Madison Beer Explains Every Song On 'Silence Between Songs' | Making The Album

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am I allowed to curse I did not expect to be like brought to Tears by the song right by a tree who's in the room hey does anyone know someone Google not a fake man I just didn't remember really we do want to make it happen for sure meeting her was like probably the best thing that's ever happened to me why is it always the dad's though you know you've had an exorcism performed on you holy sh hi guys I'm Madison Beer and this is making the album with pop [Music] fuzz hello and welcome to making the album I'm Sam prance and today I'm joined by the wonderful Madison Beer who recently released her brilliant critically acclaimed second album silence between songs to get a proper insight into the record Madison and I are going to do a full track BYT trck breakdown oh cool Madison how are you I am terrific I'm noticing we're both wearing baby blue beautiful tot insn I'm great how are you doing really well a pleasure to talk about this brilliant body of work oh thank you so track one spinning now I don't want to start too heavy but as Madison fans will know your music is deep this is a Deep album who she is I want to do justice to it you said that spinning is about a time when you were stuck in an anxious place can you tell us a little bit more about that sure yeah I let's get right into it I yeah I don't I I don't really know like what specifically caused it but there was I've always struggled with anxiety on and off but there was a time where it was so intense and so consuming that I genuinely like I I had never felt before in my life like I couldn't see an end to something I kind of had always you know whether I was dealing with depression or you know whatever the ultimate darkest things that you could deal like with mentally I I I always kind of saw maybe like there's going to be a day that I don't feel this way but for some reason this anxiety spell was just so bad that I genuinely was like I'm going to live the rest of my life like this like I really believed that firmly I remember speaking to my therapist and I was like even when I was suicidal at one point I didn't feel like it was going to be forever I saw like you know whatever and this was just so bad it was so constant it was so consuming of my whole life I I just I did not see an end to it um at all so I'm very grateful that it did come to an end thank goodness but yeah I wrote this song in reference to that time where I genuinely just was like did the world stop Spin and like what just what is going on is the main question here well I mean it's so reliable to like all of us who've experienced anxiety there are those times where it just feels overwhelming yeah what advice would you give to your fans who experienc I think that it's really hard because obviously you can't like marginalize something that is so specific to each person for me I think I've learned you know good habits and good little things that make me feel better in the Moment Like whether it's running a hot bath or like lighting a candle or setting the lighting in my room to a certain place or calling someone that makes me feel good like I I don't know there's been like little things like that that have helped me unfortunately I don't have the cure to it and I and I I don't know how I got out of it I I think time helps a lot but yeah I mean I would just say try to try to pay attention to the things that make you feel good and try to do them whether it's like draw or color or paint or swim or take a nice cold or hot shower like whatever like little things like that you might feel like it's insignificant and probably won't help but it it really does even in your book The Journal prompts you did I think are so useful for anyone thank you um now track to Sweet relief changing the vibe yeah complete different uh you said that this is the sexiest song on the album what's the story behind it o um I think the song is really about like a taboo sort of relationship like something that just feels like you know we shouldn't be doing this but here we are and um yeah I don't know it it is a sexy song I I love singing it I love playing it I loved it the second we made it I I knew it was going to be on the album and I don't know I mean like the story I'm not going to tell you but um I will say that it's yeah I don't know it's just it's just a it's yeah it's a fun song I mean yeah it's a banger and it's like it makes me feel sexy listening to it what songs by other artists make you feel sexy o good question um oh my God uh the contortionist by Melanie Martinez makes me feel sexy um I'm going to literally just list off all of portals leeches by Melanie Martinez makes me feel sexy uh West Coast by Lana Del re mhm that's like the one um um tear you apart but she wants revenge I can we can be here for a while that's what I'll say brilliant okay track three Envy the leaves now you're you're a bit of a weirdo Madison and I love that like the concept of this song is so weird and yet at the same time the song is so like moving like I did not expect to be like brought to Tears by the song right by a tree by a tree I I think you need to describe the concept for the fans um yeah I think it is it is definitely weird but I love that I think it's so there's so many Beetle songs that I love that I'm like this is such a random concept and not something that like you would assume someone would write about and I I don't know I just thought that that's always so cool and I love things that are just a little bit like not I don't know whatever um but this song is kind of in a way it's obviously metaphorical but most of it is really just about feeling in that same like overwhelmed life is crazy The Human Experience experience is crazy and I have a curious mind I'm