Luke 21

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hello everybody it's danny back from deep south homestead guys i want to take this opportunity once again i want to thank all of you uh the last video i've done on matthew 24 and 25 was just i was my heart was moved by how many people that said they wanted me to continue doing uh this type of uh teaching and um i i was i was amazed i'm not gonna lie to you so i thought that i would continue on uh and do a little bit more tonight and it's late at night i've been working all day and i'm i'm kind of tired so uh you'll have to forgive me uh i'm not dressed the best or anything like that i'm just uh just it's just late and i'm fixing to get ready in a little while you know to get cleaned up to go to bed and everything but i was looking over matthew 24 of the the video and i was just i was moved i was moved and there's been a passage that the lord laid on my heart it's actually a sister passage to that particular passage um taken from the book of luke and i wanted to be able to to maybe look into that a little bit tonight and guys i want you i want you to understand some things about me first i was raised in a baptist church my whole life uh i was trying i was taught pre-tribulation rapture all this type of stuff and i remained in that religion until i was in my mid-40s uh i was a minister for many years i'll go and tell you all that and i've been to baptist church and i used to always preach about there coming a time in america where you could not teach sound doctrine and that you would not be allowed to use the bible in the church well guys that happened to me uh the church that i was in i was teaching a sunday school class had lots of people enjoying my class i mean it was the class was growing just exponentially and the church approached me and told me that i had to quit using the bible and i had to start using the literature that that organization printed from my sunday school class and i told them i said i i will not i said i'm i'm teaching directly from the bible and they're like but yeah you have to understand that our uh administration uses this literature for sunday school classes and stuff i said so you're telling me that i have to use that over the bible and they said well yes basically that's what we're telling you i said no and i said no i won't do it and i said and i just i quit i left the church and i never went back to the baptist church again uh because to me at that point everything was defiled and from that point on i got really uh i really just didn't know what to do and i began to start studying on my own and i said you know my savior was from uh was from israel he was a hebrew and i wanted to know as much about him as i could so i went back and started studying the middle eastern culture during that time period not now but during that time period the laws everything that went on during that time period i studied hebrew tried to learn as much of the language as i could what it meant what certain things in the bible meant i have uh you know jewish bibles i probably have 25 different bibles here of different types and and man did my life change i even became messianic for many years because of the ability to have rabbis at my disposal so that i could learn straight from the rabbinical teachings from that particular period in history and it opened my eyes to many things now i take a lot of criticism on youtube about the way i believe when i do these type teachings oh brother danny you know this is you should you know this is this and this is it and i respectfully i i will not argue with anybody uh over anything in the bible other than there's only one way to heaven and i'll argue with you on that one but all the other things in the bible i'm not going to argue over because the bible is so symbolic and it uses so many so much symbolism and stuff that um it's i don't think any of us actually know the actual teaching because as we mature in the word and we have a greater capacity in the word the spirit reveals to us more and more along i mean things that i used to believe years ago i no longer believe them at all because the spirit now that i'm open-minded and and know something about that particular culture i'm able to grasp it in the spirit's able to give me things and and for me to under have a greater understanding of what the word is and so with that being said i just want to give you a little bit of background about me because most people don't know those things about me now in luke chapter 21 is where i want to pick up at and i want to start looking at some things in luke 21 and luke 21 is interesting how it starts off it's really interesting uh what you have here going to kind of set the scene a little bit is you have christ and the disciples they're they're sitting around and they're when they're watching what's going on at the temple and christ makes a comment to the disciples it says in verse in chapter 21 it starts off it says and he looked up and saw a rich man put gifts into the plate or the treasury and when he saw that it says and he saw a certain poor widow putting in two lights so he said truly i say unto you that this poor widow has put in more than all of those that put in for all of those gave out the abundance that they have offerings of god but she out of her poverty put in all her livelihood that she had and what he's telling the disciples here is those people is dropping and you have to understand this let me reset the setting at the temple at the temple there they had uh they had a box and are you for i don't know if you're familiar with the what a a tuba the end of a musical instrument like a tuba looks or um the old uh megaphone type uh record players had the big old horn coming off of them well during that time and period they had that so that people when they threw their money in you could hear it as it went down through there and you could tell who was putting in a lot of money and it drew attention to those who put in