Machine learning models + IoT data = a smarter world (Google I/O '18)

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[MUSIC PLAYING] LAURENCE MORONEY: Hi, everybody. And welcome to this session, the last one of the day. Everybody having a good IO so far? Nice. Excited for the concert tonight? So thanks for spending some time with us beforehand. I'm Lawrence Moroney. KAZ SATO: I'm Kaz. LAURENCE MORONEY: And we're here today to talk about machine learning plus IoT equals a smarter world. Now that's a little bit of a riff on a famous computer science book. Anybody know what that is? "Algorithms Plus Data Structures Equals Programs" by Nikolaos Worth. It's one of the seminal works in CompSci. So we said hey, we want to do a little bit of a riff on that. And it's also really about what's going on in the world today, that there's two major trends going on. Number one is the rapid rise of IoT. And number two is the rapid rise of AI and machine learning. And in many ways, these are-- they're intersecting with each other to create some really cool new scenarios. So we wanted to talk through a few of the scenarios and give some demonstrations. The first one we'll give is let's take a look at really cheap IoT sensors that will do something like in this case, we're going to take a look at those that measure air quality and how they can push data to the Cloud and how we can use that for machine learning. KAZ SATO: And then we also look at how the cloud can be empowering to for IoT and AI these products that help you in collecting data and analyzing it and learning some intelligent [INAUDIBLE] writing models. LAURENCE MORONEY: And then the third one will be as some of our devices are practically mini computers, like Raspberry Pis and our handheld devices that what can we do about on device inference with them as well. So we'll take a look at some of the examples of that and some pretty cool stuff that's happening there. But first of all, some numbers. According to IHS research, there are expected to be 31 billion connected IoT devices by the end of this year. That's a lot of devices. And those devices combined, we found the same research as showing a 27.6% compound annual growth rate of the data that they are pushing to the Cloud. So 31 billion by the end of this year and every year the amount of data that they're pushing is growing by 27.6%. And that's a lot of data. Now what are we going to do with that data? Well obviously, there's the usual things-- filtering, sorting, querying, all that kind of stuff. But we can also use that to start training some models. And all of that data and all of those models, machine learning models can then be used to generate intelligence and to help us to start making intelligent decisions based on the data that's being generated by our devices. So the first scenario I wanted to look at was thinking about simple sensors that give us smart solutions. I just wanted something with four S's on it-- easier to remember that way. And an example of this is like these little devices. And if you've ever done any kind of hardware hacking, this is like a device-- the one on the left here is called an ESP 8266. And this little chip actually has GPIO pins on it, so those input output pins. And it also has a Wi-Fi circuit on it. And when you combine that with something like the one on the right-- that's an air quality sensor and a gas sensor-- now you can start putting together something very quickly and very cheaply that will push data to the Cloud. And I'm going to go off script for a second and an interesting story. Kaz and I had prepared this talk, and we were rehearsing it last week with the VP of our division. And one of the feedback he gave us was like, hey, you don't have any small simple sensors on there. You're doing lots of Cloud stuff. And you're doing lots of mobile stuff. But you don't have any IoT sensors. So you should really build one and put it in there. And this was last Wednesday. And the environment that we live in now is so cool that we were able to-- thanks to Arduino and thanks to the maker community to be able to build the demo that I'm going to show shortly-- in just a couple of days. And the longest part of that-- can anybody guess what the longest time in building the demo was? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] LAURENCE MORONEY: No, it wasn't actually testing. It was waiting for the parts to be shipped from Amazon. I'm an Amazon Prime subscriber, and it took two days. And it only took three days to build the whole thing. So it's an amazing time to be alive, I think. The amount of things that you can do, the amount of creativity, and the kind of things that you can build is just I find it so cool. And I'm really happy to be alive right now. So let's take a look at an example of how you'd use one of these. Consider a building like this one, and say in a building like this we could put sensors like this for air quality around the building. And when they're around the building, then we can start tracking the air quality in that building. But you know, that's just an instant status. We can tell the stuff here on the south side of the building, the air quality isn't great. And then on the north side of the building, the air quality