Dream Beach House Build - Build A New Life in the Country - S02 EP5 - Real Estate

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web designer Jess Glover and barrister Laura  Turner have spent their 20s working hard in   London but the capital just lost its appeal  you look at people's faces coming in and out   of the building so they just look so I'm happy  you're not happy with the night showing it and   that's exactly what they're doing they've  moved to the south caused to enter your   sporting life and build themselves a spectacular  glass-fronted beach house it's a lot of money is   the most expensive this ambitious young couple  want it all but expensive tastes combined with   zero building experience is a dangerous mix five  week overrun and 30,000 pounds yeah there is no   way rest of the job can move forward like  that we've got so much to do on the house   because we are literally slowly killing  ourselves just went to live on the beach [Music] the British coastline is one of our most treasured  assets if you think competition to live near it is   fierce then the chances of finding land to build  on can seem impossible but Laura and jazz have   found the perfect building plot they're going  to build a dream hall with uninterrupted views   of the sea as far as escapism goals it doesn't get  any better the plot Jezza Laura have bought is in   Worthing it's just 15 miles along the south coast  from Brighton and is shaken off its reputation as   a place to retire to and becoming a hot spot to  invest Jess and Laura's house will be right on the   beach it's an ideal spot for a life of sporting  leisure be nice at the end of days you've got to   come out of the house straight out to the beach it  will fishing-rod over the side catch a bit dinner   barbecue on the beach especially when you you know  you realize that soon you'll be able to paddle   along and look at your own house and the beach so  tell me what the dream is for you guys the dream   is this isn't it look around you I mean could you  ask for a better location than living on the beach   it's just like a different landscape every day  down there so where did that passion come from   to to leave city life and come to the coast I was  brought up in Margate down on the coast and so I   had umpteen beaches every direction at the weekend  you know we can do anything we want really we can   go we go on our bikes on the downs of learning to  horse ride on the Downs we've started having kite   surfing lessons jazz is really taking off with  that it's just like where would you rather be you   want to wake up in London or do you want to wake  up looking at that every day it's like digging   for gold in there you know we found the ultimate  location and this is it just 20 meters from the   water's edge it really is a dream location that's  huge it's not pieces going in here and this piece   we've sold off I've got plenty for another house  so it's two separate halves to several houses yep   to afford to build their dream home they made  the canny move of selling off half the plot   together with Jays and his architects designs  for a second home they have to be built in the   same style and at the same time to meet planning  laws but all this has taken Jays and Laura three   long years I think a lot of people kind of looked  at it and just went you nuts because you know to   find someone who wants to live in a house that  you're kind of dictating the outside shape off   you know you're never going to find anybody and  we did they now have 170,000 pounds to build   their dream home it's a spectacular three-story  glass front at beach house with unspoiled sea   views in the basement is a huge state-of-the-art  kitchen diner for entertaining boasting the very   latest appliances the whole of the first floor  is dedicated to an opulent living room the open   stairwell floods the house with light and the vast  picture window frames the view perfectly the top   floor has a design of bathroom and three bedrooms  Jay's and Laura's will have all the comforts of a   luxury hotel and a balcony that would provide  the perfect spot to watch the sunset over the   sea it's an impressive design with high-quality  detail but pulling it off on their budget is   ambitious so how confident are you that you can  deliver this dream home with 170,000 pounds you   know I think that's part of the challenge now is  to see how far can we get on the money we know we   can get the show up we know we can get a lot of  it complete it's how far can we go to that little   extra mile really that really makes the house  what it is and so how long is this project going   to take ones are going to be finished we will be  in the next sit for three summers walking from our   flat to the beach sitting on the beach with the  portable barbecue looking at an empty plot with   nothing on it but in a restorative and next summer  we will be in the house no matter what you'll be [Music] in the three years it's taken to get  building works off the ground Jess and Laura   have been paying a mortgage and renting a Worthing  flat to keep costs down jezus project managing the   build as