Mac Secret Trick - How to Clone Mac Hard Drive with Disk Utility HDD SDD MacBook Pro iMac 2010-2021

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how does the lighting look huh hey we got new lights what's up guys welcome back and today I'm gonna answer the question you've all been asking how do you clone a Macbook hard drive I'm gonna show you how to do it with what you already have on your macbook so let's get to it there's only three things you're gonna need to do this one your MacBook to your new hard drive I recommend the solid-state and three a Stata two USB 3.0 connector so what we're gonna do with this first is plug in our new hard drive which you'll see has the static connection right there into this reader you're gonna line it up so that the groups match the same grooves in the connector slide it in push it down now the hard drive is connected what we do with this is plug it into our macbook alright before you do anything make sure you plug in your Mac to a power source you don't want the battery to die during this process or you might lose everything we have our hard drive in the enclosure we're just gonna plug it in we get it to light up so we know it's connected after your new hard drive is connected to your macbook go to launchpad other Disk Utility there's a couple things that you really need to be careful about where this is gonna fail for you if you haven't formatted this drive yet it needs to match the same format as the current hard drive so I would your internal hard drive and check could say a PFS this we have Mac OS extended you want to make sure that your gonna erase this drive and format it to be exactly the same format as the one you want to clone or it's not gonna work so we have Mac OS extended journaled I'm gonna click the external I'm gonna erase it I'm gonna keep that name so I can identify them I'm gonna make sure it's on this and erase it so now we're gonna erase that whole Drive it's asking me if I want to use this time machine no thank you checkmark okay that is done now this Drive has absolutely nothing on it it's just a hard drive has no operating system or anything the way we're gonna clone our existing hard drive is with Disk Utility and with the restore function cloning restoring it's the same thing and if you try to restore it now what you want to make sure that your highlighted your external drive because you don't want to reformat your internal drive with everything on it with a drive that has nothing on it or you'll lose everything right so make sure your external is highlighted that's this drive click restore it's gonna give you options there's only one thing here so Macintosh HD we want to take what's on Macintosh HD and put it on the Macintosh HD to click restore you're gonna get this error message if you click show details it says it cannot be unmounted so to do this process on your Mac while the hard drives in it you need to unmount both of these drives at the same time for it to work that's kind of like disconnecting it from the computer not physically but like virtually so we need to shut the computer down start it in recovery mode so that it's running on a partition on your internal hard drive and on the hard drive itself so you can close everything out we just wanted to format that to be exactly the same as Macintosh HD now we are going to shut the computer down and we're gonna start in recovery mode so recovery mode you're gonna hold down command and R at the same time after you press the power button you hear the chime you want to make sure that you're holding that so I'm gonna hit the power button hold down command and are at the same time you can hold it till you see the Apple logo and it will go into this mode if you didn't hold it enough and it starts normally then you didn't hold it enough so I usually just hold it for a long time until I see recovery mode come up here and you'll know when it happens now we are in recovery mode you can release the keys from recovery mode we're gonna go to Disk Utility here click continue now we're running on this base system it's like a safety feature that Mac does we still have external as our Drive over here and internal is Macintosh HD so if you click this your external drive make sure you have that highlighted and click restore we do not want to go from the base system or you would just have the basic operating system we want to get all our information onto this drive from the other one so we're clicking Macintosh HD click restore and now it has unmounted both drives you see how they're both gray that means they're dismounted if that if it doesn't do it automatically you would just click this drive that would say unmount you would unmount it and then go back here and click restoring but in this process it automatically does it click show details now it's validating everything it's restoring everything is moving everything that you had on your current internal hard drive onto this new one that we're gonna install in a different video and that's it you're gonna wait for this process for that blue bar to go all the way and then I'm gonna show you how to check to make sure everything's there and it's all up and running before you put that in the computer so we'll come back towards the end of this process it's gonna take a long time if you have a lot of stuff on here it's gonna take even longer I have not much on this computer so it's gonna be relatively short but still probably an hour 45 minutes okay so I'll see you then [Music] all right so after an hour we have a green checkmark that means it was successful I have the details shown here if you don't you just click the arrow just to make sure we're storing verifying remounting everything's good both drives are mounted again because they're not grayed out we're just gonna click done and that's it you have a successful clone of your hard drive I'm gonna show you how to check that make sure it's working really quick before you put it in the computer so if you just want to do a quick check you click the Apple icon you're gonna click startup disk and it's gonna ask you which one you want to use you should select the one with the external icon and then click restart click that - and now the computer is gonna restart off of that hard drive it's not gonna be on the one that's inside the computer it's gonna boot from that one so you can see if the computer is going to start correctly and if all your files are there which they should be but this is just a quick little check before you go through the trouble of putting the hard drive in the computer don't get paranoid if it takes longer to startup because it is being started from a USB cable to that bay could be a little slower and then the internal drive normally would be but as you can see the computer starting normally and it'll go through its normal process until you have your home screen and there we go this should look exactly like your computer did because it's a clone and all your files should be there as you saw them originally if you check in finder and you look through all your files everything should be there this is an exact clone copy of your hard drive you are now ready to install the new hard drive into your computer and you won't have to do a single thing from there out now make sure you shut this computer down you do not unplug this again this computer is running on that hard drive which is a clone of the one that is in your computer currently do not disconnect it shut the computer down the computer is shut down I can disconnect this if I chose to use this the way it is I could start it up it's gonna boot off the internal drive automatically and you can now install this hard drive into your computer and not have to do a single thing from that point out so I hope this video was helpful and it showed you an easy way to clone your hard drive using no third-party software if you have any questions or you're having some problems comment below if you want to see another video that may help you out comment below that's how this one came to life and yeah I'll see you on the next one yo YouTube what's up gunner Torino making another video like and subscribe shout out gunner Torino like and subscribe down below click the button right there [Music] tenènte
Channel: Gunner Tierno
Views: 552,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mac secret trick, clone mac, macbook hardrive clone, Disk utility Clone, clone MacBook Pro, clone imac, copy mac hard drive to ssd, macbook pro clone, Disk Utility Restore, how to clone hard drive to ssd, How to Clone Hardrive, clone hard drive, how to, mac clone, clone mac hdd to ssd, clone hdd to ssd, restore macbook, disk utility mac, clone macbook, clone computer, how to clone mac, clone mac hard drive, mac ssd, macbook ssd, how to clone, mac
Id: lfJrAcnHN2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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