lots of money into things and and christ and his is the rich people come along and throw down all the money in there you know people are looking and they were like oh and adam and then this little widow lady come along and she just reached up and dropped two mites and of course didn't make any noise at all probably just fell right through it and and christ told his disciples he said that lady put in more than all of those did because she put in out of the abundance of all she had in other words there's a meaning behind that some people give to be seen and when you give to be seen you've received your glory here upon the earth because what glory you get from man is all you're gonna get you're not getting any from god but that widow who quietly put hers in didn't make any noise she did it because out of the goodness of her her heart getting all she had to give she didn't have any more to give that was it she gave believing that the lord would multiply it and she would have more in the future she gave out of faith the other people didn't give out of faith they just gave out of abundance of what they had he was trying to teach a lesson to the disciples there and it's funny that he would use this particular passage here to begin to explain what's fixing to start happening to to the disciples and then it says and then as some of the some of them spoke about the temple and how it was adorned with all the beautiful stones and and the donations then christ began to speak because everybody was looking at the temple it was so magnificent they were like wow look at this the stones and and all the stuff in here and they were given lots of money much like today in the mega churches people look at these mega churches which is spoken of in the book of revelations by the way with a um the church of the end of town the church of laodicea now they were looking at these mega churches and they're today and and they're putting in tons of money to keep these big mega churches going and god's not interested in that guys i'm going to tell you he is not interested in that today what does he tell about what does he say in the book of revelation about the church of laodicea you're lukewarm i would that you were hot or that you were cold that because you're lukewarm i'll spew you out of my mouth i mean i want you to think about something why he said that you can drink a cold glass of water doesn't bother you a bit in the world you drink iced tea you drink ice on cokes and different things like that or you can drink a hot cup of coffee and enjoy it but take something lukewarm and try to drink it and make you sick at your stomach and you'll throw it up because your body is not adapted to lukewarm and that's what the lord said because you're lukewarm i'll spew you out of my mouth that's the basic teaching behind that i mean there's nothing nothing scholarly about that that's just a simple biblical teaching there and as he spoke to him the disciples said he kind of astonished this type of disciples there for a moment i mean they were like dumbfounded for just a moment then christ said these things which you see the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall be thrown down in other words we know that happened in 70 a.d when the romans came in destroyed the temple and they just ripped all the gold off of it and they just turned every stone literally let me say something about that too this is why the wailing wall in jerusalem cannot be where the temple was at because of this one verse right here christ said not one stone will be left upon another one and if you look at that whaling wall where all these people are wailing at they think that this is the where the temple was it is not all these stones are still stacked up and everything if that had been true what it says in the scripture every stone would be left unturned there would be none of them left standing now we all know that the temple was not there the temple is not on the mount where we think that it's at the actual temple is in the old city of david is where it's at it's just outside the old city of david there i've seen maps of it i mean i've looked at documentaries on it i've read scriptures on it that's where the actual temple is and it's going to be revealed here in the near future i believe and people keep wondering well the muslims all or you know have the temple of the mountain the jews that have part of it the muslims have part of it how can the third temple ever be built there and all this kind of stuff and guys that's not where it's gonna go okay that's not where it was let's just put it that way and a lot of people argue with me about there's no such thing as a third temple and all that well guys the third temple's already been built it's prefabbed it's laying there waiting i've actually seen documentaries of it pictures of it the ulcer has been made it's already been dedicated all the the golden tools for the altar has all been made the robes have all been made they've actually done uh already done mark runs on the sacrifices and stuff to make sure they have everything down pat to know what to do and how to do it they're just waiting for the opportunity to put that third temple up now whether it's ever going to come to fruition or not i don't know but it is laying there waiting it's a prefab unit now so now we're going to see here in a particular passage where the disciples they say so they ask him saying teacher but when shall these things be and what shall be what shall what will the sign be when these things are about to take place nor is it the disciples asking a legitimate question here lord when are these things going to happen you're talking about when they go tear the temple down and then that's when christ begins to answer them now he didn't ever look at him and say it's going to be in 70 a.d but he told them some other things here that's going to go along the tearing down the temple was just what he what he's trying to trying to tell him is the law is about to be