Maekersuite 101–how to get the most out of Maekersuite

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[Music] hello everyone on this lovely Friday afternoon I already see we have 25 people in this webinar um super excited to do this um it's my first time and uh Julia um who's is running our marketing and Community Management who's behind the scenes it's the first time we're running this um so um be a little patient if some things don't work perfectly um but we are giving our best um to make this as informative as possible for you guys um hey Tony um hey poster stars um super excited to have you guys here um yeah um just to quickly maybe set some ground rules obviously um the chat is here to uh communicate um with each other obviously you can uh post and ask questions throughout this whole U presentation and webinar and um we will try to answer as many as possible um in the time um frame that we have set out for this webinar um and then obviously um be kind to each other um be nice um and um yeah really looking forward to this and um the structure for this webinar is actually going to be um super simple I'm going to start with a um little introduction about um uh myself as the founder um then also um maker Suite obviously and how we came up with the idea of makeer suite and how the what's what the history of makeer Suite is and then I will go into in-depth um a product demonstration um I'm going to show you all the different features um I'm going to try and anticipate as many questions as possible and um that's probably when you guys have the most um or the biggest opportunity to ask questions and then we will go over into a uh Q&A and in that Q&A we will talk about the questions you have had during the product demo plus um we will also talk a little bit about the uh product road map and what we actually want to do uh with make a suite in the in the upcoming months so um yeah super excited um maybe just to give you um uh a little bit of background um about about myself the person you're going to be listening to for the next couple of minutes um and also Julia who is going to be uh joining me uh in a couple of minutes for the Q&A so let me first introduce Julia Julia um has joined us uh last last year she is um one of um four people um that is behind maker suite and Julia runs marketing and Community Management um she is um the one uh looking at all the comments all the emails um all the messages that you guys sent to us uh she's the one uh reading it um apart from me and um many of you have already probably uh talked to her um and gotten help from her so she's is in the background uh she will be joining us shortly and then um just a little bit of background about myself so I'm uh Philip I was uh born and raised in in Munich in Germany which you can probably hear from my accent um I uh spent my entire professional uh career in um online video I started working for germanese speakers fil movie production company when I got out of University and I joined them in 2011 when online video and especially YouTube was just about um to become big um influencer marketing was not a not a term um back then but it was everything was starting back then and um I was probably at the right time uh at the right place and uh was thrown into this industry and um absorbed everything like a sponge um for a couple of years and um was working for this big corporate and um yeah developing uh new uh content campaigns sponsored content campaigns the first type of influencer campaigns here in Germany um with big Brands like Microsoft and Porsche and we built YouTube channels um and yeah basically learned the trade I would say um and then when I was about 25 years old 26 I started my first business uh with a friend of mine and together we uh built a video production company and social media agency in Berlin in German uh wean we we operated that business for um 5 to six years and it was really during that time that I switched from a pure business head person to more of a c creative director and and and video person so I learned how to edit I learned how to take pictures and um and operate video cameras I was obviously watching our team um doing all the things and um together we we created um great video content for um for five years and it was also during that time me being a um a German trying to be as efficient as possible and everything that we do um obviously looking at the processes um of video production and trying to optimize them as as much as possible and one of the very first first things that we actually did back then was to only hire people that did not only have one skill but had actually multiple skills just to make this a little bit more plastic so we hired um people that were able to shoot shot and to edit because those people would shoot less um because they knew they had to edit the content as well and they would also um um edit faster because they knew exactly what they had shot before so they didn't have to rewatch um all the material um so yeah that was um basically my video Journey um up until the point where my business partner and I we had the feeling that running an agency was was um obviously very draining and not really scalable um and um I then wanted to do something with all the experience and all the knowledge that we had accumulated and um I got actually introduced to um Aventure Capital fund um in London um which is also the reason why maker Suite is um based out of London and um yeah with them we then developed the idea um of how we can reimagine the creation process and then and obviously having all this experience and then also doing a lot of research um what is already out there obviously there's tube body there's vdq but then there's also other video tools uh like V there's obviously Adobe the Vinci um final cut all the editing software descript like a lot of things were happening in the space and also a lot of recording tools um were developed and that's also where we uh where we saw our initial um Market we um um initially had a teleprompter application um because we wanted to help people record themselves more efficiently and then um hundreds of people were downloading the application and trying to record themselves but what we found is that they were struggling to record themselves on a regular basis and we obviously talked to all these people and asked them why that was the case and then a lot of the people said that um they simply don't have the time to write the scripts to do the research and to get to the point where um they can actually record something right and our target audience was always the the self-employed professional the the Creator um the expert um who wanted to use video to um um Drive awareness create leads um uh improve maybe customer support um and fulfillment and um talking to all these people we found okay we need to we need to solve the problem that is pre-production um before we go into the recording or the post-production phase um and that's where then um the the product idea for for maker Suite came from at the end of 2022 and then um oh that's funny every time I do a thumbs up uh it shows this little I will not do that again um so um yeah that's basically was the moment when at the end of 2022 we came up with the idea um of building a research tool and um also then fusing it with um with script writing and and and storytelling um and this is where we are um today this is the product that you know uh so far this is the product that probably many of you have already um already played with and are excited about uh when they use it and obviously we are just at the very very beginning of our journey so um um some of you might have read this somewhere in some of the comments or maybe um have heard some of the um the other podcasts that I've maybe done in the last uh two to three weeks so we actually first uh launched the product in August 