LUXURY TRAIN in Alaska from Anchorage to Denali (Holland America Line's McKinley Explorer)

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baby [Music] we made it to Anchorage Alaska after a very harrowing travel day yesterday tell you what I think that travel delays are just the norm lately we had a three hour delay on our flight from Dallas to Anchorage luckily we got a nice Lounge to chill in for a little bit but we made it Alaska is beautiful the weather is glorious the sun is shining and we are in the land of the Midnight Sun so here the sun sets at about 11 30 p.m and it rises back again around 4 30 a.m so you don't get a lot of Darkness here and it's just like beautiful it's so beautiful we're so excited to be here why are we in Anchorage so we are starting here in Anchorage we are on a 14 day Trek around Alaska and Canada we are doing a cruise tour so we will be going to Denali to Fairbanks to das into White Horse Skagway Glacier Bay Ketchikan and ending in Vancouver so excited about this trip this is a true bucket list trip for us we've been to Alaska we've done the Alaska cruises but this is like next level oh all right so our first stop is right here at ship Creek that's right ship with a p right not the other ship Creek that's right here just on the edge of Anchorage right here in this Heart of the City this is where you can come and do some fishing there's so many locals like you can see them lying in the banks and they're salmon fishing specifically for king salmon this is actually a really unique spot because it's the only Urban Creek you can drive right up to come down and fish for king salmon okay so I've been asking everybody any luck any luck any luck because I'm not seeing anybody pull any salmon out of there nobody's catching anything but it's because the tide is really low but they said within about an hour high tide will be coming in and that's when you'll start catching the fish the king of salmon well we learned pretty quickly that in Anchorage you need a car there's only so much you can do in the downtown area in walking distance from our hotel so a big thank you to Annie who lives here in Anchorage for letting us borrow her car and we are out here at Beluga point so we're a little bit south of Anchorage now and what's cool is there is the Alaska railroad that runs right through here all the way to seaward so if you're flying into Anchorage to cruise out of sea where you are going to see this beautiful scenery this is called Beluga point because this is where you can come and watch the beluga whales when they're in season we're not having any luck today but that's okay because the scenery is spectacular I mean there are literally mountains all around us in this beautiful Inlet of water that Tide is High right now so you've got water coming all the way up this is stunning it's breathtaking I could literally just spend all day here just looking at mountains it's beautiful so it's already high tide but some locals were saying you got to go to Beluga point also to see the the tide Rush In And it's really a spectacle we missed it it's already here high tide was at 5 30 and we're just a little after we missed it but how cool would that be to see the tide rush in so if you want to see that you can do that here at Beluga point also and Elisa said she saw something white over there maybe maybe it was a beluga sighting an accidental Beluga siding we're gonna see if we can find something we're gonna keep watching now yeah good morning today is day two in Anchorage so last night we went to Glacier Brewhouse had a great dinner came in and got some rest because today is the real kickoff of this trip what are we doing we are doing a cruise tour with Holland America so we are doing the land portion first and then we get on the cruise we this is a 11 day trip starting today we are riding the McKinley train up to Denali National Park we're staying in the lodge there for two days then we go on to Fairbanks Dawson Canada White Horse Canada then we go down the Skagway get on the ship Glacier Bay catch a can and end in Vancouver this is going to be an exciting day everybody that's in this Lobby is going to get on the train so let's go we made it to the train station now this is the McKinley Explorer train so how it works is Alaska railroad owns the train car I mean the engine car the engine car and then the cruise lines on the train parts we've got two for Holland America one for princess we're early in the season so as the season gets later there will be more cars at it but we're about to load up and start our truck up to Denali today breakfast is served we are in the dining car at the beautiful view for breakfast thank you [Music] our Journey's underway we're gonna be on this train all day so from about we got on around 8 30 this morning until about 5 00 p.m tonight is when we're gonna arrive at the lodge so it's just beautiful views we can watch from inside we can watch from outside there's a dining car we already had breakfast we're gonna have lunch in a little while and there I know it's like there's a viewing platform right here behind me or we can go all the way to the back the back of the train viewing platform which we will do at some point but right now it's just we're getting into there and see some Mountain we're going alongside a river right here it's just beautiful [Music] first off it's literally freezing out here