Madina Institute Online Aqeedah Classes - Shaykh Muhammad Al Ninowy

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boss you must be sitting Koscheck nano it's gonna start teaching at half past een so shift Nana will be teaching from [Music] the exciting him from one in German I fear him for here even if I was young I mean baby I ain't even son though I mean quite a few 400 Shane I'm moving from one what's that [Music] in 2009 in double I think gonna walk was she of mine I've been away but for bass remove him I feel like you could in 900 yen in my own time I like to boom I'm a woman walking Leschi in a sleigh now FEMA mean no bean one point even I one method of harbor no call me I had a son who is our son you know him was named if I got that woman I'd be fine if Qin mo son [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] one I thought when I become the in London don't wanna know my there my son [Music] early Malcolm don't care toom toom come mostly for what I mean Aquilani Medina theologian yes what I am for me today I wanna know Sonny it Debbie yes I know I will do nothing for money while eating he told me he only hurt an original block man or be able to own your Nisha for to learn to me only chiffon show [Music] [Laughter] in need enough in Berlin [Music] to be or not be confessed man [Music] being a girl horny Regina called yeah I need to follow me my love be my love for money would be what younger than Irina look on me I don't know I don't call me he me but him in Jordan meanest son [Laughter] one was it [Music] you cannot in love swinging huntin for either one one [Laughter] yeah I saw tonight and I bagged my milk was all in ilocano be here Stasi oh and I'm your own come like now [Music] so I don't we [Music] the new students at Vanina raise your hands shopes Mahna Mahna rahim we're gonna be studying together so I hope you have this text first of all right you have the basic text and the other text does everybody have the text in English in Arabic yes or no speak to me okay because I need you to talk so everyone's got the text and the text is about a la vida after how here obviously were studying the Elm of the hill or a lot I'd and we're gonna have to go through a couple of things first to understand what the end Musto heat is or what the enema Bahia is and why are we turning it as the first basic science that we approach in our Islamic studies there's only one components the first component of a Dean is a hide uh hide is what a plural of Athena Athena means matters of belief so three the first component of faith is Creed what do we believe it's a plural of hokum how come means what ruling ruling which we call remember this is a question of how which means what first is pretty hot here doesn't turn into a sauna otherwise we'll have to go to a different place for that how is how to worship who is you to worship happy - who - who do I worship Creed is who do I worship think am how do I worship there's difference between who and how and Dean is all these three the last is a flat a flat means well what does that mean character let's say value system dean consists of three things apparent which means creed can which are set of rulings value system it's basically well Adina's it's very important to understand this way otherwise it becomes difficult so now whenever you look at your Dean or whenever you're considering what or anybody who tells you I have this is my religion or this is a another religion or this is whatever it is it's always these three things that you're looking at you're looking at a pod or Creed what do you all believe in how do you all practice your faith and then your value system everything is the same with everybody in the sense as far as these categories now I'm gonna go a little bit further here with a kind which is who oftentimes what we've been doing in the past few hundred years is micro focus on this category only second category which is the category of a kam the rulings the fifth and not just fit we've engaged in more subsets of fit we've been focusing on a one school basic fit and fifth means the rulings which means what a list of what to do and the list of what not to do and we focus on that and we usually come and say well this is alien our focus has been on a subset of the second the focus on a higher ed and a flap has been a lot less in the past few hundred years meaning the focus on this one and the focus on a value system and that's why we've been able to produce people who can tell you what you should be doing what you should not be doing to make your salah valid what is to do what is not to do and that's what we call fit or if they're or Mufti or whatever you want to call right but we have been lacking a lot in issues of in my view obviously my estimation issues of this compartment and also in the other compartment I'm going to take you back and the reason I put these things is because of the hadith of G brief today I'm gonna have the first couple hours at least we're going to be going through intros but this intro is very important for you especially the students you have to be tested on it and you have to do good on it if you don't understand things now you'll you're gonna have a hard time understanding them later because the heirloom and Islamic studies are cumulative you build one on the other one on the other it's all right so and therefore you need to ask if you don't know or if you have a problem understanding feel free to still raise your hand and ask you remember the hadith of Jeanine when gibreel came to the Prophet SAW a liar so lime in the form of a man and he sat in front of him and he asked him three quest for questions three of them was what is Islam what is what is so what I want you to think here is exactly the same that's how you divide them all Iman is a matter of faith archived Islam matter of a can because in Islam what did the prophet sallallaahu some said after the Sheraton he says you you testify that I alone from others London you do what what are the five ECAR Methuselah it allows zakah you'll be right so these are the rulings right how do i Eman as what and took me Nabila he mla katti he could obey he what are Sony he this is what we're doing gotta Creed that you believe in Allah and his angels in his books and his messengers and in the day of judgment right and how do I practice these rulings will you fast you do pilgrimage you give zakah and you pray then he asked him what is the exam and what did he tell him accent was well that you worship Allah as if you are seeing him if you're not seeing him he sees you that's a value system meaning what you worship him through your Akkad and through your cam as if you're seeing him so you believe in him as if you're seeing him and you pray to Him in a cam as if you're seeing him and you do the cat as if you're seeing him and you do see em as if you're seeing him and you do Hodges if you're seeing him and you believe in his rasul as if you're seeing him and you believe in the day of judgment as if you're seeing him do we understand each other all right these things are very important and these are the found a these are foundation wood this now so we understand now then al-qaeda's Creed and it says who versus how who means what who do I worship who is worshipped i Peter talks about who is worshipped I can't talk about how do you worship what makes my salah valid what makes my cm valid what makes my zakah valid how many what do I need to do to have woudl correctly that's all a cam or ruling all right who is the question of who's allah tala why is he worthy of worship why nothing else is worthy of worship but him how do I know him how do I be close to him what is permissible for me to believe about him what's not applicable to him subhana Allah what's not permissible all these things are matters of Ikeda once you do al Qaeda you move to a camp the Imam al-ghazali has a nice thing hey Berta is not valid until you know who you worship how to worship is not valid in a sense in a complete sense until you know who you're worshiping if you don't know who you worship you're worshiping is it just a matter of rituals you just trying to do mechanics without knowing who you're worshiping and guess what we're taught or nowadays for the like I said for the past few hundred years people are no longer taught they are tired nor the value system there left for society to absorb that from their taught usually how to worship and everything else is left and that creates lots of gaps especially in times where you have lots of assault