M1 Finance Tutorial - Move Stocks Between Pies | Portfolio Update

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what's going on y'all and welcome back to the a ratio in today's video i'm going to be making a tutorial on how you can transfer your individual stocks from one pie to another pie on m1 finance without creating taxable events and at the same time i'm going to be making some small adjustments to my dividend growth portfolio so if you guys want to see that stay tuned and let's get right into it so m1 finance is still pretty new and they have a lot of things to work out they don't really have an easy way that you can transfer one stock one individual stock from one sector or one slice to another sector or another slice so in this video i'm going to kind of show you guys how to do it you can easily just sell it and then re-buy it but that can get really annoying and it can actually hurt you in the long run for example if you're like one or two years deep in your dividend growth portfolio you're going to hurt your average by selling off your stock and then rebuying it and on top of that you're also going to have to pay capital gains tax which is basically the last thing that you want to do with the dividend growth portfolio is sell and rebuy your stocks but yeah in this video i'm totally going to show you guys how you can do it without creating a taxable event all right so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to go into the research tab and this is where you can go ahead and create your own pies or manage your own pies so after that we're going to go ahead and hit my pies once we're here you can see we've got unused and used so if you don't have a place that you want to already transfer like a new slice that you want to transfer this individual stocking to you can go ahead and hit create new pie and if you already have it for example i want to put visa that's the stock that i want to put into my tech sector from our financial sector so we're going to go ahead and hit tech and then from there we're going to have to edit it and the whole idea or premise on why we have to add the transferring in stock into the slice is because we need to create a place for it to go it's going to make more sense as we go through this process but for now we're just gonna kind of fill in the allocation so that's the next step that you're gonna have to do i already have this written down so it's just gonna quickly fill this out for us and two oops uh 25 so then after that you're going to hit save and we'll get right into the next step and once you save and confirm your changes you're just going to go back into that pie that you put the transferring in stock into and make sure that that stock is there and it's there so we're good to go and on a quick side note so i guess it's an update and a tutorial video so let's just go over the updates in my portfolio so i decided to lower apple microsoft and vgt just because i noticed that i have a lot of exposure to apple and microsoft i have a ton of other etfs in my other set and my other slices and i noticed that i have a self rule where i don't want to have any one individual stock more than six to seven percent and apple although right at the time it was only at six percent it's quite a lot just because the etfs on top of that so i guess i was being exposed to a lot of apple and microsoft so i kind of cut down on that and at the same time i got to add a little bit more visa so that was kind of the update for that and with that let's get right into the next part all right for the next step we're going to go back to the home screen and from there we're going to go back into our slices and then we're going to go into the slice that we're taking it from so in my case it's the financial sector and then we're going to click on that stock that we want to transfer out so my case is going to be visa and then we're going to hit buy and sell so what we're doing is we're selling it but we're not actually selling it so you can see i've got 55 and 73 cents change that to sell and then we're going to go ahead and hit confirm so that's going to create a taxable event which is what we don't want but we're going to counter react it and i'll show you how to do that all right so we're back at the home screen we can see that we have one upcoming trade we have that one cell for visa so that's the first part this is what we don't want we're going to have to finish it off so we're going to go back into the slice and we're going to go back into tech or wherever that you were you want to transfer this stock into and then you're going to go back to that same stock that we already created a home for and then we're going to hit buy and sell and then you're going to put in that same number so for me it was 55 73 and we're going to do that and then we're going to hit confirm buy and once you've done that you're good to go it looks really weird right now but we're going to back up to the home screen to kind of just show you guys that there's no upcoming trades which means you're good to go and for demonstration purposes i'm just going to sell one dollar of a random stock so that you can see that everything is seamless and everything's transferring over so we're just going to hit buy so i don't even know what stock i picked but let's do that one dollar of pepsi so we'll do that confirm sell and then after that we're gonna go right back to the home screen and from there you can see that there's one cell that's one upcoming trade and then you can see that we're doing this there's zero buys and there's only one cell which is from that pepsi and we're just going to cancel that and then you can see that there's zero cells and zero buys which just shows that everything's transferring over seamlessly and there's nothing wrong and you're good to go and it can be kind of time consuming but at the end of the day you're saving yourself from a taxable event so once you've done that you're pretty much good you can also go in back into research and go into that pie that you took that stock from and then you can just delete that slice and then that's pretty much it that's all you have to do so i'm just going to remove that and then you're going to have to bump up these so i'm just going to do that hit save and then you're honestly you're good after that that's the whole tutorial and the last update i'm going to be making to my portfolios i'm just going to readjust the allocation for some of these slices and sectors of my portfolio so i'm gonna bump up consumer i'm gonna bump up real estate and then i'm gonna bump down financial just because i only have that vfh aflac and adp in there so after that i'm good to go i'm gonna hit save and that's all the updates for my portfolio and that's all i've got for you guys for today for the updates and the tutorial i know this video is a little bit different than usual but you know it's kind of fun to make so let me know if there's any other questions you guys have on m1 finance platform or if you guys are having trouble you guys can totally email me or leave a comment and i'll be happy to help let me know if you guys found any value and if you did please like and subscribe or share this with somebody that's using m1 finance and hopefully i can help them out through this video as well and with that i hope you guys take it easy bless up and remember everybody eats
Channel: The Aray Show
Views: 3,825
Rating: 4.8504672 out of 5
Keywords: m1 finance tutorial, m1 finance, tutorial, how to, how to move pies, transfer, m1 finance transfer, how to transfer stocks, how to move stocks, pies, m1 finance pies, how to move m1 finance pies, sector, stocks, how to invest, investment, how to m1 finance, m1, finance, how to create pies, m1 finance how to create, how to transfer pies, investments, invest, portfolio, dividend growth, dgi, dividends, dividend, dividend growth portfolio
Id: K_1uhTOL-ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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