is very nice. But what would usually happen if you work in an office like this? People on the south side are going to go and adjust the thermometer, adjust the thermostat, the fans will kick in. And then people on the north side are going to be too cold. It's like what wouldn't it be great if we could intelligently adapt the building? Or what if that was a disaster and it was like maybe a carbon monoxide leak and with our sensors are going to show that carbon monoxide Leak? And I don't know if how well you can see it here, but the leak is primarily centered around the exit. And if people are being driven towards the exit, they might be driven towards danger. But when we've got chief sensors like this, we could say, hey look, instantly we can have an alternative exit. But what if we can go even further-- sorry. What if we can go even further and then think about scenarios where machine learning comes involved and we can start predicting things? Like maybe we can predict the best times of the day to keep the fans on to maximize air quality and reduce our energy footprint, good for the environment. Or maybe we could, if there was a gas leak or something like that, we could predict the path of the gas leak based on testing and based on machine learning models. So emergency responders would know where it's safe to go and where it's dangerous to go. And we all love our emergency responders, and we want to make sure that they're safe. Or maybe we could look at what the impact by modeling what would be of rearranging our office? What if we have more people sitting in the north and less in the south? Or what happens if we host a big event? And this building is actually one of the offices in Google's Seattle. And up on that top right top left hand side there that room called center of the universe is actually where we host a lot of events. And it be good for us to understand the air quality when we do so. So if you've got a lot of devices like this, there's a product called Cloud IoT Core. And the idea behind Cloud IoT Core is it's fully managed and allows you to easily secure, connect, manage, and ingest data from all of your devices. And then once you have that, then you can start doing interesting things, like pulling the data out using BigQuery, using Cloud ML, using Cloud Data Lab, using Cloud Studio to be able to then build models and then run interference on these models and have analytics behind that. But let me give a little demo of environmental monitoring and what it would look like. So if we can switch to the Wolff vision. So this is the device I was talking about. So this is a simple Ardiuno device. I'm not using the Wi-Fi in this case. I'm just using a wired one. So I have a shield on top of the Ardiuno with a wired internet just so we can make sure that the demo would work here. And then this little device is the air quality sensor. And so right now, it's measuring the air quality in the room. And so that's measuring for particulates. It's measuring for gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, natural gas, all that kind of thing. So we kind of want to trigger it by polluting the air a little bit. Any ideas how we can do that? I'll just breathe on it, because we all breathe out carbon dioxide. So I'm going to breathe on it. I've always wanted to do that in a session. And if we switched to my laptop, so my laptop, we can now see I have a Firebase running here. And I'm using Firebase Cloud Firestore. And on Cloud Firestore, I'm actually detecting and I'm getting the readings from this little device. So we can see the readings up here once they come up. Look here at the reading 57, that was a moment ago when I breathed on it. 54, I've actually gotten it up to 70. I must have eaten something bad. Here's your background here is about 42. So what's going on here? How is this being done? Well, with Arduino, it's super simple to write code and see-- and can we switch back to the slides? It will be a little easier to see the code. So if I go back to the slides, we can see this is the kind of code that you would have written in C on an Arduino. And all I'm doing is I'm reading pin 0, that this is plugged into data pin 0 on there. I'm reading that. And then every two seconds, I'm reading it again. And then what I'm doing with that is I'm posting that to URL and that URL is writing its Firebase for me. And that's all you have to do. It's really that simple to build a sensor to start monitoring air quality very, very cheap, very, very simple. And then when you aggregate the data from all of these sensors together, if you've got thousands of them in the Cloud, then you can start building some really intelligent solutions. But there's something to take into account when you're doing IoT. And that's think in terms of security. So data security is very, very important. Obviously, these things are just generating data and pushing it up to my database but a smart hacker might be able to figure out how I'm doing that and then get access to my database. So you've got to think in terms of data security. And a pattern that I usually like to follow for this-- and for good reason too-- is instead of pushing from the devices directly up to your databases, have something within your firewall