Machine Shop Basics: Setting up a Vise on a Milling Machine

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[Music] hello my name is Keith Rucker today we got it is a real quick and dirty job here I thought we'd make a shoot quick video on how to set up a vise on a milling machine this is a very basic machine shot stuff but some people may not know how to do this so I'm gonna take a few minutes and show you how I will set up the vise on a milling machine now the trick is setting a bicycle a milling machine is that you want the jaws of device to be parallel with the table so that as you move the table in and out it will move exactly parallel and you won't it won't be cocked and all the devices off even just a couple of thousands if you drill a hole here and you move the table over three or four inches and drill another hole it won't be perfectly in line with the edge of the piece of that you're working on so it's always important that you get your your your buy set up so that it is perfectly square on the table to do that I'm going to use this last word indicator it may by stair it really most any kind of indicator could be could work here as long as you can get it in there a little button style this one works real well it has a little finger that kind of comes down here and allows you to get down into an area such as this vise okay this is the starett last word indicator and I've just got to mount it into the collet on my mill it could be in the drill chuck there's no reason put it in a collet per se just something to hold it here now I'm using one of the holders that came with the set that actually allows them to bend it out to 90 degrees and I have it in here this little ball down here as you can see it's when you move it in and out it's got just a little bit of place it's only got about 30 thousands travel in it which is plenty to do a vise obviously for something has a lot of run-out this would not be the indicator to use but for something small and precise and this hasn't got a lot of run-out it is a great tool for that so I have my vise cranked over to the very edge of the vise on one side of the other really doesn't matter which side but one side the other because you wanted to measure this much travellish kam and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to use the cross slide and I'm going to pull this out until it touches and want to set that indicator on zero okay now we're just going to crank the table over to the other side of the vise I'm going to use the auto feet here save a little bit of cranking and we'll get a measurement on the other side [Laughter] okay notice I wasn't real smooth going across there we had a little bit of regularities in it and that's normal because this vise is not perfectly round smooth most vices aren't and it isn't absolutely necessary that it be that way if there's a lot of you know dents or whatever in they're probably good to grind those but don't be a to be a little alarm and you see it moving around you're really looking for that the total amount of movement from one side the other and on this it looks like we're at about three and a half thousand South so what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to take a little rubber hammer here and I'm just going to tap my edge of my vise over until it gets to zero and again I have my vise just loosely tightened on the table it is tight but not so tight that I can't bump it around but it is fairly tight and tight on there and we'll finish tightening it up once we get it set so back on zero again just bumped it over to zero I'm gonna go back to the other side and we'll measure it again and looks like I'm still about a thousandth and a half out so what I'm going to do here is I'm actually going to reesy Row it and I'm gonna I like to work off of one edge and not the other when I start trying to adjust from both ends things a lot of times to get out of whack in a hurry so I'm just going to rezero this and we'll go back to the other edge and we'll tap it over from that side [Music] [Laughter] okay so there we are again reading about mm this time and tap it over to zero and we'll go back to the other side of Guinness check it again [Music] and we're right on the money so now I'm just going to take my wrench tighten the vise down and voila we have our vise set to zero and running parallel on the table so there you go that's my method of truing up advice on a milling machine it's really quite simple and straightforward just need a good indicator to put on there and do it it doesn't take very long it takes a little bit of practice I've done this many times and I've kind of figured out how to do it it may take you a little longer to do one for the first time but once you figure it out it's pretty easy to do from there outro thank y'all for watching [Music]
Channel: Keith Rucker -
Views: 67,431
Rating: 4.9690323 out of 5
Keywords: Milling (Invention), Machining (Taxonomy Subject), Vise, Milling Machine, Bridgeport, Wells Index, Machine Shop, Dial Indicator, Last Word Indicator, Starrett, Vertical Mill
Id: WR9tLu_nGxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2013
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