Madeline Soto case: Trial date set for Stephan Sterns

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has been set for the prime suspect in the death and disappearance of a 13-year-old girl meline stto was found dead in a wooded area in St Cloud Stefan Sterns has not been charged in her death but will stand trial in May for dozens of child sex charges Channel 9's Jal Matthews has covered every development in this story and Daryl Sterns is due back in court next month yeah Martha April 2nd to be exact will be his arraignment date April 24th pre-trial and the trial May 13th now the state attorneys office tells me that those are set arraignment dates unless they're waved and in this case Sterns did wave that date and those were the next court dates picked by the court system he's sitting in the jail cell right now and if convicted of child sex crimes he's accused of Stephan Sterns could spend the rest of his life in prison regardless of what happens in the investigation into the death of 13-year-old mine SoDo I don't think this case is going to go and if the murder charges are added uh you you're going to be a year and a half two years away before this case comes to the trial Stephan Sterns the prime suspect in The Disappearance of melin SoDo is the boyfriend of Soto's mother he was the last person seen with a 13-year-old in May he'll stand trial not for her disappearance but rather dozens of sex crimes if the defense is not ready for trial which I don't think they will be uh at that trial date they're going to move to continue to give them more time to examine the evidence so far investigators have examined enough for the State's Attorney's office to charge Sterns with 60 counts of sexual battery on a child Under 12 and LW or levious molestation Sterns has not been charging mti's death as law enforcement continues to investigate and has yet to charge anyone they're waiting for all of the evidence to come in so they can carefully look at it analyze it and make a informed decision as to the murder charge now former Chief judge Belin Perry presided over the Casey Anthony case he says right now he's commending law enforcement for taking their time to go through evidence and DNA to find out how Maddie died taking out anyone who's not involved in her murder and holding a person responsible without making any mistakes we're live in Orlando darl Matthews Channel 9 iwitness
Channel: WFTV Channel 9
Views: 34,726
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Keywords: a:, belvin_perry, casey_anthony, channel_nine, darryl_stearns, daryl_matthew, dry_matthews, local, maddie, madeleine_soto, martha, news, nine, orlando, s:News, saint_cloud, soto, stearns, stefan_stearns, stepan_stearns, t:WFTV - news, video
Id: 7U0uP8Bg1tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 21sec (141 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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