Lumion 2023 - Realistic Exterior Render Tutorial [Full Guide]

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hello everyone it's me Daniel in this video I give you a full gu on how to create a realistic exterior render with lumium 20203 I will go through all the steps and and I explain everything to create these [Music] renders so before we start there are a few steps that I want to talk about the first step is the model is there a model or do we need to create one I got this model from the 3D warehouse and changed some things the original model is from LS the link will be in the description to his model the second step is what scene do I want to create or does the client want so for this one I want to render between the seasons spring and summer and the last step is three the camera angles so before we make a render let's first put down some points where I or the client wants to have the renders so for for example in this scene we have a house and a Roose so the obvious points for creating a render will be in the front and maybe one slightly to the corner those are the ones that I want to create so that means that we don't have to put all the detail in the backyard because there won't be any renders to see the all those details most clients like to have multiple renders of the project and thanks to lumian it's really easy to create multiple renders from different angles so now let's get our model and make sure everything is textured before we imported into lumium otherwise we could have objects with the default material that are not supposed to have the same material so without the whole part of the modeling we're going straight into lumian let's talk about the steps that we are going to do in this gu so to start we go to create new into lumian and let's create a plain environment after the project is created make sure to select the imported models and let's go with place then there will be a UI about the imported models and let's import a new model we can import the model as a SketchUp file because we don't need to export the file as a Col file anymore we can just straight up import it as a SketchUp file so let's do this you can change the name we can have here a new folder or a folder that's already existing I put it in my projects folder and we don't need to import the edges and we also don't need to force uh double-sided faces so let's press okay and let's import the model now let's place our model into the world I mostly always set it on the zero and I put everything on zero and then because the AIS of the project is a little bit higher in the world map we're going to extend it so everything will be visible for the next step it will be the camera positions I like to place the camera positions on the angles where the client or I want to create the runers of course uh this is essential because when we put together our scene we can always go back to the cameras and see how the scene is going to look and we can see if it looks good or are even objects in frame or not let's go to the right down corner and let's press the photo option let's press the right Mouse button on the camera on the frame uh let's create one camera over here make sure to press the I at level because this is what we want to have I like to split the focal length to 25 and because the frame is a little bit low I put it over here and make sure to put it in the middle for example over here then I go here and store the camera let's go to the next one we have the same frame right Mouse button and I go to the left and create one over here as well for the cameras to see if it's correctly I also go to the add effect and I'm only going to add the twoo perspective because as you can see now there is a slightly Edge over here so now I know that I can move the camera over here a little bit and maybe even a little bit more so for example over here and replace the camera let's look at this one as well let's add the two-point perspective and this one looks perfect so that's for the cameras now we can always go back to the renders and see the changes that we made and if it looks good The Next Step are materials materials are crucial and really important and I also talked a lot about them in my videos and I made multiple videos about them how to get them and how to import them into luminum for this step I want to add some stucco wood and metal to the building I use the highest quality I can find in the lumian library for each and every one of them if there are no materials in the lumian library that fits the scene or is it qualified or does the client doesn't want them you can always go to the Internet and try to find one there for example let's go to let's go to the website and let's select the free tag over here on the top let's scroll down until we find this random match white oak wood fer texture now we can sign up or log in to get this material for free after we have logged in we go back to the free and select the texture again for the texture for the resolution we can go with four or 8K I would like to have 4K the workflow will become the the metalness and the selected Maps we can here select the maps that we need we don't need the Ence ollusion uh we don't need a displacement 18 bits we only need these five Maps so we need the color the normal the metal roughness and displacement if we have selected those we can press download let's put the zip file on a place where we can find it easily so for my will be be the desktop so back in little Ian we select the material that we want to import so for example I want this wood to have the downloaded wood we just cut from polygon that case I want to have new now we want the standard let's go to the settings and now we can import our Maps so for the first one I want to have the the diffuse or the color so now let's go to our desktop you can unzip the file that we just downloaded