Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps Malaguena 1988 DCI
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Channel: alex
Views: 1,300,214
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Keywords: Madison, Scouts, Malaguena, 1988, Blue, Devils, Cadets, solos, Velvet, Knights, DCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2009
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Never not upvote.
That classic Yamaha drum sound is so iconic.
Had a friend marching snare for BD that year. He was pissed about this year, for obvious reasons. Undefeated all year until finals. He was sure it was a conspiracy with it being Madisons 50th anniversary.
But damn, that is one of the best closers put on a field. Ever.
I like the comment by u/JesuSpectre
My friends dad was the drum major!
That comment section is a dumpster fire
The mellophones at 0:58 are a good demonstration of one of the differences between G and Bb/F. It's most likely because the mellophones are in the same key as the sopranos, so they're not really a middle voice
Legit today was the first time I noticed the halt-kicks at 0:21 (and 0:23 in the contras).
I first saw this almost a decade ago lol
Bari Soloist had once marched in Pioneer.
Every time I hear that mello solo, it's like the performer was putting out all of the hopes and dreams of the corps in their performance. That final drill move... amazing.
Literally had this on while brushing my teeth this morning!