like what is the experience like being a tree or what is it like you know experiencing that variation of of existence because it is its own existence and I think that's so cool and I I just I don't know I find that to just be very interesting and people are definitely like okay um but it's cool to me it's very cool and I've always been very inspired and interested in nature and how everything is what it is and I think that is representative in this song well and you mentioned Beatles there's quite a lot of sort of 60s references on that album yeah is that there um are there any other particular artists that inspired you while making it I I mean a ton there's uh The Beach Boys uh the zombies um the turtles well obviously you sample the turtles and even like Nancy Sinatra I hear a bit cool thank you and we can't talk about Envy the Los without talking about the outro you and Leroy are like such a perfect fit for each other thanks um how did you even come up with that we both love Tam and paa and we felt like there was something very Tam and paa about that outro and um Kevin Parker is like one of both of our Idols in so many ways but yeah I mean I think that because the song is this really light and air there's no drums really at all throughout the song and it's just this like sort of I wanted you to feel like you're like floating in a void of just like you know there's no you don't really know where you are whatever and so at the end I was like let's let's sort of bring in what it could have sounded like and all these drum pads and all this craziness and Chaos um and I don't know it's just fun we both heard it but Leroy really was like he one day just you know we had the bounce done and he sent it to me and was like I tried what we've been hearing and this is it and I was like cool send it to mix so yeah amazing and how did you and Leroy find each other like the first time you worked together was home with you yes the first time we worked together was home with you and it was kind of just supposed to be another like onetime session with a producer this was a pitch song record the vocals that's it and within an hour of meeting him I just knew that we were going to it was going to be much more than that and we then like yeah we went on to start like making life support a bit and it was like you know I'd work with him I'd work with other people and then just throughout the past I mean five five years we've known each other six years I guess yeah throughout this time it just went from being like there's Leroy and there's all these other people and that list has just shrunk to just him and then um one love who's our other producer that we work with the most and they're just amazing I don't know I think there's something so special about creating we feel like a band really when we're making the music and it feels so inspiring and awesome and fun and I just am so lucky to have found these people I actually found um Tim and Jeremy who go by kinetics and one love through Melanie Martinez cuz I'm a huge fan of hers and they produced and wrote multiple songs on crybaby so I was like I need to find these people so those that's how I met them and then after I met them they came first Le where I came second and yeah we we've just curated like a really awesome crew that I'm really and you're completely your own sound which I think is so impressive thank you so much now track for 17 in the song in the book you open up about 17 being one of the toughest years of your life you also say that your fans got you through that period do you have any specific fan memories from that time that mean a lot to you I don't have many memories from that time at all to be honest with you I'm like it's hard when I think about that I'm like I was I there um but I think that I don't know in general they've just been like the most important thing in my life I think like I wouldn't be anything without them I'm very I know every artist says this and it can be repetitive but it's true and it's I'm just so lucky and I wouldn't be able to be following my dreams if they didn't stream a song or buy a ticket or support support me like it's just it's so magical that we can have that total strangers you know it's it's just really cool and I know that at that time that was closely after I was dropped by my label and dropped by my management and stuff so um I was definitely feeling like no one liked me and they assured me that that wasn't true and it was really really cool and I was very appreciative of it am I allowed to curse yes you're definitely to curse I mean and you can also see that relationships just continued to Blossom like before silence between songs came out you had a listening part with the fans what was that like it was so fun I I wanted to play it for some of them and a lot of my other fans around the world were very upset that it was just in LA but I was had to be in La at that time cuz I had an album coming out so I it was the only place I could do it but we actually have one tonight in in London so I'm excited for that but um but yeah I I don't know I wanted to do something that was intimate with them I love just talking to them like I really really enjoy just speaking to them hearing their opinions on stuff getting to know them what they like what they want from me like it's just really cool and yeah I I I think our relationship is very very special and I'm just lucky to have them they're like my best friends I really love these people well cuz your your best friend Lena was a fan originally wasn't she yeah she was she's like I it's always so funny because she's literally like the closest person in this world to me that I when I think about that it's just funny but she I mean she she was a fan in the sense of like she followed me but so do many people that it's just kind of like it wasn't like she was like