otherwise it won't work so it's just press and then and zip and now we're going to select the color map so let's open this one and we're going to do this for all uh we're going to import it like this for every and each one of them the next one will be the real so that's going to be the normal map going to need the roughness map the roughness map over here we got the metalness map metalness can also use to be the reflection map and then we need to displacement after that we have imported all the elements then I would like to have roughness and really have and the reflectivity all to 100% And then we can have some little bit of displacement I set it to 50 and now we have imported our wood texture but as you can see the texture isn't really aligned so for that we can go to the T UV coordinates and as you can see it's not available and the reason why it's not available is because we have set the map scale to imported so the map scale will stay the same but luckily uh polygon has set in the website that the file is 2.5 M or 8 ft and 2 in so if we go to back into lumian we go we can just add here 1.5 M and then the scale will be the same and now as you can see the UV coordinates are now not grayed out and we can change the settings over here this correctly yes that's for the wood let's save the changes and now we have our wood imported into our project here is a little tip about the material and the maps if there are textures that don't have a roughness map if you find online a material without a roughness map but only with an specular map you can still import it into the map roughness but if you press on the menu you can inverse the m so when you inverse the map it will actually act like a roughness map instead of a specular map because roughness in specular are the Opposites of each other now for the rest of the materials I want to add some stucco to the walls and change color a little bit let's do that also for the sto on top but change that color to a dark blue let's add some default glass to the windows let's also add a metal material for the window frames I take a dark metal for the window frames and I take a lighter one for underneath let's add some grass let's go to the landscape and go with some 3D grass I want to have some clean cut grass but you can always change the settings with the settings with all these sliders for example the size the length how much it this been cut and the curliness also you can have the map skill to have a little bit more variation of height in the grass for the curves I take a concrete material from the library lumium with a tiling I use this one then I go to the settings and I'm going to transform the orientation of the UV Mage like so and the reason I do this is for exactly as you can see is that now it looks like every curb has a separate is a separate Stone just like in real life now I can change the orientation a little bit more so it aligns better with the rest of the street and let's select a normal concrete polished for the driveway let's add some tiles for the [Music] walkway let's add some boots over [Music] here like this now you can add all the material that you want from the lumian library to your project make sure you use the high quality ones with at least 2K or more in resolution the high quality materials can be found in the library if you hover over a material and there will be a third party uh logo on top of them also if you go on top of them in the name there will be the size of the resolution for example for this wooden planks this is a 3K texture also I'm not going to bother you all with the whole texturing of the model so here is the end result with all the materials in place now we can increase the quality of the materials even more by adding some softness to the corners this adds more realis to the materials because in the world there are no objects with a perfect 90° angle if you select a material for example here concrete we can go in the settings menu and go all the way to the gear here and the settings at the top there will be the option soften edges if we zoom in we can increase the slider and you will see that there is Small Change happening at the corner it's going to bend some light so it looks like the model has soften Corners this is a perfect tool of course because you don't have to model all the soft edges in your model as well you can just use the slider on the material and lumian will do to work for you let's do this also for the walls the window frames and the woods Limon also has an extra option to add more details to the materials called weathering you can find this option if you select the material go to the settings go to show more and then the third one will be the weathering option here we have weathering strength weather and the weathering type tip don't overuse this effect it adds imperfections to the materials and it makes it look more damaged and it can make it look too much damaged if you put the uh weathering strength to the ma so just add a little bit to increase the detail of certain materials to not overuse it I would suggest to put the strength not higher than 30 depending on your project or the weathering effects that you need to create we can also use a weathering type depending on the material that you are using you can select stone wood Leather silver aluminum gold iron copper and plastic for the concrete I would suggest to keep it Stone you will see that there is a difference between Stone weathering type and for example the wood weathering type for all the stone types like plaster or concrete I chose the stone option because that's one is the closest that you can get the depending on the materials that you can choose now let's add a little red ring to some materials for example the stucco the wood make sure to select the wood type and all the road [Music] materials so that's for the materials