well as running his web design company  but despite having absolutely no experience of   the building game he's confident it's the right  decision I just didn't see that the point of   paying quite a high percentage for someone to do  what I'm effectively gonna be doing yes it has an   impact because it could all go horribly wrong  but it's just it's just it's calculating that   risk and to me the financial reward of keeping the  money and using the money elsewhere on the build   is better but when the build needs more of your  time which is bound to happen as now when you've   got other trades on site how is that gonna work  with work it's just going to be a balancing act [Music] London escapees Laura and chairs have  moved to Worthing on the south coast to follow   their passion for a life of sporting leisure  they're turning this beachfront plot into a   spectacular glass front at home right on the  water's edge to afford the build they sold off   half the pot together with jezza's plans for  another house which will be built at the same   time the couple have been planning this house  for three years they wanted to shout style and   quality and designer chairs is hand picking every  single detail hopefully because of what I do I do   have a very strong drive towards the visual side  of things so things like you know do you want a   rounded profile Square profile on the window they  do make a difference in the grand scheme of things   we've got you between brass or chrome they'll  point the vent trickle vents but they won't paint   handles most people probably think no don't be so  fussy because if you were to move in a house you   probably wouldn't even notice the window handles  they're low more color they are but when you're   building something from scratch I think it's the  desire to make everything perfect I think I'm just   scared that I'll make a decision and then getting  there and going but to achieve perfection on their   budget of a hundred and seventy thousand pounds  it's going to be tough to cut costs jezus taken on   the role of project manager but he has absolutely  no experience of the building game I don't think   it's that big a gamble I just think it's one of  those things you just got to grab and and do it's   I don't say it's a daunting task you know what's  the worst that can happen confident talk but   perhaps a little naive it's only three weeks in  and he's already faced and a major problem on-site   jess is insisting on using waterproof concrete  to build the basement as the house is just 20   metres from high tide but this is a heavy-duty  concrete normally used to build tunnels and site   manager Ashleigh bachelor has never used it  before been a bit of a struggle really right   with the details because there's a lot of things  that a lot of issues with using this right there's   just numerous problems that have sort of arisen  right when we originally started the drawings   for the site we adopted to use a traditional  waterproofing system we switched over to this   waterproof concrete you need to be no erosion from  salt which is something with the location it is   a major factor but what it has done is it means  that when we were ready to start with system at   the last minute we've changed this new system but  it means we've had to rethink all the detailing on   the drawing is there could be more delays to come  I fear this last-minute decision is going to cost   all the structural drawings need to be redone  and because of the delays jazz is in danger of   losing his contractors for the next stage it's  very very difficult and what I don't want to   be caught in and I'm really nervous is that we get  to a situation where one of the trades people find   ourselves can't do it I've had to take another job  you know you haven't been able to give us a date   to commit to and then we're left with this very  short space of time so I try and find new traits   people that want to do the job that we can check  out and make sure they're good and then try and   get them in and we could end up with this period  where we have an empty site for some time [Music] two weeks later I find the builders still  struggling with the concrete on their own   and without the new drawings none of these  problems should have been debated evolving   resolved before we started yeah obviously that's  been one of the main reasons for all the delays   through this bill because he changed the spec  of the material yeah yeah while you were on   site yeah we still haven't got drawings that  we made you know I've spent a lot of time in   the you know fantastic sorry huh yeah trying  to organize and trying to sort out these joint   because every time you look at one something's  wrong do you feel like you're being the project   manager for this bill yeah I am yeah if chairs is  to keep control of this build he can't afford to   neglect this project manager duties but his web  design business demands he's regularly in London   leaving him to try and project manage sixty miles  away he was gonna give me a quote for just taking   out of the wall and trimming back the concrete  which I'll get to die and