LvL 60 Troll Mage Vanilla 3,500 Bots End Game Content

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thank you all right um I will be doing finishing Black Wing Lair today um aq20 and maybe even 40. we're gonna try 40. I don't have all the time in the world today but I have time foreign dragonoids or whatever the [ __ ] they're called I'm not gonna hold back on butchering bosses and mobs anymore either I'm I being being nice and trying to be cool and everything it's just making me look like a [ __ ] jackass and um I do that just fine without the help of [ __ ] foreign [ __ ] it all up you know I don't generally General Lee care how good my actual content is like I said if I wanted to go for good content I could do that and it would be good it'd be great but um this is just playing the game that's all this is so if uh if do in order to do that I have to um butt [ __ ] the mechanics of the game and the game itself and the balance of the game then that's perfectly fine I'm gonna do that and I'm gonna do it the way I want to I'm not going to use solocraft or anything like that it's weird that they're respawned foreign modify speed one foreign I saw one of those stock shelf stocking in Tech or shelf stack checking robots today at the grocery store I'm not going back to that grocery store all right follow I'm gonna try this again put my buff on here let the games foreign these guys need to go first oh [ __ ] right over I don't appreciate his uh resistance to everything foreign oh yeah I'm dead all right kill whoever now are they just gonna keep spawning is that what happens here yeah they just keep spawning so am I supposed to let me go see something so am I supposed to go over here and now okay well that's right I can get even gayer than this and I have like a fine history on here no we can just make them 55s and normally I would keep the chromatic ones at 60 but you know I'm not trying to make any friends right now so I'm just gonna Nerf all of them and I'll get to the point to where they're all level one I don't care you know I can actually make these non-ally I'm pretty sure how do I do that again creature type Flags extra Flags rank must be rank huh let me try to confirm that rank one uh who else is rank one who's this guy yeah that's an elite all right so I'm Gonna Change My Mind here I set a little rain these guys to 58 I'll put them back at 60. no no [ __ ] that I'll put them at 58. leave my 58 and I'll put them down to normal what gear modifier stat do you use for your Bots I have mine set to 0.75 and it still feels like most spots have basically this at further level you know what I've actually never messed with that I don't even know how it works I don't know which way is what um so your your guess is as good as mine mine is set a default whatever that is rank zero [ __ ] where is it there it is oh [ __ ] I copied it so who's rank two is this rare yes that must be rare uh uh we'll leave the chromatic ones alone I think that's see I'm I'm trying to be fair again and I'm just gonna butt [ __ ] myself because of it but I think taking the normal colored ones from Elite to non-elite will be uh pretty fair deal here I'm on Heidi SQL in the background which is what I'm uh babbling about at the moment that should be all of them all right server restart time [Music] honestly that's probably how I should Nerf dungeons for more often this just make Elites normal mobs probably what I should do instead of sitting over here [ __ ] with their armor and stuff let me uh since I'm actually in the folder let me check that setting for you see if there's like a better random gear lowering chance thank you um [ __ ] I think um oh you know what I probably would just ignore that setting all together because they have a Max item level of random equipment and you could just lower that or maybe not Max random level I don't know I just never messed with that stuff foreign holy [ __ ] I have a lot of apps open there we go all right stress again oh it actually saved me I'm gonna go ahead and leave my armor like that I think I should probably have to repair I don't know oh I didn't even mean to do that whatever I'm about to repair somebody else but then I end up repairing myself foreign oh you know what I forgot I can do that thing where I just spawn an NPC that can repair in the dungeon you know I could actually put graveyards in the dungeon too and make my own checkpoints but that would require thought I don't play this game to think at all in case you haven't noticed I'm gonna let them buff for a second so there's a guy here who made a character in WoW nine years up in smoke without question because someone looked at an innocuous joke and saw a reflection it was live for almost a week and then they got hot fixed after someone very high at the company was playing the content and saw the lines this actually makes me think he might be lying because it means that somebody that was very high up in the executive management was actually playing World of Warcraft and paying attention to it if only I was a master looter knock it off bub later sucker let's call this a cost of living adjustment looks like another Yacht for me no profit sharing time to go back to the office oh man and the guy's name in the game was called Venture company loot Goblin and they [ __ ] fired him oh my God that's not even bad though for a goblin yeah but imagine if you're a Bobby I think Bobby be okay with that foreign good let's try us again I also want to see if my changes worked the way I think they do okay he's still an elite that's what I want oh apparently he's still an elite too I took down his rank though well we'll see what happens so far I'm clearing them up pretty well here foreign so apparently changing that rank thing doesn't do anything sorry noted okay well I'll just change it back hmm and we'll lower them to 50. we'll call it uh making out for lost time because I like to do that a lot we'll change the rank back to one because I don't know what that does what what's unit class is that it no creature type Flags now whatever oh these guys are 55. well another 50. you know how unlike Fallout I think I might have actually said this before I don't know but if you play like Fallout 3 or New Vegas or something or Skyrim or Oblivion back in the day it was like the biggest meme how you spent more time installing mods and troubleshooting mod compatibility than you did playing the game like once you finally got everything running you'd probably play it for like two hours and then you just stop apparently his rank never got changed that's fine I don't care and we need to do the bone bone dragons or whatever the hell they're called balner dragons bone constructs yes that's that's what we need to do here so we're gonna we're gonna make those 52 and I don't think I ever messed with their damage multipliers or anything so we're gonna have to mess with that we're gonna have to lower that to one okay close restart server this time and I'm going to start lowering the levels in increments of 10 if we still wipe so oh wow it was actually a mid-summer director's cut where can I buy that oh just 30 minutes I can't wait to see the directors cut up but was afraid that's gonna be insane because he said originally he wanted to be a four hour movie it lowered it down to three foreign that's fine foreign go ahead and Dot save here I think actually I'm gonna say right before the fight because maybe then I can avoid having to uh repair every time I log in let's try us again I'm not gonna put on guard this time foreign oh that's part of the problem right there getting brainwashed I have no Mana all right I can probably sheep somebody that might help well they're just immune to it okay I don't care if her versus something I really don't