2023 and um yeah the appsumo launch um then was the first uh big Market marketing push essentially um that we did and we are extremely excited about all the feedback that we have gotten um from you guys and um our job now is to obviously do these webinars and and offer you um any way to communicate with us so that we can listen and we can figure out how we can make your life um as easy as possible um and these webinars yes we try to obviously um let you in on some some tips and tricks but um it's equally as important for us to really understand how you guys are are using the product and how you would like to use the product in the future so um these webinars are really a a a win-win uh for all of us here so um yeah that's um a quick introduction about uh the team myself um and and make a suite and maybe it's now um the perfect time to actually uh go into the product and talk a little bit about the product um and yeah if you have any questions um please uh let Julia and I know um and then either we directly uh answer them during the product presentation or we wait um for the Q&A so let's get started this is the wonderful homepage uh I took the freedom uh and already cleaned up my my project screen and Explorations so just for those of you who have never seen makeer Suite um and to uh uh maybe have not played around with it um a lot um it's very simple to navigate we have uh the four different um features at the top so you have basically four different entry points into the product you have the research the exploration um part this is probably the core um of the product together with the script writing um but this is the this is really the the part that we as Meer Suite want to uh build out more and more over the next couple of weeks and months um because makerite for us is or the goal with makerite is to really build a datadriven uh content creation platform that um gives you all the data gives you all the information um saves you the time during all the research and then you can turn all this information that um we have aggregated that we have found and identified for you um and you can take this data you can use your own data um um your own anecdotes your own experience your own little stories um that you will be able to add to make a suite in the future and then um you basically have these these these two pools um of content um and you can merge them um using using thei or your own script writing skills and the Frameworks that we are um integrating into the product um yeah to to Really allow you to create um super individualized content pieces um and um and not so generic um content um that for example is one of the feedbacks that we've seen from you guys that obviously at the moment we have um GPT integrated and we have Claude integrated and one of the the biggest challenges for us is really how can we make the content that you get out of maker Suite as individualized as possible um and with the highest um standard of quality and um our approach is really to allow you to put in information but then also to make data aggregation and data research part um uh much more sophisticated than it already is then um the analyze video that's um a small feature um that some of you might have already uh tried um it's actually super easy you just go on YouTube you take a YouTube url um that I just copy paste in here and then you get insights um about the video that you want to do research on and this is basically an indepth um analytic part that you also find in the explorations so just to give you a little bit of insights here so obviously you have all the publicly available data um in this blue box um the views the likes um the subscriber amount of the channel That posted it you can click on the video to actually watch the video um we have a performance score I will go into a little bit more detail about the performance score in a in a minute but then you also have watchtime intensity um that's super relevant because it shows you how um certain parts of the video are um watched in Rel in relation to other parts right so for example let me take an early one here at minute 550 uh you have um you have basically a um a spike and then you could go into into the transcript um and actually look at what is happening in uh in the script at a minute 5 Second 50 and then you can just take this part of the the script read through it and then figure out what the the point is that people were interested in here maybe also look at the video and look at the the images that we used here maybe there's an interesting graph or an interesting example and um the the transcript um the summary of the video and then an outline of the video is something you can find under Advanced uh insights um you also find common words that are being used and then we also have a sentiment analysis um so what happens here is that we analyze the language of the video and um we um for example if a video is super politically motivated and um I don't know um hate speech or whatever this will be a red bar um if it's um a super nice um video about flowers and uh and summer and uh lots of positive words then this will be a very green bar um most videos are are actually very very neutral um because people who create content for YouTube they're um very often interested in uh in yeah being neutral being attractive uh for for advertisers uh and also being attractive for YouTube to actually run ads on uh on your content so what you will see is most of the content that you analyze is going to be uh very neutral um then you also see the related video this is obviously um exactly the same as you would find on on YouTube then uh we have your get your script uh tile here at the top um which is something that I will also go into a little bit more detail and then we have the SC start from scratch tile this is um super uh interesting if you I don't know um how many of you are actually using make a suite like this but for example if you if you have done a lot of Explorations and you have done YouTube for a couple of months couple of years and you actually um uh know exactly what you want to do or you know exactly what your client um wants to do um then um for example you can type in a a video um title at the top so top five tips to start a uh YouTube channel and then what you can do is you can just very very uh um much like in in chat GPT you can use the chat functionality at the bottom and you can ask it uh can you write me an outline for this video and then what it will do it will take the video title from the top and then it will um it will write an out outline for you and if you for example have a lot of ideas you've done a lot of research you know exactly what you want to talk about this is probably the easiest and quickest way to to actually start a project you then get a quick outline here on the side you can um then insert it or replace it doesn't make a big difference here and then you can tweak this okay so um this is also something that I recommend um if you go into the product using the other entry points um you can actually use the ask AI button or the quick actions menu to really uh um yeah improve your script make it longer make it shorter um and yeah basically use it um as a super sophisticated chat GPT uh uh Word document um and what you can for example do here is um you could ask it a question I've already um you could basically highlight some of the things and then you can ask a question that is only related to that specific um section of the script this is something um this is a good tip to follow if you want to only talk about one point highlight that point and then ask uh the AI to actually do something and then here my question is for example can you elaborate on this point um and then um it will um elaborate on this I can insert below I can replace it uh or I can uh regenerate it I can also just leave it be and then um maybe