there is giant chunks of ice on the side of the train it's cold and it's raining but we just saw Hurricane Golf gold g-u-l-g-e that was spectacular over a hundred year old bridge that we just crossed the train slowed down to like one mile an hour and at one point we completely stopped it all so everybody could see it it was so pretty we've got a pretty overcast sky today it is raining right now so the visibility up in the mountains is kind of hard to see but it's definitely there's mountains all around us right now just the clouds are hanging really really low Alaska yeah that bridge was insane really high up but absolutely breathtaking I kind of like the the rainy overcast Melancholy Vibe it's got to feel like you're getting the authentic real experience really cool this train is awesome the food has been excellent the staff has been excellent super excellent experience so far we can actually move from one train to the other that's cool oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] whoa this place is sick wow just nothing but epicness going on here so much Wilderness mountains and Creeks we're at our home for the next two days this is McKinley Chalet Resort this is Holland America's Resort across the street is Princess Lodge so it doesn't matter which Cruise Line you're doing this tour with you're going to be right next door to each other there's not really a town here but there's like a few gift shops and a few places you can eat in between the two but there's plenty to do right here I don't think we need to leave the property for dinner there's a steakhouse where we're eating tonight I know Jason's super excited about that yep but uh so far we took a quick peek around before we broke the camera out but let's go let's go check this place out [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's 42 degrees and drizzling outside so this fire feels fantastic yes and yes we do have gloves and hats and scarves they're just in our suitcase and we haven't caught them out yet so this Resort's pretty big so we just walked through the main building which is where you you know come in registration tours all that good stuff we are in one of these smaller buildings behind the main building but there's more that way so whenever we got here the bus kind of drove around dropped people off at different buildings and dropped us off last so we saw you know the different areas we'll go walk it later but for now we're gonna go check out our room it stopped raining finally yes and it's not supposed to rain anymore tonight oh this is us this is our cabin Savage River Suite is the name of ours g102 let's go check this place out whoa holy moly this is a house this is like a house so what do we have here we got a huge TV hanger on the wall we got we got chocolate chip cookies for Lisa we got a bottle of wine table couch really nice bathroom here oh and a huge king bed look at that bed this bed it's a kitten but it looks bigger than that because it's got this massive headboard and it's like up on a platform this is a really cozy uh room so we've actually got two rooms this is a suite so we have the bedroom area the living room area bathroom so I guess that's technically three rooms Jason's got a coffee pot over there a Keurig socked with all his favorites there's a mini fridge there's fans you know if you get hot which is 42 degrees so I don't think that's gonna happen but what's super cool is we transferred from Anchorage to here on the train but our luggage met us here it came on a truck or a bus and when we got here our luggage was waiting in the room for us check out our patio oh super sweet we got our own little back porch we got a door off of our bedroom and the living room and we got a view out there down there's Denali Square which we're gonna go check out later we heard that's where the grand staircase is we're at Canyon Steakhouse for dinner there's a couple of restaurants that are here part of the lodge and this is one of them a little bit about how the meals work because it's different than a cruise this is called a cruise tour but the land portion Works a little bit different you can come to the restaurant and you can just pay for your meals just like you would in any restaurant or you can buy a prepaid meal plan which is what we have so for every meal we get a voucher and so this voucher is one for each of us it says that we can get with this meal plan includes soup or Salad dinner entree dessert and a non-alcoholic beverage so if you want something alcoholic to drink you can just pay extra for that but we've eaten pretty darn good so far today with these Mill vouchers so it's just your prepaying for your meals that's all it is that's how it works um but Jason is getting a steak big surprise and I'm gonna get some rock fish because I kind of fell in love with Rockfish whenever we were fishing catch a can last year so it's a local Alaskan fish and that's definitely what I'm going for that was some of the best fraternities like I've never made french onion soup and I don't know why because I love it I mean I've even bought the Lipton Onion Soup mix I cook my roast with lifted onion soup mix because it makes it flavor so good but I'm gonna make my own I'm inspired to make wow you're inspired to make my own french onion soup and I hope to make it this good wow this was good and I ate all the bread and on such a cold day this is just what