they need to be repositioned your friends oh and I have no way of knowing what spell that was because the combat log doesn't work yeah it's still [ __ ] broken so what was that that killed me well I guess I'll have to find out or no I have uh I have the spell right here actually spell list remember how I said I was hoping to do ak-40 today Shadow flame okay that's probably what it is I'm gonna go ahead and lower the levels on those mobs again too thank you all right what is it 22 539 yep Shadow Flame this is cast I don't think it's actually cast from the boss that's kind of the problem I think it's just a [ __ ] it's actually a dungeon mechanic yeah we're gonna have to take that down to like a thousand you know maybe a hundred just because I'm tired of sticking with it and what's this AOE fear here 22 686 yeah I know I'm just neutering the hell on nefarian right now but I don't care it's supposedly a 30-second fear but I'm not seeing the 30 seconds whatever hey no problem man I'm not really owed your time unless like you did something in our past life and with your dying breath you said sup I will watch your stream in the next life this is my my blood promise and then you just like wipe blood on my forehead like with your finger make like a weird symbol no homo um oh restart the server that's what I should be doing next we'll never know oh we're uh we're okay um I'm actually off today we have uh equipment issues at work and the result is uh they can only really do with so many people staffed at once so they're kind of giving me days off which sounds great um but it's I know I kind of need the money I mean we're not hurting by any stretch of the imagination but we're trying to pay down our credit cards and that's pretty much what this is all about if we didn't have credit card debt I could literally care less or I couldn't care less whether I worked or didn't work it wouldn't matter to me at all as long as I could afford um my rent and food I would I would not have a care in the world oh it just comes in I'm thinking about shaving it off I don't know yet I haven't decided foreign you should have been repaired okay not even gonna wait for the Buffs this time because the Buffs are already there you guys are just using Mana for no reason so we're just gonna start safe let the games begin I'm hoping to stream all day actually can we pull everybody into the center please or make a pretty quick work of them now thank you I wouldn't say that this is too easy because the fairing is still over here smacking everybody with Shadow bolts so in fact I'm going to save my Mana for him because I think we can pretty much take care of things right now as they are we'll see how bad the shadow flame hurts now that I nerfed the hell out of it the base points on it was 3500 I lowered it to a hundred because [ __ ] them tired of restarting the server foreign who did that not kill a lot of people apparently you know [ __ ] it it's probably immune to fire huh it's not 30 seconds thank you yeah man come back come down whenever I don't care doesn't bother me at all not saying I don't appreciate the company here care one way or another it's just that you know do whatever it's free country good Ness yourself oh whoops I didn't mean to cancel that thank you yeah he's just straight up immuneifier unfortunate this is gonna be a white so um yeah just a few more things here what's the spell number on that again 22.59 or 539 it's probably the dye sides that's doing it but uh in that case what do we got we'll lower it to one how about that let's see it do any damage at one I'm sure it'll try and I'm also going to edit some of the rates here we'll keep damage and spell damage the same and we'll uh we'll order HP a smidge nah we'll keep HP the same we'll keep it all the same thank you they might still actually kill him but I highly doubt that do they have a Healer no they don't yeah Tank's gonna die and then everybody else is gonna die real quick afterwards how's it going oh oh Darren oh let me tell you it's not even going okay it's not going at all zero go all right zero going zons I've literally last time I streamed and currently am still uh tweaking Black Wing Lair so it's playable foreign I've lowered the level of the draconoids dragon can whatever [ __ ] that come rushing out of those tunnels when you fight nefarian and lowered their level to 40. um I lowered Shadow flame from 3500 I think is where it was to 100 and it's still killed most of my party so I lowered it to one just now it's the most recent change I'm just trying to have a good time I truly truly am just trying to have a good time [Music] hopefully it didn't save during the fight that would be upsetting this should work this time I should clear this rate no problem and I've I've been nerfing heavily I've decided to um basically uh tune [ __ ] into the ground and uh make it better after the fact if it needs to be better and it's still too strong all right no more repairing we got this time where's the fairing there he is response I want everybody to be full Mana this time foreign that's not how this is gonna work I hope I get it too preparations it's a manly saved you just go to save manager um well there's two ways to save there's that Save which saves your current state in the server and and the save manager Euro five and uh you should have a whole bunch of empty save slots you would then just hit one to save and then use the number of say the save slot that you want name your save and then that's it okay I think we're done buffing now it's time to get rolling here I'm gonna do Fred uh Fred Durst and we're just gonna get rolling get them with the nookie yeah focus focus to get these guys for numbers please pretty please I'm not going to use any Mana here I'm just going to direct traffic make sure we're focusing the chromatics first oh [ __ ] I might die here yep I don't think that does count it because I got killed by other players all right there's one oh [ __ ] let's do that and then the server crashes Darren I can't have a good time it's impossible you know what this means now don't you about the service crash you know what this means you know what this allows me to do now right this allows me to not die every single one of those [ __ ] that comes out of that tunnel so I can hurry up and fight nefarian this is actually a blessing in disguise Darren and every time I restart the server if I have to restart it more as I Nerf nefarian if I have to Nerf him some more I can keep doing it this is actually a good thing don't be fooled unless why I use Martin's Fury here but I'm afraid I kill neparian on accident because he's just standing over there casting Shadow bolts it's fine I'm not upset not in the slightest I'm a little upset that I've been at this for 45 minutes now but other than that foreign I forgot to tell you the sir the save folder is in your spp server folder and just says saved it's actually right there and you go to your version of the game and you pretty much just want to actually take the version folder and just cut and paste it somewhere else like put in your documents or on your desktop or whatever and then bring it back into your reinstalled version that's usually what I do when [ __ ] hits the fan like that I'm sure my computer will crash next in fact let me look into that make sure my uh profile is up and running good it only seems to crash when I'm listening to YouTube videos while I'm playing the only hard part is going to be clicking on them the dot dial them they'll be difficult foreign keep manually saving I like to keep three rolling saves and if something [ __ ] up so bad where you have to reinstall your whole core you just move in fact you can just move the whole saves folder out and put it back in that make it