Madison Scouts 2011 - Empire State of Mind (HD)
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Channel: thematrix511
Views: 375,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drum, drums, corps, band, marching, DCI, madison scouts, madison, brass, horns, hornline, drum corps, marching band, wisconsin, marching music, scouts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Ahhh, this show was fucking amazing live. I definitely got the chills during. Love you Madison Scouts. <3
That was epic.
Was sitting on the 2nd row for this... hair was standing on end, literally burst into tears. The audience was on their feet cheering over a full minute before this ended, and roared when it was. There are few times in life when frisson hits this hard -- it was like being swept away on a huge wave.