now we know how to import custom materials change the U and the texture maps and also how to change the softness and the we ing effect in the future there will be a video about how to create realistic materials with all the options and settings there are and that aluminum has to offer but not in this video because otherwise it will take too [Music] long so for the next step it will be the Foliage for the foliage I always have two rules that I use for every render the first one is depending on where the project is located I us make a pet of the poage that I'm going to use in the render that way I don't have to go back to the library and I can just copy and paste the elements of the poage from the pet that I created with this render I take broad trees and plants that you will see in a forest or in a grassland the second rule is the placement of the poage I make sure to put the big trees in the back I put the smaller trees in the middle and I put the bushes and plants in the froth that way I have layers of green that complements the building and don't cover up the building also for the placement make sure to look at the different cameras and the angles that you have so you can see if there are plants or trees don't cover up the building too much the last thing I want to talk about is the difference between the fine detail and the normal foliage only use the fine detail foliage close to the camera because this gives the most detail and looks also the most realistic in your render don't put big fine detail trees all all the way back into the render because it will lose its detail and it also makes your project really heavy those are the rules that I use to make goodlooking and realistic renders also don't forget have a little bit of fun experiment with some different types of foliage and also make sure it looks correct and it complements the [Music] building for the next step let's add some seene objects could be exterior objects like lamp poost or cars but it can also be interior objects like curtains or extra Furniture there is already some furniture in this modle but we can also add some more details now go back into liian and let's add some interior elements for example like books maybe some furniture over here in this [Music] bathroom maybe a picture on the [Music] wall and let's do that over over here as well that's for the interior don't add too much interior elements because we are focusing now on the exterior render and not the interior now let's add a [Music] car and some lamp posts I don't want to add too much detail because too much elements can make the render complex and in that case it will make the render look [Music] unrealistic the next step is to add some people or animals to your liking this adds more detail and it makes the r come to life I personally don't like a cluster of birds so I normally add one or two birds just to my renders so for the people and animals we go to the option people and animals in the Content Library where you want to place people and then we can select between a lot of different options we have I would suggest to go to the people 3D static because these have the highest quality let's go with this one let's put them over here in the bedroom facing this way now let's go to the render and see how it looks perfect now for the animals I usually add some birds to my scene to fill up the sky I go to place and I go to birds I normally take the pigeon place it on top of the roof and then I manually put it higher or lower and I can rotate the pigeon as well to make sure it fits in the scam let's go to the photo to see where the pigeon is located as you can see the pigeon is in the right top corner and it feels a little bit but I will prefer to have it over here in the left corner so we can rotate the pigeon a little bit more and there he is in in the left upper corner perfect that's it for the people and animals it's not that complicated and you can just look in the Content Library what you prefer if you want to have static people or if you are creating an animation you would of course animated people uh the static people 3D people are the highest quality you could also of course in post production add the people later on for the next step I'd like to add some decals decals are essential because decals add imperfections to your render and those imperfections really boost the realism of your render so for example let's add a decal to the concrete slabs we can do that by going to the effects tab inside the contest Creator and let's go to play face and then let's go to decals here lumian provides us with some decals that we can use I'm going to the third T and I'm going to add going to the plaster one I'll go with plaster first one of the plaster P let's select it and we can change the color because now it's a little bit too prominent i' like to add a little bit of a gray color to it now I like to make it a little bit more transparent so it's more subtle a opaque DEC is more prominent into the render it draws more attention to it while a more transparent decal actually is adds subtle details to the render it's up to you what you do you can make more prominent decals with more effects like exposed bricks or you can add subtle details like for example we are doing to the concrete I like to make the deal a little bit bigger like so you can also add a little bit more of rotation so we can change the heading for example like this and now we have add a subtle subtle detail to the concrete let's also do this put a stle on some places on the wall let's go over to the wall let's again to go to place and let's go with a different type of Blaser for example this one let's add it over here and let's make some changes again for the color I keep it white and for the transparency I make it more transparent and now for the scale we can scale it up and now we have add