll hope that he doesn't do that to our dinner in the future hold our in to 13th after that effort and the number parallel bars for Pablo breaker from Switzerland just inside the top ten in qualifying night perfectly locked arms on that skill under the bars called a peach basket very risky skill keeps it moving pretty well his I move his hand one time though every time you do that on peril of ours even the smallest amount it's a tenth of a point deducted by the judges very nice gymnast he's calm he doesn't rush anything his dismount from the top gymnast and we have not seen it we will later on from Dalian n Nagorny this go very to go come back to the bar you can't see the bars that should easy calm gymnast Tim but he said it was really nervous coming in all he's thinking about with Switzerland qualifying for the Olympics and they were able to do that they got the team final as we continue for the World Championships two rotations left here at the world championships and immense all-around final Niketan Nagorny was the bronze medalist last year he leads all day pranaya he had some great moments in his career but he's not meddled at the world's Xiao gou Tong who wanted a couple of years ago and Samba Kulik hanging in he goes to pommel horse next hour toward Alleluia the reigning champ lost a - the leader Nikita there gorni Terry Gannon we expected this to come down to the end am i asked you about early in the week give me the name you expect to be there at the end you said they keep him in morning if he just does his job he's gonna be champion for 2019 he has been the most consistent gymnast worldwide this entire year it is so much pressure though he has already done to complete all around competitions now everybody did the all around the second day for the Team Championships Nastia our tour gentle voyage before that last rotation you thought okay he's fine even though he's not right there but that was really costly it was and unfortunately you know looking at the standings right now it doesn't really seem that he's going to be able to recover and get on the podium unless of course he gets a little help from some of the other athletes someone has a major mistake so you know that's that's also a very important thing just because you do have what you should seek you cannot give up till the very end you don't know what's going to happen it's really close between Shou and Samba Kulik third and fourth and then Illinois and about a point behind those two yeah but Olek verna yeah he is going to I bar and his two weakest bets these world championships have been by a longshot both of those events so certainly Sam McCulloch has the opportunity to move up beyond him chou-heung former world champion also has that opportunity you know Sam of course going to the at least for me a dreaded start here on high bar Lee Chi Chi from Chinese Taipei currently in 12th place he's always been one of their stars but they brought Oh an ensemble cast as well just performed much better than anyone thought everybody was talking about them they competed early on in the men's competition and we're right at the top of the standings shocking a lot of people I think you said it earlier they were 17 last year made it all the way into the team finals this year things like that little things sometimes not the absolute hardest gymnastics but if you can't do the hardest gymnastics perfectly it's better than doing [Music] nice bubble twisting double layout little Pike down in those hips at the very end over the parallel bars with that group of top qualifiers and the key to the Gorney getting Avars ready once again we talked about you know the solution you put on the bars and first you put that too sugary solution whether it's honey molasses whatever it is and then you have to go over the top of it to make sure there aren't any slick spots you'd a lot of times just to happen as opposed to rub the chalk in it is much more complicated than it seemed well how about that actually Terry for a lot of gymnast getting the bars to feel right on P bars is one of the most nerve-wracking things this really challenging element done great struggled on that one time here at worlds not today [Applause] [Applause] this is so hard to do like that I don't know how he does it every single time dismount double front half and there is that stick we have been waiting for Nicole Nikita Nagorny Wow this is the peach to one bar you gotta let go of the bars and then crab in a one-armed handstand and then do this full spin down look at this dismount look how he just eyes the floor right there would get that number it'll be high but first for Lee Chi Chi from Chinese Taipei 13.1 but Nagorny me with just one rotation left for him solidified that spot at the top over the pommel horse though and white one of his plans had family who is motioning during the warm-up to [Applause] this was one of his weakest events in qualifying [Applause] right here up to the handstand and then back down [Applause] I thought he was perfect and he said he hid all his [Applause] before that skill and he just found himself on the ground afterwards of course it's a full one point deduction beautiful circle very extended nice rhythm a great finish the injury is saying at the top we've talked about it he has told us all year the one thing he wanted to do more than anything else to get a medal the all-around at the World Championships in fat while Terry every [Music] that's their goal when they certainly when they first start a lot of people aren't capable of hanging on to doing all the events like that stays in first place Tobin hi Bob moments ago one of this German crowd remember da Lian lost a full point [Applause] so he is somewhat back in the game when you remember Garn if's strengths and weaknesses [Applause] nice beautiful position on that release skill good flight one more right here I'll do a half-turn at the end of it some gymnasts don't get their body turned enough before they grab the bar and it's severely penalized now as it should be a very nice job today sure is a lot of fun to compete at home [Applause] we had these things called charts just to throw them up in the air trying to get them to stick inside a hula hoop they're dating yourself I think they're banned but no honestly look at this it's like he doesn't even