even easier in case you have like multiple versions or something that you're dabbling with why would it rolled me all the way back to here just trying to be annoying isn't it got Bots just randomly scattered throughout fighting [ __ ] foreign gay all right nefarian fight take uh 72. gotta make sure I don't accidentally click on a player I'm just gonna sit here and look at one entrance and everything that comes out of it foreign how much damage Shadow flame is gonna do I'm actually curious it still hurts like hell why it's all a die size isn't it we'll just put the Dio side still on third duration there's a range there's an effect miscellaneous value I wonder what that is oh I forgot to mention I'm winning this fight anybody red no then I don't care you know I'm just gonna restart it again that space base damage is one on that but there are over a thousand die sides and I'm guessing that means um it's like a potential multiplier or something I don't know yeah I'll just lower the miscellaneous value to uh one oh never mind foreign I could just make the boss of me to that spell but what about me you know that doesn't help I still die I mean I could just not revive myself hey Michael King what's up I like how everybody else I just say their first name but for you I just say your whole name I sound like her mother would you like get caught pissing on the floor behind behind the television Michael King what did I tell you about doing that you're not dead get back up he's just sleeping all right gonna try this again let the games begin foreign case you're wondering why I'm doing this Michael my server crashed earlier which gives me a full permission to dot dye these mops until the boss fight oh oh [ __ ] Friendly Fire I'll just stand here they don't even get a chance to be born just like a fetus in Chicago [ __ ] up there anymore oh this one's going through the wall is it like a C-section watch me still die of this [ __ ] it's still doing the same amount of damage why thank you foreign maybe it's that miscellaneous value I don't know I'm just going to turn everything in it to one if I have to buff something else with the fairy and I'll do it could be his power multiplier too I need to pull everybody back here I think one moment I will I will read your message here in just a second oh for a second I thought I randomly died foreign oh he resisted that about that one oh it's actually hitting them for full damage that's nice I [ __ ] did it again I keep meaning to hit uh oh when I hit zero when I mean to hit zero I hit o it's blame old age how about that I need one of those old uh remember those old uh keyboards that you see in like School offices and like secretaries and receptionists used to have like these big keyboards that were like split off at the middle so you could just type like this you know so like each hand had like a responsibility which I guess is good practice I mean if you're going to be a secretary or something you better be good with your hands you know what I mean oh [ __ ] I blinked right into a pillar Yep this is gonna be the last fight with him when he gets to about 20 hp is when he does the phone constructs but I preemptively nerfed them too so no matter what I'm fine he actually only really does damage of Shadow flame it's kind of pathetic so I'm definitely gonna have to make him like it harder somehow in some other way shape or form just 50 is a good uh it's a good number for raid bosses I think this other things need to be uh tweaked here or there thank you those aren't gonna kill us they don't do enough damage here let me actually come in here and uh [ __ ] lay down one of those man once you're in here with him it's hard to get out foreign I didn't want to cast that anyway I don't know why I ever even thought of doing that why would I ever want to cast anything come on now we gotta we gotta Focus fire here I like how my can is not doing anything let's check the loot check the loot two breastplates of Wrath what how does that even happen at a nefarian just begins a quest I'll need to roll it increases damage into no magical spells that's really really good I want it uh green need um need I don't even know what I have right now but I'm need rolling it read okay anyway you've been hearing what's going on a car the game is really unsafe to play hackers can access your IP address and crash your game and get access to your personal details how did they decide you know what the only way I can think of that working is if they made the Game host Pier without telling anybody you know we're back in the day on like old Xbox games how everybody used to connect to one person at random so everybody's information was like shared with everybody else all the time so like if they're going if they went back to that without telling everybody anybody just to cut server costs that's a possibility in fact it's really easy to do you don't even have to really try you can just download any program it'll tell you what IPS are coming in and all you got to do is look up somebody's IP which you can do for free on the internet and now you know their address their name phone numbers and once you have their address and your name you can find all their social medias find out where they work things like that so let's see but if it's still going through servers then it shouldn't be um they shouldn't even be getting that information they would have to be hacking Cod servers which I don't know it's a free to play game so it's probably not too hard to do Activision is a [ __ ] company I stopped playing Cod when once they did the whole BLM thing back in Modern Warfare one I saw the splash screen I just uninstalled the game otherwise I'd still be playing it so did I even win anything I'm paying attention I'm too busy rambling oh I won that that's good ooh I won that too when did I get those shoulders I got those shoulders forever ago I had no I'm gonna keep these shoulders I'll sell these ones I do want this trinket I don't know Cannonball Runner is really not that good everything else can get sold all right it's because they're not updating the games properly and are using the same engine all the time even the most recent cause having issues just because questions Activision that incompetent um this is Quest even good oh wait I still have to do a nixia I can't even go do um AQ yet and next year is supposed to be done before Blackwing Lair is it not what comes first is it a nyxia because I know it's different in Wrath because the Nixie is a level 80 raid in Wrath also they're um it could just be because they're not wanting to pay anybody to fix those things or do anything because they're cheap [ __ ] and really the only way to have a decent gaming experience these days is through independent projects like this one or indie games um I can't think of a single uh AAA game out there that is fun at all whatsoever in fact I noticed that uh AAA devs haven't even really made any VR games because they don't know how to make a fun game and to make a game in VR it would have to be fun and they don't know how to do that so that's why they're kind of scared to dabble with that and Half-Life Alex in my personal opinion of all the VR games I play Half-Life Alex [ __ ] sucked and that was a triple A game I did not like it at all I think into the radius was honestly better yeah like just just today I went to my grocery store and they got a [ __ ] floor robot checking shelf stock now so I'm just not gonna show up there anymore because they didn't want to pay somebody to constantly check the Shelf stock they they that's that's a whole position within itself they used to have somebody do it like once a day but now they got a robot doing it constantly so that would be at least two shifts so that's 16 hours because