Mackenzie Dern responds to "fake accent" accusations

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yeah i mean i honestly i i laugh you know because it's like i mean they've been i think since when maybe i was about like i don't know maybe 20 is when it started so i'm 29 now you know and it's still now i'm laughing about it but i'm definitely man my mom's american you know so i asked my mom like mom am i having an accent and man it's just crazy how can just be from like you're speaking english my mind is just constantly portuguese and english poetry you're not even in it i really today's days i just mostly speak portuguese you know and i think people don't understand that so i'm just like well i mean and even in brazil when i speak in portuguese and like in portuguese in brazil it's not a hundred percent portuguese right so you can't win on either side everyone's upset right okay i'm bilingual you know i just wanna i hope that mullet doesn't go through the same thing i just think it's funny because like why would you keep this up for so long like like people saying she's been doing this fake accent like what benefit is that like i don't know like and and i do have to laugh i think there was one time when you did have a post-fight interview and they're like we need a translator it's like no no i'm born here you know so it's all good yeah and i mean yeah about the translator everyone talks about that i was just as surprised to see a translator there as everyone else i like i think people thought that i asked for the translator and i was like oh literally like my ufc debut and i was like i i don't know i think they thought i didn't speak portuguese or i didn't speak english or i don't know i thought that like oh maybe they want me to speak both to talk to like my fans in brazil i don't know yeah but i'm like oh shoot there's a translator here i'm like what what do i do you know but everyone's like why would you need a chance i'm like man i didn't ask for guys [Music] you
Channel: James Lynch
Views: 11,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james lynch, ufc, mma, mackenzie dern, mackenzie dern accent, mackenzie dern vs tecia torres, mackenzie dern interview, mackenzie dern highlight, mackenzie dern weigh in, mackenzie dern translator, mackenzie dern bjj, mackenzie dern fake accent, mackenzie dern accent change, mackenzie dern accent translator, mackenzie dern and husband, joe rogan mackenzie dern accent, mackenzie dern birthplace, mackenzie dern black belt, mackenzie dern before accent
Id: 2yneTbDG2Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 45sec (105 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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