M1 MacBook 6 Months later ??? Still Good ???

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hey guys welcome to the studio today i i i played around with this new synthesizer way too much the entire day kind of wasted but i learned a lot it's a beast the sound is amazing so i would love to dedicate today's video to like my my best friend let's let's just call him my very best friend and that is this macbook air right here it's an m1 macbook air and i did a couple of videos um the time it was released and a lot of people were interested and ever since i'm getting like every video someone is asking me are you still using it is it still good would you still recommend it and a whole bunch of other stuff that i would love to address it's half a year later let's see how good this actually still is and if i still recommend it because there there are like two things i found out like one thing that i found out and another thing that really make me not recommend it actually but let's let's let's do it step by step so personally i myself i'm i'm very very very happy with it it's my main machine for everything like everything you see right here all of it plus everything you see over here all of it it's connected with like a single cable wait where is it this one right here a single usbc cable i plug it into the macbook air and that's it everything is connected i can like every synthesizer every compressor eq everything just works i've made a video like a separate video i'll link it down below if you're interested how to actually do it it explains it in full detail but yeah it works it's fast it's extremely fast back then i did the test against my old mac which was the i9 fully spaced intel and this one just smoked it it was two to four times faster in logic i'm running logic not natively for the m1 i'm still running logic than the rosetta like i'm starting logic up and it has to emulate all of it which usually costs between like 15 to 20 of the performance so i'm not even using all of what it could actually do the main reason of course like all of the plugins that are available i'd say right now half of them have adapted half of them haven't so starting logic through rosetta you just have to right click onto logic and then you can select in the info box to open it up through rosetta which will make it a little slower but all of the plugins will work and will load faster than opening up logic natively for the m1 and then having to convert all of the plugins that's a huge mess don't do that maybe in a year or two all of the plugins will be new and adapted and then it will work even faster so i'm impressed on top of it a lot of people ask me why i actually picked the macbook air and not the macbook pro the 13-inch version which like the only difference is that the the pro has a fan built in and no matter what i do i don't get to the point where this thermal throttles it just doesn't do it so the fan is only really necessary if you render stuff for an hour then it maybe makes sense it's then a lot of faster but here for music making i prefer having a machine that is silent no it doesn't make any noise it doesn't get really warm maybe a little just a tiny bit but you can still keep it on your lap without burning your skin so no noise is a huge plus in the studio and also people ask me why i didn't pick the mac mini this one right here is mobile i can just close it take it with me produce outside produce at home with headphones which my girlfriend doesn't really like especially late at night but it's possible and there's another reason i just um a couple of days ago started uh let me show you right now i'm starting to develop a live set to perform live once covet is over a synthesizer sound card this pad thing right here the apc 40 another synthesizer all of it running into the macbook ableton processing it effects reverb delay foot pedals to turn it on and off and all of it it's going out to the speakers or to the pa system of a club or a festival and it works it never failed i've tested it now for two weeks it never ever failed and it handles enough tracks enough effect of course there is a limit it starts to introduce delay the more you put on it but i found like a sweet spot where it actually works and it never did with any other machine before the only downside definitely the port situation there are only two usbc ports high power full i think thunderbolt 4 so fast extremely fast and power delivery the apc 40 for example just draws the power from the macbook air and it it works but you're limited just to and then there's another limitation with these ports because we're now thinking about um like having a light show with these projectors the thing is the macbook only supports one external display that's the biggest and probably one of the very very few drawbacks of it only one display so we can hook it up to one projector second is impossible no adapter nothing nothing helps nothing works it's just restricted there is no there is no way around it you will have to wait for the macbook pros the newer m1s or get an imac m1 or a mac no i think also the mac mini and the macbook pro 30 inch they can't handle it i don't know if apple did it on purpose to restrict it save money or whatever it is so i'm personally waiting for a macbook air m whatever m2 m3 m4 whatever will be next because i love the no fan situation i i'm happy to like have maybe 10 less power but have no noise around me also no dust going into the machine and making it gluey and sticky and ugly inside i'm really happy with it i just wish like maybe one more port and supporting two displays and it would be perfect yep video editing video editing is where this shines even more it is the best video editing device ever again i had this beast of a machine previously that was four and a half thousand euros like the fully max intel mac and this one kills it when it comes to video editing it's not even close like since i got the m1 i'm doing daily videos and 4k no problem it doesn't stop it feels like editing 720p there is no stuttering you can do it smooth the exporting is like very very fast and also 4k 120p is possible that's the limit like 4k 120p that's where it starts to like you have to give it a second to like convert data but it's still beyond every other machine i ever owned so would i still recommend it half year later yes 100 the only reason not to get it is if you need to this place if you need more ports just just get a dongle and maybe because i'm expecting apple to release within the next couple of months new macbook pros that have an m1 if you need even more power which which shouldn't be the case because again it's fast then maybe wait they will be like they will be beyond all of our expectations i don't think apple will update the macbook air soon because this one is fast it's small it doesn't make any noise it's really really good so there there's probably no need to what i hate about it and that's just like an apple thing the the camera is still wack and the the design is kind of getting older and older the display has like a lot of frame around it i think these kind of things they will address with the next generation but i think they will update first the mac pros the 15 or 16 inch version whatever it will be and then also the 13 inch version that might be a 14 inch version and then maybe also the air next year but even if they release these bigger faster machines i think i'll stick to the to the macbook air because it's fast enough for everything i need and it doesn't make the noise and that's that's like an added benefit especially playing live and a club where it might get really warm i don't want to have a machine that sucks in all of that nasty air that is filled with fog and everything so it's better it's basically an ipad with a display very robust didn't have any hiccups yet no no crashes like nothing unexpected all of the issues i had were software related so yeah congrats to apple they pulled something off i i haven't expected and they got rid of the annoying touch bar i hated the touch bar i got now here like volume up and down i can like muscle memory where it is i got brightness i got my night mode that is always on so no one bothers me um yeah i like it definitely safe save the the bugs and and get the air there is no reason for the pro right now anyway so if you have any questions let me know and if you want to know how all of this is connected with just one cable again that video is linked down below see you tomorrow again here in the [Music] fun to studio
Channel: Jon Sine
Views: 23,162
Rating: 4.923852 out of 5
Keywords: Jon Sine, dj vlog, producer vlog, season5
Id: sSPZjXp7b6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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