on matters of creed so that people really don't know what they really believe in all right with that and I put them in this sequence for a reason because al Qaeda are more important al Quran Karim Allah Allah orders the prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam by saying - by telling him phalam acquire knowledge AAB acquire knowledge of half in when we say phalam there's an L means knowledge phalam acquire knowledge of la ilaha illa llah so la ilaha illa llah here is not a statement that people say [Music] el means we acquire knowledge on there is difference between and that's why even in your salah you don't say in the taught you say a pallulah ilaha illallah allahu allah allahu allah you say a shed even higher level of knowledge I bear witness I am a witness that there is no god but Allah I'm not I'm not you're not saying I say I claim I proclaim I think I know you actually go beyond just knowing you go to the level of testimony I testify I witness that there is no god but Allah and how do you testify if you don't even know who you're worshipping you're testify patient is then problematic in a sense that you don't really know what you're saying you're just saying you're not really testifying all right so that's as important that's why the aim of al Qaeda is extremely important and it's more important than the aim of a command I have left by definition sure Islam wants you to have value system wants you to know you're fit but all that stuff doesn't mean anything if you don't have we don't understand you're al Qaeda dwell right all right so don't worry about the way we shifted things in the past couple of hundred years where we make value let's say on people who memorize the Quran rather than people who internalize the Quran makes no difference what people shift it doesn't mean what what is right doesn't reflect the truth do we understand each other that's for jobs in a dunya and positions in a dunya but not in the acura the acura has a different scale and we're trying to learn about the Acura not about the Nissan or the scales of the people in the dunya people and Junia have their own skills right wrong whatever sometimes they are right sometimes they're wrong sometimes whatever but here we're trying to do what the prophet sallallaahu Salim did his message at age what I can't hear you can speak it's okay when did he pass away Salah Lara I was alone 63 so that's how many years total in Dawa 23 years endow the 23 years he stayed 13 years in Mecca to la-la-la-la solemn and 10 years in Medina and I really need you to know this because if you're studying with me I'm gonna draw a lot of times Mukesh 13 years medina is 10 years out of the 23 so he saw Allah as I'm stayed in Mecca much longer than he stayed in Medina correct very nice okay when was Salah made obligatory when was Salah made obligatory when was Salah made obligatory tell me come on somebody needs to know huh when was the marriage I don't want people who have been exposed don't make yourself known in front of others who don't know just because you've seen it 15 million times give others a chance it's not fair yes when was this travel Marin and Macau and the Meccan phase or the medina phase I can't hear you Mac can phase when the beginning middle or end huh you haven't taken seriously and you haven't taken it in them okay I haven't taken it here but you haven't taken it at the Masjid right towards the end of the Meccan phase basically either a year or two before the prophetic migration so we put I put this line here this line here is for what for Hitler Hydra me is what migration so just a year almost or so before the prophet sallallaahu and did migration to medina that's when salah became obligatory how about zakah who knows when the car became a Liggett Horry you can raise your hand if you know not you I all right second year of hijra second year of hijra what I'm trying to say here is just so we pay attention this point here is the beginning of our hid read eight this point here is the beginning of our Hijri calendar today we are in what year had jury 14 one fourteen forty and that means what it was starting from here on and we are now in 1440 and that means it was what it is fourteen hundred and thirty years you -10 out it's thirteen hundred and forty years after the prophetic departure but it is 1440 from the point of vigilant that's what it is and it's important for us to understand these components all right very nice so the car was made of Liggett or in the second year of hijra or after Hydra when was had made when did the Prophet Sawa's and you had what year who knows who knows how many times the profit online resident who had once okay that's a good beginning now when was that in Mecca or Medina Medina when towards the beginning middle or end and here 10th of Hydra so almost a year before the departure of the prophets all Arizona do you see what I'm trying to tell you here look HUD came here Zack I hear Salah here what was the prophet sallallaahu as I'm doing from the beginning of Dawa almost up until the end of the Meccan phase if there was no salah made obligatory no zakah no Hajj was made what was dower for almost 13 years huh what is the message this is Islam applied Camera Club what was the he saw a large and then doing in those 13 years what is he what was he talking about huh if a cam came that late if the rulings came late what was he doing then as far as when he says spreading the Deen I don't understand what you mean what is Dean anyway what is Dean what is the Dean again go ahead tell me the three things a card a can what is that cam rulings so rulings came late so then what was he teaching so allow for more than ten years then if rulings came late what was he teaching of the Dean and what else well your system do we understand each other that's very important to understand so you see not it doesn't mean that they were not practicing anything they were but these things were not made obligatory what was taking the whole chunk of the of all these years day and night to teach people what Allah Tala is and then on top of that teach them value systems let no human being would know a class does not a human being a human being with no principles is not a human being in that sense meaning is not as it's not at the level of a human being do we understand each other a Muslim without Allah is not really a Muslim in the sense of the full sense of the world I don't care how much he memorizes I don't care if he memorizes the Quran or Bukhari Muslim with Timothy when they say woven Maggio I would I would all of them together so what Google memorizes them all - of course a small chip memorizes them all - that doesn't make them good people does it necessarily not all right so do we understand each other and that's the whole point here that we're talking about so it's very important for you to understand first of all the three compartment I'm going to come to the three compartments eventually but I needed to understand where the focus is Matt Kellet of was the focus of the head why was it a focus of the head yes what is ship he says it was because there was lots of ship in Mecca what is shirk huh I'm sorry what assigning partners assigning partners associate good associating things with Allah is basically worshiping the creation is worshiping the creation shirk is worshiping the creation and Athena is about what worshiping the creator not the creation that's what we're gonna be talking about the whole time here she is worshiping the creation you associate the creation with the Creator making the creation the creator just because you call creation God does that make the creation God that's what shirk is alright thank you very good now with this I'm gonna move we're gonna spend most of our time this week in Charlotte talking about the first and the most important the first and the most important just like the prophet sallallaahu sort of stayed 13 years in Mecca teaching just about everyone - right we are also going to spend more time on this once you know your basic Athleta tell PF ik am ruling becomes comes and falls in naturally value system that's what we call test kia and yes and that is a lifelong process of refinement value system is a system or san a flap here is issue of refinement nobody can be refined overnight things don't happen that way parents take two decades basically to try to bring refinement to their children and sometimes they don't succeed and even longer than that yes you can take by so so value system then or lock this aspect here