she had never like met me or like gone and by the way even if she had I would still it would be the same thing I have plenty of friends who were actual like fans but she was more like she followed me she thought I was cool which is great and then she ended up writing like a paper about me essentially like she she wrote this really beautiful really awesomely articulated like just um what who she thought I was she's like from following this person for years this is what I think she is from watching her interviews this is who I think she is and um I think a lot of that her wanting to write that I think stemmed from again us being total strangers but having a lot in common and we both kind of grew up like feeling insecure and feeling like people didn't like us and feeling like you know we were doing something wrong all the time and like relationship things or whatever we lived completely different lives but had such similar experiences with things that I think that she saw something in me that she saw within herself and it was just so cool and meeting her was like I mean it it is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me I I wouldn't I would not be me without Lena like genuinely I say that with all seriousness we we all need those friends she's the best okay moving on to someone else who's very point in your life track five Ryder yes I feel like this song is it makes me emotional think about it it's so relatable to anyone who has siblings um what were you trying to express about your brother ryer in the song and how did he react when he first heard it I'll start with his reaction he was very grateful for it I think that there's things that I said in the song that he had been prob possibly waiting years to have heard um so it was really a beautiful moment for both of us and I felt like telling him everything I wanted to tell him in a song was the least awkward way to do it because sitting down like a 21-year-old boy sometimes is like you can't really get that deep or serious so he was he was yeah he he loved it he was very appreciative and and that meant the world and I guess like with when I talk about what it's about and what it means it's just like we you know I started at 12 he was N9 and this has been our whole lives I mean we remember more of me like post me getting signed than we do pre which is scary and it's crazy and I mean it's been like we've both we've had a very bizarre um childhood both of us have and there's obviously it's nothing but things to be grateful for and I think that we both are very very we feel very lucky I feel so blessed I feel like so grateful that I was given you know an opportunity at such a young age but with that came a lot and you know whether it was like online bullying and hate that then he would end up like getting Strays by and then like you know the instability of like we moved to LA we moved back to New York I'm in La do you want to go back to New York do you want to be homeschooled with me do you want to be in a regular school it was like kind of he was like this ping pong Paul for years and I think that when when I've been able to reflect on my you know early years of like when I got signed or whatever I felt I can now look back and I can be like wow I felt really un like not protected and uncared for by a lot of the adults around me whether it was like people in the industry or like whoever it was um I didn't feel I now look back and I'm like I don't feel like I was as protected as I maybe should have been and if I wasn't being protected and I was like the star of the show then what does that mean for Ryder um and that was like a hard reality to face and I I do feel a lot of guilt around it and I obviously try now to be like you don't have anything to feel guilty for you were also a child doing your best and whatever but I think regardless like he still deserves to hear an apology and I'm someone that I know how much an apology can mean to a person so just I I felt like saying it and I felt like even even if I don't feel like I directly you know did anything to him or I whatever like there we all each other up without meaning to you know our parents us up our siblings mess us up like we all we do it to each other without knowing and then you end up getting older and being like Oh I didn't realize that that one experience would have like changed your the trajectory of your whole life like all the times that I would slam the door in his face when he would want to hang out with me and my friends and I'd be like get the out of my room like what are you talking about you're not hanging out with us like who knows what that did to him you know mentally and like how that made him feel and and I do feel sorry for that and again I think this is also my first time living so it wasn't like I was trying to be like a horrible sister I just yeah I didn't I didn't realize at the time and I think that that line in the song where I say like you just wanted a friend I didn't know it then but now I do that's the most important line to me because he he really only ever wanted me to be his friend and yeah I mean even the open opening line grew up in the same house so I know why you lash out so that I've not heard that caption in song before just the fact that you're the only person who knows your siblings growing up experience and yeah when he has these like outbursts or he has like you know things that upset him like I I see it and I'll look at him and just have like a moment of understanding of just like I I I know you know I get it and I'm aware yeah and in the song you say like r as someone that you can lean on and even in your book you say that he's your rock and you obviously talk about how important friends like leaner off to you but you've also said that you have quite an intimate Circle and you've had to end friendships in the past