Lynyrd Skynyrd Gimme Three Steps Guitar Lesson + Tutorial

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[Music] sorry what's up you guys Marty Schwartz here of Marty music thank you so much for supporting me right here at my very own project thank you we're going to break down Lynyrd Skynyrd give me three steps I hope you dig it lots of cool blues techniques in here so let's dig in alright so we're going to start with a D power chord but in the open position and I think the right way to play this for you guys would be middle finger this one on the third fret of the B string and index finger on the second fret of the g string then we have the open D with it so we're focused on D G and B and so what we're going to do is we're going to go Bob Bob so two stabs on that chord then the open ring finger is going to go to the fourth fret of the D string so so you're going to hit that one and if you get those the whole chord in there fine or the note by itself is going to work so you hit that once and then you let it off and you do two stabs again so then we're going to do a quick one again so the next move gets our index finger barring the D and G and we're going to just pluck that D string 2nd fret than the fourth fret and then you slide it back right into that chord again like this so you put that together one more time really slow and then we do that same move to four on the D then we hit the open a string so it would look like this so when we move over to this a power chord it's the exact same moves but the B string is tuned differently so we don't have to do that we can just cover the second fret D and G with our index finger and the open a string then we go to the fourth of the a and then that same move we're going to go to four but on the a string now slide it back to the open a chord then we do it again and then it's the open D because we're going back to the D boogie [Music] so the moves are the same looks let's go over it nice and slow again a new thing open a string and back to that open a because we're going to do an eight power cord to go it's just hey hey and then the alternate bass note of an a chord is the low E so D power chord done and then if you want you know there's three guitars going on but you can go 0-2 on the a string into the D power chord again so I'd be like so when you put it all together from the top it looks like this and that's what you got so that gives you that intro there's going to be a few other looks I can't teach you every single lick in this song because the would be too long of a video but I'm going to have some techniques Friday technique lessons that are going to cover some of this I think that kind of thing all right so now let's go through the progression but the power chords are still going to be there but then we can just do this kind of thing where where there's variations right you can do this kind of thing that slides from three to four then the a power chord just move up and so that's something you're going to see all the time with the eighth power chord is B could be three four on the a string holding that a power chord and I'm adding this the fourth fret of the D with a power chord so any variations on that you know it's the classic blues boogie variation so let's go back to the D power chord this is the vocals [Music] [Music] so what happens there and that's super fun to play it's a basically like a baseline off of an E core so it's like a quick instead of playing an E chord it's just a line so it's three four on the low E but opening first three three four and then two on the a and four on the a then two on the D and then we're just going to do a little tug down on the third fret of the a string [Music] so sometimes it does that and it does [Music] but then other times it goes just [Music] nothing right so let me show you that other leg because it just comes right from there just all from that that technique of blues rhythm so so I'm just going 3/4 on the hole not a power cord but then going 3/4 and then I just a little tug down on that third of the a [Music] alright so let's go back from the beginning of where the vocals will come in [Music] then back to D but now here's the cool little blues kind of alternate way to play a blues it goes to the G and you can just play a G power chord and so I'm just going three three three one sliding it back to an E and then you have all the future Mall with the e again [Music] but then it goes back to the D and now [Music] just like before so let's take it from the top not bad not bad and then that's all I mean that's the that's that's where the whole progression is kind of coming from but then you have when they say you know give it three six chemistry stuff just doesn't do the you know the G thing it's more like the intro [Music] now the birds [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks so much for watching you guys every Monday and Wednesday is another song lesson so hope to see you there leave your requests in the comments below and go to Marty music comm find the newsletter I really appreciate that extra support thank you so much and we'll see you again real soon clothespin nothin [Music]
Channel: Marty Music
Views: 340,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marty Schwartz, music, guitar, lessons, marty music, generic atlas feet, lynyrd skynyrd, gimme three steps, how to play gimme three steps by lynyrd skynyrd, give me 3 steps guitar lesson, gimme three steps guitar lesson, marty music lynyrd skynyrd, how to play gimme three steps, gimme three steps lynrd skynrd, lynrd skynrd guitar lesson, gimme 3 steps lynrd skynrd, gimme 3 steps lynrd skynrd guitar, gimme three steps guitar, lynrd skynrd guitar, gimme 3 steps guitar
Id: 3qidwcTmDyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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