broken here there's not going to be anywhere to offer a sacrifice anymore i'm going to become the sacrifice and your body is going to become the place where the holy spirit will reside from this point forward until that new temple comes and the holy spirit's never really going to reside in the new temple guys anyway let's just get that behind us this is the temple he's talking about at this point in time take heed that you be not deceived for many will come in my name saying i am he and the time has drawn near therefore do not go after them now this is not the antichrist that he's talking about here this is different organizations different groups of people coming forth claiming to be christ-like um different religions claiming to be christ-like drawing people into false religions and all this kind of stuff is basically what he's talking about here he's saying just be careful don't let these people deceive you now they gonna come saying they're coming in my name but really they're not that's basically what he's teaching them there but you will hear let's just say you will hear of wars and and commotions but don't be terrified for these things must come to pass first and don't you listen to the next passive part of this passage here but the end will not come immediately see people think when all this stuff starts happening well it's the end no it's not going to end at that point uh i did a uh i did a video and um i talked about this people think that the tribulation period this is actually i think this is on porch time where i actually talk about this people think that um not not the tribulation period but the matthew 24 people think matthew 24 is something that's just going to happen all of a sudden or luke 21 is something just gonna happen all of a sudden it's gonna happen immediately no these particular passages that i'm reading here began to happen over a hundred years ago think about that for a moment that's the reason he says the end will not come immediately it's not what happened to me this has been happening for years guys this has been going back since the the beginning of the 19th century and possibly a little bit earlier than that the wars the rumors of wars do you realize in the 19th century was the first time in american history and i talked about this on porch time the first time in american history or the history of the world that there's been world wars used to it was just nation against nation or kingdom against kingdom but only in the 19th century was it a world wars actually two of them took place during that time then he said to them nation will rise against nation and kingdom will rise against kingdom guys this kind of stuff's been going on for quite a while this is not something that's just going to immediately happen it's not going to just spring out and happen all of a sudden and there will be great earthquakes in various places and famines and pestilences and there will be fearful sights and don't you start paying attention to what we're reading right here now and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven guys we're about to enter a time in history now this is not new this has happened before but it's been thousands of years since it happened we're going to see signs in the heavens and wonders and great things are going to happen in the heavens there is a binary system coming through our solar system here and we're going to see all these things happen and it's going to be in here pretty soon i'm not going to give you a specific date because if i do a lot of you is going to jump off and go ballistic on me so i'm going to just say pretty soon this is just part of god's plan it's being hidden and i talked about this last time it's being hidden from us by the use of holograms holograms are casting these images into outer space out there in front of these uh these binary systems and they look like a star sitting there twinkling it's really not even a star it's a it's a hologram we've become masters at using holograms i sat and watched a hologram here a while back of a horse running down a street and he wasn't even really there and people were freaking out they saw this horse running by and they really he wasn't even really there i mean that's how realistic it is i watched a video of elvis presley on stage with someone standing there singing by and he'd been gone for years and years and years but that hologram looked just like he was standing right next to him they've got this thing down and they've got it mastered and the the powers to be are going to allow these things to be seen in the heavens and people are going to stand and they're going to aw at them and they're going to wonder at them as they see these things taking place but before all these things they will lay their hands on you and they will persecute you delivering you up don't you listen to where they gonna deliver you up to now this is the key part right here they're gonna be delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons and you'll be brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake you're gonna be brought before them in what places of worship synagogues you're gonna be brought before people and priests and people in high places in synagogues and in prisons in different places like this he said and it's going to be because you profess the name of christ in other words your belief is going to get you in trouble and you're going to be brought before people of authority because of your beliefs you're going to be an outcast might you say rather than being someone that's looked up to you know youtube ministers were looked people that were looked up to but that is no longer going to be the case you will be thrown into prison for your belief and what you stand for and guys that day is not far away but it will turn out for you as you have occasion for testimony therefore settling your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer how's the best way to put this how many of us have ever set when something