then I'll come back   to you the juggling part is quite difficult no  I swear it is hard I'd be lying if I said it was   easy so it is difficult having to be really  organized assess how much time we'd have to   put into it would you actually do it you get  those days when the phone doesn't stop ringing   and they're just lots of they've got quite a  lot on at the moment and this just don't get   enough time to actually spend enough time on  any one job anything is ever ever gonna work   [Music] it's the start of the new year and at last  the concrete basement is finished so phase one   is completely done oh yeah this is it so you've  now got peace of mind yeah all of this concrete   everywhere in this basement is waterproof and  will never ever leak yeah say that Ellis yeah but   it's cost you more money than you expected hasn't  how much no into the tune of about 30,000 30,000   pounds and how much longer has it taken you than  you expect about four or five weeks we've overrun   on the initial scheduled five-week overrun and  30,000 pounds yeah there is no way the rest of the   job can move forward like that you hold both those  delays and you can spend that extra money because   you haven't got it we haven't got the extra money  this has been a bit of a an interesting learning   curve and let's hope that's what it just makes  us more focus for the next stage to make sure we   have much greater control oh yeah there's nothing  like losing 30 grand to focus the mind as there [Music] with the 30 grand hole in the budget Jezz can't  afford to make any more project manager mistakes   now it really is crunch time making sure that  the budget that's left is allocated and kept   sit one thing that I've learned is it's no  good just saying something to someone in the   building try it needs to be written it needs to  be checked it needs to be ticked off signed off   not only is he now check-in every last detail  he's committing every spare moment to swatting   up on the building trade if I don't have the  knowledge of a builder or of an engineer so   I am having to play massive catch-up on the  evening and doing a quick internet course it   doesn't mean weekends and evenings kind of go  out the window I think it does take a lot of   his day and sometimes it can get stressful I  think he just gets a bit edgy when he thinks   there might be something that's about to  go wrong he's not sleeping forever I like   nice and I can get to sleep on it and I know  it's maybe that he's thinking about something   that's on his mind but he hasn't told me  but I think he's doing a fantastic job the next phase of the bill begins with  the arrival of the superstructure of   jezzin Laura's house two months behind schedule this is it it's what we've been waiting for so  as long as the weather holds we'll be all right   yet again jess has made a ball choice with this  method of construction instead of traditional   bricks-and-mortar he's using insulated panels of  timber and polystyrene ice cream where you get   the two new wafers on the outside the ice cream  no I don't know I know it works it's just funny   to look at so it should be a fast and cheap way to  build but only of all of jazz's preparation work   is correct it's one giant jigsaw and the panels  have to fit within a millimeter on to the concrete   footprint it's a big responsibility for this  first-time project manager once that contractors   building this from the engineer's plans down  here we've had guys in Scotland manufacturing   this flock from their plans up there and now  it's put it two together so today or the next   few days it really is does it all fit or does  it not fit so yeah it's a testing time [Music] if the concrete is not absolutely level the  panels will not see together we might have   to do something with us with this  area that's sitting a little high [Music] that spot on spot on Jess's sleepless nights  have paid off with the smooth assembly so   happy now that you actually see stuff happening  and you can see that you know it looks like a   house to start with it's huge yeah it's good  really really good [Music] with everything   go on a plan on site J's rewards himself  with an afternoon's kitesurfing [Music] and Laura's also makin time in her busy work  schedule as a barrister for her new hobby we   work hard and it's nice to have something  to escape to it makes me forget about work   and probably help me forget about the house  as well and so intent for 45 minutes I'm not   falling off I'd never ever ever thought of doing  this in London and I wouldn't have been able to   because I'm sure there are stables in London but  I don't fancy trotting her home the West End run   a horse back on site the shell of the house is  off all that remains is for the roof to go on [Music] it's been a trouble-free assembly taken just  two weeks half the expected time thanks to   jezza's efficient project management still  the bolt needs adjusting on it just too far   one side to the other his attention to  detail is impressive and nothing escapes   his meticulous eye there's no nails floor  joists newton island face loose he has the   builders working