Maester Aemon Targaryen Knew The Truth About Everything? - The Biggest Mystery in Westeros! (Theory)

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the realm do you know what the realm is it's the thousand blades of aegon's enemies a story we agreed to tell each other over and over till we forget that it's a lie what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back for another game of thrones and a song of ice and fire theory video in this video i will be discussing what i think is one of the best kept secrets in all of westeros this is a subject i have whenever before in one of my videos many years ago but i want to talk about it again because i still think it's interesting now as you all know we are led to believe there were only a handful of characters who knew about the real relationship rhaegar targaryen had with lyanna stark not only that but we are also led to believe even fewer characters knew about their secret love child jon snow this would be a secret that ned stark would take to his grave thanks to the three odd raven and brian stark we would eventually find out a lot more information regarding lyanna and rhaegar's relationship as we saw in the show during some of branstar's flashbacks we found out exactly what happened at the tower of joy as well as how ned stark ended up with jon snow a motherless child as you all know this was when jon snow's real mother and father was revealed we finally had the answer to one of the greatest mysteries in a song of ice and fire jon is the son of rhaegar and lyanna making him next in line for the iron throne now as far as we know the only characters who were aware of this information were those who were there that day and were still not exactly sure how much sir arthur dayne and his men knew but since they died anyway it doesn't really matter since dead men don't speak and now the ned stark is dead as well the only other man who could have revealed this information was helen reed but i don't think he was the only one who knew about jon snow as a matter of fact i believe the three-eyed raven gave this information to someone else besides brian stark i think the other character who knew about this was maester aemon and it was for a good reason i actually believe the three-odd raven was giving maester aemon information all the way up until his death now let me explain if you haven't read any of the books you might not know that much about master aemon's relationship with not only the three-eyed raven but jon snow's father rhaegar targaryen as well i know i'm not the only one who always got the sense that mr amen knew about everything that was happening around him now some of you might be wondering how maester aemon would have known about all this information especially if he really didn't know about rhaegar lyanna and jon there is one very interesting detail you must remember about these characters the three-eyed raven maester ayman rhaegar and jon snow are all related all of them have the blood of the dragon running through their veins in fact the three had raven and jon snow both have the blood of the dragon as well as the blood of the first men making them ice and fire now one of the main reasons i believe the three-eyed raven and maester amen stayed in contact with each other over the years is because of their relationship with one another these men were actually a lot closer than you might think the three-eyed raven also known as the three-eyed crow or bloodraven did not always live out beyond the wall inside a weirwood long before that he was known as lord brendan rivers the bastard son of king aegon targaryen the fifth of his name there was already a lot of secrecy surrounding this character before he became known as the three-eyed raven as a matter of fact there were many who would say that he was a sinister sorcerer and a spymaster who effectively ran the kingdom with his spies and spells not only was he once the hand of the king but he was also the master of whispers and he would continue to do the latter even after he disappeared while ranging out beyond the wall so as you can see the thread raven has been whispering secrets in the ears of those who would listen for many many years now what is really interesting about maester raymond and the three-eyed raven is that they joined the night's watch on the same exact day they actually left king's landing and rode up the castle black together and i must say i would love to know what they discussed during their long journey now we all know emon became the may strike castle black but the three-eyed raven eventually became the lord commander at castle black working hand-in-hand with maester ayman we know how close maester aemon and lore commander mormont were while they were at castle black together but how close do you think maester aemon and the three-eyed raven were while they were at castle black together especially considering they were family as well you can only assume they must have had thousands of conversations over the years brendan rivers or the three-eyed raven was the lore commander at castle black for 13 years so actually think about that maester aemon and the three-eyed raven worked hand-in-hand together at the wall for well over a decade and that was right before the three-eyed raven disappeared while he was out beyond the wall maester aemon most likely would have discovered some of his secrets while living under the same roof that is if the three had raven didn't tell him himself which i think he did once again this would have been for a very good reason i also don't think it's a coincidence that these characters ended up living for over 100 years they were among some of the oldest characters still alive in westeros it's almost as if they were staying alive long enough until someone else arrived like they were waiting for something i will get back to this later now as i said before after he was the lord commander at castle black for 13 years brendan rivers eventually went missing out beyond the wall no one knew where he went or what actually happened to him but i believe maester amen did i believe they stayed in contact and even continued working together over the years even if mr raymond didn't know it was him think about brendan river's other names he was known as the three-eyed raven the three-eyed crow or bloodraven he knows how to look through the eyes of the ravens but what we never saw in the show was brendan rivers also knows how to speak through the ravens there were many examples of this throughout the books in fact he even influences different events by speaking through the ravens now think about one of the jobs maester ayman had at castle black he looks over the ravens the three-ad raven also could have sent maece draymond messages through his dreams just like he did with jojen reed bran stark and maybe even jon snow there are a lot of characters who see different events in their dreams and most fans believe it is bloodraven who is affecting them another thing that i find interesting about maester ayman and bloodraven is they both had something happen to their eyes mace raymond is obviously blind and bloodraven lost one of his eyes in the books the werewolf is actually growing through bloodraven's empty eye socket now i'm not sure if there is any significance to these characters having had something happen to their eyesight but george rr martin most likely did this for one reason or another now getting back to may streaming's old age it almost feels as if something was keeping him alive just long enough until he could ensure certain events happened at castle black what are the odds that he would be