Lvl 30 Got Me 98 Dinho for 0 COINS!!

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hello friend Sports here Andre Sam again for the OTG with one last push I hope today chat I hope today it is the new day I hope today is the new day because you know what man we have Nani as well but this one not done today can take some time here but very nice objective let's make at least your 10 today and also Scrolls almost done need to win seven more games here to get this one and this one we must do today in Rivals to unlock this one as well in the n85x10 that we need for dinner this one with musket and then XP as well kavada must play XP and then we get level 30 almost there almost there and that is the father Galore 84 plus x30 this one hopefully will get Daniel done today I hope man Rivals plus this one should be good and some Nani grind look here Chad we have left only I think six or seven six left only six and that is the easy ones and so for spending coins then 89 fire times and 188 worst case today if I don't get enough order I'll just pay the rest I'll just pay out these these last quotes but one thing is for sure Dania will be home today Daniel will be done today and you will once again Unite with Messi and that will happen today and not one day later today no drove because we must play Rivals today it must be full focus on Rivals uh today though no picks because instead we have now different Focus we shifted from picks into Nani crafting and this we must open now 11 go players back to get players and to get gold to craft Nani alright objectives we finish now 10. we first pope and then we craft new ones here we get three players I think this one is better than a pick right oh future stores yes malasia borders rare the first time I see malacia again Malaysia Malaysia the daily dose tuta for birthday pasina great 87 we take that and 85 burgart now these guys or these packs we got from Nani 89 Natalia 91 eurente clutch chat and again birthday duplicate I smell 91 marquinos for this man Daniel almost home chat almost home give me now Levy as well Sania kovacic this one is like 50 000 coins bro I forgot kovachich even it's a pick 91 cool that's good how about cover then let's make one Daniel Squad wait first out I must see one thing here I must see objectives Nani grind is how much now Nani is two more okay you know what man let's put him in into this one here food is 15 and one more of these three times 84 plus huh we get three mil yuris Royce is good man it's good it's good it is now time for Rivals and it's time to achieve level 30. and for this moment we must use Cavalia still and also we need one more English to get scores done English right winger chat that is not Sancho Saka is good right Saka basic is fine nice item still like this then and then we go here four three to one today maybe a bit more attacking cavada Messi Tammy Saka Savage Acuna good get into playing now again right back but I think he's the best uh sentiment nice Squad and because his own side still could pass English Connection English Connection that was good Golden Goal plus 14. oh foot is FC Camara cross is amazing come on across amazing and there comes Saga Tammy time Tammy time uh today what's happening Chad today is a better place here four five one plus twelve the chat says don't do kawara in Rivals let's boost all right let's make it no invites though 97 hang on let's go man let's go that is two birds one stone thank you so much bro thank you so much x s c e thanks a man thank you so much man for this I was gonna say all right we have now achieved three wins already at Disneyland was the Keeper's name horny man how did you find this guy here thank you so much all right there we have it thank you man uh Rivals bonus three can this be good at least one special yes maybe eight eight plus could be good um nice and not one duplicate oh that defense is like my old defense Carlos we have now the same but we have now instead rabba yurente Tammy in play foreign whoa ah too much man can you just go step over his forward it's simple man just like this step overs forward there's a goal come on keeper Tammy komori weak link tomorrow here is so bad damn he's so bad look at Tammy unreal oh my goodness finish him now finish messy unselfish Tammy five six three six oh six all right and almost eight wins but I think now though we should have level 30 achieved yes please which one nah but Ashley which one 96 or the pack I think looks nice five five very physical good at FIFA as well pack of course though yes that is a no-brainer it's done all right come on now milk milk open first is popped toti man is toti it's toti England no way hey that's amazing but I think for us for the right 120k Izzy yeah he's cheap now but all right Hey Jude what else 91 firmino 90s in chenko all right first page is decent page two we have hang on paint the metaphors here and if it is here 90 Fernando uh-huh all right page three 92 jota we get shot anyways [Music] oh my goodness oh man what a pack oh man that's insane that's insane that is damn insane one thoti and two footies whoa party song The Unsung hero45 the price frame is 100 000 coins only even less 90k cheapest photo Simmons is now five five he got updated he's now five five he's insane Ashley Lane premium Dutch Leipzig but the work raised over sauce medium high sentiment left Winger