Madden 24 - 5 Things That Won't Work Anymore

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when Madden 24 drops in a couple of weeks you might be surprised that some popular tactics from last year and previous years simply will not work anymore that's because every year EA tries to attack what they call the meta the things that are the most popular and the most effective and they try to neutralize them and make them more balanced so these five things were about to go over if you're used to using them in previous games don't be surprised when they no longer work when you start playing Madden 24. number one right out of the gate we have to talk about high ball passes now if you played Madden 23 on the newer generations of consoles you know just how popular and overpowered high ball passing was they were never inaccurate they always gave you a much better chance to hold on to the ball whether you were using it for an aggressive catch or a rat catch you pretty much wanted to highball the majority of your passes because it usually put the ball in a spot where the defender never had a chance to make a play on it whereas if you threw a regular pass it would be more of a 50 50. now there's nothing thing wrong with high passes being effective but they were just way too effective in the way that they worked in Madden 23 and they never truly got balanced well going into Madden 24 they have completely neutralized this and we saw this with the gameplay that was just recently released the pro players were trying to throw a lot of high passes as they would in the previous game and while some of them were still completed as they should be the majority of them were knocked out by the defender or sometimes even just flat out dropped because a high pass does require a different degree of difficulty so going into Madden 24 if you're gonna use the high pass you really want to make sure that you have a decent amount of Separation on the defender and you're throwing it to a tall guy preferably maybe into the back of the end zone or something like that but if you want a high ball passes in the seams every play or try to high ball rack catch a play down the sideline it's probably not going to be too beneficial to do that anymore because they definitely made an emphasis on these being a little bit more 50 50 in that you can drop them or that the DBS have different animations where they can go up and play the high pass to knock it out now really quickly I do want to mention that we are once again sponsored by Underdog fantasy they are a big supporter of the channel and if you like to do a little bit of the sports betting like me they have a pick em game where you can put two or more player props together to win money like a QB to go over his passing yards combined with the receiver to go over a certain amount of catches there's plenty of different options and it's something fun to use on Sundays when football's on or even during basketball and baseball season as well and if you use my code Rey Ray Ray they won't match your first deposit up to 100 so they'll give you a hundred free dollars to play around with so why not take the free money and have a little fun number two on the list you will no longer be able to spam the same run plays over and over this is because EA added something known as adaptive AI for the run defense now this does not apply to past defense maybe in the future they'll do it but for now they're starting with run defense now we learned about this when they dropped the gameplay notes about a month ago but then we also saw an example of this in the new gameplay video that they released shortly ago we saw one of the players running a toss play a couple of times in a row to good success and with run blocking being much improved this year I do expect the Run game to be better but you're gonna have to mix it up a little bit more because on the third time when the player tried the same toss play you'll notice that the linebacker reacts much faster to the run and is able to get to the running back and limit the amount of yards that he gets that's because when you're running the same play over and over these linebackers and these safeties and just defenders in general are going to attack the play much faster and they're no longer gonna do their read and react portion of the play so on a typical play these players have to read and react to try to diagnose what's going on you're rarely going to see a player just immediately make a b line for something because they want to try to diagnose for a split second what's actually developing however we do see in the NFL smart players when they know it's coming they do react right away because you're giving a tell well in terms of adaptive AI there's a tell within the game for the CPU Defenders that hey they're likely running this same Run play once again whether it be a toss or stretch an inside Zone and they're going to attack the play immediately instead of reading and reacting so if you want to run the ball you're going to have to mix it up and no longer rely on the same one or two plays anymore hey if you're still here at this point of the video and you're not subscribed you might as well go ahead and subscribe because you're basically already a part of the family whether you like it or not and I'm going to keep you updated with all the latest tips and news all year long for Madden trying to reach a million subscribers one day I definitely need your help and it would be greatly appreciated number three aggressive catches now this is a thing that depending on how you play the game you might look at it differently but aggressive catches were really