yeah what are red flags in a friendship um I mean I'm huge on trust I think that like if I don't feel safe around you in the sense of just like you know your phone or like information I'm a I'm a blabber mouth so like I If if you're a friend of mine and you're we alone together you're going to hear all the tea I'm going to tell you everything so I think that I have to be able to trust people and that's like the number one thing and if you show me quickly that I can't trust you it's probably a wrap for our relationship but I mean unfortunately I feel like a lot of red flags don't show their selves until you're like already deep in with someone but I I'm just like I I try to be empathetic and I definitely I'm not like a one strike you're out kind of person but when people show you their true colors you have to believe them that's what I always say very true yeah okay track six nothing matter matters but you you've released multiple iconic heartbreak songs but this feels like maybe your first love song since teenager in love oh yeah how come you haven't released many love songs well you know unfortunately I think it's human nature that like we gravitate towards the negative and it's like more inspiring to write about like the Heartbreak and stuff it's not as easy to write something sweet I don't more vulnerable yeah I don't know what that is um I actually wrote multiple love songs on this album and this was this was the one that made it but there was a few there was like three that were positive and I was like no this is too much positivity um but yeah I mean I think that this song is just kind of about that like I don't want to say OBS I I whenever I've described it I say obsessive but like I guess that just is what I am like I'm I become just like I fall in love like with people I I love I love people so much I have such a deep like I don't know like I I have such a um capacity to just like love someone that I think I I become like I kind of do become like nothing nothing matters but you like you're just it's just you or nothing and um yeah I guess I guess that is me being an obsessive person but it just felt important to write about I don't know I think it's just so simple and it's just like we've all been there whether you have like a huge crush on someone or you just start dating someone or you're like in this place where you're just like oh my God I'm obsessed with you I'm obsessed with you in everything you do and that's just what a awesome feeling is that yeah it's probably the best feeling in life okay track seven I wonder yes now this is such a hopeful track and you've sort of talked about it being a sister to spinning yes there's a lot of heavy topics on this album but it feels like you're in a much lighter happier space than you were with life support would you say that's true and if so why well isn't that interesting too because I feel like actually the songs were like potentially more negative on song but I feel like I feel more like accepting of like where I'm at you know like I think that's how it comes across but I wonder was one of the last additions to the album and I love this song so much this is a very heavily um Beatles Beach Boys inspired song song I I really really do love this one um and yeah it was so so spinning was kind of always going to be we decided it was always going to be the opener and then we were like what is the close and I felt like it would be kind of cool to have the opening and the close like mirror each other a bit and yeah if you listen to them back to back you'll hear that the lyrics Do play off of each other like it's kind of like I wonder why everything is good again and like oh my God like life is actually positive and I thought it was important because I think that like you know like about spinning being in that like ious place or whatever I also then was not in that place anymore and I felt good and I felt positive and I was like wow I actually like enjoy life again how cool is that so that's really what that song's about but I love that song even like production wise I feel like life support was quite industrial and everything's a bit more stripped on silence between songs yeah that I would agree thank you okay track a at your worth now when I first heard this this was like immediately my favorite song in the album I assumed it was about a romantic relationship and then you've explained that it was inspired by your dad and that in the room hey yeah um it hit me like a ton of bricks when I found that out and started listening to it again and now I can barely listen to it without crying just cuz it's so um it captures what it's like to have like a complex relationship with your dad which which we we all do by the way and I think that's like something that is also which you know literally my dad is in this room right now but I think it's like it's so I wanted I think that okay so being in the public eye you kind of have to be careful with what you say even if you do have like a tumultuous relationship with someone you kind of don't like I would never want to go and like air someone out like I'm an adult now I don't like that just feels like something I would never want to do even if I have a negative relationship with somebody but with your parents in general and by the way like my mom as well like there are UPS there are Downs there are months that we fight there are months we don't fight at all there you know there's tears there's laughs I mean we we live our whole my entire life has been with my parents so um nothing is ever perfect and I think that I was hesitant to be public about the fact that it was inspired by like a parental figure but I think that everyone can relate to it and it's not something to be ashamed of and it's also not something for like my dad or my mom or anyone to be like you know I think ashamed of I think