have any movement it's both knees hardly Bend [Applause] nice and soft cheese as my friend John Roethlisberger likes to say he's complain to this crowd - he's enjoyed every minute of this 13-7 it's a seven overall and that number from McCulloch even 13 had done such a fabulous job controlling his nerves I don't know if that was your skew you think that was more of a technical nerves um you know what he was definitely off you could see that he was not in the position that he wanted to be in much earlier before the actual problem occurred soon weigh-in six going into this rotation look at the suppose the best toes in the meet pounding skills called the Timoshenko that from your upper arms to go and do that double backflip doesn't show enough opening of his body though to the middle they'll also do that same double front with a half he's gorgeous on every event two small itsy-bitsy steps but there are ten feet rotation and the dream for Sam Bakula just took a major hit back in a moment - Kazuma kya on parallel bars soon way got his score fourteen point nine three three as a fourth best that we have seen today [Music] he doesn't make any mistakes this is one of his best scoring potential events though bent his elbows a little bit on that skill not supposed to do that nice flight everything just as planned just that one small issue with the bent arms here we go again gonna get it [Applause] [Music] I would say in a lot of places those scores have been a little higher than we saw first day of competition nicely done that front one and a quarter that's a really fun skill to do on the bars for the first time I've taught it a bunch of times and it is not enjoyable just didn't quite have enough rotation had to hold on to the talk a little bit longer I will see if only Barnea can get through these now as you mentioned not his strongest event in the qualifying round only got a thirteen point two three three start when he saw that 15 go up there Kazuma kya from Japan into third behind sued waste nikita Nagorny who leads of course in that Samba Coolidge [Applause] we did not have a perfect landing in 2016 on his last event the last piece of gymnastics he did narrowly missed defeating Kohei Uchimura for the gold and the all-around but since his shoulder surgery I think high bar really bothers him kind of flubbed his hand a little bit there he's clean but he doesn't have the highest level of difficulties gonna try to show a handstand here pretty good little low on that handstand is the event that really he just needs to get through try to stick this landing right here [Applause] gonna challenge the top guys that's for sure but is it enough to keep him there and have a chance to be on that podium well he did all that he could do doesn't have any of those major releases where he's doing the double flip over the bars it's possible to get high starting score without them but the only way you can do that is by a bunch of releases in a row but that dismount right there that's what we talked about not giving away and need Singleton's oh that was that was a great routine for all I got on Ivar get his number shortly but over the shout root Tong from China getting ready on parallel bars coming into this fifth rotation [Applause] beautiful and you see he kicks out of that like I said soon wait does not get the extension so hard to be able to pull that off just a gorgeous routine so far another kick out on that major release showing an extended body so hard to do but what they are looking for you'll do a different dismount double pike somersault the judges are gonna find they're gonna find more than one full point and I would like to sit down with them after the competition and go where show me where some panels it almost looks like it's a contest to see who can recognize the most deductions my book that's about a nine eight execution sport starting to get the help of artificial intelligence now the judges do and we'll see more of that nine thirteen point six six six and take a look at that difficulty score five point seven in the qualifying round only a 5.0 so he's hanging in second before the score for Joe Joe Frazier from Great Britain on floor a few moments ago [Music] very humbling but he does it basically as a side pass gorgeous and so close to that line if he had taken a step back would have certainly been out of bounds it was nice a little bit bent over as he landed and you know he didn't take a step but his foot slid that's kind of the same thing I said it earlier [Applause] while they can be something else very difficult full twisting double nice job the World Championships last year helped Great Britain to a fifth place finishing the team event but did not make it final here he is in the all-around final like I said that full twisting double I think a little bit harder than you know the same value triple twist at the end so 14 one six six in the seventh place with one rotation left for him job route song tremendous this should be a huge number 15 to 6 6 so he is in second place and it's about six tenths of a point the difference between the gorni and Shou right now with our tour des moyens ready he needs a big effort now on parallel bars he does but Sam kind of breathe some life into his chances really nice when you go from your arms like that up to the handstand so hard to do watch the flight he gets here nicely done big air on his release like shower Tong this is a phenomenal exercise challenging to do this skill at the end but that was gorgeous shouldn't have taken that little movement with his hand one tenth of a point for that [Applause] [Music] pretty major mistake there is still a chance for him to get on to that podium I can't tell you how many times I have seen him stick that disma over and over again this routine was about as aggressive as I've ever seen him though yes he had that one hand movement let's look at the dismount he actually moves both feet independently he took a step back and then I believe he put the other one back to it instead of bringing it forward again so as he takes his seat I'm just looking at the standings with bluelux about the top novice they're trying to hold on but dalla loin with this score see if he can overtake Allegra nyah in third place gonna be 15 I think somewhere there's the men's all-around at the World