was going to happen in our life and we sit and meditated on it and we like well if they say this i'm going to say that if they do this then i'm going to do that and we sit and do this and then all of a sudden when it actually happens none of it we don't use any of it because it doesn't go the way we plan and that's what christ is telling them right here go ahead and settle in your hearts what you're going to do and what you're going to say don't sit there and meditate beforehand and say i'll say this or i'll say that go ahead and settle in your hearts where you stand now if someone persecutes you don't wait to that moment to make your mind up what you're going to do or say because if you do you'll fall prey to them because you'll be in a weak moment go ahead and make your mind up now that's what he's telling the disciples here for i will give you a mouth and wisdom which all the adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist see christ says there's a scripture and a verb and there's a verse in scripture i i use this all the time this says the lord says i will teach you in that same hour what you need to say i used to claim that promise before i stood behind a pulpit every time i got up on that pulpit i said lord i don't want it to be about you about me i want you i claim that promise in scripture where you said you'll teach me in that same hour what you want me to say and holy spirit i give it all to you you say through me what you want me to say and guys it's been astonishing some of the things that's come out of my mouth that i didn't even know i was gonna say afterwards people would look at me and say brother do you know how profound you were and i would sit back and say look i need to go back and review the tape that was i didn't even know what i said i was in the spirit and that's what he's talking about here the lord says i'll give you a mouth and wisdom when that time comes don't you worry about it i'll put in your mouth what you need to say but make your mind up ahead of time how are you going to think about this you will be betrayed i want you to listen to what it says here now we're at that point we're at this point now you will be portrayed even by your parents and brothers and relatives and friends and they will even put some of you to death they'll even go as far as put some of you to death because you don't believe the way they believe right now since this right here has taken place in the world it has destroyed families it has destroyed friendships it has destroyed churches people have turned against everybody brothers against sisters mama's against children and daddies against children and brought siblings against each other i mean church members against church members all because they didn't do this right here and guys that's what he's talking about right there you're going to be betrayed at some point by everybody because you stood on the principles of the word and you'll be hated by all he says for my name's sake see when we take a stand for christ we're going to be hated used to when you took a stand for christ people was like hey brother amen you know now if you take a stand for christ people shun you you're classified as a non-compliant kind of person in other words you you're a hater because you stand on the principles of the word not on man's principle they feel like you're you're a hater and you'll be persecuted for that matter of fact in some countries it's already against the law and probably in america these laws passed right now they'll classify you as a hater if you say certain things in this particular book and that is very very sad but listen to what he says not a hair of your head will be lost so my friend don't worry don't let these things bother you christ says i have got you in the palm of my hand holding you there's not one hair on your head going to be lost that i don't know about now stop and think about that you ever brush your hair in the morning with your brush and you look at it and all the air is in it christ said i knew every one of those hairs i numbered every one of them there's not one of them lost that i don't know about that's how wise and knowing god is and that's how much he loves you by your patience possess your souls that is so deep and so profound right there by your patience possess your souls guys don't give way to anything possess your soul hang on to your soul don't let anything steal that from you hang on to it with everything that you have but when you see jerusalem surrounded by armies you know that its desolation is near guys right now the countries in that part of the world are beginning to organize themselves and it won't be long until they're going to completely have jerusalem surrounded they're going to begin to make alliances with one another and that when you see this happening he said no that jerusalem's desolation is near then let those who are in judea flee to the mountains let those who are in the midst of her not depart i'll let of her depart and let not those in the country enter into her in other words if you're out in the country don't go back into don't go back to jerusalem flee run get away it's about to be destroyed for these are the days of the vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled you see there there's particular passages in the scriptures it talks about the destruction of jerusalem it's literally going to be trodden under foot and we're going we're going to witness that guys and matter of fact the next few verses here you're going to see that but well to those who are pregnant and those who are nursing babies in those days for there will be great distress in the land and wrath among these people guys it's going to be hard i mean he told you in early part of these scriptures here there's going to be famines there's going to be pestilences there's gonna be wars there's gonna be people ravaging jerusalem armies are gonna be coming through and they're gonna take no mercy on anybody they're gonna be destroying