they're not open during the night unless they have third shift but they don't need to do that during third shift they're constantly doing it so that's 16 hours they're probably paying 15 an hour right now I'm gonna do the math real quick I'm curious see how much money they're trying to save six sixteen times fifteen um that's 240 bucks a day times thirty or you know what yeah times 30. so that's seven thousand two hundred dollars a month um I can pretty much guarantee that those robots cost way more than seven thousand two hundred dollars and they're gonna cost even more than that once they start [ __ ] up like those robots always do because I've I've been playing with computer since I was nine years old they've only gotten worse they just randomly software randomly glitched glitches that's they're just awfully terribly made they're made by these people that that go to college for four years and um they go into the real world to design technology and [ __ ] and it's not remotely the same as it was in college and they still don't really have any idea what they're doing so they just make shitty products one of these things that thing I I was it was funny too because I was just I know I'm rambling you um I was just stand there I was looking at the beer I was getting a case of beer and this [ __ ] I thought it was somebody on a motor scooter I wasn't really looking like I saw it out of my peripheral vision and I look and I'm like are you [ __ ] serious and it's just waiting for me to move so it can scan the Shelf now you know hold on here 7 200 times 12. I probably paid about half that those things probably cost about twenty thousand dollars I would think a piece 20 or 40. they're basically roombas with cameras on it so it might not even have been that expensive I own a Roomba but I'm not cutting anybody's [ __ ] job out by having a Roomba I mean what am I gonna do am I going to hire some Mexican maid to come in my apartment and [ __ ] dust the walls and vacuum the floors it's like it's like a two dollar or uh three four hour job and I can't afford that [ __ ] those big companies can afford that [ __ ] but they just don't want to anyway what the [ __ ] was I doing I was trying to figure out what comes first so the nixia Nixie actually is listed is a tier one raid is it nixia well I guess I'm gonna go do anixia I should probably preemptively Nerf the welps what uh foreign for next year though don't I yeah you know what [ __ ] that I'm just gonna do aq20 because it's gonna be tier one gear anyway and I already did it's here too I must be standing can't believe this [ __ ] I can't do anything sitting down I'm surprised I'm surprised my computer doesn't just say you must be standing to start the computer oh see you guys got me talking about AAA devs and money hungry corporate [ __ ] and I now I'm just now I'm just being salty all the time about everything I can't stop there's no breaks oh that reminds me I wanted to look something up real quick who knows how long they're going to take on that thank you anyway I like this raid group ah I've been expecting you I was supposed to go to ogre Marvel wasn't I forgot about that I'm not making anything anymore so I'm just gonna sell this stuff ancestors watch over you foreign back still hurts and he got me really good too foreign level 60 and burning Crusade yeah but in Wrath it's not it's level 80. foreign what is it you wish I can't do anything with any of this um let me check let me kind of get on a straight path here um what characters do you be what Ball characters um I'm guessing that just wipes all characters it leaves the accounts I I guess that's what that does you never want to use those well you could and then reload save you could do that but I don't know I would just as soon reinstall at that point what can I help you with oh I was supposed to talk to a guy about something I think he hangs out over by the front door it's just where they put his head on the wall or something or that's a Nixie isn't it oh yeah he's gonna Mount the head lude are you gonna put it I want to see foreign oh [ __ ] I better hurry up and get the aq20 what do you need that just does so much damage and there's like no reason why I'm just gonna change those to one every number I see higher than one I'm just going to change the one on this thing hmm I'll go ahead and increase this damage multiplier up to 35. actually I'll put that back up I don't know I'll leave it at 35. I think I'll have them attack a little bit faster too just a little bit since Shadow flame should literally do zero damage now should in fact I'll go ahead and just make that one of the spells that the password immune to just in case it still does damage that's a weak ass coffee burp here it is okay so what are some spells I need to look out for naq Arena you know I haven't even done zg yet I just skip like a bunch of [ __ ] I skipped two raids man I know zichi or no it isn't classic and why isn't it and there's no point in doing zg now whatever I don't want to [ __ ] with the car anyway um foreign woman's home apparently see if there's anything about him that I can change to make it to where I don't have to kite him yep it's these a thousand resistance yeah we'll change that right now you're gonna die just like everybody else look at those shoulder pads though I still remember leveling and door Tire like it was yesterday I think one I'm gonna do too uh I don't know if I mentioned this before but on my next tune I am going to um double stats of every item that uh drops from the main boss of any dungeon it'll give me a reason to do dungeons this is only a 20 man raid isn't it be easier just to reinvite obviously gonna want my tanks foreign had any Druids at level 60. I almost want to put some of my tanks to level 60 and then re-randomize so it gives a better gear because they should be level 60 by now you know what I'm gonna do that so I got four tanks and now I think I want probably five Healers howdy you realize that you lost a bunch of your keys off your keychain right I did yeah I picked them all up there's one in the hallway and two in the apartment let me see make sure you got them all yes [Music] worry about it later I'm pretty sure I had more Resto Druids than this in fact I know I did it was okay good God join our group foreign level 60 Druids go there's one here or two Healers and now I will take one holy priest and I will take to Resto shamans I don't want him anyway all right now I just need DPS they can't join our group we'll do two of everything they can't join our group you thankfully you weren't working in this heat it it's nasty those are what two of every spec rather but I probably won't do that here well you know another subtlety Road there we go um did God join our group can't have enough Mages foreign [Music] amen get rid of some of these Rogues and get rid of some of these warlocks what she's gonna be mad if I put her down so compared to you and then you can put her down forgot to charge it cool so I have to sit there for 30 minutes because it was a half battery which meant they would take me I probably would have died on my way home all right that's my group I should still have two healers or five Healers yeah because these are two healers he's a Healer all right perfect laughs I think this buff should be permanent I think I might do the next playthrough all boss killing roll Buffs just making permanent I think uh killing nefarian but like the praise that you get and the feeling that you get from killing him should last a lifetime it should just last two hours okay it's not your favorite football team winning on Monday Night Football okay it's killing nefarian it's not winning a game of cornhole had a family get-together it's killing the farian it's not going to