this takes a long time that you work with this you start with a clock or sin with your mother and father they basically start teaching you these things usually the mothers and fathers teach should teach the basics of all that but mostly because we have become a bit ignorant in al-qaeda and also then to a lesser extent in our camp meaning we know Morecambe than applied in general unfortunately so we teach them some ruling so it's Haram to do this it's okay to do that al-qaeda we don't know much except very very grand schemes and sometimes are wrong a lot that's what also parents teach usually schools teach Musharraf usually teach etc etc etc and this is a lifelong process because refinement doesn't happen overnight and also it's risen in my view it's a form of raising a lot is a form of risk just like in general is a form of risk some people you can inject them with a club but they'll never manifest risen it's just like someone who may have a lot of money but he lives poor not meant to be used for him he's meant to collect it for his children he's never meant to use it but you collect it and that's exactly what people do with a clock similar things I'm just giving you examples so you understand this is a lifelong thing this is what we call tests yes and that's all wolf if you want to use that innovative name etc etc al-qaeda's Creed alright with this I'm gonna ask you this when the prophet sallallaahu son came with his Deen did the nations before us have Dean yes did he come to renew what was the most focused or the focus of the prophet salaallah alayhi wassalam a Kimura ha huh which a card or a cam or a clock did the nations before us have a clock yes or no of course they have failure value systems people have value systems until today doesn't matter what their faith is what did the contribution of the prophets of Allah I am then in the matter of the clappers refine it even more to refine it even more in the mobile if to the utam Mema Meharry mal allah i was sent to perfect the standards of values right so he contributed here to make it even higher however I can did the prophet sallallaahu have come and change some have come but did the people before us in the nation's before us the Christians the Jews Yahoo would nosara other people that they pray the day fast that they do pilgrimage that they give to charity so I come are more or less the same aren't they more or less thus Allah is there how do we do the Salah okay these are the details but what was the most important change in matters of what belief in matters of creed in matters of belief that was the most significant change how come do people shift yeah people shift how do they shift misinterpretation misperception etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera is that strange to humanity no it never is alright the question of a P that means who do I worship has been a question a human question from the beginning you remember how this evolved you remember that people used to worship the Sun some people used to worship moons people worship stars or didn't worship stars then people start worshipping animals that they thought were big or strong some people who worshipped water some people worship light they figured light is very good it brings you you know lighting and heat so that's good eventually the old Egyptians figured they should do a hybrid version between the most the strongest mind and the strongest body so they've made a human face to a lion body and they figured this should be gand right so a lion is the strongest animal allegedly so they've made that and they've put to the lion a human face because the human has more vicious mind than if then all animals this way they figured this combination qualifies for someone to be God because it's strong and that's why you see that for example on the pyramids right that kind of combination so people always went about who is to be worshipped and that's why Allah Tala sent the messengers the scholars of Islam they actually say some of them say the hanafis say that sound intellect itself ought to lead you to a creator that nothing else is like him without any messengers most of the scholars of Islam they say well Allah to Allah while that may be true but Allah Tala does not account you without a messenger if he doesn't send a messenger to you then you're not accountable and since he did that's how you're accountable and that's why we say Muhammad on let me write it down the way it is written on the prophets Allah solemn drink yeni at least in that sequence muhammadan rasulullah right muhammadun rasulullah muhammad is rasul in the rasul of who rasul of allah subhanahu wata'ala so muhammad is the one who is guiding you to allah husana muhammad sallallahu salam is taking you to the who to Allah he's leading you to the question of Allah who do I worship Muhammad sallallaahu Selim is taking you to the question of who the question of how to worship is never as important as the question of who do I worship all right very good with this let me move now to the text of an imam at the Howey himself real quick element how he just so I can give you a brief a brief intro to him he died 3:21 of hijra what does that mean how many years after the prophetic departure huh 3:11 remember again this thing should be part of your thing if you're studying here with us this is the first phase 13 years in Mecca this is the next phase 10 years and this is Medina this is the point of vigil right here so about how he died about year 3:21 of hijra he was from a place or from a village called ha ha ha ha not paja ha ha ha ha basically ha ha and that's a village in southern Egypt in the desert in southern Egypt five four or five hours 5 maybe even more than that for south of Kiev Cairo I've had the pleasure and the honor to go and visit him in his graveyard in that city in that village all right Ali mama how he died in Egypt year 3:21 he is called the Howey because he comes from Baja and that means the ha then he is the Howey from the village of Taha remember how he was a couple of things first was poppy Fatihah means what fatigue means the scholar of what the scholar of what and I say someone is fatty a scholar of fit scholar a fit fit what is fit what is Vic Vic what is fit is it here is it here is it here what is Vic huh I can okay Victor is what you should do alright well now matter how he was fatty by definition and fatty means he knows the accom of the meth lab of the whole school of thought right now I just want to sort of give you a quick intro to our Loomis Lamia when we say Islamic studies what do we mean what are Islamic studies a little oom al-islamiyya or islamic studies what do you mean what is islamic studies what are islamic studies we have four essentials for essential and three complementary or supplemental supplementary or complementary whichever you like for essential or noon for essential alone first Aldo Melchor on al-karim to Illume asuna a sharifa three Illume will fit for let me write that down differently Illuminati de for alone will fit so first is a luminol Quran Karim then the room of the Sunnah then or loom of the al-qaeda and then a loom will fit those are the four essential come on obviously you understand that every single one every single compartment has lots of volume under it subsets of Na of Sciences Roman Quran Karim we go from alumina raha we go to a loom let's say Bab we go a Lumet of C here we go all kinds of nuts there are all kinds of subsets of volume right and sooner sharifa also has different subsets in it such as a loom Sierra Shama and Elma hadith etc etc and hadith Sharif all that under Sunnah Lalita obviously Islamic or creed and Creed means all right so what is our Creed versus other Creed Islamic sects etc etc and a loom will fit is how to worship those are considered essential sciences essential sciences you got you have to know them if you're a scholar on a basic level on a basic level knowing them on a basic level what are the Supplemental not sciences well the supplemental sciences are 3-1 Almelo soul which is the science of legal theory science of legal theory what do you mean legal theory ok so for example idea asked me is doing an e as having any ax before at the time the first drop of water touches your forehead at that point bringing ania in your heart of food ooh is it obligatory in the Chevy versus the Hanafi I say it is what if you don't make that near then your o do is not right so what did I tell you now I told you what I told you that you have to have Ania you asked me right at