Lumber Prices starting their crash ( Futures ) and visit to Home Depot ( Inflation is over? )

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hey everybody economic ninja here hey we are at on location at you guess it the home depot and we're going to be talking about lumber prices and how so far my prediction of lumber prices are going to collapse in price mid-summer is holding true it's already starting to begin and without further ado let's do this hey everybody thank you welcome back so we uh have been following the lumber uh price crisis for about the last 35 to 40 days and if you look at my uh videos previous uh attempts i've been talking about and when i say attempts i mean it trying to ease people's minds saying that lumber prices are definitely going to be coming back down and that is uh because of a myriad of reasons one of which is that we're gonna see soaring inflation in other aspects like gasoline diesel and food all right and i think that by mid-summer definitely by end of summer we're gonna start seeing uh people waking up to the fact that there's a lot more going on than just a bunch of people trying to build sheds and fences all right now with that being said i have an article from the hedge i'm going to be linking it below but i want to cite just a couple quick things from it said lumber futures on the chicago mercantile exchange fell 3.1 percent to 1284 foot uh 1284 dollars per thousand board feet you say ninja that's three percent we don't care about that okay hold on so for the last 18 trading sessions lumber prices have come under pressure amid signs that an unprecedented rally may be waning all right here's another one uh western spruce pine fur prices decreased 130 or 8.1 percent compared to last week's um uh prices now a lot of people i've been reading in the comments section say things like nope you're wrong prices are never coming down this is how much they are well you got to be stopped being an idiot because the facts are the facts what we just saw was an unprecedented climb and a lot of people would say yeah but you know price is just going back to normal ninja is not a collapse yes it is it is a collapse because a lot of people bought futures in lumber at these high astronomical prices because of panic there's a lot of people waking up and a lot of you have started jumping on this channel because you're looking for answers well the fact is you're not alone right now the term search term inflation is blowing up all over google and it hasn't been just happening for the last couple of days people are waking up to the facts that things are exploding in price because we are spending so much we're printing straight up so much fake money money that's not backed by anything we're putting it into the people's hands and they're going out and buying things so we have too many dollars chasing too few goods that goes for lumber that goes for real estate it goes for every aspect of our life everything is going up and it's going to get worse i hate to tell that to people because they go hey you're doom and gloom i'm only telling you the facts the fact is we have printed in the last year so much money i believe now we're equaling well over half of all of the money ever created since the us dollar has been in existence was created in the last uh less than a year okay so this is very very real now i'm gonna put up um uh the article but before i do that i wanna go inside and we're gonna show you what's happening inside our local home depot and show you the prices and remember guys this is california prices so it's like gasoline don't go into sticker shock here we go guys let's see all right so we're sitting at 825 for 2x4 96 inches and then for the 2x4 eight foot sitting at 8.25 but everything's pretty much stocked up everything's stocked up holy cow sweet everything full to the brim it's good news prices are going to be coming down soon all right plywood plywood's looking pretty stocked we're all the way to the top so get you guys a couple prices right now so here we go 23 32 4x8 osb is 86 that's still pretty darn high and then we've got 1932 osb 77 so it's still pretty high but i still believe that we're going to be seeing prices coming down pretty darn good pretty soon remember guys this is california prices so don't worry guys it's good news on the horizon all right guys so we're back so they kicked me out or at least they were looking at me a little weird while i'm walking through the store with a camera but i want to leave you with one more uh quote here and this is from joshua zarat from blue he's a bloomberg analyst record softwood lumber prices amid an acute supply shortage appear unsustainable and may correct sharply from a level that's quadruple the 10-year average listen analyst professionals they all understand what's going on that this is a hysteria this is a spike they are going to come down in prices but what i want to make sure that you guys are left with watching this video and thank you so much to everybody that's been giving the thumbs up sharing these videos all over especially facebook because quite frankly the people on facebook come on we we need to help them out and that is this this isn't the end of the story inflation is going to get worse but it's going to get worse in in aspects like food and fuel that are really going to hit people's pocketbooks we're not going to be caring about the price of lumber here pretty shortly because of the serious amount of money that is hitting our shores right now not only from the federal reserve printing more money but the fact is all of these countries that have been holding dollars forever are getting rid of their dollar reserves they want to be out of the dollar like russia their some of their hedge funds just announced china is pushing money back into our country because they want to get away from the dollar and it's low interest rate policy so with that being said make sure you're stocked up on essentials for the next year there's nothing wrong with that i'm not a financial advisor i'm just a logical person there's nothing wrong with having you're using plastic razors why not buy your supply hey if you're using toothpaste why not buy use your supply you're gonna use it anyway but at least you've locked in your prices today okay guys i'll be back and definitely talking more about lumber especially as we start to see these prices really dramatically collapse coming into mid some summer and later all right guys that being said thank you so much for watching the economic ninja is out
Channel: The Economic Ninja
Views: 190,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: housing market crash, housing crash 2021, housing crash in 2021, bitcoin, xrp, theta coin, theta token, home prices, real estate investing, invest, mortgage, rates, real estate, housing bubble, housing market 2021, eviction crisis, mortgage crisis, housing market 2021 forecast, lumber, lumber prices, lumber prices 2021, deflation, lumber co, building a deck, remodeling, mortgage forbearance, money, home depot, wood prices, economic ninja, the economic ninja, inflation, stagflation
Id: aDcu7Z3L7zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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