overpowered last year on the newer consoles if you knew how to trigger them if you didn't know how to trigger them you probably would think that aggressive catches still weren't very good but in fact they were super overpowered especially with taller receivers and tight ends you could get them almost every replay and for a certain portion of the year it was literally people's entire offense just have streaks on the field throw a certain high ball go up and catch the ball and the Defenders would kind of dumb out or just not really be able to get the correct animation to play the receiver or the ball much like high passes which we talked about earlier they have definitely balanced this a lot better this year you're no longer going to be able to just throw up a 50 50 ball and get like a 80 to 90 percent guarantee on the catch you can still get them sometimes it should be 50 50. now whether they over corrected and made it more like 30 70. we don't really know that quite yet but we do know it's not going to be nearly as powerful as it was last year which I think is good because when highballing and aggressive catching are so good to wear that can be the majority of your offense that's when you know it's going a little too far it should be something that you situationally and have some risk slash reward to it last year there was not enough risk to it especially with the fact that Defenders would not catch the tipped passes very consistently so even if you did get an incomplete pass or a knockout out you didn't really have much chance to get the interception on it and that's what made it almost no risk to throwing this year there's gonna be more risks there's going to be more interceptions there's going to be more drops when trying to aggressive catch Number Four Corner routes versus Man defense now last year we saw man defense be the meta it was very powerful and I think man defense is still going to be pretty solid this year not as good as last year based on what we've seen but it's still going to be viable which it should be however the one thing that really did a good job against man defense last year were certain Corner routes like in the play bench or the hot routed Corner routes that you can get by having a hot route Master QB or a slot Apprentice wide receiver those Corner routes are not as automatic versus main defense anymore at least based on what I have played of course a corner route can still beat man sometimes especially if you have a good receiver but it's not as automatic as it was last year if you knew how to time the corner routes last year you could get them open versus Man defense pretty much every single time that's just not going to be the case this year like a lot of other things in this year years game you're gonna have more of a 50 50 aspect to it I'm sure somebody will find the one or two Corner outs in the game that are still good but just on average Corner routes are not gonna be just an automatic win versus Man defense anymore number five the gun type meta this is not gonna work on the same level that it did in Madden 23 and one of the main reasons this was so popular in Madden 23 is because man defense was the defensive meta and gun tight is just a very good formation at attacking man defense but when you consider that corner routes don't beat man as consistently as they did last year which we just talked about when you also factor in that Man Press is no longer as dominant as it was in Madden 23 so more people are going to switch to Zone I don't think you're gonna see the tight meta be nearly as effective as it was in Madden 23 but also one of the biggest factors in the tight meta is that gun tight was removed from most playbooks there's only maybe one or two playbooks that still have the good gun tight formations or the tight offset formations now there are a lot of tight formations in the game in general but they're different variations of gun type they're like gun tight why off or something like that and while those formations are still decent they're not nearly as good as the Plain Jane gun tight or the gun tight offset tight end which have been kind of nuked from most playbooks in the game so even if you want to run this there's just not a lot of playbooks that give you that opportunity so it's not going to be something that people are going to want to gravitate towards in Madden 24. and for an audible mention I want to throw in easily containing mobile quarterbacks last year it was super easy to contain mobile QBs you didn't really have to do much mobile QBs just weren't really even that much of a thing in Madden 23 they've definitely fixed this QBs can get out of the pocket better this year the plain old d-line is not just going to automatically contain or get after them nearly as good as they did last year you're gonna have to use proper containing strategies to contain QBs this year so if you're used to QB's just not really getting out of the pocket and being that effective from last year they're going to be a lot more effective this year so you're gonna have to kind of relearn how to properly contain mobile QBs instead of just kind of setting and defense and forgetting it now if you want to see more of the Madden 24 official gameplay that we just recently got make sure to check out this video right here on the screen
Channel: EricRayweather
Views: 160,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eric rayweather, ericrayweather, eric rayweather madden, madden 24, madden nfl 24, madden 24 gameplay, madden 24 ericrayweather
Id: khDxrxkt-SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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