the second where the FIR the drop of water touches your forehead not before not after right if you're a Shafi well that's a fit or sulphate is how did I come to that conclusion what's the legal theory behind it what's the scientific methodology behind it right I'll tell you what I'll tell you the head the rule of that is that prophetic hadith in a man amalu binya deeds are judged by intentions you want to make wudu well it's judged or hinges on your Nia the beginning of voodoo is one year with the water touches the face hence your Nia must start exactly at that point that's my legal theory that's a little old we're going to study that I'm just trying to introduce you to the difference between 5th and also lip are we on the same page if you don't understand you need to raise your hand and question me all right we have another element supplemental or complement is called and we'll look at Arabia the Arabic language now what is it important to know the Arabic language to be a Muslim no to be a good Muslim known is it importantly can you be a good Muslim being Russian yes is it important to know the Arabic language if you want to be a scholar of course do we understand each other very nice why well because the two O soul or the two foundations we have are all in the Arabic language al Quran Karim is in the Arabic language as soon as Sharif as in the Arabic language without knowing the Arabic language you will not know the way the ways that a lot Allah revealed the Quran in as far as link the linguistic aspect is concerned now when I say knowing the Arabic language I don't mean be a native speaker of the Arabic language or the ability to converse for non Arabs in Arabic absolutely not that's not what I mean I mean by knowing the Arabic language knowing its absolute knowledge which is illumined by an so every every single one of these things have different subsets behind them right el by an right lumen Bulava el but here so we have different different sets or lumen by a normal body etc etc right all these things that we know them this way we have understanding of the Arabic language the sentence construct why where and which is more eloquent there is difference it's not simply the ability to read or understand let alone to converse in the language it's just the science like any other science do we understand that okay we have also another set of realm here is a Terry Rossio so history Muslim history or history I don't like to say Islamic history I like to say Muslim history because Islamic becomes a bit problematic then I make I'm conferring Islam on history verses Muslim history there is good there's not so good sometimes Muslims are human beings right so we know our history and biographies now all these seven different disciplines constitute what we call Islamic studies in general Islamic studies in general these subsets of Sciences alright or these disciplines and every discipline has multiple subsets I mean some of them have 1020 subsets of different specializations where people specialize all their life in just one do we understand each other all right and that's important why because sometimes we belittle things you know because we think that we can just go to study for four five years and that makes us or ten years and makes us scholars right so if I was to tell you somebody has a PhD what's your next question almost immediately huh in what I'll tell you in everything how about that you start laughing at me that's exactly what I do when someone tells me I know all the sciences do we understand each other somebody tells me I know sure you do you don't know anything that's what it means nobody knows says I know and nobody knows all of them on a scholarly level I have not met anyone in my life who knows all these Sciences on a scholarly level entirely meaning on beyond beyond the scholarly level so what do we do so we have students of knowledge right and students Scott the PhD is probably a beginning level of students of knowledge I'm not trying to make it beyond the scene I'm telling you exactly the reality because I see some people are having grins on during their on their own mouths they think I'm just joking I'm not joking a PhD is about what four years bachelor two years master another three four years so about ten years yeah you're just getting your feet wet you're a student I'm not calling you a scholar just because you have a PhD not a scholar yet right I used to be in hiring committees for the University of Georgia somebody comes with a PhD I don't consider him a scholar what's your research in son what did you do ray what's your post PhD research in I mean what did you do which science did you actually specialize in and what's your subspecialty in that and what's your research and once you do that you hire them what as a certain instructor first maybe then assistant professor associate professor right etc etc you don't hire they're not professors yet and that's colors yet takes them years of work to become a professor doesn't it Milana Oscar was doing mashallah wonderful job but except he's not doing it full-time yet so I'm hoping that he does some time soon because it doesn't work he can love two people at the same time in two different hearts modular love Roger diamond calvini feet off a a committed student at this level becomes a scholar sure right a student eventually that person who became a teacher at the university eventually becomes a professor after many years of what research active research in the same subject becomes a scholar you can say so and so now as a scholar of this in this discipline are we on the same page after scholarship you go to mastery so-and-so is a master in this issue you go an expert maybe and then you go to Authority and that's in one discipline versus others do we understand each other here I have not met anyone who's an authority in any of these things except maybe partial in my life and the whole world and I'm there may be some people that I don't know them authorities I'm speaking like Abu Hanifa a chef EA Al Bukhari Muslim people like that people of that caliber do we have people on this level scholarly level yes not many not many do we have people on this level yeah more where do we where are we right here yeah we're wannabe wannabe students right we want to be at this level some of us want to sometimes I don't even want to be alright just so we understand so we don't also be little and and we take our things less than what they really are right when someone says I'm a scholar the first thing I ask that you are here already at this level must be what took you 10 years to get this level let's say equivalent of that and maybe another maybe 10 to get from this level to this level in the same field what you are you a scholar in and what have you contributed to scholarship that was not there or articulated in scholarship that was not articulated before because scholarship doesn't mean the regurgitation of memorized information scholarship means understanding the scholarship art maybe and specializing in one thing where you've added to scholarship or articulated in a way that was not done before do we understand each other very important ok would this alley mountaha via him oh Allah Allah was a fatty he means a scholar in fit and that's so he was scholar and one discipline you can actually argue that he was a master in it not an authority but between scholarship and mastery probably closer to mastery him Allah but he was not only that he was also a half of half of means what huh No a title of half of when he says I want us half of what do you mean in academia when you say someone is al Hoffa what do we mean in academia in Islamic circles what do we mean by that someone is half of what do we say what does that mean huh of what whatever no that's the answer to that is whatever memorizer of the prophetic hadith we mean by that prophetic hadith mastership someone who is at a mastership level here in the science of the hadeel hadith sharif the prophetic hadith is then called half of or Imam will half at oral half of well Imam Eltahawy was half of an hadith that's a big level and the strange or the interesting thing is that he's combining mastery in two disciplines which is not very usual for human beings you either have to be that claim of having interdisciplinary mastership is either an insane claim or someone who's extremely genius and this man was like that so he was 50 and he was a half of in the sciences of hadith but he also did what he also wrote texts in a PITA or a text in a PITA