Lynch KY Centennial Celebration

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[Music] [Music] you born razor legend he grew up and years of life six grades in the rapture 1945 my brother's graduation and how lovely it's always have I've lived in Richmond troubling I will be coming back to be raised my family and I just love you people I love this mountain and I'm 85 years old I haven't told about leaving yet there's nothing about it I just love it mountain I just got the mountains in me and he didn't find no better people and they're just good people and I don't know why I'm here but God put you in a place and you asses the place they wanted me to space and I still play Santa Claus and do what I can so I just I know what more I can say I just love it always will die [Music] you [Music] fondest memories her was our greatest football team in it 63 59 through 63 had some that's real good teams and good friends at that time of course then after that I met in the military and I stayed for years come back here and started working there Lance's US Steel and I worked here from 69 til 87 then I went to West more than there were things don't get but I like to come back over visit see my old friends love this neighborhood of this what they do in for a year now because they've done a lot of work Michael gravich and just life seem like they take an interest in you can keep everything alive and keep everything going into the it brings tourism in here and it's like the third one quarterly it's got a good attraction there's not worked in that portal back in 68 and when we drill and for a cold - they've been loud things since then they keep everything live like the football room and like everything else here so I come over three records just CC presently we're in the Lynch bulldog room this the archive room of liege high school contains the trophies and the high school pictures and a lot of football jackets and just memorabilia from our glory years here at Leach high school and Lynch in particular it's it's a tribute to all those who pass through the halls of Liege high school and participated in in any way in the school either by their support and showing up at games or participating in any sports cheerleading band whatever it is and so this is just part of our heritage that we attempted to maintain and preserve not only for Lynch but for all the alumni who have passed through our halls what's the day like today mean to you well today is great because we have so many people that have this might be their first time back and this is their first time here since the room was has been open in 2013 and so it's just it's fascinating to see their eyes and it it brings back fond memories of their families and people they were associated with when they left here in Lynch and a little bit about how it was when they were growing up in either the 40s 50s or 60s hundred years is a long time 100 years was a long time and we had one gentleman in here today 98 years old he looked like he was 62 so why do you think people want to come back to Lynch and once they pride pride in that the town that they lived in and how close-knit it was the the family ties the friendship ties the lifelong ties that bonded so many families together eaten by either by friendships or marriage or whatever it was those those things are still in their hearts and their minds and a day like today just brings out so much joy and pride and who we were and who they were as individuals and families in the community [Music] five three three state through thirteen three states and two or three run roads it's written and then hem a raisin 13 12 13 yeah well I went to a I can't come on dr. Rosen has game we came up here the first time I come to watch the old field were they jelly that froze damn it was like 20 degrees colder so next time I cannot go the long handles oh nevermind oh yeah I wasn't here I wouldn't call why does it mean to be a Lance Bulldog those of you who were what what did it mean was it good this room layout is never bad so it's worth coming back home to the biggest thing I grow I grew up in Lynch morning with each Hospital and with the went through the grade 12 course play for the faith with Lynch Bulldogs state renowned Teen Miss Bulldogs that worked in Comanche and I'll totally worked in coal mines about 42 years [Music] no miner was good way of life good way of life for a lot of us and friends that you meet never forget a lot of friends at school but you meet all these other guys when you start working with them that you never met you know from harm and come along and don't know relationships coal miners or or a but you recognize the value of the work they recognize just probably the best paying pay you get in this area would be a coal mine don't make them for your family good memories you so what made you want to come today just the people that I'd seen that notifies haven't found two men in 97 year old it's not 20 of them left what's your secret that's my I'm trying to find his secret anybody yeah what's your secret oh you're kidding me well you don't look not assassin no you're not pulling my leg no oh you don't see my driver's license yeah well I'm what does it mean to you to be here today well I missed the mountains live down the little country now I see you like to come back to the mountains can't beat it I'm sane right and how would you describe Lynch not not really today but just overall a hundred years worth of linguist girl love what you say I'm sorry wonderful place to grow up they had all of the shelters that any city would have had one of the best schools took it ever fine Oh because what wasn't more than that [Music] [Applause] [Music] since the coalmine closed we tried to start new stuff we trying to bring in new industry in the Lynch here we got working with our water we coming in with panels putting panels on our water system and our sewage system and trying to bring the people to move back here we've got houses we tear down the old houses we hoping people will come in and buy the land and put double wives on it whatever they want to do to live here and so to bring this place back to life besides cold we got natural water eighty percent of our water comes out of coal mine already pier we could put a ball and plant in here we hoping somebody would come in and put a ball and plant in here we in the highest peak in Kentucky and now water it's pretty Pierre coming out of the coal mines and it's just a nice place to live and what's the day like today mean to you today means a great day a hundred years we've been here the Lord blessed us to be here and be able to fellowship with each other and we all worked together mixed races here we always lived here together and washed our feet to be living in one greatest coal town since they were built by a corporation living here all my life [Music] wonders things for me I love it here local mountains love the people I truly believe that growing up in this town was the best experience in a young person could ever have I don't think that you could have built a place that was more friendly and more constructive for a child growing up we had things way ahead of time we had cable TV before most every other place in the state of Kentucky we had we had our own little mall up here just up the street we had we had a really nice place where you could get just about anything you needed we were a family you had people that came from all over the world that came in here and really enjoyed you know the camaraderie and the family I had people in this community that I didn't know I wasn't kin to until I was in high school because we were that close and spent that much time together I always thought they were relatives when they weren't but that's the kind of life we had everybody was family to each other love you joy most about today today it's just seeing everybody come back and enjoy and read and talk about the great history that we have just to celebrate the accomplishments we've had in this community it's been great to hear that but it's also great to think that we've still got a future we've still got a lot of things to do in this community I'm hoping that this community will take from this the incentive the motivation to try to create a better future one that maybe isn't built around coal looks still build around the grid and the determination of the people that occupied this town [Music] you you
Channel: Jennifer McDaniels
Views: 10,069
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Id: 9pLSw6DTiCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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