M1 Macs and VSCode Universal

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visual studio code has a new universal version out which supports apple silicon which means that if you have an m1 machine you'll see better performance and improved battery life last time we talked about vs code for apple silicon was when they still had the orange icon many of you were confused what is this orange icon well there's no more orange icon i kind of like the orange icon anyway that seemed ages ago at this point but really it was only a month and a half ago or so so let's give a hand to the vs code team for pulling it together so fast and this time i also gotta hand it to them to microsoft for coming up with a really good name universal not vs code version 3.5 build 27 mark six universal it's exactly what it is a universal update which means that there is one version of the app that will work on all macs no matter what type of chip they run so besides adding support for apple silicon universal brings improvements to the timeline view keyboard navigation for toolbars and tabs and a bunch of other changes today we're not only going to look at the new release but we're actually going to dig into some metrics and performance auditing and we're going to try to uninstall vs code because it puts sprinkles all over your system so we're gonna try to undo that as well and at the end i'm gonna be picking a raffle winner and we're gonna start a new raffle so stick around and if you're not subscribed yet consider subscribing to the channel for more content like this there's gonna be a bunch more raffles bunch more tech reviews coming up i got a brand new laptop sitting right next to me it's a lenovo with the core i7 and it's the 11th gen i did test with the dell now we're going to be doing tests with the lenovo same chip but we'll see how the laptops actually differ so that's going to be coming on the channel as well we're going to be doing some comparisons there as well all right let's get into it [Music] for those of you that remember this one from my last video you see this little blue icon here this is the vs code proper running through rosetta and i'm gonna click on it and you'll see that this takes quite a bit of time to start up the last time i think it took 11 seconds it takes a while there it is all right so this is vs code running through rosetta emulation and while rosetta does a really good job at running x86 based software by the way sometimes even better than my intel machine you can check out my other videos for comparisons of different dev tools on the m1 versus intel for some reason vs code was a beast that just didn't want to work as quickly at all as evidenced right here this startup time is not the only issue we also had language service slowdowns and things like that but not anymore right well in theory universal is gonna fix that so let's put that to the test i'm gonna close this down and i'm gonna quit the program and the first thing to do is i'm gonna blow away all my versions of vs code so i can start from scratch so let's pop open applications there's vs code insiders i'm going to drag that to trash i'm going to drag these two to trash as well okay hopefully they're in trash now that's not all there's other places where you need to clean up after vs code installation i'm in my home folder i'm going to head over to library and in library we have this application support folder so let's head over there okay now you see this code folder here and code exploration and code insiders it doesn't say vs code and code sounds a little bit scary you don't want to touch that but that's actually vs code we're going to delete those folders all right i'm doing this for you i'm going to take this risk our mrf code why is exploration up up and up let's uh copy that ah it didn't do it okay these are tough folders to delete let's do that manually and move the inside as one to trash as well let's back up to the library level let's go to caches and in here we have vs com.microsoft.vsco see all these vs code folders we're gonna delete this stuff okay so move to trash and let's check one more place we're in library i'm gonna go to saved application state and microsoft vs code to make sure that's the right stuff it is i have three of them because i had three different versions installed here so i'm gonna delete all of them hopefully that takes care of it okay now i'm gonna go to google search for vs code kind of like i'm setting up a new machine and look at that there it is this will automatically detect what you're running on it detects that you're on a mac and it gives you this option to download mac universal stable build notice that you also have the ability to do the stable build or insiders here if you do the drop down i just want the stable build because that's what i want to try they don't give you the option to download separate builds anymore for x86 or arm processors everything is together in this one universal package so i'm going to click on this big button and it's going to download that zip file now i did notice that that file is bigger because they have to package those platforms together in one file but it's just a installation so it doesn't matter you're going to probably delete it anyway so i've unzipped that and i get something called visual studio code 2. i'm going to drag that over here to my doc and the moment of truth i'm going to click on that icon and let's see how long it takes get your timers out ready click visual studio code 2 is an application downloaded from the internet are you sure you want to open it yeah i'm pretty sure let's try that okay so that was pretty fast let me close everything out again and try it again so we don't have that permission dialogue click and boom i like that that is a great improvement so no more orange icon feeling kind of sad about that really like that orange icon i thought it was a good direction but we take what we got and i'm just happy that this is now opening up quickly now it says welcome to git lens which means that unfortunately my extensions are still there i don't know where it puts stuff folks i thought i deleted everything but apparently there's more places where vs code spreads its roots if you know by the way what i'm missing let me know down in the comments below please all right so these are the installed extensions and this may actually contribute to startup time as well even though i had all these extensions turned on and installed still we had a pretty quick startup time that i'm happy with one more thing i'd like to test is the code command line now on intel max on x86 max when you install vs code it automatically adds a terminal extension a command line extension so you can just use the code command to open up the editor so let's see if that is actually the case i'm going to go to my.net directory and go to my hello project let's just see if this works code dot ah command not found code okay folks so it did not automatically install that extension but there is a way to install that and i'm going to go to vs code i'm just going to open it up the old fashioned way press command p then greater than sign and you can type in shell command and if you just type in the