this place and if you're nursing got babies or anything like that it says woe unto you it's gonna be a hard time now this is this is talking to the jews here don't get me wrong this is speaking to the jews for what the jews done to christ on calvary they've got to pay a penalty for that and this is a passage specifically speaking to them personally and they will fall on the edge of the sword and be led away captive unto all nations and jerusalem will be trampled now this is something i want y'all to pay attention to what we're fixing to read right here they will be trampled by gentiles until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled you see guys we're living in a time right now it's called the times of the gentiles the times of the gentiles began when christ was crucified at that time paul and peter went out to the gentiles and began to preach salvation to the gentiles because you see up until that point it wasn't for the gentiles if you remember scripture it says is to go to the jew first and then to the gentile but when the gen when the jews rejected the gift that god sent which was his son and they crucified him then the times of the gentiles or the church age began and it says right here that jerusalem will be trampled by gentiles until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled now what does it mean when it says the times of the gentiles are to be fulfilled in other words it's going to come to an end the times of the gentiles will come to an end and that it will come to an end when god's judgment upon his people the jews begins when that time begins when not the beginning of the tribulation but when the wrath of god which doesn't happen until the middle of the tribulation begins to happen the times of the gentiles will be fulfilled and from that point forward everything will be focused on the jews specifically for what they done by rejecting christ and crucifying him at calvary because you see at that point god turned his back on his own people and they have been strong all over the face of the earth and the bible says in the latter days they'll be drawn back to israel they will go back home to their homeland and you know why that is he's drawing them back to the homeland over there so he can punish them now i know this is hard teaching but he's going to bring them back where he can punish them and purify them because they rejected the gift that he sent which was his son and because they rejected the gift he then turned around and gave the gift which is his son to the gentile people which gave us the time in which we live which is called the church age or the times of the gentiles or the age of grace and that's a that's a tough one for some people to understand the age of grace we were not put under the law and i know a lot of you gonna jump up down and scream about that one but that's you're you have just as much a right to believe what you want to believe see i was messianic for years i understand the law better than most people and i also understand what apostle paul taught in ephesians all the book of ephesians all throughout galatians he talked about the law and how that christ fulfilled the law and i didn't say he done away with it i said he fulfilled it in other words the law plainly taught that you could not keep it that's the whole purpose of the law was to prove to you that you couldn't keep it you needed a savior that's why they had to offer sacrifices because they broke the law they had to cleanse themselves and when christ became the perfect sacrifice yes he had to keep the torah he had to keep it perfectly in order to be able to be the perfect sacrifice and when he became the perfect sacrifice he became our perpetuation he became the perpetuation for our sins he paid the penalty so that we didn't have to pay the penalty for breaking the law he paid that penalty for us that doesn't give us the right to go out and do wrong and breaking the commandments or anything like that we'll still be punished for that if we do but let's move forward and there will be signs in the sun in the moon and in the stars and on earth distress of nations with perplexity and the sea and the waves roaring now there's a lot covered in that verse right there and there will be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars guys there's fix to be things you're fixing to see it's gonna make you question everything you've ever been taught in the next several years you're gonna begin to see things happen in the stars and in the heavens and in the moon and in the sun especially this year you're gonna see a lot of things happen this year that's going to make you think wow what in the world is going on in outer space but don't worry it's all been prophesied that it's going to happen and it says in the earth with distress the earth is going to be in distress in other words the earth is going to shake it's going to tremble because of the things that's going to be coming near it's going to start pulling and twisting on it and all kind of stuff it's going to be pulled off of its axis it's going to all kinds of things is going to be happening and it's going to be in perplexity there will be distress of nations people in the nations are not going to know what to do because of all the things that's going to be coming upon the earth not man-made things but things that just are part of god's system from outer space it's going to be coming here it says the seas and the waves will begin to roar you ever stop to think about that have you ever stood on the seashore where giant waves come in i have and once those waves come in and the sound they make when they hit the water hits the land and they splash up in the air like 30 and 40 feet 100 feet up the air as those waves pound into the shoreline the lord said those kind of things you're going to begin to see the waves and the seas are going to begin to roar that's because things are going to come upon this earth that's going to cause the earth to begin to shake and