and now five five one hundred fifty thousand coins after getting five five before he it was cheaper but now he is yeah he's not a demon I think Dino is done now Chad we're now deep in like stressing it's perfect but no must be informed hey outward then perfect done far left and still spend 0.000 is down one more submit yes please four left that's done submit yes please three left is only three left chat and I haven't spent still next spawn is 89 and now I think we must spend something nice right yeah it's not enough we must first win finish rival's objective and get more stuff four more games and we get 1082 plus 384 plus and 85 Plus X10 Simmons in and Bellingham in let's try them out here all right van now then we put in Bellingham and then we put in here Simon's left Winger like this and then tomorrow also out we put in something good here konati chemistry is good commodity is not done yet he needs uh four more goals I think it could be nice to finish cavana and then sell him because his price is going down uh I bought him less boost kavada and get him done thank you bro thank you so much it's done scoring 10. thank you thank you so much but yeah let's go back here trial Chevy Simmons then Camara we sell it's fine like this and then try out this man Charlie Simmons good team good team you're done as well chubby could have been so good that was nice man almost Maybe Tammy strong Tammy still Tammy um when I first touch damn Pogba yo Pogba Pogba again he's crazy but that shot don't know that's good Pogba now beating Lucy mistake and his course mistake chubby Tammy yes please pass is coming and there we have it Carlos weak there mistake Pulga 4-4 chubby Simmons do it a good save last chance come on up maybe cross CS Carlos Tammy against Carlos Tammy get there Tammy get there Tammy well playing minus one here sep is good but this time though with the best team keep a move but how can how can you win every hitter like he has some kind of glitch button right Uncle moment but this time passing the ball as well chubby won't back good attack Volga Tammy come on come on Tammy Tammy Dudek hey it's done man it's done you can score doesn't matter you can score doesn't matter it's done who oh North again I now is enough bro come on now it's not even fun anymore come on I want different opponents bro I never mind it's fine but bro you don't have to snipe me all right we don't have to play anymore you don't have to give me you don't have to sweat I don't want to face you man you are damn demon wait English is done hang on Saka cell English is done then switch again Squad selector we take that main team you know man let's try skulls one game then 95 but not firefight but he's four five medium medium quite short but he has uh nice stats here short power and shooting his insane passing dribbling defending very nice and also wait only AI traits nah man EA it is only AI trades and nothing else yes we have then main team back in let's put out a little bit more like this we have here newest skulls chemistry is still top still full all right let's try this guy has dinner done there is all right scores done that is all I had to see Chad please my good first touch grease but maybe four pool still go one go one Carlos sold me out loads you know Lucio says no good pass now come on game Tammy thank you good passing Griezmann good Griezmann is getting mad Chrisman still griezman steel Grace monster wow we have done for this Ramos bonus play six play nine come on man and scores I think goals he saw nothing special right ten times 82 Plus for birthday passina or it is indeed for this best of best two player pick open up eight eight plus this one is good money 90. three times 84 plus before 85 x 10 workout important costage Modric debris skulls clutch perfect judo's out I send two left we almost there 25k coins back Ina this score right 85 X10 for birthday who's that Onana not the best NDA but it's okay that's done Chavez Simmons it was good but yeah not good enough we must get Daniel today one left maybe wait maybe maybe too fast hamsters couldn't cope with this greatness it's done hey it's done chat it's done it's done it's done without spending one damn coin five five one eighty High me don't even know about this right trevellas 90 show Power passing 95 dribbling maxed out physicality unreal let's try one game percina again clutch then your profit chat balzabeth is extinct I'm quite sure oh Spotify FC is there a chat let's try it as calls Alto didn't make it so now dino in then you're here done chemistry is full man look at this and then Daniel Camp style just architect does the best one passing and maxed out physicality pretty much in game then Tammy right sentiment Griezmann Messi Daniel up top Daniel as well skulls senior no no no no way [Music] Daniel come on oh call me daddy why then you're good Daniel that's amazing man that's amazing first one come on let's see heading let's see heading Daniel Daniel all right that's it for today see you guys again tomorrow for a special video and then again back on Friday with OTG with some more Daniel action thanks for watching as always you know until next time foreign
Channel: BorasLegend
Views: 65,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IaZp04dcMqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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