that again like I said like we all mess each other up unintentionally and I think that um every relationship is complex and difficult to navigate and I think the one I I why is it always the dads though you know the one with your dad is is usually like it can be it can be tough and I think that you know it can be something that um has its its moments for sure and I just but by the way the song was actually inspired also we we wanted to write a song about how it felt to get like bullied on social media so it's kind of a mixture of both of those topics together and then I was like I feel like I kind of want to write something um you know about my dad because it also is I think quite an empathetic song because I think that like you know when you have that moment growing up where you're like wow wait my parents are people yeah what I had that and I remember just being like that's so weird and that's so crazy you guys are just two people that got together and had kids that's insane I thought you guys were just like Mom and Dad superheroes you know um so I think that that's such a real moment of just being like uh okay so you're a human you were a little boy once who went through your own stuff your own parents messed you up in their own way and you know that's just it's just it's just something that I think that like it we all can think about and I think that I have a lot of empathy for both of my parents and things that they experienced in their lives before um having me and ryer um so yeah it's again this Human Experience man what a crazy one well like growing up I feel like we had songs like Kelly Clarkson Because Of You where there's like a very negative portrayal of what your experience with a parent was like but now with artists like you and even um Sabrina Carpenter's emails I can't send which I know Leroy was involved in as well like the two songs really remind me of each other um on the note of Sabrina we know that you're you're close with her uh We've also seen you like tweeting but you won a lyrics before and fans thought that a remix was maybe coming why have you never collabed and does that remix exist oh my God it doesn't exist yet I hope that one day it does I I love Sabrina so much she's I'm just so proud of her I we kind of have been doing this in similar paces and times and I think that we've always like had each other to look at you know throughout the years and I'm now kind of doing this to her and it's cool and I'm really really proud of her and I mean she's like opening for Taylor she it's just really awesome it's really cool to see someone that's a really genuine person a really kind-hearted girl really hard worker very talented win and she's winning and I'm so proud of her and her music is doing so well and I just am like literally her biggest cheer later so hopefully a remix will come Someday I'm working on it brilliant she's quite busy at the moment and I guess so am I so we'll see when we can get together but um I know we both want to we talk about it a lot and I'm not trying to be every time we see each other we joke about how people um we'll kind of like we'll tease people on we don't mean to like all like we'll have the same phone case on it sometimes and like we don't mean to do that or we'll like she'll tweet something I wouldn't have seen it and then I'll make the same Emoji in Instagram caption like we just kind of are similar people I think so we just like do things similarly but um yeah we joke about it whenever we see each other that we should just continue messing with everybody but yeah we do we do want to make it happen for sure and again I'm just very very proud of her and adore her and I only tweeted those lyrics because I was listening to the song like I was actively listening to the song and I just was like let's tweet the lyrics so Track n showed me how I fell in love with you as we said this has a Turtles is it sample or an interpolation it's an interpolation okay technically how did that come about that came about because I love that song I was in the studio and I was listening to a playlist that I had made years ago of just kind of all music from that time period And I was like these violin swells and just like this Arrangement needs I I need to use this so we did and I love it and it's such a cool song and yeah I mean I just like wanted to pay homage to them I think they're amazing and the song is called showing me how I fell in love with you what are the three things people need to get Madison to fall in love with them uh make sure you've seen all of Bo burnam's specials um will Rick morti sure that's like not as important but sure yes um glad you know that um be a Beatles fan and make me laugh it's not hard it's actually easy so get to work people now someone we know who does love you is Lana Del re and she actually listened to the album in advance and was obsessed with it we know you love her too what are your top three Lana songs ever ever that's very difficult um I'm just going to go off like what just came into my brain this is probably ever changing and definitely is I'm going to say um Gods and Monsters um West Coast and um my God much pressure I'm sorry I know why am I not being able to think of the name what's the one that's like cuz you're just a man it's just what you do the is it the greatest um but it is on Norman Marin's apartment Club come on someone look it up no I I just don't want to say the wrong name I was going to say it's happiness is a butterfly but it's not does anyone know someone Google love you it is on Norman rock Quil I mean that whole album It's not that song though oh everything is good it's it's it's wait I have to know now you're just a man you're just a man it's just what you do just Google that it'll come right up head in your hands as you color me it's the song the title track okay okay that's