another example is um you can go into a little bit more detail so for example if I highlight these ones the tip one um I can then ask it can you tell me how I can Define my Niche are there any models I can use to precisely describe my Niche um and then you can ask Ai and then it should come up uh with a little bit more in-depth uh uh points here and then you can you can regenerate it um as often as you want you can insert it um and um yeah and continue writing uh things and um as I said the quick actions menu is also something um that you should L into look into um to improve stuff and obviously this is the point where you could also just highlight the whole thing and then just say turn this into a f script um and then you just press record and then it would do that um and you're basically in the script editor mode um which is also the end point of your um of your other um projects so I'm not going to save this um because I want to show you how the exploration works and um um what you can do here um many of the um questions that we have gotten over the last couple of weeks is what is actually the best way to um to type in keywords um and to do the keyword research here so obviously um do not overload this um what I always do is I write a a short uh sentence um with a keyword or two in it um you could also write several keywords um maybe a Max of three that are very closely related um to do the research so um let's um look at I've done an exploration earlier so for example my keyword here would be how to become a YouTuber what I always try to to do and to replicate is what would people type into the YouTube search bar or the Google search bar and um yeah for me how to become a YouTuber is probably something that people would uh search for on YouTube and then they would find obviously um a lot of content about it so um this is an this is uh an exploration that I would do um and now it's because it's exactly the same exploration it actually shows me um um that I've already done it but what you could do is how to start a YouTube channel um and then then you could start the exploration and then this um takes a couple of minutes um this really depends but it should not uh take longer than three to four minutes um Max and you usually don't stay on the screen you just go back to home you continue um look at all your projects you can maybe start another exploration you can always run three Explorations at the same time um and when one is finished you can start another one um so yeah let's actually look at the explorations that I've already done because um I don't want you guys to wait until this one is finished we can look into this a little bit later but let's look at uh the how to become a YouTuber exploration we can load it um and then we see the um the report screen essentially and the report screen is um basically divided into two sections on um on the top half you have the top five video ideas and that is um that b basically Aggregates all the data that in the bottom half of this page um we have found and it gives you a recommendation of what you should be creating next um for your YouTube channel um or your client um or um or the video that you want to create it doesn't have to be a YouTube channel it can also be a Tik Tok video it can be a Facebook video it can um it doesn't really matter where uh you want to distribute the content on um at this top we have a drop- down menu I will tell you in a second what this dropdown menu is exactly and then you can also regenerate ideas um and get new ideas um uh um here if you click on this button but let's now dive into uh the research so research overview for this exploration we have analyzed 410 videos we have um clustered these 410 videos into two 22 different topics topics um and then we have identified 194 different channels that have created these 410 videos and in total over a billion videos uh over a billion views were generated by these 410 videos so we can then go into uh the graph and this is probably what uh um many of you are most interested in uh what does this graph mean and how do I interpret this data um on this graph so we have on the y- AIS uh a relevance score and on the um x-axis we have a quality score relevance is veryy easy to understand relevance is how closely related is the keyword how to become a YouTuber related to um the topic and the videos that are actually here in this cluster so the higher up um the more relevant the um the bubble the topic um so this is basically 22 bubbles is 22 topic clusters identified and in these 22 bubbles you will find the 410 videos and the bigger the bubble the more videos are in this bubble so that's how to to read this graph and then uh left and right also is a difference on the right on the left hand side you have um very saturated topics meaning that there is um um the the videos that are in these topic clusters and the YouTube channels that have published them they have gotten a below average view count on these videos on average um there are outliers in in here but on average um if you are for example a YouTube channel that has a million subscribers and you have created a video that goes into that bubble and that video has only generated 2,000 views then um uh then uh um it's going to be uh a low quality score okay um so um you then let's talk about the uh the right hand side um on the right hand side what you see is um obviously um the topic clusters where the videos that the channels have published have outperformed um um the average video uh that YouTube channel usually has and then what we can do is we can click on one of these bubbles and we can actually go into these Bubbles and analyze them in more depth so what you see here is um basically in the next view um all these bubbles in a list format and then you can uh organize them by relevance you can organize them by by quality score and you always have to watch out so only watching the quality score and not um taking into account the relevance is probably not going to help you so much right so for example this bubble here at the bottom is personal reflection and relationships so this is not very relevant to you wanting to create something about YouTube so um um maybe ignore this or find a very creative way of how to tell your personal story and maybe how you created a YouTube channel um and um how that um served you in your in your business or your clients um maybe this is also a good point to explain why some of these topics in here are absolutely not related to the keyword that you have put in initially this is also something that a lot of you have asked us um over and over again over the last couple of weeks and it's actually very simple to explain um what we do with makeer Suite is we emulate what YouTube what the YouTube algorithm does right so we put in how to become a YouTuber and then we look at what YouTube is showing their audience right so in the beginning this is extremely relevant content and we look at all these videos on the YouTube page and then in the next layer we actually look at the recommended videos and then from your own experience what you will know is maybe you have searched something on um how to become a a great YouTuber but then you find recommended videos about selfhelp self-discovery running a small business financial markets um things that are also interesting um for people that are interesting in in building a um a a YouTube audience right so and when you then go down one layer and one layer more and one layer more what you end up is that the recommended videos they are not related to YouTube anymore but they might uh be only talking about financial markets and crypto and maybe history channels and the reason is that people who are interested in creating YouTube content some of them maybe 2% maybe 5% are also interested in financial markets and in in other stuff um so that's the reason