Madeleines Recipe Demonstration -

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hi I'm Stephanie Jaworski of joy baking calm today we're going to make Madeline's so we're going to start by making our batter this is a sponge cake batter or more precisely a gynnwys batter so if you have a lectric stand mixer like I have here use your paddle attachment or you could just use a hand mixer as well so the first thing we need is three large eggs and have those at room temperature because they'll whip so much better when they're that temperature and then to that I'm going to add a half a cup a hundred grams of granulated white sugar along with two tablespoons 30 grams of firmly packed light brown sugar so now what I'm going to do is beat this on high speed till it's really thick and pale and that will probably take at least at least five minutes if you have a stand mixer like this it could take as much as say ten minutes so you want it really thick and while I'm going beating the this together what I'm going to also do is melt 1/2 a cup that's 113 grams of unsalted butter and I just cut it into small cubes because it will mount faster so while you're beating your batter just melt your butter okay so our batter is fun you can see it's really a pale coloring really thick so that's what you're looking for so now I'm going to just flavor this with one teaspoon of pure vanilla extract and if you like you could also add like maybe a teaspoon of grated lemon zest if you would like to or even orange zest if you'd one little citrus flavor and just beat that in okay it's that so while like I said while I was beating this I melted my butter and you want your butter to be just a little warm you don't want it like really cool because it's much easier to fold into our batter if it's Sun just a little warm so I'm just going to you don't need to do this at home but I'm just going to pour it into this bowl so you can see what I'm doing so now for our dry ingredients you need 1 cup 130 grams of all-purpose flour you may know that as plain flour and then I'm adding just a quarter of a teaspoon of salt and a half a teaspoon of baking powder to help give it a little lift and just whisk that together and then what we're going to do is sift our dry ingredients over top of our batter about three I'll just put about 1/3 for now sift it top and then you could use either a wire whisk or I'm just using the spatula just fold it in just kind of big strokes you don't want to deflate your nice egg and sugar mixture so just fold it in and now the third on top and strokes fold it in make sure you get the sides in the bottom you're folding okay so now we have our butter I'm just going to pour again you don't have to do this at home just so you can see what I'm doing pour it into a bowl and then what we're going to do is take just a little you know just maybe quarter of a cup or so of our batter and put it into our melted butter and we're going to lighten it because otherwise it's very hard to put and then we'll just take a wire whisk whisk it it's very hard to incorporate the melted butter into this very light batter so if we kind of temper it a bit with some batter it makes it much easier to fold inks we don't when we put it in here we don't want to deflate a really nice whipped mixture here so and then I like to pour my melted butter mixture down the side I don't pour it on top so I pour maybe half third half and then just fold it in again big strokes don't over mix but of course you want to to incorporate it all and then just rest bit of a technique here get this okay I look gorgeous make sure you get it one make sure all that butter is mixed and okay so that is our Madeleine better now I have baked off the Madeline's right away with without chilling the batter but I find it they don't get the rise you're the Malins don't get the rise so I do like to chill the batter so what just cover it with some plastic wrap now you can I would chill it at least an hour you want to firm up a little get a little thicker but actually you could chill this for up to three days so I'm going to put this in the fridge and when I come back we will prepare adilyn pants so about 15 minutes before you want to bake your Madeline's pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit which is 190 degrees Celsius and then it is very important to prepare your Madeleine pans correctly now you can you may have as you can see this is a Madeleine it's got that really nice shell shaped with the rib ribbed edges and I have two types here I have the tin which is is just regular and then I have here a nonstick of course nonstick is better because the batter does have a tendency to stick to the pan so it is very important that we prepare our pans correctly so what you will need is some melted butter whoops melted butter and a pastry brush and just really brush the insides of your pan with the melted butter make sure you get into all those little grooves okay so once you butter them all then what we're going to do is flour them so just put a little flour in each one there's nothing worse than you make oh these really beautiful Madeline's and then they stick and tear is you try to take them out of the pan so that's why we're gonna both butter and flour okay and you could do this over the sink I'm just going to do it over a pan here you just want to make sure get the flour all good and then tap it out writ any excess so there now what I'm going to do is put the whole pan you could either put it in the refrigerator just until that really hardens up or you could even do it faster and put it in the freezer so now we're ready to bake our Madeleine so you can see this batter is nice and firm so you will need about a tablespoon of batter now you can just use a tablespoon or a spoon I'm going to use a small ice cream scoop and then what you want to do is mound it into the center of the mold because what we want is a little bit of a hump on this side of the Madeleine so that's why we're just putting it so some people like to also put the batter into a piping bag and just pipe it you could do that as well okay so as you can see I have some leftover batter now the thing about Madeline's is they're at their best freshly-made so I would just make as many as you want and then you can just put the batter back in the fridge and then tomorrow or some other time bake them off so what we're going to do is bake them somewhere between 9 to 11 minutes until they're they've risen they're golden brown around the edges and when you touch them they're just springy to the touch okay so our Madeline's are now done you can see nice and when you press them they just bounce back a nice golden brown around the edges okay so now the tricky part let's hope that I prepared the pan good so that they'll just come out so then just yep Oh perfect if they do stick like specially if you're using just the pans but this is a nonstick so they do just take a little flat edge spatula and just kind of loose help loosen them if you have to whoops so now as you can see look at that so what we're looking for is of course nice golden brown the rib and then you want kind of this little hump that's why we chill the batter I find if you don't chill the batter then they tend to be a little flatter than if you if you chill it so now we'll just want to now to serve what I like to do is just put a little powdered sugar over the top makes it look so pretty I mean they're really nice if you dip them into a cup of tea or coffee freshly made good so I'm going to try one it's not too hot Oh kind of a little crisp on the outside soft very cake like inside powdered sugar perfect it's so nice so like I said they are best freshly made but you can like you can store them overnight and then of course you have extra batter in the fridge that you can bake off on demand so until next time I'm Stefanie Jaworski of joy baking calm
Channel: Joy of Baking
Views: 1,316,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baking, cooking, recipe, food, kitchen, homemade, howto, diy, joyofbaking, Joy of Baking, Stephanie Jaworski, Rick Jaworski, madeleines, cakes, cookies, French Baking, French Cuisine (Cuisine), French, Cook, how to make madeleines, madeleines recipe, how to bake, cake, bake, cupcakes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2013
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