into the night to make  sure every nail is in its rightful place [Music] it's typical February weather and I've come back  to Worthing to see the shell of Jays and Laura's   house for the first time it's just as well  you got all this up yeah done before the bad   mother's care it's good so really really bad it's  grim today so how does it feel after what three   years and the waiting to at last have the shell  of your house off it's just mad it's just amazing   feeling really really good and this is the first  time because we're up at the high level which is   your bedroom level that you can actually get that  view I could just you know watch it for hours I'm   sure the first wind tough will be there out there  every day you know we've got any chance of the   balcony I'm gonna use it but true British people  in our hats golf glove I think I'll be the other   side of the glass with such a fantastic outlook on  the beachside I'm worried they're turning a blind   eye to the incredibly busy road at the front do  you think this compromises your quality of life   and the lifestyle that you're looking for here no  not really because it's a small price to pay for   the ability to be out from the front doors walk  straight out onto the beach you know kite surfing   equipment canoeing whatever we want to do so have  you actually designed this building to act like a   screen to a lot noise from the roof we've spent  a lot of money on making sure that the back end   of the house with all the windows that you go man  highly insulated really good sound properties it's   quite an interesting test isn't it but I'll walk  up here at the m and this house has done all this   noise and all this chaos open the door and whether  that door when it's closed behind me everything's   just nice and coil or make sure you come at the  idea for the inside is that it will be in a way   sirs of calm I mean this is gonna be the lounge  you'll come through the front door yeah you got   the lounge area I mean the view you're gonna  see straight away straight out to sea and how   the space is kind of worked out like with the  stairwell opening up here so this is where the   staircase is gonna go yeah we got this big void  so you're gonna get light cascading all the way   down three floors it's such a dramatic experience  isn't it is yeah there's still a lot to do there's   no I mean the prefab structure can lull you into a  little full sense of security because it moves so   quickly you think the builds already there yeah to  get this building Windham watertight when you're   gonna have the glazing in when you're gonna get  the roof done and when is it going to be clad   the builders we're ahead of schedule by two weeks  so we've now trying to dress if we put everybody   up two weeks rather than delay everything cuz  everyone's usually like we've got this issue   of getting contractors back on site before  they were booked so it is frustrating [Music]   with the roof and window contractors not starting  for two weeks Jes and Laura's chipboard shell of   a house is left exposed to the elements and the  weather forecast isn't hopefully our makeshift   attempt to do until the roof with the 30 grand  overspend already severe weather damage could   destroy jazz and Laura's hopes of completing the  dream home they've worked so hard for [Music] after a long winter of delays Jason Laura's  beachfront house in Worthing is finally out   of the ground they are now battling to get at  watertight before another spell of bad weather   the roof and walls are being clad and the windows  installed jess has designed the house to make the   most of the spectacular beach views so despite  being 30 grand over budget he splashed out on   three enormous picture windows made to order  in Germany and costing a whopping 18 grams [Music] get rid of it right now [Music] Oh God Joe please don't  before being by the sea we need something   this got a really high spec did we paid for  an extra marine finish as well so and we've   gone for slightly thicker glass so there's  no distortion looking through the glass so   it all adds to the price but if you're gonna do  it do it once do it right so it would have been   it would have been horrific to put plastic uPVC  stuff in here so really pleased really pleased   [Music] with the exterior taking shape jezus  distinctive modern design is getting plenty   of attention from the local residents they're  different very different we all say from the   wife as well I said I've got to check that  shape we've had some interesting comments   let's say from some of the locals who don't  believe it'll stand up in the weather can't   believe we're not using bricks along the lines  going few other kind of things like that so   even down to some of they are elderly people  threatening to throw stones at the windows   which is quite funny this is something really  special everybody improve all they're very nice with Worthing's residents undecided about the new   addition on their shoreline I've  come back to judge for myself so Jess there's timbre cloudy yeah it looks  good doesn't it yeah it's come out really   well it really looks