why the stock market updates and financial news is showing up here this is actually not a mistake um this there's there's a reason behind it um and this shows you that um a small percentage of the people who are interested in YouTube they're also interested in the stock market so that's uh um just for you to to know here and we've also into like you can see these little uh names here or these little uh writings here um we've divided this graph into four quadrants okay um obviously the top right hand quadrant is the one that you should be looking at and you should look into these into these Bubbles and then the bottom left is something that you should probably ignore because it's not very relevant uh to your uh to your uh keyword anyway and it's a very saturated Niche um that you maybe should not invest time and money into and then you have the other two um one is high performing but not relevant so maybe through a creative solution and maybe a creative bridge that you build yourself you can um um um find a interesting topic that mixes or builds the bridge between your keyword and this and then this other one is super relevant but obviously there's low performance in it because it's so saturated and a lot of competition but it might be worth for you to nevertheless create some content in one of these bubbles anyway um just for the sake of being in that field and uh maybe even if you are the 10th result um that pops up or the 20th result some people might find you anyway so um let's go into the bubble uh uh analytics and uh the in-depth analytics so you find again you find metrics um about this bubble um uh the tags that people are using and then um you also see the videos that are actually in this bubble and then from here you again you get into this analytics view that we know from um the analyze video um feature um that I've shown you before and then this is exactly um the same um a lot of people um have asked us um when it will be possible to actually um take this information that you find here and save it so that you can directly feed it into the creation process um this is one of the next product iterations that we uh want to work on you also see this on our public product road map um it's called the notes and the um um and the the pinboard is is what we call it internally so you being able to actually collect a lot of um data highlight a lot of uh cool things that you um that you find here you can copy paste it into a note section and then you can decide which notes are going to be taken into account for your next um video creation so um yes I think um a lot of you um know how how this works and are spending a lot of time actually looking into this um and um I hope this answers one of the questions that many of you had in the past and um therefore let's now go into this little drop- down menu uh that I've mentioned before uh why it exists and why it's here so this drop down menu shows actually 22 lines in this case and this is the 22 topics that we have identified so uh let's go and look at this bubble here what the name of this bubble is it is YouTube channel creation tutorials um then let's look Channel creation tutorials so that's the bubble uh over here and then it gives us um one idea that we can work with if you press regenerate ideas um it should give you um um more ideas uh different ideas and it actually gives you not only one but five the reason for that is that um obviously what we're doing here takes a lot of computation and um you have to actually click on um this topic once um and then uh you have to regenerate to get more um uh immediately sometimes so what you can then do is let's go into the YouTube channel creation tutorials and then without me doing a lot of read here um actually I have no idea what these topics are about um but I just want to show you the product so um not on a mission right now to write the best script possible um and then you are obviously in the briefing screen so this briefing screen is also something um that you can uh access um from the home screen and um it is the the the purple the purple tile and um what you can do is you can change your tonality uh many of you have ask when we will add more um we um already have a couple of more and they will be coming live in the next couple of um couple of days um so no worries um we have the video title here you can obviously change that that's completely up to you you then have the project goal um from what we see a lot of you are creating content to educate others and to train others um which is um super super exciting to see um I most of the time also um use this and then you can change the target length over here uh you can change the language um uh the content type you can choose between a Blog and a video um at the moment these are not too different from each other but what we're now adding is um different templates and different structures to the scripts um so um next week we will be implementing um different structure types and storytelling arcs um for video scripts and we will be doing the same for blog writing uh in the future um it this is just also shows you that that maker Suite is uh not necessarily only a video creation tool um but we want to build a datadriven Content creation uh platform so Creator what does this mean this is also a question that many of you have asked us before um this is actually a short description about yourself um and this is very limited at this moment in time but this is one something that I mentioned to you before um where we want you to be able to actually um input more information about yourself so in this case um I just write I am a YouTube expert and and then um obviously you can elaborate on this a little bit more and then this information that you give here will also be taken into account um when writing your outline and writing your script um and then here target audience um people um who are interested in becoming um better and um marketers through branding um and then you can generate an outline and this obviously also takes a couple of seconds um but um this is the perfect time to actually go into the project screen and show you what the project screen um can do for you so um it's very simple the green ones are where the script is completed um so it's been generated by the AI and then depending on um obviously we always advise that you use the AI as uh an aid uh the AI is not going to write a script for you that you should be posting um immediately and recording immediately um the the AI quality is definitely not there yet and um you can immediately feel when um you watch a video that has been um entirely created uh by an artificial intellig intelligence but the green bubble means that the video has been generated by the AI and then you can toggle the project status and you can show it's in progress and then you basically you go in and you make changes um to the script and um let's maybe um go into and then obviously when it's done uh it's done but let's maybe look into one of these um scripts here or things that you can do um and then again this is very similar to what we have um I've shown you in the um right script from scratch and um you can then um change this write the text here and um as I said what we're going to do is um we're going to change the formatting here over the next um a couple of days and and two weeks um so that it feels um it has less um headlines and it feels more like a continuous flowing text um what is also uh important for you to note here is obviously um uh the outline you can go back to it you can rewrite the script using the outline you can change the outline um so it is not um um fixed once you have written a script and then publishing ideas um we also autogenerate the tags and we also generate a short description um for your video uh here um in this little box and you can regenerate it you can copy uh copy