word shell you'll see these two options you can install the code command in path or uninstall it i'm going to choose the first option there and it says code successfully installed in path so let's test it out i'm going to close everything out here and very nice it works now i did mention that i was trying to get rid of all the extensions to see how this worked without them but since we do have the extensions installed and some of them might be running like you've just seen let's see how we can view the extensions and what the running extensions are you can use that same command p and then greater than sign and here you can access the developer menu so type in developer and look at all the different options you have here inspect key mappings layout measure extension host latency that's a useful one reload web views reload window reload with extensions disabled a nice little feature for debugging or troubleshooting to see if an extension might be causing a slowdown in your performance of vs code and restart extension host this is a good one if an extension is giving you trouble you can just reboot all the extensions ah here's one show running extensions let's try that one out so these are the currently running extensions and look at this it shows their time right here so 287 milliseconds live server is noticeable i'd say that's a quarter of a second that you have to wait and all these will add up get 40 milliseconds you probably won't notice that so a lot of these you won't notice right off the bat especially like merge conflict two milliseconds no debug auto attach one millisecond a lot of these you won't notice but if you have a lot of extensions i don't but you might you can come here and check it out to see how long they take let's close that out and there's one more thing we want to check out let's go to developer again let's check out startup performance all right this report right here will give you some information that's pretty useful about your startup time system memory how much free space you have and a trace of all the different steps during startup make this a little smaller so we can fit more stuff in and by the way i want to mention that these results here are specific to the project that i opened so you might have different extensions that are operating on that project that you have and if you open up a project you'll see this report based on that project that you're working with do you have favorite extensions that you use all the time with vs code let me know down in the comments below i'm really curious to check out more extensions i don't feel i use enough of them out there in the ecosystem there's some really cool stuff that people are building and i'd like to know about them and i'm sure other people watching this video would also benefit if they're good extensions let me know since we're watching this here you can see that these eager ones up at the top they say true these are the ones they're gonna load right away and the other ones are gonna load lazily um so these first few the ones that are eager are going to take up the longest amount of time so you can see that the finish activate right here that's the longest ones so five almost five seconds for that dot net tools c sharp one because it's specific to my project and i open the c sharp project and you can keep going with this report dig into it a little further and there's a ton of information presented here including the locations of the cached data that these extensions work with now if you really want to dig into it even deeper and if you want to get into the internals of vs code and the extensions and the running stuff behind the scenes i haven't dug into it yet but some of you might you can go to help toggle developer tools does this look familiar to you for those of you that are web folks might recognize this right away these look like chrome developer tools and this will let you take a look at the running code behind the scenes the stuff that actually runs vs code you can go to this little three dot menu here more tools and then javascript profiler this will show you the javascript vm instance that's running you can start profiling by clicking the start button this will record while you're doing stuff or while vs code is running it'll record a profile and then you can hit the stop button here and take a look at the details here what's happening when it's happening all the different events that are being triggered by different extensions a lot of you might not even need to get into the weeds of these things like that but that's available for you let's take a look at one more thing and that's if you already have visual studio code running you can go to the terminal and say code dash dash status and this will give you current information with the vs code instance that you've opened and that workspace that you have open so this will give you some other data about what's happening with that process so take a look at that the os version the memory the status what's happening with the process and so on now if you want me to dig deeper into all this let me know down in the comments i may do a follow-up video doing even deeper deep dive into it deeper deep dive so that's vs code on the m1 apple machine i'd say they did a good job fixing it up all right now it's time to pick the winner from the last raffle and it's this video right here where i do a node side-by-side comparison of performance and let's see i need the url for this so i'm going to copy that let's go to the random comment picker and i'm going to paste in my url of the video right here we're not going to filter duplicate users so if you have multiple comments that's fine get youtube comments 246 comments you folks have really been commenting thank you for that all right here we go are you ready we're gonna click the start now button and see an ad wrong button alex let's click this button right here the start button all right come on come on come on fyodor his comment was great stuff okay and it looks like filder is a subscriber so further congratulations you won what'd you win you won a copy of parallels congratulations further i'll get in touch with you now you have a chance of winning another copy of parallels which i'm gonna be giving away in two weeks from now based on the comments in this video so leave a comment down below the rules are pretty simple the comment you have to have a like and you have to be a subscriber to this channel good luck folks thanks for watching again and i hope you have a good day and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Alex Ziskind
Views: 49,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple m1, apple m1 chip, apple silicon, apple silicon chip, apple silicon mac, apple silicon macbook, apple silicon macbook air, apple silicon macbook pro, apple silicon macs, m1 chip, mac with m1 chip, macbook air m1, macbook pro m1, new macbook air, new macbook pro, apple silicon web developer, apple m1 javascript, alex ziskind, m1 javascript, m1 node js, m1 vscode, m1 visual studio code, vscode universal, visual studio code, visual studio code universal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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