to tremble and the oceans are going to be slamming water everywhere water's going to go places that it don't normally go and i know that's hard to understand but there's things going on behind the scenes guys that they're not telling us the public's not being told there's things gonna happen that's gonna destroy a lot of people and i mean i'm not trying to this is not scary tactics i'm just telling you this is what the scripture is talking about here it says that when that happens men's hearts will fail them for fear and the expectation of those things which are coming upon the earth what the expectation of those things people are going to know what's coming up on the earth because they're going to see what's happening they're just you ever heard of the thing that kills you the most is anticipated stress anticipated stress does more to damage the human body than anything in the world and that's what he's talking about here anticipated stress people are not going to know what's happening they're just sitting anticipating anything to happen at any moment because they they haven't been told what's going to happen for the powers of heaven will be shaken guys do you know right now that the moon is wobbling and they're not telling anybody do you know that there's planets in outer space right now it's beginning to shake the earth is beginning to shake and tremble wanda and i sat today at our pond and appeared on the pier down here and for the first time since i built that pond i looked at one and i told us is the earth is trembling and she says how do you know i says look at that pond the water at the edge of the banks around that pond was sending ripples not from inside the pond to the bank it was sending them from the bank into the pond little tiny ripples were leaving the bank going out into the pond i said the earth is shaking and trembling underneath our feet and we don't even feel it but that water tells me because the water was just sitting there just just like sitting calm and also the little ripples would start from the bank going out into the pond the earth was trembling and shaking the powers of heaven it says will be shaken guys we're there this is beginning to happen then they will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory now when these things begin to happen look up and lift up your heads because listen to this guys your redemption draws near now let's back up here christ is coming in the clouds and he says pick your hands up and look because your redemption doesn't say it's already happened it doesn't say you're gone from here it says your redemption is getting near and i'm gonna let that one just sink in for a while i want you to think about that one he's coming in great glory guys i mean coming in glory it's going to be an awesome thing to look up and to be able to see christ in all his glory coming for us that is going to be awesome now when these things uh let me get back here okay then he spoke to them in a parable you know the lord uses parables a lot of times in scripture a parable doesn't necessarily mean that this happened a parable is just simply a story it's a true story it doesn't depict any one particular person or any one particular thing it's a story and that's all it's ever meant to be is a story to bring about a truth look at the fig tree and all the and all the trees when they are already budding you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near how did we not do that i was at the pond just while i was just telling you a while ago i looked up my mulberry trees already got baby leaves starting to form all over them i told one i said look at that that mulberry tree's got little tiny leaves all over you know what that tells me it takes to be summertime now it's not summertime but it's fixing to be in a short period of time and that's the point he was just trying to make to the disciples when you begin to see all these things that we've been talking about happening it doesn't mean that it's fixing to happen right then that means that the end is right then doesn't mean you're fixing me took out of here it just simply means that the time is getting short look up your redemption is getting pretty close so you also when you see these things happening know that the kingdom of god is near doesn't say it's already happened it says it's near assuredly i say unto you this generation will by no means pass away all these things take place what generation is he talking about the one that's been here since these things begin to start happening which is when israel became a nation again we're nearing and a lot of people talked about this generation what is a generation some people say it's 40 years some people say it's 52 years some people say it's 73 71 or 72 years some people say it's 80 years i personally believe a generation is 72 years um i i i have my beliefs on that based on scripture because of things that was told to david in the bible uh or 70 years let's just say i'll say 70 years just to be because david was told three score in 10 years shall a man live that's a generation that generation will pass away and be gone then he says heaven and earth will not heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away but take heed to yourselves let your hearts be weighted down with carousing drunkenness and cares of this life and that day will come upon you unexpectedly guys that's where we're at today all people think about today is i got to get to work i got to do this i got to go to this ball game i got to go to this practice i got to do this i got to do that i got to do this our mind is not even on the things of the lord all its own is work where we've got to be this evening where we got to be there we got to take the kids here we got to do this we got to do that that's all our minds focus on we run ourselves ragged and our mind is never focused on the lord and he says but we know what that day's gonna come and it's gonna catch you unaware don't let it come upon you unexpectedly