so he adds now scholarship in another level or another discipline so we have some scholar here that we're looking at his text is interdisciplinary and he died 3:21 of Hydra that's early remember the hadith that speaks about the first century the best people is are in the first century and those who follow them and those who follow them you've heard that hadith before well he's in that three centuries first three centuries so gives him an extra sort of presence because of his scholarship and where he was today we are 1440 he was 321 now he wrote a text called or a text a Nevada we called it a la Piedra up Ahalya he didn't call it that way it's just a text of a key that he wrote but what's interesting about the text of Ikeda that he wrote is what a soup key and other scholars that came after him said and they said that the text of at the Howey is agreed upon by all Sunni Muslims or by Muslims of Allison l-jamaa everywhere with no disagreement the beauty of the text of Imam - how he is this it is the first text in Ikeda ever written by a scholar of Islam that is authenticated to him that's agreed upon by all let me say it again the beauty of this is that the text of Imam Tahari is the first authentic Arpita text ever written by a scholar that's agreed upon its authenticity and agreed upon its content both what's the first text in a PITA ever huh what's the first text a leader he says Africa lacroix what's the first text in a PITA huh al quran al-karim al quran al-karim is the first text in a pita and the most important text in Nevada what's the most important text and fit I can't hear you what's the first important text and fit I still can't hear what's the first important text and fit al quran al-karim was the first important text in serie al quran kareem was the first important text in a flap was the first is grampa text and accomm was the first text in a kyod I'm not talking about that because al Quran is from Allah I'm talking about a human written text the first text that's authentic is element the how is text though he died 321 so we're about what 1200 years away from him or so 11 some hundred years so we're looking at a text that's about 1200 years old but I need to also sorry because he mentioned alpha pole Akbar Al Akbar is written by abu hanifa rahim allahu ta'ala and abu hanifa obviously as you all know is older than an imam of the Howey remember Hanif I was bored died about here 150 of hijra so vs. so almost half but why aren't we saying why aren't we going to alpha for lack of our first we're going to a Tahari text because at the holly text is agreed upon its authenticity by all - al imam of the how he himself and it's agreed upon its content they'll fit well akbar is contested as far as authenticity - abu hanifa the Hanafi say it is authentic tool imam abu hanifa nun hanafis say it's not authentic to abu hanifa so it's not agreed upon at the how he is agreed upon do we understand each other in the back there I can't see you are we on the same page okay good because I need to hear something okay good with this let's go to the text let's go to the text so now Ali Mau at the how he himself who's a scholar and hadith a scholar and it is writing also about the Akkad and he's a scholar that has dignity as far as and credibility as far as his scholarship and he Rehema holla holla by the way the amount of how he was Shafi a fakie first and then he switched his math help to becoming a Hanafi fatty right okay so he starts saying he wrote his text and again like I said this text is important for those of you who are taking the course with us I need you to memorize chunks of it in Arabic and also in English meaning the meanings in English and we'll go through there and Charlotte Donna so we'll go straight through and Sharla with the text you know how he says bismillahi r-rahman r-rahim will be in a stained al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam wa ala sayidina muhammad wa l-akhirin Paula Lama - Hodja to Islam in abuja friend and Lara Appa Howie so his name is Ahmed bin Salam ah that's his name Abu Jaffa Abu Jafar means the father of Jaffa right Abu means father of so his name is Ahmed Abu Jafar haha we be misra messer means Egypt you have the text in front of you Rehema allahu ta'ala he said had the crew by an erp dirty alley son at evil Jamaa this is the announcement of the Atty de happy that he le Sunnah wal Jamaa that's what he said he says this is the announcement of the al-qaeda well signature what do we say athlead I mean what sake I mean huh Creed the word al-qaeda is an innovated word in innovated word meaning it is not a word in the book nor is it a word in the Sunna we don't have any word in the book in the Koran that says al-qaeda we don't have any word in the soon as Isis al-qaeda why did we use it I don't know where does it come from comes from al-qaeda meaning what to tie a knot what do you mean well what they wanted to say is what we're gonna talk about in the al-qaeda you ought to tie your heart like a knot on firm you tie your heart firm on it that's why they call it al Qaeda do we understand each other what is the words what is the word then used in the Quran and Sunna Eman so if you want to be more Salafi you can use Iman yet or Messiah it will Eamon issues of Iman right happy that means what the awkward a key that was used by the Salaf so we're using it in the sense of Messiah man there's no rongowhakaata Phyllis Diller aptly that comes from the term is and that's why for example they have a necklace in the Arabic language that women have is called debt why because they used to it's like knots tied right not after not after not and that's why it's a it's all tied knots all right and that's why we say I could write I could Nika for example right Oakwood these are occurred what do you mean Akkad Nika you tie the knot do we understand each other so that's where this word comes from what do you mean I'll tell me is what a hell means what huh people of people of a hell means people of people of in a specific in a special level may mean household but the household and people of is the same thing people of who are these people a hallucinogen ah alright a new Sunnah wal Jamaa very nice what is the word Sunnah mean what is the word Sunnah mean tell me speak up loud especially in the back there huh what is the word Sunnah mean next to that tomorrow and make space for me so I can go through right don't block this like that so it makes space I can go through and see these people in the back who are playing if you're here to play it's gonna be in that sad times on a test especially if you're a student what is the word Sunnah mean yes mam saying and actions of the Prophet sallallahu Salam who agrees who dis in a guru does who agrees with her raise your hand who disagrees with her yeah in the back there tell me what's this one now yes huh okay what's the Sun according in Islamic studies when we define this one now how do we define this on that right soon as that prophetic our number one must be prophetic what the prophetic sayings prophetic actions and prophetic tacit approvals or approvals these things constitute Sunnah when we say the Sunnah now I want you to understand as soon as the Prophet SAW laughter I'm saying prophets Allah Salem's actions and the prophets Allah Salam's approvals Sunnah is what he saw all era solemn said what he Solaris alum did and what he saw allah al salam what i can't hear you in the back approved give me an example of the sunnah of actions what's an example of soon of actions what the prophet sawas arms did smiling did the Prophet Allah said I'm smile that's a Sunnah of actions right as soon of tacit approvals so must be tested approval must be different than actions or sayings correct all right so what is tacit approval such as what such as things that happened in the Prophet sallallaahu celebs presence or not presence in his knowledge he was informed about it he didn't say anything he didn't do anything but he never objected on that which was said something happened in front of him or he knew about it he didn't say a word he didn't say he didn't do anything but he approved that's called Sunnah why well had he not had was it had it been objected objectionable was he obliged to object yes since he did not object and it was in his presence then it is his Sunnah for example the hadith death so here a man comes and says that the Prophet sallallaahu Salim said that three things will interrupt the Salah a dog donkey and women if these things pass in front of you your Salah will