that they are pushing to. And let that act as a proxy. And then that proxy will proxy out your databases for you. So then you'll have a secure connection between that proxy and the databases. And then hopefully, that secure connection will be enough. And the reason for that is also to do it as an internal thing was that the power limitations on these things, I mean that a lot of these will only support HTTP. They won't support HTTPs. So that's why in my code a moment ago, if you looked closely, you would have seen that I was just making a client dot connect server, comma 80 in that case because it's just an open HTTP connection. So that was to my internal proxy and then the internal proxy was sending it out to the Cloud. So things to consider-- very cheap, very easy for you to build systems like this one. Coding with something like Arduino and C is super simple. There's tons of APIs and there's tons of examples that would do it you can just adapt. And that's what I did in this case. I've never touched an Arduino before last Friday-- and I'm not particularly smart. And it took just a couple of hours to figure out how to hack some of the code that they had provided to be able to build this and write my data up to Firebase. So that's on a small simple sensor. Now let's take a look at what happens when you go Cloud scale. KAZ SATO: OK. Thank you. So that was a very similar scenario. And let's take a look at another scenario where we have to get smarter devices such as camera. If you take a picture of a camera, you may want to look at some object, what kind of object you would have in the images And TensorFlow provides an API to do that, that is Object Detection API. So by using the Object Detection API, you could have the labels of each object in the image, or you could have the boundary boxes. And you could have the scores. And it's really simple to use the API. For example, you can just download the model file for Object Detection API. And you can have a dictionary for Tensors with the model file of the model. Then you get pass your images to the dictionary, and that's it. So you'd get the output dictionary that would have the detection results, such as a number of the object you have or classes of objects, or the boundary boxes and the scores. It's so simple. So for example, you could have the Raspberry Pi with a camera attached to a shopping cart so that you could take a picture of the inside of the shopping cart and apply the Object Detection API to detect what kind of items you are having or how many of them you have the cart. And we can use the Cloud IoT Core combined with the Cloud and Machine Learning Engine to build a system that provides the production level, scalability, and availability. For example, if you want to build a smart camera system for the shopping cart, you can have a Raspberry Pi and a camera attached to the shopping cart that uses the Cloud IoT Core to collect all your data, store the data on the Cloud Pub/Sub, which could be the back end for your server. And we could use the Kubernetes Engine or GKE as an orchestrator for orchestrating everything happening at the Cloud side. And finally, the GKE could be sending the data to the ML Engine. That's where we arrive at the prediction with the Object Detection API. Let's take a look at the demonstration. So I tried used here MG webcam to show-- LAURENCE MORONEY: Switch to the laptop please. KAZ SATO: Yeah. So this is how it looks. It's a very small cart, a miniature cart. And we have a Raspberry Pi and a display and a camera. So if you put something like-- this is a fake eggplant. I bought it in a Japanese store. LAURENCE MORONEY: Also known as an aubergine for us Europeans. KAZ SATO: Or a tomato. LAURENCE MORONEY: Also known as a tomato. KAZ SATO: And how Object Detection API would look. So please switch-- I should ask him. Yeah. So let's wait a while. LAURENCE MORONEY: I need to refresh? Should I refresh? KAZ SATO: Is it working? Maybe a network issue. Oh yeah, there you go. So-- [APPLAUSE] KAZ SATO: Thank you. So it's so easy to detect what kind of the object and how many of them you have in the shopping cart. So please go back to the slide. So that worked. So that was a very simple scenario where we just counted the items and classified them. But you may think that what's the point of using Cloud for this kind of detection? And actually, that is true. You can run the Object Detection API just inside the Raspberry Pi box. And you don't have to use the Cloud. But if you can collect all the data on the Cloud side with the thousands o fthe recalls, then you can extract certain or some collective intelligence from thousands of the passive recalls. For example, you can train a machine learning model with all the shopping items you are adding to the cart, thousands of them. You can train a machine running model that can predict what will be the next item you will be putting into the shopping cart. That would be detecting the location proximity starting from the vegetables and fruit and meat-- like a chicken-- and the spices and pasta based on all their past history of the shoppers. And you can also have a small display with it showing you a recommendation for the next item to add. That would be working as a navigator