Lugano - Real Life Fairy Tale City in Switzerland | Places to Know Before You Go | Travel Video 4K

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Channel: Jeka Kiriloff
Views: 203,364
Rating: 4.9534378 out of 5
Keywords: Places to Know Before You Go, Real Life Fairy Tale, City in Switzerland, Travel Video 4K, lugano, lugano switzerland, walk tour 4k, walk tour switzerland, the beauty of switss, the beauty of the world 4k, the beauty of the europe, most travelled city in the world, top of the europe, fairy place in the world, swiss travel, what you need to know before, europe travel guide, europe travel tips, beautiful places in the world with music, most awesome switzerland places, Swiss view
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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