be interrupted assayed Aisha heard the hadith and in an authentic refutation she said how dare you compare us to donkeys I used to belie laying down in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while he is praying and I was between him and the pitlor and when I want to do something in the house I would just go in front of him to around him and then come back and lie down where I was and he would be continuing his Salah did the prophet sallallaahu Sam saying anything to her did he say this is how you do it did he do it he tacitly approved that means what that's also his Sunnah do we understand that so the prophetic Sunnah is three things they are what come quick sayings actions approvals once you hear these things this is the Asura definition of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu son so when we say we are the people of Anu Sunnah means the people who who are what yeah well directly it means the people of the sayings actions and tacit approvals of the Prophet sallallaahu salam what are we trying to say we are the people who prioritize the Sunnah which is the saying the prophetic sayings the prophetic actions and the prophetic approvals are we on the same page and Jumeirah means the group jama'a means the group what we mean by that is the group of Huk obviously we believe we are the people who follow the prophetic Sunna and if you follow the prophetic sooner this Jamaa must be better than another Jamaa who's following maybe other than the prophetic Sunnah does that make sense so if you have to Jamaa Jumeirah to sunnah this Jamaa is obviously more righteous at least in its admitting admittance of or admission of following the prophetic sooner rather than following x y&z are we on the same page all right very good so he says remember how he says had a dick Rabbani appeared at the early sun natty wal Jamaa this announces the declaration of the al-qaeda of Anna's Sunnah wal Jamaa let's see how much time do we have is 12 30 minutes okay why don't you take a five-minute recess and then we'll continue in shallow just stretch in your place or you want to move move okay so I got like I would be letting the shape on the regime some layer of money above him so a question came during the break which is important to address he says a new Sunnah are those who claim to follow what this Jumeirah claims to follow what tsunami is what they claim to follow the prophetic what sayings prophetic actions and prophetic what prophetic approvals right so he says then what do you call other this is Jamaa - Ali Sunnah what do you call other Jana who still proclaim Islam we call them and we'll be done the people of innovation we call just like we call these people Allah Sunnah the people of prophetic Sunnah we call the others almeida does that mean they're not Muslims not necessarily but there could be something that takes people out of Islam or could be something that's innovated within Islam but not prophetic why are we saying innovated we're saying what it's not prophetic that's what we're saying from our perspective does that make sense to you alright is that slandering of others no we're trying to say in our view in our academic view we are trying to we are holding ourselves to the bar of the Sunnah and we see you deviating from the Sunnah so we call it as we see it and we don't mean the practices of the individuals here what we mean is the scientific methodology do we understand each other I don't mean Alison Ayane means any person who's Alison is actually following the Sunnah because a lot of them follow more Bedard and Sunnah nowadays anyway what do I mean I mean the scientific methodology the basis upon the understanding of this group is based on the Quran and the Sunnah rather than anything else does that make sense all right would this let's I need to go back in history real quick to explain few things I don't know if we can do that now or maybe I can delay it when we have more time probably that's better if you remember I told you Dean has three compartments correct and they are what what's the first one acha acha a flap if you understand that you know you know that well when it comes to art either matters of al-qaeda Muslims insist on this number one matters of belief must be straight from the Quran right al quran al-karim and the second thing is the second source is the prophetic Sunnah now when I say the Quran I also mean the Quran that was revealed on the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the arabic language that's understood by through the Arabic language rules and Illume al belaga eloquence of a deer or baya etc etc I don't mean applying Russian grammar to the Arabic language it doesn't work I don't mind the Russian language but there's a problem if you apply that to the Arabic language there's a problem if you apply our mean Ian language to grammar to the Arabic language we understand the Arabic language through the means of the Arabic language itself and how Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and the Quran mentioned it and how the prophet salallahu alaihe salam then explained it Ikeda comes from two sources only al-quran or the sunnah of the prophet alayhi al asad wa sallam now I need to take you to a bit on also the concept here is the issue of the boot and illallah the boot and illallah the boot and Alera to boot and delilah the boot means the existence of a text Dalila means what the text is pointing to or the content or implying what the text is implying what the text is trying to tell you all right real quick here when we say the Quran is existence is definitive definitive all right here let me write that down if the boot existence could be either definitive or non-definitive this in Arabic language means kata or layer kata Dalila means mukham they're welcome mutashabiha Yanni unambiguous ambiguous this is very important I need you to know it I'm gonna test you on it as well we'll have fun right drinking standing is inside Buhari right for the new ones those who know me they already know fire so when I look at a text I look at a text from two points from a point of existence is the sistex exist is it there and then also what is this text saying is the content of the text ambiguous or unambiguous is this tech text exists definitively or non definitively are we on the same page alright let me ask you this when I say the text of the Quran does the Quran the text of the Quran exist does it exist in a definitive or non definitive way I know you're saying that which is good why affinity because the transmission the mode of transmission the mode of transmission is definitive how so if this was an ABI sallallahu alayhi wasallam and then in the first layer he told many sahabas right hundreds of Sahaba this Quran those Sahaba in turn they told the next layer the tabi een much more of them and those told even more people after them and then even more after that so we say then a definitive text as a text that was transmitted to us through mass transmissions a definitive text is transmitted through mass transmissions mass transmitters in every layer masks transmitters in every layer so many that it is rationally logically impossible for them to conspire to make a mistake or to conspire to misunderstand or to conspire to lie it's not possible the prophet sallallaahu some gift the Quran to so many Sahaba in so many different places they told other people they told the other people or in every layer of transmission until it reached us it was mass transmitted and the mass transmission ensures definitive transmission why because if I was to do this here let me do it this way now instead of instead of here let me do and Nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and Nabi you Solaria sallam allegedly told one person who told one person who told one person who told one person and then we got it here this mode of transmission versus this mode of transmission this mode of transmission we call definitive this mode of transmission we call non definitive this is very important this mode of transmission is not definitive why why is it non definitive yes it's one person did we in transmissions in order for us to deem anything authentic and I need you to know that and I need you to understand that and you'll be tested on that two things matter one said to Bob said it means verifiable verifiable truthfulness but means verifiable accuracy in transmission so it means verifiable truthfulness but me is verifiable accuracy of transmission what do you mean verifiable truthfulness well if I am