it uh copy paste it and then put it into into YouTube and then you can also print it or save it as a PDF and uh send it to someone if you click um this button here at the top and that pretty much uh sums up my um quick uh demo of the product uh I'm super excited to hear uh the questions that you now have regarding maybe what's coming in the future um also maybe some um uh uh questions regarding uh the current product um and yeah super excited uh to be answering uh those questions now and um also bringing Jia to the stage hello uh I've been reading the questions that you have been sending on the chat now is the perfect time to uh send few more but I'm going to start with some of the ones that have been shared already so um how we are going to do this is that we are going to show the comments at the bottom of the page but Philip will um read them anyways and we will discuss um so I think we can actually start with this one which the comment came during a conversation about the scripts so uh that's the kind of the context uh for for you phip yes so um at the moment we are at a stage where artif artificial intelligence obviously is um is taking a lot of information from the internet from publicly available data and the only way to really make it unique is to put in as much information um from yourself as possible Right so um this also directly links to what I was describing before in the future we want your profile of make a suite actually to have a lot of um uh room in space to add your own experiences and anecdotes maybe your own little stories maybe you're a doctor um or a Tax Advisor or um a a therapists who can uh tell many many examples um from different uh trades of life um to make uh the the teachings and the learnings that you want to share um a lot more uh tangible and obviously we don't want you to put this in over and over again into into into make a suite so there will be a library where you basically offload a lot of your own experience and then this will feed into the creation process and therefore the scripts will become entirely your own and uh will be um will be um completely um unrecognizable from any of the other scripts other people will have um and then we have a next question from Ray Also regarding the uh the script writer and this is a feature that we have been um showing off a bit in some of the videos and I saw that Philip you also had this on your screen but it's not available uh for everyone yet but maybe you can give a bit of uh yes absolutely so um this uh there's two types of checkers um that are going to be integrated into the product in the future um first of all we are integrating a fact Checker so obviously artificial intelligence is hallucinating uh every now and then um and what we want to make sure is that people are actually not uh creating harmful content or misleading content using maker suite and um therefore we will have a little checkbox um enable fact check and what we will do is we will go over your whole script and then we will check the facts in that script and then we will actually mix and match it or match it with um online data sources and we will show you those data sources so for example if you're doing a video about the Eiffel Tower in Paris and you say that it's 20 M High um then makerite will be able to uh to um check this fact um and then it will show you oh it's actually not 20 M high it's I don't know 150 200 M High um and um it will um it will allow you to um to correct this um very quickly it will not autocorrect it um because um obviously we don't want to um uh want sensor anything or we also don't want to um basically um completely do the thinking for you um uh we are building an aid um that makes it easier for you right um and then you will have multiple sources you can check it um and then you can figure out okay what is the source that I find Mo most trustworthy and uh what is the source that I'm actually going to uh follow here that's the fact Checker um plagiarism is uh the other one and um that will be coming um a little bit later but it's um as equally as important as uh the fact Checker because obviously we don't want you to latently copy stuff from other people and uh pretend that it's your own um I think um uh there's always a a healthy amount of copying what other people are doing um and there's this great saying that uh good artists uh copy a great artists steal um and um probably any one of us is is guilty of that I mean this is how innovation works and happens right you look at something and then you you bring your own twist and uh you you improve on that and um and that's something that we're going to going to be integrating as well um making you aware of um of plagiarism um and and facts in the future all right okay uh this one has been asked few different versions of the same question so maybe you can dive a bit into this yes so um we had geolocation uh in the product um in the past um we have run into a couple of issues here um mainly what we see is that um for example if you if you want to use it in French or in German um there's still a lot of English content popping up um and um we decided that we for this moment um we keep it on global and um um we um we tweak it and we improve it and then we will release it um um Step by Step uh for different uh geographies um I'm very sorry about that but um as I said in the beginning that we are still a very small team of four people and uh we have to very strictly uh prioritize the things that we're working on and um yeah it was uh the best solution for us um um to to look into this in in a lot more detail and um and take our time to then deliver uh what you guys are really looking for and one thing that I can add about this is that um no matter whether you're uh wanting to create content in in Chinese or in in fzy or in German or in English um a lot of the topics are globally relevant a lot of the topics that you want to create content about and um the um what you can see from the explorations for example is that um it's very likely that if certain topics work in English and certain topics are undersaturated in English um it's most likely that in your geography it is even more undersaturated um so for I can mainly speak for European countries uh and especially for Germany um in Germany we're always a couple of couple of months if not years behind what is going on in in the english- speaking Market the US uh and the UK um and um therefore even for someone who wants to create content only in German the English Explorations are a very good um indication of what will be working and could be working in your niche in your country um so if you're fine with um analyzing the stuff in English and then uh translating it um then um you should be fine for now uh next question about how we keep our uh how we how we use the data that the users are giving us yes so um we want to uh to keep this uh safe and private um obviously um at a later stage uh maybe there will be an option for you to make it publicly available but um at the in the very beginning um and for very long time we want to keep this private and safe and um if I for example as a video expert I've met with hundreds of customers in the past I have little stories to tell anecdotes to tell um and some of them I obviously they I want them to be anonymous um and um yeah this is really for you and um for then for the creation to be to be unique to you we don't we are not planning to make this um available um in the future there might be some certain cases where um it um um it might become relevant but not at the moment there's one and the reason why I'm saying this is um that there is going to be one feature in the future um which I don't want to say too much about because um it's it's going to be it's going to be the core product when it is ready of of make a suite and it's going to be um uh it is very very important