for the shoppers. So let's call it as a Smart Shopping Navigator. And what kind of machine learning model we should design for implementing the Navigator? At first, we have to represent what kind of items you have in the cart. So if you have the tomato in the cart, we may have one-hot vector. That represents your tomato in your cart. In this case, you would have a 1.0 as a value in a vector. And if you put eggplant in the cart, you would have another 1.0 value in the vector. If you have the chicken, then you would have another 1.0 for chicken. So this multiple one-hot vector represents the cart item history. And with TensorFlow, you can write code like this. So you have a dictionary for shopping items. And you can code one-hot function to encode the shopping items as a vector. And then you can have the multiple vectors that represents the cart item history. And now we have the history. And how do you detect the changes in the history? In this case, you can use the convolution-- single dimension convolution or 1D convolution. And convolution in machine learning is usually used to detect certain patterns in a local group of big data. For example, if you have a 2D image, you can apply a 2D convolution to find some shape, some patterns in the image. That is how CNN or convolution neural network works for image convolution. But you can also apply the convolution to single dimensional data, such as time series data. For example, you can apply 1D convolution on the cart item history. They can detect that what kind of changes that happen inside the cart items. And then you can flatten the output to get the result. And with TensorFlow, you can write the code like this. You can code the .conv1d function to apply the single dimension of convolution and then code the flatten to get the result. So now we have the cart item change history. And we may also want to take in other factors, such as seasonality-- whether it's winter or summer-- or time of day because shoppers may want to choose food items based on the seasonality-- whether it's a summer hot day or whether it's a cold day. So we put everything into a single MLP Multi-layer Perceptron-- which is a classic old neural network with the three layers-- to predict next items to add. With TensorFlow, you can write code to condense everything into one Tensor. And you would define the three layers of the MLP. And that's it. Let's take a look at this how this Smart Shopping Navigator works. LAURENCE MORONEY: Switch to the laptop please. KAZ SATO: Let's switch to the laptop. If you put the eggplant, then it should detect the eggplant. LAURENCE MORONEY: I see a shadow. KAZ SATO: So you are watching the same screen I'm watching here. So at the right side, you'll see what kind of recipes and items are recommended. So it looks like the system recommends the pasta eggplant bake. And I wanted to make a pasta. So I would put the tomato. Then the Navigator would show the other things you have to add would be-- I already have it. But eggplant, tomato, and I want to make the-- I want to make a pasta. LAURENCE MORONEY: The mouse is also working. KAZ SATO: The mouse is working. Well, somehow doesn't show pasta. But anyway-- LAURENCE MORONEY: Refresh? KAZ SATO: Yeah, I could try putting just chicken. So that you can just follow the items on the screen so you can find all the items to make the eggplant tomato pasta. That's how it works. Thank you. So please go back to the screen, this right. So as you have seen on the demonstration, by showing you recipe ideas and next item to add, it works just like a car navigator for the shoppers. So the shoppers can just follow the next item to add to fill the cart with all items required to cook with a certain recipe. And that was an example of how the Cloud can be empowering for the IoT devices, not only for collecting data but also you can analyze it and learn some collective intelligence from it. It's not just in the IoT anymore. It's an internet of smart things. And this demonstration was actually built by Google Cloud partner called Groovenauts. And they have open sourced everything on GitHub. So if you're interested, please go to the GitHub and search with Smart Shopping Navigator to find out what kind of code you would write. And they also provide their production solution called the Magellan Blocks where you have the user interface to build a whole data pipeline for collecting the IoT data and analyzing it and training the model. So with that, I direct you back to back stage to Laurence. LAURENCE MORONEY: All right, thank you, Kaz. Pretty cool stuff, right? [APPLAUSE] So now the third scenario that we wanted to look at was on-device inference and training. And there's a few different types of devices you can do inference and training on. So for example, you can do it on a mobile phone or a tablet. You can do it on a Raspberry Pi. Or you can do it on an Android Things device. And there's a really cool video of doing it on a mobile phone or tablet that I've put at this QR code. So take a look at this QR code, watch this video. I'm not going to show it here. But the idea behind this video is that if you went to in TensorFlow Summit you would have seen it. But it's farmers in Tanzania in Africa who don't have Cloud