why okay that's the title tracks always mess me up because I'm like what's the name of that song but it's because it's the album title Norman M I love that song not a fake fan I just didn't remember track 10 home to another one everyone is obsessed with this the song like this is the song that like all the gays I know like really oh yeah oh I'm honored thank you this like have been dying over the song like oh yeah long um how did it start so a girl named Lucy was brought into the studio Leroy brought her in and was like just give it a sh I don't like to bring new people in I'm like nope I've got my thing it's on lock but Leroy was like let's bring this girl in she's amazing she's super talented I was like okay fine I'll meet her fell in love with her literally she's my best friend one literally one of my best friends ever um I I adore her more than I can say and she's just such a special person such a spe special creative we're so aligned it's actually quite weird um and we came up with this idea and we came up with this song and we wrote it so easily that I was like cool you are a part of the crew forever now so yeah she's just awesome so credit to credit to Lucy I mean everyone else also Leroy Etc like all worked on this song but Lucy I just have to say is is unreal and we we made a bunch of songs with her on the album she's awesome iconic yeah and the songs about Reminiscing on a past relationship what advice would you give to a fan who can't get over an X you're asking the wrong person I'm just kidding um that's a joke I I would say probably realizing why you guys aren't together and you know being able to be like all right this wasn't the person for me but it's hard I think that like you know when you develop such an intimate connection with somebody it can be very hard to let go of it and it can be hard to forget cuz you might have so many memories with that person but I think that's a part of life and it's and it's okay for it to be what it was and um you have to make peace with that and also just just let it go I don't know it's so much easier said than done but for sure just try try um and the video is so good and obviously Taps into your space Obsession we know you're obsessed with space obviously homesick yes uh have you had any actual alien encounters or paranormal experiences I wish I mean like I maybe growing up I grew I grew up in a quite an old house that was I had an the attic was in my bedroom and and I would hear things and see things sometimes but who knows if that was just my brain doing that um but there was a light and the light switch was inside of the attic and I remember there would be times where I'd go up to my room and the light would be on and then it would be off and no one had gone in there and I'd be like okay but who knows um but yeah that's probably the only thing I could think of and nothing really alien related I think I've seen things I've looked in the sky and been like that was weird and my my friends are just like that was a plane okay well no believe you I I had an exorcism at my house growing up so like you on that's another story um no on the house okay that's a little better I was like someone you've had an exercism performed on you holy it's kind of cool um on the house though they thought there was demons in the house yeah like everyone who stayed in the house would feel like a presence on top of them they couldn't move we had a priest come in it stopped wow that that's holy hell okay track 11 dangerous no I didn't even mean to say thatan now what I adore about your music is all of the vocals are obviously incredible but your produ vocal production is amazing and there's so many live instruments on a lot of your records the video for Dangerous also has a full Orchestra what was that experience like it was so cool I like barely could make it through the performance of the video because it was just like they were playing it in real life so hearing it was just so moving and beautiful and um I really wanted that video to be mainly highlighting the the music because that's the most important important part of the song so that's why I chose to have them there um and then yeah I mean I love I love the song Tobias Jesso Jr wrote this song with us who's an incredible talent and yeah it's just it's it's a cool song do you feel like people respect you as a music now maybe not as much as I would like but I kind of don't really like mind anymore I've seen a lot of Tik toks in the past like couple of weeks since my album came out that people are like why don't people take her more seriously and why don't and I'm like listen if you're listening I'm happy it's okay we don't like I'm not going to win over every person and I think I've accepted you know that I'm I'm like happy with my fans and I'm happy with where I'm at and I'm very proud of myself so I'm just like it's okay if the whole world doesn't take me seriously and the whole world looks at me as whatever God I don't even want to know what they look at me as um it's okay CU I have people who look at me how I would like to be looked at exactly well track 12 Reckless you said in your autobiography that you had to fight for this to be a single and also had to partly pay for the video yourself yes how how does it feel standing up for yourself in those situations as a woman in the music industry and how did it feel to prove everyone wrong and see it become your biggest song I know how cool is that um yeah I mean I think that it was it's very empowering especially being somebody that felt like they had no voice for a long time I it feels really good to stand up for myself and to create those boundaries and I think that's a form of self-love is just being like no this is my music it's my name I I'm not no one's going to tell me no like I'm sorry this is what I want to put out and I felt in my heart