for it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the earth it's gonna catch you like a trap catches a bird or anything else it's gonna be a snare to you it's going to happen and you're not even going to realize that it's happening it's just going to be instantaneously totally unexpected watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all the things which will come to pass and to stand before the son of man now that is a very interesting passage right there watch therefore the word watch is a military term it means to be alert to be vigilant to be ever watching everything going on around you not letting anything slip in and pray always always be in prayer guys and that's what he's that's what the verse ahead of that is trying to tell you people are weighted down by the cares of this world and they're so tied up in the cares of the world that they forget to pray they don't even pray but he says in this verse pray always why that you might be counted worthy to me that's a precious thing to be counted worthy worthy of what to escape all these things because you see if you've got your head stuck in the word and you're praying you know what none of this is going to catch you unaware you're going to see it coming you're going to prepare yourself you're going to have provisions set aside you know when when things begin to fall apart and famines come and all those pestilences and all these kind of stuff begin to happen you're gonna see it coming and you're gonna say lord thank you for allowing me to have prepared so i don't have to be caught up in this snare that the world has set out here for me i just want to thank you for that that's where we'll be at we'll be counted worthy to escape all these things because we've made provisions the number one provision will be made is where we'll spend our eternity we will have accepted christ as our personal savior and we will not be caught unaware we'll be ready to meet him when he comes for us when that bridegroom comes we'll be ready to meet him guys and it says and in the daytime he was teaching in the temple but at night he went out and stayed on the mountain called olivet then early in the morning all the people came to him to the temple to hear him you see this is all this took place right before the feast of the unleavened bread is fixing to take place here in in the city of jerusalem when christ was there he was teaching the disciples all this stuff because all the people had come into the city for the feast and he was teaching them when all these people were there guys and i hope that tonight by reading luke 21 and we're sitting here talking about some of the things that's going to happen in the end times and how to unfold it based on what luke's let me say something else before i go any further the book of matthew is written specifically to the jews luke is a doctor luke wrote his how would you say it his aspect of everything that he saw with christ from a doctor's point of view he's very analytical about things unlike matthew matthew gave the genealogy of god christ and all this kind of stuff which basically is what jews always do if you go back and read the old testament it's all about genealogy and all this kind of stuff and matthew starts off that way telling you know the birth of christ and his genealogy who he was where he came from all this stuff is strictly what the jews do the book of matthew is typically a book written specifically to the jews luke on the other hand was written to the jews and the gentiles and luke explains it from a point from a standpoint that where both the jew and the gentile can understand it and i hope that tonight by us talking about it just a little bit will help us to better understand these end time events that we're about to begin to face in the next couple of years because in the guys i'm just going to be honest with you i'm not going to go into it on this particular teaching but there's things coming in the next few years that's gonna make us question everything we've ever thought about or new we're gonna say why didn't somebody tell me and guys there's no excuse for that because it's all in the book now every little detail or every little event may not be in the book as to exactly what's going to happen but god christ told you right here there's going to be things that's going to happen in the sun there's going to be things going to happen in the moon there's gonna be things that's gonna happen in stars there's gonna be things that's gonna happen in the heavens i mean he's told us these things are gonna happen and when they do look up because when you see these things begin to happen your redemption is getting close so get prepared get ready we're about to how shall i say it we're about ready to leave this place and guys i'll be honest with you i'm looking forward to that day i know that may sound crazy but i am so ready for heaven i can't tell you how ready i am i've lived on this earth 60-something years and in 60-something years i have seen some of the most horrific things that this life has to offer up to this point but i'm going to tell you the things that are coming are worse than anything that man has ever seen on the face of this earth up to this point isn't it kind of ironic we spent 6 000 years thereabout and get to a point in the late 1800s and we all of a sudden to start discovering things guys that's just kind of a little unusual it's kind of interesting but it's called getting ready for the end times guys i hope tonight's been a blessing to you thank you from deep south homestead
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 29,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep South Homestead, homesteading, homestead life, bible studies, bible study, luke 21, olivet discourse, end of an age, end time, prophesy
Id: 84TJVgnrm8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 31sec (3031 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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