Macworld San Francisco 2000-The Mac OS X Introduction (Pt.1)

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Thanks for sharing, what a blast to watch. A lot of people that have been anti-Apple all of their lives don't seem to be able to appreciate things like the underlying open source layer. Granted, things have changed in some ways. This was still such a big moment.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Wow, it's been a while since I've watched this. I remember downloading the video off YouTube and watching it on my Power Mac G3.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/datamonger 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] but we're not done yet because it's my pleasure today to announce mac os 10. this is i hope also going to blow you away we are announcing mac os 10 here today i'd like to go over the goals for mac os 10. first we are going to have a single os strategy at apple we're not going to have a dual or a triple or a quadruple os strategy like some others we're going to have one os and that's very important to us the second is the mac os needs state-of-the-art plumbing we need the best operating system kernel technology the best internet networking in the world right we need the best plumbing of any operating system out there third we need killer graphics almost every app depends on graphics whether it's design and publishing apps for our pro customers down to things that we use every day we need killer graphics in the system and we need to design it for the internet from the start we need to design it in a way that most users who are always plugged into the internet get full benefits we need to design in such a way that we use internet standards throughout and we've done that and we need a general migration because we have 25 million users using our current generation operating systems so these were the goals for mac os 10 but to sum it up it was make the next great personal computer operating system now there's going to be a 12-month rollout of mac os 10. you can't do these things overnight it's going to be a 12-month rollout so we are announcing it today january 2000 our developers have already had a few betas of the software they're going to get another pre-release of the software at the end of this month the final beta will go out to developers this spring mac os 10 will be on sale as a software product starting this summer and we will be pre-loading it on all machines a year from now so that is our rollout strategy now i'd like to go through the architecture of mac os 10 with you to start off with we need a kernel and that kernel we call darwin darwin's amazing it's a super modern kernel and it's got protected memory preemptive multitasking modern networking all the things you'd expect done in a very elegant way and it's very linux-like very much so it's got freebsd unix which is the same as linux so it looks almost the same to developers it's got a mock microkernel and it's completely open source you can go to apple's website today and download it as 75 000 people already have completely open source and we're getting a lot of help from the mac community to make it better and better and better so we're extremely excited about darwin the next layer on top of darwin is killer graphics we've got three components our 2d which is quartz our 3d which is opengl and our media layer which is quicktime and they're all seamlessly integrated right into the operating system so let's take a look at courts quartz is pdf based what does that mean you know when you go to the web and you see pdf documents you read them with acrobats this great technology invented by adobe well that technology is now at the core of mac os x graphics so you can image pdfs instantly we have on the fly pdf rendering anti-aliasing and compositing which will blow you away built at the core of the os so now all applications get this for free and we have built-in transparency into the model and i'll show you that in a few minutes our opengl 3d standard is the most widely supported 3d standard in the industry it's very advanced and we have full hardware support for it built in again to the core of the operating system and obviously quicktime for digital video and audio live internet streaming internet standard 33 market share built into the core of the os so those are our killer graphics the next layer are apis the things that our developers programmed to and there are three of them in mac os 10 classic carbon and cocoa classic and and the reason for this is to provide a general migration for people from the left to the right over time mac os9 classic runs mac os 9 apps as is without modification so you can run your mac os 9 apps right on mac os 10. you do not get all of the new features however because it's impossible to do technically but they all run and they run well carbonized apps get the new features now what's a carbonized app it's something that takes a developer a few months one to three months to carbonize their app to get it ready for os 10 and all of a sudden it springs to life with all of the new features of os 10. and the third api is coco it's completely different it's fully object oriented you can write applications in java or other object-oriented languages and get all of those benefits so developers can choose any one of these they want they can run the existing apps in classic they can spend a very short amount of time carbonizing their app to get all the new features which we think everybody will or for new applications they can write them in coco and get all of the benefits of apple's incredibly advanced object-oriented technology so that is the api layer so this is the architecture except there's one more thing the one more thing is we have been secretly for the last 18 months designing a completely new user interface and that new user interface builds on apple's legacy and carries it into the next century and we call that new user interface aqua because it's liquid one of the design goals when you saw it you wanted to lick it and so we call it aqua and this is the architecture for mac os 10 and we are incredibly incredibly excited and pleased with how this has turned out now when we talk about user interfaces um let me show you this is it [Applause] this this is what started it all right the original macintosh in 1984 512 by 384 dots on the screen black and white kicked off a revolution and uh we saw others follow in the late 80s this is windows 3.1 in the late 80s and uh apple followed up in the mid 90s with the current user interface called platinum still the best thing out there and uh and then this is windows 98 which obviously came out in 98 so these are the user interfaces out there they're all credible they all work how do we take this to the next level well let me show you a few slides on aqua and then i'd like to demonstrate it for you so this you get a little feeling for what aqua may be like so i'd like to just start off you know when you design a new user interface you have to start off humbly you have to start off saying what are the simplest elements in it what what does a button look like and you spend months working on a button that's a button in aqua this is what radio buttons look like simple things this is what check boxes look like this is what pop-up lists look like again you starting to get the feel of this a little different this is what con sliders can look like right now let me show you windows this is what the top of windows look like these three buttons look like a traffic signal don't they red means close the window yellow means minimize the window and green means maximize the window pretty simple and tremendous fit and finish in this operating system when you roll over these things you get those you see them you know and when you are not no longer the key window you know they go transparent right so a lot of fit and finish in this in addition to the fit and finish we paid a lot of attention to dynamics not only how do things look but how do they move how do they behave
Channel: JoshuaG
Views: 683,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple, Macworld, Keynote, Mac, Macintosh, Steve, Jobs, Bill, Gates, Windows, OSX, Computer, ipod, imac, ibook, power, macbook, pro, vista
Id: Ko4V3G4NqII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2006
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