a little bit more of variation it's really subtle it's really subtle for the for the walls we can make it even a little bit more transparent so it's not so prominent and now we have add a little bit more of detail to the walls and you can of course do this everywhere we could also do this on the entire on the entire roof and we can also do it over here at the balcony but that's up to you you can as much de calls as you like they are not very heavy for the project and they will add a lot more to the project itself and the render and the outcome eventually but be careful don't overuse it and make sure it adds more realism and it has a value otherwise it's just you're putting too much time in them and they can take a lot of time to get a lot of decals into your project so Choose Wisely I have added some more decals to the stucco to the concrete and also around some [Music] windows and finally we are here on one of our last steps that we are going to talk about and that's going to be the render settings so let's go back into lumian and now let's go back to the photo option and let's go to our first render from here we are going to add some effects you could of course if you are not very good at the render settings you can just go to the custom styles of course select one of the pre-made from lumian for example the realistic one I mean it looks good but it can be so much better so let's go back so let's go to the custom Styles and let's add them manually I first want to create the one with without rate racing so for the effects that we are going to need is the first one will be the real skies I want to select the day scene where the sun is not too high let's rotate a little bit until we have the Sun hitting the building but not too much we're not going to change this yet we first want to add our effects let's add also the shadow let's also add the Skylight let's add the reflection let's add the hyperlight and let's also add the color correction these are the main points for creating a render and setting up the weather and the feeling of the render itself let's first go to the Skylight the brightness is one and the saturation is one the brightness will increase of course the brightness of the sky I like to put set this to two and this to 1.1 and this to 1.2 and we also want to turn these two on we set the Skylight Rend the quality to ultra for the best results then we go to Shadows the shadow range isn't really important we just want to look at the coloring and the brightness the brightness is now fully extended and that's something we don't want because that makes our seem too bright let's spit it about at 50 the coloring of the Shadow will actually make the Shadows look more blue if we increase the coloring you get really blue shadows and if you remove the coloring you will see that the Shadows are now more natural we want to have about between 20 to 30 coloring the interior and the exterior option the interior is going to add more Shadow and it's actually going to make the scene a little bit more darker and if you go to exterior as you can see it makes it more lighter if you make a picture from the outside from an exterior the interior will almost always be pitch black so we will put it on the interior and make the Shadows darker same goes for the brightness let's put it a little bit lower so the interior is much darker also put the soft Shadows on but also the fine detail Shadows because the fine detail shadows will actually create more complex Shadows inside the fine detail plants and also in the grass for now we keep the Shadows like this let's go to the reflection the reflection is really important I would like to have the Speed Ray on and I also want to see the preview because I want to see the reflections so for the reflections work with planes and as it says you have to put some planes down to elevate the reflections over for example glass how more you use the more complex the project will become and the more heavy the project become so make sure not to overuse this for example in this vend we only see this class and as you can see it's actually putting all this on as well we need this glass behind the W this we can also change the plane margins so if we increase it you will see that it's going to select even more and more and now it has selected all the glass on this side now let's also do this for the door and now let's also do this for this little window over here select okay and now you'll probably be thinking there is not a lot of detail in the glass yet and that's true because we haven't put anything in front of the building so that means that the reflection it's going to show us is actually going to show us this plane field we're going to fix this in the next step then for the hyperlight hyperlight is going to elevate the amount of light there is in the Rend so the default value will always be 25% and I will keep it on 25% because that's almost the amount that you probably been needing then we can go to color correction and this is where it gets interesting it's like the post production that you can do inside Lian already so for example we can increase the temperature and we can change the tint I don't like to change the tint we can change the exposure but on this little button it says Auto exposure so that means that lumian is going to Auto expose or render we can close it and then we can manually add exposure to it and I prefer that way because now I have more control on how much light actually I want to uh have in my render that's select preview to see how it looks if I look right now over here I have the feeling that this wall is really white so that means that the highlights of this render needs to be a little bit less so what we can do is we can increase the contrast to give it more contrast so it actually becomes lighter and the and the Shadows become darker but I