the dentist and not having any finding out that you have no cavities it's killing nefarian it's not going to the checkout and finding out that one of the items that you purchased is ringing up for half price even though it doesn't say that on the tag it's killing the ferry it's a feeling that should last longer than two hours that's what I'm getting at here you don't have to be attuned for these I'm pretty sure yeah this is the right place foreign yes I will carry you I won't hear you uh yes yes okay I'm gonna put the dog down there are you actually coming up foreign all right foreign time to loot some bosses [Music] make sure we're all on the same page here I'm not pulling [ __ ] I'm gonna do this by the book or whatever foreign before I fight the boss huh that's fine let's get them probably just gonna pass on those honestly I don't want to pull my inventory up with that crap uh you were close enough you're just too damn lazy I forget how easy it is to get lost in here oh you know what I never took my uh never leveled up my 59s to 60. all right everybody calm down a second here I need to figure out how to do this again I think it's modified level isn't it or maybe it's character yeah character I have one more where is he that's it all right hurry on thank you these Elites are kind of easy though huh I'm not changing it yet I'll reserve my judgment for uh after the rain and adjust accordingly are probably actually before I restart the server for the final boss so I'd rather be op than have to restart the server every 20 seconds sir boss in here I don't think so oh God foreign okay I remember this boss he's a pain in the ass he actually does a [ __ ] ton of damage well I only got one of them oh [ __ ] I need to make some drink there must be an item I need to find to get my last rank of uh conjure water oh [ __ ] he's a really big aggro range thank you damn I would say it's balanced in terms of bus HP and damage uh read greed greed how much gold was that okay we still have this one over here the [ __ ] is happening just a bunch of dudes running off so confused I never really played on a chord that was this well scripted so when I see things like this happen I've never seen it before because they weren't scripted correctly before I'm usually just like uh what I don't know what that does but I'll need to roll it um let's turn guard off oh kill the captain Focus the captain [ __ ] out no stop following me this is really easy so far I'm not gonna lie you see I don't remember this being scripted like this before I used to have to go on and try to aggro each group one at a time kill captain kill captain hey here comes another captain foreign foreign bosses so all right where's uh General butt naked I'm gonna start petition for me to uh rename rename them General butt naked so do I talk to you guys again no I'll go in here and killing myself I don't need your help all I need is my drink I need a better staff hope somebody in here drops a purple staff that'd be pretty sick watch it be a purple staff that's just stamina and Agility how trolled I would be and I'm a troll that'd be pretty trolley Focus the captain oh [ __ ] keep focusing the captain we'll focus the boss later maybe if we ever have a leader really I'm not allowed to have any fun woman hear me not allowed to have any fun still might be something left over from uh black bangler so I'm not going to issue crash report yet this would be a good time to or no I already made those changes so this will take effect oh it's just a server crashing and not my PC thank you foreign take your money it should be 247. I'm pretty sure I saved after I came into the raid foreign that's what this is for oh I forgot you can mount in here foreign [Music] [Music] yet hey you guys want to kill that too real quick oh [ __ ] I accidentally canceled it so shouldn't they be coming one at a time I'm gonna set these guys to flee I'll launch a fireball or yeah Fireball at that and then run my ass off all right follow oh wow I didn't pull the major okay that's good you know what I'm gonna have him pull that guy and then my run I'll go pull him don't be a [ __ ] do it or no better yet go attack him no I'll tell the tanks to attack him come on don't be shy okay try pulling that [ __ ] I'm gonna have to do it still that Paula major well in that case this will probably be I pull a major I'll probably pull the general so I'm just gonna do it yet now whatever I guess I'm only pulling them one at a time it's just really weird all right here we go that's a good pile level if I do this right I should be able to do this group and then just kill the general and ignore that group probably maybe maybe not I probably shouldn't aggregate the general might disforce all the groups to attack me at once that's usually how these things work oh this aggro just reset for no reason rocket yeah I'm gonna have to readjust this something tells me uh molten core and black Wing layer are just kind of over tuned but who knows foreign good positioning not still recharging all right you are not worth my time God's still recharging I should probably stop trying to pyroblast since he just knocks back Warriors continue the fight I mean that sweet sweet loot of course you don't drop anything for me [ __ ] now if I remember correctly there's an optional boss this way and the way to go to the actual final boss is this way someone do the optional boss it's very least I could do as a full clear foreign boss from over here too I don't honestly remember oh it's a little glitchy just a little [Music] oh look at all those numbers big yellow numbers got one oh he got banished oh apparently he's an elemental I never knew that the more you know well you know what since you're stuck in a rock [Music] you get that kind of treatment I don't know why the Bots are moving my skull well the aggro that dude oh nope go away this bed isn't ready yet are these raid straps are pretty shitty greens foreign boss that's over here I don't see him oh there he is oh wow his body split in half I didn't know they were that underpowered feel kind of bad now [ __ ] doing fatalities and [ __ ] foreign you're just not taking damage oh he is oh yeah he is he's just not really doing anything it's a pretty shitty boss even if he was at 100 rate like it wouldn't really do anything this is probably better than what I have yes it is oh laughs who wins the two uh turban I must know foreign oh I did wonderful I think there's like two more bosses left before the final boss it's kind of shitty one I could probably just not do anything and we would still steamroll right through this you know I'm just going to adjust it now I'm not going to restart the servers how to do it it's a very small change but I kind of want to take baby steps all right can I get everything in the center for me thank you I guess that's good enough and now here I think you're supposed to jump down I'm almost gonna go with fireballs that's what my boss won't start randomly drowning they are the AOE Eagle on the back line where they're all in the water so I'm assuming they were drowning uh-oh [Music] I feel like I'm playing Starship Troopers or something I don't need that what's the cooldown on it I guess there's no cooldown okay now we're supposed to go up this big ramp oh I remember this [ __ ] boss fight coming up here and this one's actually probably gonna make me restart the server a lot this one's a [ __ ] [Music] uh uh if I haven't I'm just stepping out of my AOE at the last second I don't like it thank you I hope this doesn't stay like this this is annoying this is really annoying this does this in undercity too and Iron Forge but not to this extent definitely a client issue it's not the server at all foreign [Music] it's so weird though because like