the doctor ordered so far so good here at this restaurant so Jason said his feelings about his soup my salad was absolutely delicious too the starters were good president rotation on this is excellent so let's give this Rockfish a try oh it just falls apart it's so tender that's delicious it's a light flaky white fish and it just soaks up the seasonings and there's like a they actually said it's curry sauce which is interesting because I would have never thought about putting curry sauce on fish but it tastes really really good okay so I got the 12 ounce Ribeye medium rare just cut into it looks really good nice and juicy come with a side of mashed potatoes uh we got some asparagus and squash lots of delicious steak that's got good flavor cook right everything's been good really it really hasn't been nice really nice steakhouse before I eat this the more I like so the flavor of the fish is great but you do a bite of the fish and a bite of the carrot and it just goes perfectly together and then I cut into the potato these are those blue purple potatoes but they're so good like they're they're roasted so they're really like have a lot of flavor into them they're not they're not hard they're very very soft this is excellent really good meal update on what's going on right now it is 38 degrees it is 10 18 p.m and I have this cool little app that will tell us our elevation which is 15.78. oh it's jumping 15 1400 now 1532 that's our elevation but the big thing is it is 10 18 p.m not am and this is the clearest visibility we have had of these mountains all day it's been overcast it's been very very cloudy even raining and now at night it's 10 o'clock y'all to us it should be dark we've got the clearest view ever and oh my God those mountains over there it's just like all around you you just stand here and you just turn in a circle and you're like mountain mountain snow snow ooh what is that over there it's just amazing this is the new Nana River I don't know if I'm pronouncing that correctly but according to this board right here this is the the Nana river n-e-n-a-n-a river this is really cool so in these Waters you have Arctic grayling g-r-a-y-l-i-n-g salmon and you have Dolly Varden trout All In this River this is the unit I mean Anna Nina yeah me Nana but it joins in with the Yukon river and empties out in the Bering Sea pretty cool but the sound of it is the sound of it is what's so awesome I mean I don't know if y'all can hear that but it's powerful I mean it's just the current is amazing and no idea where this water comes from I mean we're we're only like what what'd you say 15 200 feet yeah 1500 feet up in the air but like it's going down where's this water coming from I don't really know but who cares it's really beautiful and it's powerful and the sound of it is just amazing all right so this is the grand staircase and it takes you down to Denali Square I do not know how many steps it is but we're here about to find out because Elise is going to count bye okay Elisa just said I'm not counting I forgot to count we don't know how many steps so they'll just have to see for yourself but there's a lot Denali square has a fire multiple fires multiple fires look and we have it all to ourselves everybody else is in bed yeah because it's like 11 o'clock now yeah it's it's 11 o'clock P.M look at this this is crazy it's like apocalyptic sort of okay that was definitely worth the trip down the grand stairs wow that feels so good oh my God I wish you could feel that right now Closer Closer [Music] this is neat this is a very very old vehicle right here so the sign says from Stage Coach to safety coach so this was one of the first Vehicles other than a horse-drawn Stagecoach to bring people up into Denali and this is about from the 1930s is what it oh no 1924. but pretty neat it looks like part of it's built out of wood a vehicle with like wood on it [Music] yeah I counted on the way back up there's 74 steps I've done much worse than that that was okay it just it looked worse than 74. when you look at it you're like oh my God that's so many steps it wasn't that bad that's a wrap for today we had a long travel day starting in Anchorage eight hour train ride we are now at the Mount McKinley Chalet Resort that's a mouthful to remember tomorrow we are going into Denali National Park then we are taking a flight over the summit of Mount Denali pretty cool so we're exhausted it's 11 30 p.m and we are going to bed as you can see the Roku has been hooked up to the TV so we're gonna Coast out on TV a little bit and chill Netflix and chill don't miss tomorrow's video it's going to be pretty epic if you're new to our Channel make sure you hit that subscribe button and the notification Bell and we will see you tomorrow bye [Music] thank you
Channel: EECC Travels
Views: 56,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eecc, eecc travels, anchorage alaska, things to do in anchorage, best things to do in anchorage alaska, anchorage alaska food, anchorage alaska tour, luxury train travel, luxury train travel in usa, anchorage to denali, food in anchorage alaska, food in anchorage, 49th state brewing company anchorage, tourist things to do in anchorage, luxury train alaska, holland america koningsdam, holland america land and sea luxury train
Id: BiUy0zfG5Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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