very pleased with it  there's a beautiful tumbler that's quite   warm yeah it is it's pretty it's it's quite  light at the moment and it will darken down   a bit with the kind of UV through the Sun  and the windows also look fantastic the top   two floors will open on two balconies and  in the basement is the kitchen diner which   runs directly onto the beach but at the huge  cost of eighteen thousand pounds I just have   to take a closer look at the quality to make  sure it jazz has got what he paid for [Music] I was a bit dubious at the time because when  we had the basement overrun you know we were   thinking oh I'm going to pour a bit more  money to take us up to the next levels and   then you know you look at the budget and  you've got eighteen and a half thousand   pounds of glazing just for these three front  floors and you're thinking Melora money no   but look where you are I know it's there  I mean we'll be over here breakfast doors   open looking out to the sea it's the stuff  of dreams yeah that's totally what made it [Applause] [Music] the dream is beginning to  feel Within Reach Jess and Laura have made   up time and are determined to hit their summer  deadline just two months away [Music] they now   have up to ten contractors on site installing  plumbing and electrics and starting to fit out   the interiors and when it comes to interiors  it's also easy to get carried away especially   for Jess who's happy with nothing but the very  best I want to give him a gentle warning you're   quite a perfectionist yeah you know you'd like  a high standard at work and you've been pretty   good through the whole bill to make sure that this  building is built well and it is but when it comes   to you know tiling kitchens floor finishes I can  imagine you being pretty finicky and they're the   things that can take a long time and cost a lot  of money yeah how confident are you that you can   bring that in on time and budget but it would be  difficult cuz that's the part where you get quite   excited about it you lose all track of being  focused on money and it's quite easy to go oh   yeah that looks great we'll have that one of the  interior design decisions start with the kitchen   and haven't waited three years to see his dream  house come to fruition designer Jess it's like   a kid in a sweetshop what we need to do is to say  well which timber we're going to use for the work   service I'm more drawn towards this lighter one  here no doubt we've probably picked isaburo know   what's the difference in cost on pound note terms  you'll be looking at pain sort of eight hundred   two thousand pounds more for the soprano over the  walnut so we saying for work surface trim in the   panel somewhere in the region about four thousand  plus VAT okay but it does just look so much better   though even though it is the most expensive form  of work top out of anything we could possibly I   wasn't surprised surprising jazz is in danger  of letting his expensive tastes run away with   them he's already spent 4 grand and that's just  on work surfaces they're still appliances tiles   taps and cabinets to buy one of these retractable  hoses that comes out so you can watch vegetables   etc that sort of thing yeah impact is coming  down and actually seeing its big bank of units   and going all over the place but everything could  be better what I would like to place is if you're   just going to have this one bank ok safe we say  we're definitely gonna go yeah made over the road   in morning absolutely certain because we're  gonna spend fifteen thousand pounds of this   and we can't change your mind yeah no I mean I'm  confident there hundred and seventy grand budget   is disappearing fast but they're determined  not to compromise on quality we're not going   for cheap yeah I mean you could fear the house  out for a lot less than what we're spending but   there is a quality and kind of finish to what  we're trying to achieve and that's part of the   reason why we're building our own house to get  [Music] after the recent spending spree Jaison   Laura realized they're facing a budget crisis in a  very short space of time from now cuz everything's   happening now we got to pay lots of people and our  money's gonna run out in a couple of months really   we've come to the point where we haven't got any  choice but to borrow more money or stop the bill   basically as well as increasing their mortgage by  60 grand they want to cut labor costs so they've   made a radical decision it's actually beneficial  for us to do a lot more work ourselves which don't   really want to do but if we have to we will you  know doing their own laboring might seem like a   financial solution but Jess and Laura both have  demanding full time jobs and no DIY experience to   finish this house we're not talking about a lick  of paint it needs plastering tiling and flooring   laid bathrooms installed and a kitchen fitted  I think their decision to get hands on could be   a big mistake we've got an incredibly tough few  months ahead I mean you're gonna be a barrister   during the week and then a sort of chippy plaster  and whatever else at the weekend