for us um and what we're doing there is we're actually going to train um um models on analyzing video content and the data that will be fed into training these models um will um will be um obviously data from videos that we find online um but the the data will not itself be be shared but obviously the the the model itself um will then be made um available to others um and you everyone benefits from the capabilities of that um of that model in the future so but that's a a bridge that we're not going to cross uh in the next in the next uh uh at least not in this year so uh I don't want to uh um yeah um I'm I'm yeah not much to say yeah yeah and uh just to add here uh like we are not going to do anything like that we are not going to use any of your data without letting you know first and without giving you the option to opt out and one of the part of the question is um that are we going to use are we using the data on a larger scale in the product uh so basically are we feeding are we learning learning from the projects um from each other um currently we are not doing that phip correct me if I'm if I'm wrong but this is something that we are also looking into if it's if we can uh do it feasibly in a way that we don't uh we don't give out any personal information or or so we're definitely never going to get give out any personal information like this is not what we want to do what we want to do is we want to be able to decode storytelling like this is really Our Miss we want to understand what makes a really good story work online whether it's a written story or it's a it's a video and um in order to be able to do that obviously we have to analyze a lot of data we have different parameters that we analyze uh uh the data with and then we find relations between certain um uh performance metrics and then also um um um yeah storytelling parameters essentially um and the findings that we have from this R&D um that we're doing there this will be made available um to you guys and this will be then um one of the core product features of maker Suite but none of your personal data will ever be shared all right next up I can maybe read the question um so thank you Alex so we'll add new AI model for the script writing task and not just just uh GPT yeah so this is actually a really interesting and good question so we have um obviously read every single comment that you have uh um uh sent us over the last couple of weeks and um there's a debate going on whether clo is better or GPT 4 is better or maybe other models are better and what we've actually decided is that we want you to be able to decide for yourselves Which models you want to use uh in the future um so what will be coming to your your um to your profiles uh each one of you is actually a little section where you can decide um for which part of the product um which model you want to use so is it going to be Cloe for the outlining or is it gp4 do you want to use um maybe uh Cloe for the quick actions or gp4 do you want to maybe use another model um uh in that process and what we will also do is we will allow you to bring your own key right so um if you have um uh uh if you're paying for a certain model that you want to use in make a suite uh um we will uh be able to integrate that and then you can bring your own key and then this will obviously um um not directly impact uh also your your consumption on on maker site so I hope this answers your question and this is uh yeah one of the um probably most exciting decisions um that we have made over the last uh two to three weeks um because simply your feedback was so overwhelming and so many people um asked for more flexibility right um another thing was how like being able to individually prompt thei in the um in the get your script in the briefing screen right this is also something uh that we're going to be working on and um yeah that's all going to be part of a little um AI package that's coming to the product um very soon um will the recording be posted um so this live I hope you mean so this webinar uh will be available on our YouTube channel yes absolutely and we actually also trying to uh produce more and more content uh uh for YouTube as well uh so one or two tutorials um will be coming to um uh to the YouTube channel we're also um at the moment working with some of you um to um yeah really figure out what what your uh what your needs are and um for us the best way to do this is is like um do this in in in little one-on-one sessions um and um these learnings that we take from these sessions we're actually going to convert into um YouTube content but um maybe also like um an online course something like that this is not necessarily a question but uh they are just about to start uh using micr suit what would you recommend to do to be the first step and where to start yes absolutely I mean this is um this is you are not the only one having this problem um I think um for a lot of people the most difficult part is really making the decision um like do I want to be in front of the camera myself yes or no um I think that's something that holds a lot of people back um and then obviously the time investment right um so running a YouTube channel and creating content uh for a YouTube channel if you take it seriously um is um is not something that you just do on the side um it um really depends on on how much you want to invest so a lot of people that we have worked with in the past they've actually started very slowly right so just to give you an example um one real estate agent um that we was using our product um she was 100% of her time she was a real estate agent and then she started in the very beginning to produce one video a month one video a month and then after six months she said okay I feel now comfortable to actually do two videos a month and then after a year she was it like a video week um she then also saw um good traction for it she didn't have like a a massive subscriber amount it was it was around 5K but what was very interesting her account was so Niche and so targeted that she actually made 50% of her deal Flow came through the YouTube account um and um and that basically convinced her okay um this totally makes sense to invest more time into and I need to actually hire someone um who helps me um with um the organization around um obviously the research the script writing the recording and the editing um and yeah it's it's a similar Journey for uh for for most of us or most of you um start slow start something that you can you can um you can handle what you don't want to do is like go all in at the beginning and then burn out quickly because um that's not going to yield the result results that you're looking for um start slowly learn um get better at the things that you're doing um and um yeah then slowly but surely turn this into something that generates leads for you and um um andil Revenue but I could talk for two hours three hours half a day uh um uh I could like tell you how to do it um so if you have more questions um um please let us know next question from Alex um how does it work for uh lifetime deal users with the upcoming features will we get access or do we need to upgrade uh to get uh access more so at the moment um we are not planning to limit any of the uh lifetime deal um um users um in any of the um future feature updates um and you will all have access to the the new features obviously dependent on the tier that you have purchased um you will have a different uh consumption volume or availability um there's one feature that is excluded from this Rule and that is um the multi-user access um that we very likely um are going to not um uh integrate into this um simply because we found there's uh lots of agency owners um and business owners um that want to share uh or that want to have multiple people within their company using maker suite and they've bought a