the boat has an issue too where it's off center for some reason never really bothered me though because it still works it just goes through the dock a little bit and then that on the ship is like off to the side offset thank you um this is actually an optional fight too I'm still gonna do it right I can serve my Mana I want to get like a really big AOE attack off oh foreign that's more like it no come on at me oh I won't be one of you I ain't scared let's go get these ones too foreign I can't see anything I guess they're fighting the boss right now they are doesn't he have to like land or something yeah Focus him if you can huh I forgot about this boss fight I would have got more Mages oh is he gonna land kind of oh they're doing damage to him he landed EG oh I lost one of our tanks that's fine now he doesn't appear to even be doing anything he's like bugged or something foreign every other core that I played in I played in like four or five different ones he would just massacre in my group no matter how much I lured his damage but he would fly like twice as high as he was supposed to and never come down so this is sweet Justice oh yeah all right I really just want to get the hell out of here now woman you have dinner thrown out okay don't forget about it [Music] all right go [ __ ] up those Guardians we're doing a lot better now that we actually have a decent amount of Tanks too I know I can't come hit me I don't care trespassers will be terminated all right time to uh refill all right that's really annoying you done now what's up all right I took away your resistance you're gonna [ __ ] die you have no mechanics oh [ __ ] all right foreign all my tanks are still alive though um I'm pretty sure he's gonna enrage here any second how many four tanks is so nice oh I forgot how good that was I have been what buff did you guys get for that I guess it was like a spirit buff or something oh greed pass greed greed that's a really good bag it's not for me though hey slim how's it going oh all right so who do I uh I gotta set didn't I are still rolling on it there it is I probably should have set that as like my Hearth or whatever my what I said about doing each read twice I'm kind of anxious to get started on my next tune so I can make all these changes that I want to make so I got aq40 Max ramus and the capital raids I'm already gonna do raids more than once anyway on different characters I might as well not burn myself on it burn myself out on it now because that would be kind of shitty I didn't work at all today and they [ __ ] took me off the schedule we're down to vehicles at work so it's throwing a wrench in the uh the gears I work tomorrow though as far as I know this dude has got to be one of the worst dads in the world instead of saying he is a transgender I would say he is transgender instead of saying being trans means you're gay I would say trigger identity and sexual orientation are about the same also Michael our business mind your own business you don't want to put the video out what is this transgender University inside the kids reading it your kid can't remember all that dumb [ __ ] why don't y'all just call yourself uh lady boys beautiful oh thank you but um everyone you're not a lady yes what are you I'm ladyboys um the ladyboys based reality it's a man living his life is one he's lady boy y'all try to opt out of what you are you okay those [ __ ] Filipinos will say anything for her buck and a [ __ ] and an STD or is that Vietnamese ah anyway be right back ah I should probably uh invite some more dudes let's go ahead and mix it up a little bit I want two more Warrior tanks and two Druid tanks foreign word of advice after you tell them to leave and after they tell them that they left their group wait a second or two and then invite him again for some reason we do it too soon it doesn't register or whatever just a little word of advice I'm gonna need a lot of AOE here sometimes they won't even tell you that they left in which case you just wait a second and do it anyway they can't join our group really don't want arcane I do want some Marksmanship Hunters though none of these are in the Beast Mastery at all it's kind of weird [Music] all right I'm gonna need four more Healers plus that disc brace I keep looking at God join our group did God join our group take another Resto shaman oh wow I have like no Rogues um I'll get rid of two of the Mages and then add in three Rogues just kind of add them until I'm full okay thank you [Music] I don't know why you guys are fighting them but whatever I got 152 I need to level up here he is [Music] and that is better than what I have a little shitty that I no longer have that nefarian buff but whatever all right let's see if I undo Aki 40 in five hours I'm gonna restart the server once I get to the uh entrance oh and I need to edit twin uh Emperors a little bit otherwise I won't be able to kill them and I'm gonna have to edit c'thune because I as much as I talk about nerfing is IV might never actually did it yet I don't need any of this junk oh the [ __ ] did you drop anything foreign maybe I can't Loop because I'm mounted I don't use a drop [ __ ] now I will have to get a tune for Knox Ramis that I know [Music] this place is one giant maze I'm gonna hate it probably gonna have to use a map or something I'm gonna go ahead and summon dot save and I need to fiddle with a few things 73.93 let's make it heal for a zero I think that's a good heal and how about I-beam that is 26 134. I'm gonna do all this now and I'm probably going to Overkill Ed a little bit but I don't want to have to come back here until after the fact when I say oh well you know what it didn't do that much damage after all or what have you and then I can turn it up did I already do this I couldn't have there's the die size where's the damage okay there's the damage we're going to leave that the same and we're going to where's the bounce there it is chain Target zero so it should not bounce now um and dark glare that is a fun kind of damage 260-29 [Music] okay that in half actually let's cut it down to five thousand that might even be too much I don't know how much HP do I have that's a good start 5 39 it was two three thousand I might end up doing nothing at all now but that's fine I don't care so we've got the twin uppers neutered um I-beam only does one target now or at least should only do one Target now dark glare doesn't do 43 000 damage anymore I think I'm ready to go I think so restart s on it Davis dies on him and Caldwell comes out of the pack Here Comes Murray I'm gonna say kcp Bruce Brown Brown throws it down so you'll get a quick spin move inside for the dump and then previously this is a big time move spin drop step finish at The Rim over the contest Gordon guarded by Schroeder Schroeder I never did think Anthony Davis was that good of a basketball player well another perfect pass and a chance for a three-point play this goes that jokic bank shot missed it Jeffrey in the rebound but then again I don't even know what's actually good anymore everybody's so bad at the game now and they'll water it down so everybody could feel included foreign what's my PvP rank now it was Grand Master or whatever the hell that is this is a lie Maybe I'm Wrong I Don't Know foreign we're going in [Music] oh [ __ ] that's gonna get real in here keep them together please I don't even care if they attack me as long as I keep them together foreign I'll take the blue one thank you all right I almost got to leave with fireballs Scorch isn't really good for when they have that much HP Sports is better for questing my opinion foreign [Applause] but you know what I think I'll take it just for the crit chance oh he won it bummer all right maybe I'll get something better here oh