when we were Reckless that that was going to be a song People connected with cuz we had selfish to lean on and I was like selfish connected in a way that was really shocking to all of us like we we weren't anticipating selfish to click I knew it would I was like I'm confident in this song I love this song when it came out people loved it as well so cool but with Reckless we made it as a followup like we were like let's make another selfish and we beat selfish so it's it's just really awesome and I'm very yeah I feel very lucky that people like it I'm sorry that you people like it cuz that means they relate to it but I mean it's like songs like lose you to love me drive's license all these like big ballads that have come out in recent recent years so many people can relate to them and selfish and Reckless of the same I guess so right track 13 silence between songs the title track yeah what was this always the album title and were there any other contenders there weren't really any other contenders when we wrote this song I was like I think this will probably be the title track most likely so there weren't really any other contenders ever you've talked about you changed the artwork you've actually said that you hated the original art why was it the artwork in the first place what happened well I liked it for a second I liked it for a moment um I just it just didn't feel right to me like when you listen to the music it didn't feel like the right pairing so I just was like no moving on well like what we've talked about the album feeling more stripped the fact that you're like in the midst of nature it yeah and it's not really like a Glam sha like it's just that's not who I am you know at my core so I mean like I'm more of this with like the stars and whatever so yeah it just should feel like representative properly so I'm glad that we changed it and I don't hate the other one I hate is a strong word I don't hate it I just felt like there is a better option out there and there was and I was right as always okay track 14 the final track King of Everything now in this song you sing about a man who is so successful and yet when it comes down to it no one actually cares about him oh gosh yes brutal did it feel good to write this I said did it feel good to write this song and what did you learn by writing this song about this person these people this experience yeah it it is like a multi-person song it's not just about one specific person I'm sorry to says right I'm sorry to disappoint everyone it's not about one specific person but yeah I mean it felt good I think that there's like so much music out there um about whatever and I think that like male power and just especially in the industry like with women it's it's such a real thing I know all of my peers and have experienced and I think it's like also the song it means a lot more than just that it's not just about like you know this person is shitty and they did X Y and Z and they've abused their power and they've taken advantage of people and whatever it's also kind of me trying to say like I've met and seen some of the most successful wealthy famous people and they're some of the lonliest people I've ever met and that's why I say like in the stone C bed that that you made now you sleep alone in it it's like what's all this worth if you're just like alone at the end of the day you know I don't know for sure like you you have your priorities right medicine thank you and like what advice you obviously started so young what advice would you give to anyone who's wanting to become an artist now and has to deal with these like business types and don't know the ins and outs like is there anything you'd say in particular definitely like be a kid and don't start that young there's no reason to I don't think um and also just know yourself as much as you can I mean especially if you are like super young it's obviously more difficult but try to just always like stay true to yourself do things you feel proud of do things you feel good about if you do something and in your bones you don't feel good about it just don't do it it's not worth it um and yeah I mean just just remember that you have people out there who will love you and appreciate you and it's also not an overnight thing usually for most of us I've been an artist you know trying as long as I've been alive prior to being an artist so um yeah just follow your dreams and if this is what you want to do don't don't give up on them beautiful thanks and just finally what do you want fans to take away from this album I hope that they just love it and I hope that they uh relate to it and come to the tour and sing it with me well I mean I was saying before we started I met Madison well I first saw you on the Ashley pleases tour and I interviewed you briefly when you were 19 and release hurts like hell CRA to see like the artistic Journey you've been on since then with life support even with de society and obviously now with silence between songs you have grown into such an incredible artist and you should be so proud of this project that means a lot What You released so much thank you so much Madison you yay thank you thank you so [Music] much
Channel: Capital Buzz
Views: 76,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PopBuzz, pop buzz, PopBuzz Meets, Madison Beer, Silence Between Songs, Madison Beer Interview, madison beer makeup tutorial, madison beer live, madison beer reckless, madison beer twitch, madison beer lyrics, madison beer baby, madison beer kiss, madison beer home to another one, madison beer selfish, madison beer reaction, madison beer songs, madison beer sweet relief, madison beer heartsteel, madison beer KDA, league of legends, madison beer evelynn
Id: 6QTOtxmjgFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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