Championships Nikita Nagorny has been sensational to this point but that lead less than six tenths of a point average Alberto who won the subtitle two years ago it'll be tough for him to make a move but doesn't the high bar guys have they have a higher scoring potential position does a great plan very capable of sticking his little bit of an adjustment there double-double so this transition into the cross really good that is so hard great position that's the first guy I think we've seen stick that dismount you know not only in one routine one moment in one room team but but you guys know what that's all about it does come down to that what a different Samba culito than we saw the first day in qualifying soon way part of this group of the top qualifiers mostly the top contenders now here in the final rotation this way 14 for Samba Kubik this young man he's in a very good position it's it's not like he's not see the number right now in fifth but he's less than half a point from the podium what he does are those combination release skills that right there very flat at least three tenths of a point for not hitting the handstand right there - very low that was the skill II came upon in the team finals that one where he was straight going over the bar one right here really don't know what they're going to do with that one skill you have to do a complete half turn and you're supposed to lean in handstand he never completed the half turn until close to the bottom which is at the bare minimum five tenths off the judges do their job here the execution score that is out of a ten point zero should be significantly lower than we've seen so far today from the other top competitors it is the second you see his body is not completely turned gorgeous release combination like I said that was the skill he came off the bar on it's funny though the angle that the judges are sitting at I would say had an excellent view to be able to see that major element that I don't believe he finished well the other half is in a position where would be very hard for them to see that angle and eventually an even 14 so eighty six five two three six coming into this rotation opening element let's look for the handstands once again pretty good they're called German Giants done very nicely well when we see the elbows Bend on that giant day these judges they are critical they're brutal with Xiao Rou Tong in second place going into this final rotation and we remember back to what happened last year and how close it was it mistakes in the end on high bar he's about six tenths of a point off the lead has a huge release plan right in the beginning we've seen a lot of laid out to cot chaps he'll add a full twist it's called a Lucan that was so close in it look like his coach maybe touched him which is a full point of deduction release combination here three in a row too close to the bar 18 World Championships mistake [Music] didn't have to do three of those in combination but when you got a guy like Nikita Nagorny who is leaving nothing on the table look how close he is to the bar elbows are bent almost impossible to get up and over the bar doesn't really have his thumb around the bar as well a beautiful dismount double twisting double layout great fight on the landing oh my goodness came down to high barn the team final a couple of days ago with Russia can this man Allegra Naya will be on floor the last rotation finally get to the podium at the world championships it would be amazing he's a tremendous gymnast really tricky mouth sequence big step 3/10 step in one tenth of a pound see what happens with double twisting laid-out somersault nice couple twisting double just a small five but you know like like I said earlier his last two events unquestionably his two weakest events but for him to be at this point after all he has been through physically surgeries rehab I mean every time you turned around there was another injury that he was having surgically repaired yep do that for the first time twelve six six [Music] you're right how satisfied they are that he's able to do this because he does some high-flying stuff but also has a beautiful look first one right away watch he just floats watch how straight his body is gorgeous remember he went all out on vaulting tried to stick the landing came up short lost a full point he would be battling for gold instead of just the podium finish had he not done that beautiful handstand right there Wow does Russia have a one-two punch it is captured the gold medal in our tour said that goal was for my little girl his daughter who is named Nicole was born in August he had the widest all the Kovacs over the bar done in a pike position this one look at the toes pointed and the ups and downs emotionally those little moments that can cost you a title or win a title and for him it was balled sanma Kulik terms of metal it was pommel horse [Music] so it's down Lloyd on top Oleg Barnea and then shout took the gold he kissed the gold medal on the podium let's see if his friend repays the favor gotta stay on the bar beautiful first release super clean so far a little bit shy of the handstand so he has a cushion over dalla lion this is an unbelievable amount of pressure [Music] [Music] quita Nagorny not just kissing the gold medal but wearing exactly done celebrations underway the Team Russia not these two alone but teammates out there cheering them on as well and everybody in the states here this Russian flag the world champion in the so to gorni better than anybody for the men today remember Simone biles so - for her yesterday as we've come to expect and on floor and all of that making history once again and another gold medal but her work isn't done because she's made everything from finals here in stuttgart spent some kind of day here with art or talent coming up just shy of nikita Nagorny an Olympic channel home of Team USA till then for Nastia Liukin Tim Daggett Andrea I'm Terry Gannon
Channel: Gabriel McDonough WCH
Views: 313,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nikita, nagorny, gym, gymnastics, simone, biles, stuttgart, 2019, nbc, gabriel, mcdonough
Id: 39PW0oKpcaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 5sec (8285 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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