alright so I have here let me identify the narrators all right so I have an a be some wasallam obviously he's a prophet he told us a hobby all right and he told the tabby and the tabby I told the tabby and the tabby tabby I told Debbie so we go now to these people here we have to verify said truth verifiable truthful truthfulness we have to verify accuracy and transmission if I verify both of them I then I put two checks let me verify this guy is he does he have truthfulness that's verifiable he does how about his accuracy and transmission he does then I do the same what does that mean what do you mean I verify truthfulness of somebody how can you verify people's truthfulness well first of all they're not known to be liars known not someone claiming known because usually these things are patterns right people who lie just like unfortunately okay so you know all right you identify that number two loved loved means what so is that enough no I know buddy says he's a liar is that enough no what do I do I take all his narrations this narrator that I'm questioning how many are hadith did he narrate fifty sixty I take them all and then I have a comparative analysis study with established narrators and I compare him to the established narrators to see if he matches is he lying is he changing do we understand each other yes the established or how do I verify the established narrators established narrators are verified through exact the same process for example I go what goes up instead of here it goes to here it goes to here right so I have the Sahabi saying and it's known that this sahabi said the prophet sallallaahu some said whoever lies in attributes it to me then he receives his seat in jennamariea double attala it is beyond known that the prophet sallallaahu son said that so i have something that's established that's that's Bey that's that's there and anyone who narrated those if he checks out with the reputation then he checks out also with narration right that he is consistent okay so I take those small consistent pool and I take now the inconsistent pool and I try to show that this new guy that's in question is he good is he consistent or is he inconsistent is he consistent or is he inconsistent bob is accuracy and transmission which means what he delivers what he hears you know how some people add sugar spice and everything not nice to a story I have to check this narrator does he deliver the narration exactly or does he chip away adds or subtracts from it once he adds or subtracts I say his Bob his accuracy is not intact and therefore he doesn't receive a check here and therefore his hadith is life or in authentic in order for me to authenticate this chain every single one of them must have a check in verifiable truthfulness and verifiable accuracy how do I verify accuracy also through comparative analysis I put all his now his narration against an established narrow and I tried to see what I tried to see if he adds anything or he subtracts anything if he does then I know he's not accurate in transmission he may be a truthful person but not accurate in transmission there are people who are truthful but not accurate are we on the same page if I verify that I say now I come and say hey this chain is authentic so here this chain is authentic are we on the same page yet it's none definitive it's non definitive it is authentic but non definitive you think I'm gonna ask you these things on the test of course I will right it is authentic but not definitive versus this one here this mode of transmission it is definitive why well because our argument is this hey you did verify the accuracy and and and truthfulness of every narration but this is only one single narrator there's no 2 3 4 5 6 10 like the others even this person who has verifiable truthfulness and verifiable accuracy is he a human being is he subject to misunderstanding is he subject to misperception making mistakes forgetfulness lapses is he subject to all that because he has there's a mere point of being subject to lapses to forgetfulness to misunderstanding as a human being despite this high fidelity process of having verifiable truthfulness and verifiable accuracy we say this chain is authentic it's a high fidelity process of authentication yet it is non definitive simply because the mere possibility that may that exists that he may for get or misunderstand versus in this case it's not possible that all of them forget or make the same lapse it's not possible that all of them actually misunderstand because they all have verifiable accuracy and transmit and verifiable truthfulness if one forgets the other is not possible for all others to forget do we understand the difference that's where this is very important for you to understand we call this to further make this even more complicated we call another nomenclature we call this mode of transmission here muta wah-ter muta watter which means definitively transmitted to the professor all from the Prophet Allah solemn definitive motivator means mass transmission mass transmissions here we call it a head single single narrator chain single narrator chain non-definitive definitive non-definitive now the second thing we asked about after saying is this text that you're saying the Prophet sallallahu sallam said it's a definitive or non definitive we come to the delilah which means what well what is this hadith saying is it saying something unambiguous or is it saying something ambiguous meaning what is it saying something that like this whoever believes in Allah on the day of judgement shall honor their neighbor falou cream Jarrah value cream - should honor their guest right is this ambiguous is it telling you we don't know what it's saying maybe honor maybe not honor is it telling you straight forward all right now I tell you another hadith the Prophet sallallaahu I'm for example thanked the Sahaba you should pray uh sir in Venezuela and a different and so on so place some people understood it to be right away to mean speed up and pray even if you pray here speed up and pray but some people understood it that they should they can delay their prayer unless and you should not pray it until they get there there's ambiguity in the text do we understand each other these things are extremely important the texts that stab it or that exists either exists in a kata a definitive way or exists in a non kata in non-definitive way but the text itself the meaning of the text the content of the text may be mukham which means unambiguous or mutashabiha which means ambiguous I need you to know the terms in Arabic not just in English it's to the students of knowledge the students you need to know what mark up verses mutashabiha is you need to know what Katara verses their Tata is questions about this this is important for you to understand if you didn't understand you can ask now yes we'll talk about that talking about in the next session questions so far about this the issues here that we're talking about the issues of the boat being either definitive or non definitive and the issue of Delilah being welcomed or mutashabiha you have to know this you have to understand this otherwise things will not make sense to you questions in the back about this yes all right if I have a text that somebody says the prophet sallallaahu said I'm said first as I asked about the existence of this text does the text exist you say yes I say how you say it is narrated by 70 sahabas who told 700 Tabane who told 7000 tabi 18 who told 7 million tabi tabi tabi on up until now and every single one of them has verifiable truthfulness and accuracy it is narrated in Amitabha a definitive way it's mass transmitted in such a way that it is logically impossible for any one of them to make a mistake because if he did the other one would remind him it's not possible or you say the text is narrated through a single chain I had hadith and but it's authentic because they're all verifiable they've got verifiable truthfulness and verifiable accuracy but it's a single chain it's non definitive in its transmission but it's authentic I don't want you to equate do not ever equate non-definitive to weak non-definitive and weak are not the same thing non-definitive means authentic here but it's not mass transmitted that's all I'm saying because if it was weak then this guy here for example would not have the two checks would have only one and if he has one I say you know what this hadith now is life sorry why well this the latus narrator here his accuracy is proven to be fallible flawed