I forgot about this but the Bots seem pretty sure that this is the one we should be killing so you know what maybe we should kill all of them that might be a good idea oh except he just resets I'll have to take that into account I'm about letting that wipe me sorry it's just not happening I don't even think that worked right in the other chorus that I played on so I wasn't even expecting that I would I would remember something like this so let's let's talk about this guy here 15 263 and you can summon images oh I might actually be able to mess with the spell to maybe only summon one instead of two that would be fine I'm again the only reason I'm doing this because the Bots clumped together and their aoes obviously stack yeah it's actually on here I'll be damned duration 21 um effect 41 whatever that means or does it say that it just makes two it's not on here okay then I'll Nerf the spell Earth shock I'm pretty sure that that's it oh it's probably hurricane explosion 388 654 it might be this one and you know what I'll just Nerf him directly 15 263 oh here we go the power multiplier take that down the smooch that should help and I'll lower his armor but I'm not gonna restart obviously oh I never got the loot what was it I didn't want that anyway [Music] I didn't want that anyway that was just a bunch of garbage okay that's fine foreign ly remember what direction I go in somebody mentioned something in Discord about there not being any Trash um yeah I can uh I can agree with that there's no oh [ __ ] what the hell where'd they all come from foreign bosses and I want to do the optional bosses oh here's one of them or three of them foreign [Music] that's a shitty fear huh that was a Hail Mary heel beam or anything see oh I see him into fire is that what you're trying to tell me game [Music] oh whoever is the last one goes Super Saiyan I guess huh did not know that oh and they all respawn that's precious oh okay so yeah I need to kill her first then bam no her first then the the Lord guy and then them my fault I didn't know oops oh foreign that does the fear yeah killing her first would actually be great I have a feeling I'm gonna get the c'thun wiped seven times and call it quits because I can't tune them rant call it quits for the night rather not entirely foreign foreign a second to buff foreign want to kill her first it's a lot easier when you're not getting Fierce spammed foreign tanks Left Alive I think that's actually one of them I'm only doing this because I stood in that cloud now the game's pissed off at me I didn't know that cloud was actually gonna happen so basically next time when I do this I'm immediately after the the Lord and Apprentice are dead and I'm just going to summon the boss to me I'm gonna wait to see that cloud first though it's probably a good idea oh that's pretty cool laughs foreign um yeah those are just kind of better aren't they because I don't have the setup foreign sets so all right now I go this way pretty sure there's just no trash mobs that's funny I guess I will get to do this uh all today since there's no trash are they gonna come back oh [ __ ] I'm mounted can't do anything when you're mounted heaven forbid I can't summon everybody will just come alive I guess I don't have a choice because they don't spread out they don't avoid attacks I'm not [ __ ] around today oh wow I still died oh it's the Royal Guards [Music] I can't [ __ ] win man oh let's kill him please many times do I have to rest foreign I don't care because I don't remember all the spells that these dudes do so once I'm seeing it once I see him I can act accordingly so you actually should kill the ads first too noted okay he shouldn't be too big of a deal fan kiss or fan Chris pancreas oh now we got some ads foreign trash whatever might as well go in have yourself a fun time I'm just gonna put it there where everybody else's seems fair foreign oh yeah foreign I'm just gonna start doing Arcane explosions since uh they don't stay still at all thank you foreign take a break and drink here let's spawn time on these ever feeling it short it's very short yeah we need to keep moving Focus the soldier and move on foreign [Music] place to die actually Maybe for some reason I can't kill them fast enough they just keep fearing him and ignoring them oh foreign just so we can keep going oh [ __ ] uh I was not ready for that she immune to fire no yes apparently I need to be on the lookout for those now that wasn't what I need to be on the lookout for oh it's these not really I'm not sure where to go here I don't know it's not that way oh it's this guy foreign [Music] okay does he actually have a listing here because Unique Mechanics aren't going to work with this foreign I feel like I have to apologize every two hours at least for how I'm doing this and I know it's Jank as [ __ ] but bear with me the more I go through it the more refined this will be and before you know it you won't even know that I'm playing with uh uh get bosses and mechanics and [ __ ] it'll be almost second nature mechanic immune mask let's just change that to zero I'm gonna fight him normally once and then if I don't like it I'll [ __ ] restart the server and find them again thank you maybe it doesn't matter I'm doing normal damage tool this guy's a lot of HP though he does a lot of damage oh we're standing in the clouds too that's part of the problem foreign laughs made a few adjustments foreign on how I tuned everything that doesn't make any sense better go check on that steak woman you want to smoke that was a good time I died woman foreign to stop treating this like a playthrough and more of a [ __ ] uh beta test because I don't think were you were we together the last time I went to AQ 40 trying to [ __ ] tune everything good Bots yeah I'm together for almost six years people can't ask for that off but now I kind of don't want to [Music] those days off and it's it's happening and almost two weeks well I'll ask foreign get away for launch I'm not gonna be able to bring the puppy well maybe we'll come back grab her and go to Buchanan for a walk oh he heard me she hears all must be the ears I wish you understood everything we were saying so you would understand the context anyway get my butts time to [ __ ] jerk off let's go upstairs I almost went right into your [ __ ] headset I said you want your headset well that would come out of your [ __ ] allowance put my towel on the chair I didn't even see the headset I was wondering what's pooping in the ass but I just sat there anyway thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign all right back to it I guess you can still only damage it with frost huh I guess whatever I deleted didn't do anything I guess I'll just keep casting this and hope something happens I need to figure out because it's obviously a script maybe I just need to put his like unit Flags to zero or something or the extra flag Maybe I don't want to keep restarting the server but I want to figure out what's causing it so we'll go ahead and put that extra flag to zero on here I'll leave that one up you're not now I'll turn that to zero two because there's creature type nurse creature type Flags so I'll put this to zero just like everybody else secret creature spellless creature spawn data creature press relation who knows how dare you how dare you she agrees let me see your eye it's looking pretty good it's a smidge small one still but it's I think she saw something stuck in there she likes it yeah not anymore yep it's clean underwear look she even tried them on for you I think I'm gonna need a nice break of like red dead and Metal Gear so I'll try when I'm done here that's what I'm gonna I'm gonna need that I'm gonna need a vacation for a while foreign [Music] basically if I attack this guy