Lumion 6 - In depth Mass Move Tutorial - Part 1

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in this tutorial i will be going over lumion 6's mass move added functionality and taking it to the next level with some advanced tutorials bringing the most out of this incredible tool and sharing my experience pushing this tool to its limits so let's go ahead and get started here we are at the lumion 6 opening scene this is where we're going to start out let's just go ahead and open up this plane scene right here that way we can start with a nice blank canvas and be able to play around with the new mass move let's just go ahead and populate the scene with a couple cars so let's just go ahead and place some cars in a row here let's just create a quick scene we don't need to add any more than one keyframe let's just set the time up to 10 around 10 seconds now we have a scene to watch the cars obviously there's no movement it's perfect for what we're watching so let's go ahead and grab the mass move tool right here click on the pencil to edit and this is where we create our paths so in this case it's best to start right in the center so right in the center we can divide it up and as you can see when we hit play they'll start moving and the speeds at the bottom pretty basic but we can also hear toggle direction and that's the reason that i uh that i place them that way that we have control over changing that so as you can see we can start creating some traffic and now with the mass move and lumion 6 we can keep adding to these paths add little nodes and and some curves this was something completely unattainable before and so let's just create a little path here and we can grab each one of these nodes and just go ahead and bring the smoothness up as long as we're not getting too much red which might happen if the points are too close because we see a little bit of red right there but that's fine so let's go ahead and start it off and there they go we're changing the speed and they follow it nice and smoothly and it almost appeared to keep going because the uh path is so close the end is so close to the beginning right how it says and then here we can change the direction and we're starting to see right here the real power that we have with this new tool it's not just a straight line it's not just back and forth now we can create actual paths and do quite a lot more complicated things [Music] you
Channel: Lumion
Views: 77,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lumion, Mass Move, effect, Tutorial, advanced, architecture, software, Mass Movement, architectural visualization, architectural rendering, landscape architecture, landscape design, urban planning, building design, sketchup, revit, archicad, 3d, 3d rendering, 3d software
Id: ygX9QMx3id8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 10sec (190 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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