it's not perfect all right are we on the same page now we come to Delilah now whether we've established the text to be definitive or none definitive we come to say is the text welcome means unambiguous or is the text mutashabiha ambiguous what do I mean by welcome it accepts only one possible meaning there's no other way there is it's not subject to interpretations mutashabiha means it accepts multiple meanings it could mean this it could mean that it accepts multiple interpretations maka means it accepts only one possible meaning mutashabiha means it accepts multiple meanings are we on the same page I know this is going we were supposed to be going a little beyond the surface this is going beyond the surface but this is very important foundation having said that any question about this so far so let me ask you this so in the back when we have a text what we first what we first try to prove it's what its existence and how can it how can I text exist in which way through a transmission transmission is two kinds what kind mass transmissions and single chain which one gives you assurance of definitive definitive transmission the mass or the single mass that's called cut ie in the Arabic language right or muta watiam you need to know the text in the the words in the Arabic language and that's how you start building your vocab and in the terminology right mutilated or kotahi ii mean i I see that the far back they can't really see the the board right can you see the board in the back there so it's difficult for them so that's why there has to be a solution for them so maybe you need to put a screen sure no no or you put them close the students need to be closed those who our students need to be very close so they can see the board because I have no I have no use for you if you're just sitting here to listen what's the point I'm gonna ask you questions and you need to know the terms may be something that can project this and put it here or they have to sit very very close to the students and the non students can be in the back they can be the listeners okay then we take the text and then we look at the Delilah Delilah means what is the text saying is he saying is the text saying something that's ambiguous or is it saying something that's ambiguous alright so now having said that let me ask you this question does the Quran exist is the Quran transmitted to us how is it transmitted to us in a definitive cut away in a motivator way are we on the same page which means what it's in this way of transmission so when it comes to the Quran I immediately go to what from one I go to - I don't go to negotiate the existence of the Quran why well because it's definitively transmitted I go to negotiate what what does the Koran mean if the ayah is or I go to say sorry is this ayah of the quran mahkum or mutashabiha is this ayah unambiguous in its meaning or it accepts multiple meanings are we on the same page here is this area welcome or is this ayah mutashabiha maqam or again again Markham what does welcome in what is the other one mean what is the ambiguous one mean huh what does it mean in the Arabic language what's the M ambiguous mean in the Arabic language mutashabiha mutashabiha need you to know that you need to have that down all right so when it comes to the prophetic Sunna so the Quran we know the Quran is definitively transmitted because it's transmitted in every in every layer by mass numbers of transmitters how about the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Salam the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu name is different some of the Sunnah some of the Sunnah is Cattrall some of the Sunnah is non definitive unlike the Quran all of the Quran every letter of the Quran is definitively transmitted it's cut a motivator Ian's transmission the prophetic Shona some of it is definitive in its transmission some of it is non definitive in its transmission do we understand that the question of the boot or existence applies to the Sunnah really more than the Quran why because the Quran is mass transmitted muta Waterman's transmission the Sunnah is non definitive in its transmission some of it and the other part is also like the Quran in that sense it is definitively transmitted all right so would the Sunnah we go to both questions would the Quran we go to the second what is the text implying is it welcome or mutashabiha but what the sooner we go to say is this hadith definitively transmitted or is it non definitively transmitted why am I saying all this well the number one you need it for now and later but also for now why because in matters of Eman remember we're talking about issues of Eman here in matters of creed of belief we're at sake d'you have to tie the knot on it can you believe in something that it's verifiable in truthfulness and accuracy and it's authentic but there may be a chance of human error can you put a faith on a possibility of human error no and therefore there were no as soon as stipulated that matters of Eman must be based on text that's Qatari or muta whatta on definitive text when I say definitive text what am I saying they were what's the definitive text yeah what is motivated yeah what text is motivator al-quran and then is all the tsunami telethia the motivator of the Sunnah do we understand each other the motivator of the Sunnah again it's not proving to be effective with those people who are far away solution okay when we say that matters of faith must be based on definitive transmissions we're saying because non-definitive transmissions are still subject to a human error versus mass transmissions are not simply because if one forgets it's not possible at all of them forget verses here you still have that mere possibility because of that the ulema allison in general when to say that matters of iman must be based on either on wit owatta text on definitive text either Quran or the definitive Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam how about the other authentic Sunnah do we not take it no no we do take it we admit it but they say it's in admissible if it's alone single-handedly is the only proof for the issue and it came through non-definitive chains meaning if something came in in a single chain and it's consistent with the motel item that's fine but if an issue comes with a single chain narration and that's the only substantiation for it then it may not be admissible to constitute an issue of faith that you must believe in for salvation do we understand each other because issues that you must believe in as a matter of Athena as a matter of faith must be substantiated in a mode in a modality that's above any doubt and beyond any suspicion and no possibility of human error does that make sense alright my test you on that and this is very important so you why don't you take your lunch break or what break is that you figure out the break sallallaahu I see beautiful start to our program in shallow and the dark so we will be taking a break now from 12:30 to 1:30 which will include sure it will be 12:30 to 2:00 1:30 to just to be fair and inshallah we will have vajrasana as well included so if you want to get yourself a quick bite or you want to freshen up do so now and you can all leave at once insha'Allah but be back here by 132 in half plus one till approximately half Musti will be the next session insha'Allah so that we can maximize this the ruse would say D we will be finding solutions to some of the challenges and s ad said the students of Medina please try and make your way to the front until we find some solution to what regards to the border there are six students who can build the Asura by making some fit mayor whether Oscar would like some assistance with some methods insha'Allah sisters please go upstairs to make your salah in sha allah right but remember you've got some time before the Hara dhania she'll also take a break and have something to eat if you need to we'll all gather here for the horse around thereafter immediately after that at 1:32 we will start the - auckland new zealand cinematic
Channel: Masjidul Quds
Views: 2,739
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Keywords: Masjid-ulQuds, Quds, Gatesville, Gatesviille Mosque, Masjid ul Quds, Cape Town Mosque, Holy Prophet, Scriptures as foretold, Ninowy, Yahya, Muhommed, Aqeeda, Online Courses, Courses, Madina Institute, Al Ninowy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 37sec (6997 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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