and I'm not doing any damage I'm just going to die because I don't know what to turn to zero to get this to work I mean I can have his health that would work foreign at least so he won't come over here foreign summon he's such a goopis is that everybody I think it's everybody one more stat check all right [ __ ] it straight now about the damage not doing a lot of damage but it's doing damage just do full damage no nothing does full damage and he doesn't have any resistances he's just gay thank you okay I've seen enough I know where to put them first of all I'm gonna take his armor down a thousand and we're gonna go ahead and take this health pull out my calculator here I'm just gonna do it from 2 million there that should do the trick he didn't drop anything good anyway I have been forgetting to reset strats okay so what's the next boss foreign she does a lot of poison damage that's fine though are we gonna like rest some people or what are we doing here whatever foreign foreign foreign over the years is if you decrease spell damage and either keep physical damage the same or reduce it slightly you will find Gameplay that the Bots can actually handle because most AOE is from spells you reduce that down say 25 30 percent your clothies aren't going to get obliterated every time they just happen to be standing there you know can I bypass this maybe maybe not let's just go kill them anyway just to be sure foreign I might actually reset the database too again after I'm done raiding for vanilla oh wow I just got being a bystander I kept getting caught and charging mobs all time I saw some damn AOE [Music] Focus whatever won the marks on ah foreign other Bots okay good there everybody alive yet oh foreign you're all live yet no just spread some was it that far away you can't [ __ ] raise them oh he didn't even Rez that dude you're all alive yet okay you know what I [ __ ] around enough I believe this is the next boss right here yep there she is a [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't have a blank to use closer well this is gonna be fun tomorrow okay I focus the boss now yeah I don't think the boss spell damage I think these are uh rate options working for half of these guys all right what boss was that princess whatever uh we'll try that for next time I'm actually going to go ahead and go to these guys preemptively or you know what no I'm not going to restart the server again if I have to dot dike soon I'm gonna do it just letting you know that right now I have no shame I'm done spending entire nights tuning [ __ ] all right this is backwards pretty sure there's two different ways to go here one of them's to row or whatever the hell's name is it's this way Maybe no it actually is this way his tunnel's in like a random hallway somewhere all right let me go ahead and kill him and I'll just uh prepare foreign apparently I was poisoned okay you just gonna have a spell list all right that's nice I'm gonna have to restart the server now but uh that's fine I'm gonna go ahead and make it worth it make some extra changes before I do what are the tentacles that spawn inside of them foreign foreign foreign foreign all right looks good to me and I'm pretty sure everybody's repaired so I did not save oh where do you think you're going to focus that one please all right oh there's a bunch of them now okay I don't have time for that [ __ ] foreign I'm just gonna run in the war of them I can't die all of them and keep in mind I I [ __ ] nerfed everything before I even started this raid before I even started my strength today sucks but I mean I have like the dream that if I [ __ ] with this enough one day it'll just be perfect and by the time I do that by the time I have a perfect they're going to release a new script for the Bots and the Bots are just amazing they spread out they're just like real players they don't randomly lose their train of thought anymore wasn't there a [ __ ] setting in the Bots that hold on too close this that's I'm going to ask about this these are actually hash uh pound it out because that's actually um something I would like to know if I can adjust that and make it to where the casters want to be so far away from the mob and they're casting they're pretty cool oh foreign those dudes but that's okay foreign thank you that's better I don't know if I can even go through there maybe I need to have the stone or something I don't know I think there was another way over here well well apparently I need to open that door somehow but I don't know how I wonder if I'm even supposed to open it oh you know what [ __ ] it I'll find out or maybe I won't foreign foreign man they've been dropping that this whole time pretty sure yeah everybody's been dropping that I haven't been picking it up in fact I'm pretty sure one of my bots has it now or maybe he's just wrong then I don't know apparently that's not how you open it so spots are tweaking out for a second about to just delete the damn door foreign foreign I can't remember the command [ __ ] foreign there we go I don't know if I recall correctly you're really supposed to clear these out at least some of them all right let's go [ __ ] it up see what happens laughs foreign I guess this one isn't ready yet yeah Target yeah no sir actually it's your fate that's sealed I'm probably gonna get off after this fight so I'm going to tune it correctly oh no wonder you have a 180 [ __ ] power multi multiplier let me just cut that in half real quick let me just cut all your [ __ ] in half real quick which armor do you guys have let me just take 2 000 off of that your fate is sealed oh and do you have any uh resistances that I should know about well okay you know that since there's two of you I'll take your armor down some more you know what I'll just just for good measure I'll just do that yeah I'll probably fight c'thune tomorrow if I even get on tomorrow if I'm just doing Bethune and getting off I probably will foreign foreign I'm pretty sure there's like a shortcut somewhere that I was supposed to go through I never did kill those mobs it's kind of funny I'll go ahead and that's it here am I gonna get a heal Maybe why am I still taking damage foreign stress again I'm sure there's supposed to be kept separated but I'm not able to do that right now oops I'm out of range brother no no I feel your pain no shame and I'm gonna need Rollies so they also have a lot of Health now it's weird how they have a base Health on here and then they also have a health multiplier I just find that strange we'll cut that in half I want to make some further adjustments to c'thun here oh we'll cut that in half too anyway foreign I think this is the point that I'll call it a night that doesn't work guy restricts reset strats basically just makes the Rogues attack that's all that does anyway I'm getting off here for the night appreciate everybody for stopping by uh et cetera Etc tomorrow I'll do c'thune so you guys can see how badly I gimped them pretty much every single time that I've tuned one of the bosses that I fought in aq40 I went ahead and took something else away from c'thun just because it's like well if he's this hard then I might want to do this and the next marshmallow if you use this heart I might want to do this too so on and so forth so hopefully I can do it tomorrow without too much uh too many more adjustments because I know c'thun is going to be complicated strictly because of the mechanic of having to be inside of them so we'll see anyway later Michael toodles
Channel: Sepnova
Views: 108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2e5zJUjBw0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 374min 56sec (22496 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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