Mack Quad Axle Recovery
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Channel: Sumter Wrecker
Views: 314,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heavy-duty, heavy-duty wrecker, fork-truck, towing, lifting, wrecker, winch out, truck lift, large wrecker, tow truck, recovery, equipment, winching, heavy duty, heavy lift, 50 ton wrecker, equpiment lift, big wrecker, rotator, tractor, trailer, essential, big truck, farm tractor, Farm equipment, Hal Watts, Ron Pratt, Heavy Duty rescue, Heavy Duty Chain, Heavy duty cables, Kenworth, International, Peterbilt, Plaza Towing, Highway thru Hell, 30 ton wrecker, Snatch Block, Skidsteer, OPERATOR
Id: YGyOt35yqTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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