able to survive for that long in such a harsh environment only to die shortly after jon snow one of our main characters became the new lore commander at castle black if you ask me i think may draymond was waiting for him under orders from the three-eyed raven we now know the three-eyed raven can look through the werewoods at different events even some that haven't happened yet i believe things were set in motion for certain characters to be in certain locations at certain times i think that mr amen was there at the wall as sort of a guide to make sure these things still happened now what's also really interesting is maester aemon was well aware of the azor ahai prophecy in fact he actually spoke about this with rhaegar targaryen he knew that rhaegar was convinced it would be one of his own sons who would fulfill this ancient prophecy now i would be willing to bet that maester aemon spoke about this with the three-eyed raven as well i mean they did spend 13 years together at the wall i'm sure his conversation with rhaegar had to come up eventually this also has always made me wonder why rhaegar became so obsessed with the prince who was promised what made him so sure it would be his son where did he get this information was it sent to him in a dream now the targaryens are known for having prophetic dreams was the three-eyed raven influencing these events once again well i think so this is what ultimately led rhaegar to fleeing south with lyanna stark he needed another son and as we all know that son would be jon snow a character maester aemon grew fond of almost instantly not only did maester raymond help jon snow but so did the three had raven in many different ways for one it was no coincidence the starks stumbled across exactly enough direwolves for each of the children including jon snow what's also interesting about this is how similar ghost is to bloodraven they're both described as being white as bone with eyes as red as blood i believe that's because he is almost always inside ghost that way he could lead jon on his journey of facing off against the others in the books it was actually ghosts who found the hidden stash of dragonglass and what might have been the horn of winter out beyond the wall now who do you think hid those items there in the first place my guess is it was done by bloodraven and or the children of the forest since they do work hand in hand it was also maester aemon and the three-eyed raven who assisted in jon snow becoming the new lord commander at castle black as we saw in the show it was mr amen who gave jon snow the last vote which ultimately won him the election now in the books they actually cast their votes inside this giant kettle before they count them when they opened it during the election a raven flew out of it and landed right next to jon when that happened the raven said snow the raven ends up saying jon's name a few more times right before it then lands on his shoulder it was actually lore commander mormont's old raven however i believe it was the three out raven inside of it i think this is a good example of maester ayman and the three had raven working together so they could ensure jon snow became the new lord commander at castle black another very interesting thing happens with this raven while jon snow is having a conversation with lore commander mormont during the conversation lore commander mormont is actually talking to jon about maester eamon's family and their history most notably the targaryen kings i don't think this is a coincidence because we now know jon is a targaryen king as well now before the conversation ends lore commander mormont says jaime lannister killed the last of the dragon kings referring to the mad king however as soon as mormont says that the raven begins saying the word king as it looks right at jon snow i think the raven is letting us know jaime lannister did not kill the last dragon king because jon snow is a secret targaryen next in line for the iron throne and just like i said about the election i think it was the three-eyed raven inside of this raven saying king as it looked at jon something else i should mention is what happens when stannis and melisandre arrive at castle black in the books as you all know melisandre once believed that stannis was azor ahai she even says that he has the sword lightbringer as a matter of fact stannis's sword even glows in the books but we all know he's not the real azor ahai nor does he have the real sword like mace draymond knew this as well he knew stannis wasn't a zora high and he knew his sword was a lightbringer because the blade was not hot he actually says that to sam he said he did not feel no heat when he was near the sword but as we all know lightbringer should be a burning hot glowing red sword stannis was not melisandre was obviously using some kind of magic to do that to the sword now another thing i should mention is what happens to maester ayman in the books he doesn't actually die at the wall like he does in his show in the books master raymond leaves castle black for the citadel with samwell jon made sure that mace draymond got away from the wall because he was worried that melisandre might sacrifice him for his king's blood now right before mr amen leaves the wall he says a few very interesting things to jon snow most likely knowing this would be the last time they would ever speak to each other during this conversation this is when maester aemon feels jon snow's face before he gives him the kill the boy speech what i find so interesting about this is when maester amen feels jon snow's face it immediately reminds him of his brother egg or aegon targaryen it makes me think there must have been something about jon's bone structure in his face that reminded aemon of his brother who interestingly enough has the same name as john not only that but this was also the same thing aemon said to his brother egg right before he left king's landing for the wall now maester ayman is giving the same speech to another king aegon which again i don't think is a coincidence kill the boy jon snow kill the boy and let the man be born there is one other thing maestraeman does before he leaves castle black he gives jon snow a book and this book was known as the jade compendium he lets jon know he left a marker inside the book because there is something very specific he wants him to read while he's gone when jon finally opens that book he sees what maester aemon wants him to read it was the section about azor ahai and his sword lightbringer now you could definitely say mace raymond did that so jon would realize stannis wasn't the real azor ahai however i believe it has more than one meaning maybe he wanted jaunt to see something in himself something that maybe only maester aiman a blind man could see kill the boy jon snow kill the boy and let the man be born alone in the womb it's a terrible thing [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Talking Thrones
Views: 872,852
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Keywords: Game of Thrones, Season 8, A Song of Ice and Fire, End Game, How It Ends, The Winds of Winter, Release Date, Theory Video, End Game Theory, How It Should Have Ended, George R.R. Martin, Books, Next Book, A Dream of Spring, Maester Aemon, Truth, The Biggest Secret, The Biggest Mysteries, Jon Snow's Parents, Rhaegar and Lyanna, Wedding, Jon Snow Birth, ASOIAF, Chapter, Breakdown, Revealed, Talking Thrones, Theories, Rewrite, Remake, Game of Thrones Season 9, Bloodraven, Bran, Weirwood
Id: rC44x6EDegU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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