connectivity and who rely on a plant called cassava, that if the cassava plant gets diseased, it can kill and impact an entire crop. And it's hard for humans to eyeball it and see it. But they built a machine learn system that all they do they wave their phone over the leaves, and they can diagnose diseases early. It's really, really cool. So that kind of on-device inference without any Cloud connectivity is possible through something called TensorFlow Lite. With TensorFlow Lite you can also do inference and training on a Raspberry Pi. And I have a car here that I'm going to show in a moment that's driven off of a Raspberry Pi. And if you're in the Sandbox area, you would have seen cars like this one self-driving around. But basically, there's a little camera at the front here. And what I would do is I would manually drive the car, record what I'm doing. And then based on the telemetry that I'm sending to the car to drive it around and the corresponding video, that's giving us the features and labels that we want that the car will then remember and then use that to self-drive. If we switch back to slides for a moment. And then finally, there's the third one, which we'll show in a moment that's on an Android Things device. All this is made possible because of TensorFlow Lite. And I strongly recommend check out TensorFlow Lite, and check out the talks TensorFlow Lite. But the idea behind TensorFlow Lite is that if you want to train a machine learned model, we have a bunch of converters that will then flatten that model and shrink it to make it more mobile friendly. There's an interpreter core then which is used to execute that model so you can do inference on the model. So for example, things like if you want to do an image classification, it'll do that locally on the device without round-tripping to the Cloud. And then that's all the stuff that's needed like operation kernels and hardware acceleration to take advantage of the mobile hardware that you have. It runs on Raspberry Pi. It runs on iOS. And of course, it runs on Android. And it works really great on a Pixel. I have a Pixel 2 up here. And if you want to see a demo of it, come see me afterwards, and I can show real time inference on the Pixel. Doesn't really work on the stage that well. Now here's a video that I shot of me doing real time inference. And you can see it saw the coffee mug correctly. And here, this coffee mug kind of looks a little bit like a mixing bowl so it got-- at some points, it felt like a mixing bowl. And I know that's a horrible product placement for my show "Coffee with a Googler", but I had to do it. And it was able to recognize a mouse and stuff like that. So this is what it would look like running on Android. And so for the self-driving car that I've been talking about, you can see on the right is the Raspberry Pi. On the left, is something called a pulse wave modulation controller. And that's what actually drives the car itself. So I have a TensorFlow Lite running on the Raspberry Pi. And that's what we'll actually drive the car. And this is built on a project called Donkey Car. And if you want to go and take a look at Donkey Car and details about Donkey Car, they're at this URL. So should we take a look at what it would look like to actually train the car? So if we can switch to my laptop please. So I've actually started up the Raspberry Pi on the car. And there's a little web server running on that. So let me go and see if I can access it. Hopefully, it'll obey. Oh no, it's refusing to connect. Hang on. Oh sorry, CD D2. So what I'm doing is it runs on Python. So I'm just running the Python code. Sorry, Kaz, to make you hold it so long. So this is actually booting up the web server that's on the car that I would then use to train and drive it. So take a moment just to book that up. But what will happen is so if I want to control the car when I'm training it, obviously, it's hard for me to do it on its own. It has that little web server. The web server is connected to a hotspot on my Pixel. My laptop's connected to the same one. So it's starting up that server. It looks like that server's done. And here it is. So as Kaz moves it around, you'll see that one. And if I would to try and drive the car, I made a bit of a mistake. If you've been over to the Sandbox, you would have seen the cars they're using are really small ones. I didn't read the specs properly. And I bought this one, and it's an absolute beast. It goes really, really fast. I don't dare put it on the floor and start driving, because it will take off and it will land about three rows back. So watch out, Kaz. And you see this is what it looks like if I'm driving and training it. I can steer. And I can control it like this. So what it's doing right now is recording what it would see on the webcam from the car actually moving and storing all that stuff that would then use to train a TensorFlow model for that specific area. So when you see the cars over in the Sandbox, they're on that figure of an eight track. So we drove them around that figure of eight. We train them in that way. And then instead of launching it in training mode as I have it now, you just launch in drive mode, and they go and they drive themselves. So you can build one of