Madrileños por el mundo: Kenia
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Channel: Telemadrid
Views: 344,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenia, safari, rinocerontes, leones, tigres, cebras, elefantes, turismo, caza, Africa, Hunting, Zoo, Animals, tribus, masai, lions, tigers, kilimanjaro, runners, serpientes, madrileños, mundo, viajes, travel, tourism, wildlife, elephant, nature, fotografía, fauna, flora, reserva natural, Parque nacional Aberdare, lago Baringo, Lago Naivasha, Parque nacional Lago Bogoria, Serengeti, jirafas, explorador, memorias de áfrica, kikuyos, giriamas, swahilis, somalíes, gallas, massais, samurus, turkanas, kipsigis, nandis
Id: 4XDpKjL4qtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 16sec (4576 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2013
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