tier3 year um uh lifetime deal and um for us to sustain five six seven people under one lifetime deal is um is absolutely not economically feasible for us and um yeah and therefore we have decided to to make one exception to the rule and that is the multi-user access but all other features that we plan for the future um you will have access to um from David thank you for the question uh can you add some copyrighting templates for video scripts based on Ada pasta Etc thank you yes that is something that we are going to uh look into and um one of the one of the next tasks that I personally am working on is um um what I call story arcs and and and templates so this will be coming uh to the Future uh to the uh script editor in the future then heroic uh thank you for the question uh what's the best way to use maker Suite to get an edge as a content creator with a small Channel on YouTube and Tik Tok so I think the most value you can get out of mea suite at the beginning and especially at the moment with the feature set that we have online um um at the moment is um read really make use of the explorations do uh look into what the competition is doing look at the graph look at why certain content bubbles are underperforming or why videos are underperforming um look at bubbles that are under saturated um and really find um yeah the uh the the niches and the niches um and um this is probably the best advice that I can give you at this moment in time is really um really do your research and um and dig into the data and um and then find your Niche or your um your your super Niche um to um really become a spokesperson for one one very specific topic um make sure that people are actually looking for this topic um and absolutely over deliver value um for the people that you're um that you're targeting here um I don't know exactly how big your YouTube channel and and Tik Tok account um is at the moment um but obviously what you have to do in the beginning is you have to do a very indepth um definition of your target audience you have to really understand okay who am I actually creating this content for and um my advice here is um to really write down a Persona with 15 to 25 character traits and attributes U things they're interested in um their job description how old they are where they live whether they are um um have a family or not live alone um live in the countryside or in the city like have a very very clear idea of who you're creating content for and and then and then overd deliver value for this um for this person and for most of you who are creating content for themselves who maybe self-employed and have their own business um very often this first target audience is actually yourself you're interested in a topic and you're creating content because you're interested in it yourself and um and then yeah always challenge yourself is this something that I would watch myself um so that's the shortest and and uh best answer I can give you let's next take few questions from the signup form uh where we already asked if people have questions so is one that was SE there yes so um how does make a site compared to vid IQ and tube and will you be better version of vid IQ so um I think our at at the moment it might seem like we are um trying to be a direct competitor to to both of them um the um I wouldn't say the opposite is is true um I really like both of these products um but we do not want to only um be a um a a website that shows you um publicly available data right so we really want to um to make sense of that data and then really develop um recommendation models prediction models um that allow you to to challenge and test your creation um and um yeah obviously get the most out of it um the best that the the best way that describes maker Suite is probably um we want to um we want to decode storytelling um for you guys to become better storytellers right and um we want to build a datadriven Content creation platform so not only the research part but the content creation is a big part as well and um at the moment we focus on scripts but um in 5 years um this product might look very different um and um there's um maybe other models to integrate uh image generation moving image Generation video video Generation Um um just a reminder we actually started as a self-recording application so that's also maybe something that might come back in the future um and yeah in in in general we we want to solve the video creation process from start to finish holistically right and in my opinion as someone who's been in the space for over 12 years um you can only Solve IT holistically by getting the be beginning right and getting the the the um the Bas is right right you can't build a house from uh from the roof you have to start at the bottom um and that's um that's what we're trying to do yeah next up is there going to be a SEO keyword research tool somewhere in the future of meas Suite yeah so this um goes a little bit handin hand with um the previous uh question so um we are looking at vid IQ we are looking at tools like Sam Rush atrs um uh and other SEO tools because we know how important it is um for the creation process um it is not our goal to become a SEO tool um and to um compete um with um like in depth with what these tools are doing um we always want to have this we show you data we make sense of the data and then we immediately um show you how you can now get into action and actually create right so we will have um keyword search and SEO optimizing tools and Trend analyzer um features in the product in the future um but the goal of them is always okay how can we now turn this knowledge into something actionable next question AI is great but it can be integrated into any workflow with many different tools what will set make a suite apart so um you're 100% correct um the AI part um and the integration of um generative AI in makerite is not our unique uh selling proposition absolutely not um what we are working on is uh to decode storytelling right we want to analyze content online we want to understand what makes content work and what doesn't make it work and um we then want to um basically use this data and um give it to you and also then give it to the AI and then have a datadriven Content creation process um and we will always um um strive to make the data analysis and data interpretation as as good as possible um and that's where we're going to be uh different from even also editing platforms that you find uh online right if you if you look at um video editing platforms they assume that you as a user know exactly what you're doing but very often um we don't know what we're doing right uh we don't know what the perfect storyline is or if something is the perfect topic to go after uh and how to compose the video how the pacing of the video should be how um how I should be building suspense in my in my script so um very often we don't know exactly what we're doing and we we we work on on do we like it do we not like it and then there's a very slow and and and and painful learning curve right um and not everyone has the time like Mr Beast to create videos for five years and not be successful so um most of us um are creating the content for with the purpose of fueling the growth of their business uh or the business of their clients and um we are really U trying to build a platform that saves you these five years of trial and error and um gets you jump started uh and allows you to avoid a lot of the mistakes that people usually make when they create content so um yeah okay then last one from the forums and then we can go back to the chat for a few more is the ability to add the storytelling Arc into the script writing possible so um today if you have different storytelling arcs if you have different Frameworks that you would like to work with um you can obviously already use them you can copy paste them