these as a Donkey Cart-- OK, we can put it down. We can build one of these using the Donkey Car project cost. This one is a little bit more expensive, but they generally cost maybe about $200 total for everything. And you can build your own little self-driving car. And it's all open source. It's really, really cool. So thank you. Can we go back to the slides, please? The motor on the car is really loud so I'm going to turn it off because we hear it whizzing. OK so that's what it's like to train a Donkey Car. And with on-device inference, you can then have a-- believe it or not-- model self-driving car. I think that's really cool. Then the next thing was Android Things that I mentioned. And did everybody get one of these? All right. So these are just so cool. So this is just a little-- this one isn't actually a Raspberry Pi. It's a different developer board but a similar concept. And with Android Things being able to execute stuff and with TensorFlow Lite running on Android Things, you can start doing inference. And has anybody done the Code Lab? Have you tried it out to do inference on these? Try it out and build it and you'll be able to do things like this. So this afternoon back in my hotel on this device, I kind of pointed it out at a water bottle. And I thought it was interesting that it gives you three things that it thinks it is. It thought it was a water bottle, a pop bottle, or toilet tissue. I don't know if it's because of the circular parts of it or anything like that. And then I tried it on this one. And it's said a coffee cup, a coffee mug, a cup, or a measuring cup. And particularly way the handle is placed, I thought it would be really interesting to try and fool it. With the handle the way it's placed, I thought it might think it was a pitcher. Because sometimes when I do mugs like that, it kind of classifies as a pitcher. And then of course, this one, I tried on my Android, my little French Android. And it thought he was a piggy bank, a teapot-- I guess he's a little teapot, the way he's standing-- or maybe even a spotlight. And maybe it's the shape of it or something like that. But that's the stuff that's built in. And when you assemble this device that you've got, that app is actually already running on here. And that app is open source. And one of the really cool things you can do is that the image model that app is trained for, you can actually retrain that for your own images. I've been working on a version of it that I'm going to add to the car. And maybe we'll be able to talk about it at a future I/O where I'm retraining the car to recognize things like traffic lights. So if it sees a red light, it will stop. If it sees a green light, it will go. And all the code for you to do that is available with this kit when you get it. So give it a try. And for those of you watching online, just check out Android Things. You can buy these kits. They're relatively cheap, and they're so much fun to play with. So the Code Lab that I mentioned, if you're here at I/O you can go over. And try it out if you want to try it on your machines at home, the URL for it is at this QRL code. Go give it a-- have a play with it. It's a lot of fun. So in recap, we spoke a little bit about internet of things and AI and about the trends that are happening that the explosive growth that is going on, the growth of actual devices and the amount of data that they're producing and then the things that you can do with that. We looked at with a sensor data on an Ardiuno. We looked at Cloud Scale AI, and we looked at on-device inference. Now there's a whole bunch of things that you can do to go take a look at. Come on slide, animate. There we go. So things you can try out, number one, writing data from your internet of things device to Cloud Storage. There's great details on it this URL. And if you want to explore the TensorFlow Object Detection API-- which is what Kaz was using here when it was detecting tomatoes and eggplants or aubergines and that kind of stuff-- you can find details on that at this link. IoT and the Cloud ML engine, details for that are at this link and this one. And TensorFlow and TensorFlow Lite-- and all of the mobile scenarios that I was showing here were based on TensorFlow Lit-- you can learn about that at this link or attend the talks if you're here. And finally, exploring Android Things itself, I find it super cool. And it's really nice because if you're already an Android developer, you can start building stuff using your existing skill sets. When I was doing the thing for the Arduino here, I had to give myself a crash course in C. But like I said, if you're already an Android developer and you're used to using Java or Kotlin to build your Android apps, then you can start building Things apps with that too. So with all of that, we just want to say thank you very much. Feedback is always welcome. We've love to hear, and it's this URL. Thank you. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Google Developers
Views: 50,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: type: Conference Talk (Full production);, pr_pr: Google I/O, purpose: Educate
Id: avxpkFUXIfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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