the budget is at   its limit because we're paying rent and there's a  big mortgage and we have been for well over a year   we do need to keep costs down and to pay people to  do simple things like buttoning out walls and that   we could do perfectly easily I think we'd be you  know silly to pay someone a few thousand pounds to   do that in the week when we can go down a couple  of weekends and do it isn't there a danger that   there's a bit of false economy and you and Jess  do in the work though because you're not experts   and it could take you a lot longer and take more  time and when you really I know that we have to   do it cause the sooner we're in the sooner I'll  be after to you know enjoying the house and money   going to save the DIY novices throw themselves in  at the deep end laying the underfloor heating it's   not difficult it's just kind of you know laborious  working through it it's nothing that no one you   know don't ask your professional to do it I have  to disagree it's a highly specialist job that I'd   recommend should be left to the professionals  twisting as well it's quite simple from the   drawings but when you actually read the manual it  just just mind-boggling it's got a loop round and   then go back up again I'm telling you only goes  to them curves panic quite capable of reading   no progress is painfully slow I suspect they might  be regretting their overspending it's the enormity   of what they've taken on its home so much rather  be spawning around having lunch somewhere whilst   other people did this but we've got to help make  savings wherever we can it's hard actually drying but this is just the start of it from now  on they'll spend every weekend working on   the house including bet anniversary anniversary [Music] [Music] it's one of the hottest summers and  decades and the south coast beaches are heaving   by now Jason Laura had hoped to be enjoying  afternoons in the surf and sunset dinners on their   balcony but the house is nowhere near completion  from the start jazz has been so passionate about   the quality of workmanship and his dream home but  forced into doing all the work themselves my big   worry is they'll end up with a substandard result  how would you feel this building wasn't really at   the standard that you wanted ever be because you  had to compromise on finishes I wouldn't let that   happen it would be pointless to come all of this  way and have spent four years getting it to this   stage and then on the final hurdle letting it  slip and be a disaster really yeah we're to be   honest yeah my worry is that it's and all those  finishers where this house is gonna sing and it's   gonna look absolutely stunning as long as it's  both immaculate it's every time you just look back   and think Oh Don weeping all that you know there's  a certain sense of achievement there in a certain   sense that we can't possibly let this thing slip  now because we're so close to getting it completed   Jaison Laura certainly have their work cut out  with two thousand square foot of flooring to   lay they start with tile in the kitchen diner it's  15 quid a tile they can't afford to make mistakes because the kitchen arrives tomorrow will the  rest of it rise tomorrow we need to get this   done so they can start fitting it we're kind of  racing against the clock here a little bit it'll   all be worth it start off catchphrase it'll all be  worth it which is our way of saying literally just   hanging in because we know you know any another  months in it we can at least move in but it's   getting hard now we're just so worn out I mean  we desperately want to live in here you know just   want to live on the beach so we've kind of think  oh just that moving in it's just what's driving   me this is now their 10th consecutive weekend on  site and that precious summer is slipping away Phil took your mom you're right yeah yeah yeah  speak to you later now that was just a friend   on the phone to see where they were I wanted to  go kite surfing this afternoon well obviously   there's a floor to continue lying though where  have they just come from building their dream   home has totally taken over Jess and Laura's life  when they're not on site in the evening they're   working extra hours to keep the money rolling  in to finance it we're not enjoying life living   normally dinner's arrived the evenings apart  from eating together one of us will be working   in a sense we've lost some time of just having  a normal life and enjoying life together I need   to do some work now yeah I'll be next door it's  never gonna be easy otherwise it wouldn't be you   know unobtainable dream that we're trying to get  but it's worth the sacrifice I think we're both   sort of them the final legs is it what happened  to hanging on in there really we've got so much   to do on the house because we are literally slowly  killing ourselves think week by week the sleep   deprivation gets great Ike it's hard Laura and  chairs are so close to achieving their dream but   exhausted and a dragging point they're in serious  danger of falling at the final hurdle [Music] when I first met Jezza Laura they were