can reduce the highlights we can increase the Shadows a little bit for and I like to have I like to have some color but to add a little bit more realism I always put the saturation a little bit lower about 50% because now the colors are not that bright there still are but it the scene looks now a little bit more also with the new lumian Option you can have Luts Luman has some default ones that you can select and these are actually just uh filters that you can put on top of your uh of your render I normally don't use them so I will we'll just keep it on default now we can add some more effects if you want to for example we can go to the uh we can go to the enhancements and I would like to have some Bloom and sharpness these are going to help to add a little bit more flare to the render for sharpening I want really low 0 or .1 and not higher and for the blue effect I also want to lower it but just adding a little bit a little bit of Bloom to enhance the sun that's hitting the camera so from here we could export the render and then see how it looks and make some little changes I'm not going to talk about post production in this video because I want to keep this as a Luman guard and not an entire workflow guy for that you can watch my other videos on time lapses or other videos where I have worked on with post production and there will be coming a video about post production and how I use it for my renders this is the render that we just created there are a few things that I don't like about this render right now making renders is actually a process I want to give this a little bit more insight because you have to render your project look if it looks great and then you can go back and change some things just where I talked about so let's do this right now let's try to fix the problems that we like this is also the last step I want to talk about those are the adjustments the adjustments are always there and they will always be there in the workflow because because you have to make some little changes eventually after you you have set up the entire project so let's do that right now and let's start we're filling up the Horizon in the reflections so back into lumian we go to the build options in the right lower corner and we are going to put some trees and bushes in front of the on the other side of the road so let's for example put the line option over here and let's put the tree in here let's put another Tree in here as well let's maybe put the amount of entities lower as you can see you can still see true so that means that we are will be needing some plants and let's go with this one let's add this one as well let's it and now we can manually of course uh change some placements of these pushes but let's put the pushes there a bit to the front and let's see how that now looks inside our render as you can see it has some Reflections right now over here in the windows here and here let's move this person down into the dining area and also let's make him not too prominent over here and let's put him behind the table over here also let's go to the top let's select the birds and let's remove them and this looks better in my opinion I also don't like the car so for the car I'm going to select the car and I'm going to rotate it first go I removed the Met paint of the metallic paint a little bit it was 50 and now it's going to be 15 and let's rotate the car facing the road let's also change the color of the car to a gray or a white color those are the changes that I wanted to make let's go back into the photo option let's go over here with the insert density even a little bit lower let's have the bloom effect maybe a little bit higher the brightness will be a little bit lower just one but we will we're going to keep the saturation and let's go over here and let's add the aut colors I want to have this to all the layers and we're going to press the green one but for the saturation because this is really green we want to lower the saturation and if we change this as you can see it has a adds a little bit of variation to all the plants let's also rotate the Skylight a little bit Sun intensity will maybe be a little bit lower I think we are going to keep the render like this and and now let's just go and Export this picture so after all the adjustments that we made and we are finally happy with how the render looks we can copy the effects Styles and paste it in all the other camera angles that we have created because we just have to use one then we can just copy and paste them for the other cameras over here we select the photo one go over here to the menu and we can say copy effect list list after that we go to the other priew of do the other render that we have over here and then we can here for say based effect list now the exactly list of the effects is now applied to this one and now you can see that the effects is almost the same and we can press the rendom button to see how this one looks as well so after we have exported everything to the fully we can finally uh see how it looks and as you can see here is the final result so that's it for this lumian exterior guard that I wanted to make hopefully you guys learned something new and it was helpful for some of you guys if you enjoyed the video leave a like uh comment and consider subscribing it's a new type of video that I create with my face of course all as well and a lot of explanation for now I hopefully see you guys in the next video [Music] bye
Channel: Nijland Visuals
Views: 1,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutoriales de arquitectura, architecture tutorials, architecture videos, show it better, photoshop for architects, Lumion 2023, Lumion, Lumion 12, Full guide, Guide, Architecture, Interior, Design
Id: VuZX41dV0fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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