into the script editor you can converse with the AI and um and make these uh Frameworks or make use of these Frameworks that's absolutely possible um that being said in the future we also will integrate these Frameworks um um automatically and then you can pick and choose if you for example for your educational content piece want to follow a specific framework that is um uh geared towards educational concept or maybe you want to do a product review video or a um maybe um I don't know a 45 second Tik Tok video that obviously has to follow follow a different story arc um and these are then templates and story arcs that we will add uh into the product um uh step by step um and then you can choose um from what you like thank you and then let's go a few more questions from the chat and then yes absolutely um are you going to set up uh Mexico and the geolocate by selecting region feature soon uh yes edoardo uh this is something that uh we are going uh to be working on um as soon as um our next iteration is we are currently working on the script editor uh and giving you a little bit more um freedom in in using different models and writing scripts a little bit differently that's what we're currently working on and and uh and then we're going to uh look at the geolocation um again and uh yes we will look into uh Mexico and um yeah all different Spanish speaking countries um we will look at French speaking countries um and then obviously also a lot of the the Asian languages little bit of a celebration uh Jim thank you so much uh thanks for the upgrades uh to tier three from tier one uh let us know if uh you want to know anything or if there's something uh not going the way you like it uh Julie and I are always here and sometimes uh when it's midnight or after midnight in Europe um uh we might be asleep but uh most of the time one of us is uh is watching uh the emails and the chat and uh Discord and yeah super exciting and um yeah enjoy using the product and let us know you can also obviously if you haven't done already join us on Discord um just Discord is essentially the place where we have more intimate conversations with uh our users and uh we have different channels and if you for example have a idea for a feature just pop it into Discord and um everything that is in there um we take into our product meetings we discuss them in our product meetings and then um we put them on the road map um and um if they're really great we integrate them and like easy to do easy to implement we Implement them immediately if they're a little bit more tricky um we will um at least know that we need to uh be mindful of them and um do them in the future but thank you Jim another gem uh could you create a readable script about Mega Suite that sells the tool in a webinar and give that to Affiliates um yes absolutely um maybe Julia you can also say a few words about the affiliate program um that we have in place yes and um yeah yeah so you can all find our affiliate program on our website when you scroll down to the pho you will find an affiliate link where you can find some information about how to sign up and and once you sign up you will get some uh content uh to share as an affiliate and you will be to get your affiliate link and all of that so um if you're excited about the product and want to help us reach a wider audience that would definitely be something that we we appreciate and we love seeing the content that our users have been creating about maker suit as well so uh definitely recommended to check that out what is uh at the moment because we're so early what is super exciting for us to see if one of you guys actually posts about make a suite somewhere or creates a video about make a suite or leaves a positive review um we can almost immediately see the positive impact it has um and um how then for example how people are purchasing the product or looking into the product um signing up um and that's um that's super super cool to see because at this moment being so early in our journey like every little um boost like um uh yeah um counts double I would say um uh hope you can do a deeper instructional video to get the most uh out of the niche investigation feature um yes if you want we can um maybe do um uh uh another video that goes a little bit more in depth um about certain features we also have uh different other topics ICS um that we could be talking about and uh maybe we make this uh webinar uh a more regular event and um yeah and we basically can um tell you most of the things we know all of the things we know um through this uh live session um you seem to have a wealth of knowledge about YouTube content creation Etc can subscribers expect a newsletter with help for tips tricks and news make a sweet YouTube channel could also absolutely so um as you can imagine um we are uh we are only um four people at the moment and a lot has been going on over the last couple of weeks and before that we have been super busy building the product developing the product and uh a lot is going on but um this uh what you've what you just wrote there is um is one of my top priorities actually um because um you're absolutely correct um there's a lot of different tips and tricks um and things um uh that could be extremely useful and um we will create more and more content um for the YouTube channel and then this content will also be um very likely be integrated into a newsletter um and we're currently in the in the setup phase um ramping everything up um on how we um How We Do the the Cadence um how we do um the production ourselves and um yeah but it's coming it's definitely coming yes and maybe we can uh finish off with David's comment and um I believe you f have had some uh final remarks for everyone before we we end yes absolutely so uh yeah I mean super excited David um that you liked uh like like the platform and that you're using it and uh thank you very very much uh for all of you who uh listened um to us and um set through the whole presentation and the whole webinar uh I hope we could deliver uh some value um as we said this is not going to be uh the last one um it's probably going to be one time of many that we do this and um uh yeah yeah as I said um a couple of minutes ago um at the moment any support that we can get is uh extremely appreciated so um if anyone of you wants to leave a positive review on appsumo or um on any of the other software uh review platforms that is super appreciated um and yeah we are super excited to have done this with you I think Peak was like almost 60 people at the same time um listening to uh our my my stupid face talking about make a sweet and um yeah thank you very much for listening and uh we hope we can uh continue to deliver the value um in the future to you guys and thank you Julia for hosting this and making sure that it's uh all working and maybe you also want to say something yes there is one thing um so I know that many of you have found us through appsumo given that it was already uh one of the biggest uh marketing and based or the only one really that we have done so uh there you can review maker suit if you have bought bought that product and those reviews actually help us quite a lot so if you enjoy the product if you would want to see us maybe on abso in the future if you want to upgrade um just remember to send our um submit reviews on on the platform absolutely thank you very much and if I don't know if you have anything else Julia but no I didn't have I'm going to send the link uh to the page to send the reviews in chat just now and then we can we can wrap it up thank you Paul thank you Eduardo thank you guys super excited see you next time
Channel: Maekersuite
Views: 2,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ICn_nl6IFKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 19sec (4939 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.