Mac Pro 5,1 Switching OpenCore from Martin Lo Package to OpenCore Legacy Patcher

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in this video I'm going to replace the Martin low package open core installation with open core Legacy Patcher on the first computer that I switched over the reason I did it was because I had a Kepler architecture Nvidia card in it and that was supported in Mac OS through Big Sur but Monterey drop support for that so open core Legacy Patcher does a root patch after installation and it puts that driver back into Mac OS so you can use those Kepler cards with it so I did that you know to use that card and also just for the experience because I hadn't used Legacy Patcher and I wanted to see how it was different how it was the same you know what drawbacks it might have and to be honest it was very easy installation it was much easier than I expected it would be and everything works as far as I know I mean I have Hardware acceleration for the video editing I have uh you know open core boot picker all those things so that worked really well and so now I'm I'm changing my second computer to be open core Legacy Patcher based and I went ahead and recorded the process so you can see what it's like so if you're a person that has Martin Lowe's open core and you're thinking maybe you want to go to Ventura which Martins doesn't support or you want to run some Hardware that needs some patching or something like that this would be how you would update that and it's really a pretty easy process let's go okay first to show you that I have Martin Lowe's package I'm going to go to system report under about this Mac and you see the system firmware version is 9144. that tells you that it's Martins he puts the nine in front of the 144 for firmware uh spoofing and then the version of open core is uh is also in that number so I'm going to go to uh open core Legacy patcher's website and this tells you a little bit about it and punch the getting started button I'm going to skip the first two steps I know that I'm a supported model and I already have Mac OS installed so I'm not going to build a Mac OS installer the first time I did and I did and end up using it so I'm going to go straight to the open core Legacy Patcher release as of recording 0.6.7 is the current package right click on this and download linked file as just so I can put it on the desktop and you can see everything that's going on so put it on the desktop here and Save and it takes a little while to load this is about the longest part of the process waiting for the open core app to load so this is an app that's going to look at my system see what's on it and actually build an open core configuration exactly for my system and so now it's finishing up I'll double click on the zip file and it's expanding it and for some reason it puts the expanded app right beneath the zip file so I'll just take that and go ahead and move the zip file into the trash I don't need it anymore and then double click the open core Legacy Patcher app when it verifies it it says say this is downloaded from the internet are you sure that you want to open it I guess I do otherwise we won't be able to to do this will we and then this is the user interface if I needed to create a Mac OS installer I would do that first but since I already have a Mac installation I'm just going to go straight to build and install open core and at this point for those of you that are familiar with open core or some of the patches and things that we've been through the last few years we'll just quickly look through the the build log here uh you see here it's uh using 0.9.2 version of open core creates a config P list it does all of the EFI mounting and unmounting and things like that within the app here it finds my GPU architectures is a Polaris I have an RX 580 in here so it would add in whatever texts or whatever were needed for the specific Hardware that I have here and I'll just scroll through that in case anybody's interested in what all it added to my system open canopy is the boot picker so I don't need a Mac flashed card to see a boot screen or a boot picker and I'll go ahead and then punch the install open core button now I happen to know that my 480 gigabyte Kingston Drive is the one that I have my Martin low open core installation on so I'll pick that there's only one EFI volume on there so I'll pick that put my password in and then it mounts the partition it removes the pre-existing EFI open core folder so the Martin low package is re removed automatically by this app removes the pre-existing system folder and then unmounts everything when it's done so then I'll go ahead and reboot the system and here's what it comes up like when when it reboots into the boot picker so I'll pick the the Monterey selection there and for those of you maybe not familiar with open core the boot screen that you're seeing right now is not the original Apple boot screen I have a PC graphics card in here that is not flashed for Mac so this is actually open core creates this boot screen and so having a flash for Mac GPU is really of no value anymore because we have the substitute now it's loaded the the drivers in it's changed to the RX 580 and the drivers within Mac OS so I'm going to look at about this Mac again and now the SM or the system firmware version is all nines and that is open core Legacy Patcher doing that I guess we knew that it was open core Legacy Patcher when it booted and we saw the the windows thing and that's it jobs done all of my existing Mac OS and windows installations are as they were before programs files everything's exactly the same all of the changes are made during the booting process so I didn't have to reinstall Mac OS didn't have to reinstall Windows uh really easy process hope you enjoyed the video
Channel: Douglas Edward
Views: 11,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zbLwuOsIZ2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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