full  of grand ideas and excitement about creating   their perfect bull now their commitment has  never wavered but when I last saw them two   months ago they were absolutely exhausted  with very little money left in the bank I   just hoped that somehow big manage to create  the perfect home but they worked so hard for [Applause] [Music] it's kind of like my god you know you see  them in the magazines and you just see it   does seem like a holiday home you kind of  wander around just like go yeah one of my   biggest worries was the sound from that rod if  you just listen oh it's all my starts stepping   into another world really and you shut the  door behind you and you just have the beach   the view is absolutely spectacular when you  think of the number of people in this country   that would just die to have a building in this  position I mean even if it's pouring with rain   or it's really windy it's always beautiful to  look at because it's just a change in landscape   all the time what about the balconies they're in  manufacturing now they'll be here in a couple of   weeks and that's why we haven't finished the  cladding on the outside and then we can stand   out in the right glass of wine watch the sea  with part the balconies will certainly be the   crowning glory of this impressive building  that makes the most of its to die for views   waking up in this bedroom would feel like  being on holiday every day romantic kind of   setting get the moonlight coming through the  windows streaming in and then the glistening   of the water the doors are open it's like here  the water washing up and down the stands very   therapeutic the kitchen the kitchen the kitchen  it is this is I've got a feeling I've saved the   best til last the kitchen was where the big money  was spent and promises to be spectacular [Music] yeah we're really pleased actually yes that's  quite cool that you've gone for this layout really   really vivid red color as well very rich and deep  I mean you can stand and look at it and there's   just a solid reflection out of the beach and the  tiles wow yeah I remember you were questioning my   tiling I was questioning you Thailand I was a  little bit worried about it but it looks magic J'son Laura's house is a triumph the architectural  detailing really works light floods throughout   the house and they're bespoke furniture is  shown off beautifully in the crisp interiors the results is an incredibly calming space to  live in and for just to work in his uncompromising   insistence on quality is evident everywhere the  finishers are beautiful suggesting the luxury   of a chic hotel but I can only imagine what these  top-of-the-range materials have done to the budget   the dreaded question looks beautiful it's finished  yeah the total boss comes in two IT for the build it has been you know it's been hard because we've  had to find the extra money basically so all the   spare money from the business and that we've gone  into the house savings into the house this is how   much it meant to you yeah this is totally you know  this was the goal I mean this has been four years   since we left London like standing in here now  in this space you know we're just a wall struck   with it really but it's just like the feelings  of you just you can't put it into words really   I mean when you do drive down the road and you  see down the side of our house and there's all   the timber and it's all different shades and it  just looks beautiful and it's just this feeling   of that's my house you almost think wow look at  it and then you have to get all oh that's my house after four years of striving to build their  perfect home Jess and Laura can now relax and   begin a new chapter of their lives together  living on the beach it's just--come it's   doing this project it's what we wanted and so  much more I thought of just being able to walk   along the beach every day such a privilege  it will transform the aspect of our lives   [Music] Laura and chairs would never have  been able to afford this spectacular home   if they hadn't built it themselves it cost  400,000 pounds including the price of the   plot but must be worth at least double that  they really are an amazing testament to what   can be achieved with determination vision  and passion next time Paul and Margaret   head to the Isle of sale for a quiet life  it's like being on holiday but we don't   ever have to go back but renovating this  10 church isn't what they expected if you   knew all the problems beforehand you  probably wouldn't take it on [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: architect george clarke, architect guidance, building by the sea, country living, countryside living, diy home, dream beach house, family home projects, george clarke, glass-fronted house, home improvement series, home makeover, home renovation, house restoration, interior design, property conversion, property development, real estate, rural life, rural renovation
Id: _4FQXKa10Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 29sec (2729 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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