Luffy Vs Zoro Vs Sanji Power Level Stats Comparison - Offense 📋

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so at the very end of 2023 I did something pretty fun in December I did a statistical breakdown of the monster Trio compared to one another so Luffy compared to Zoro compared to Sanji and I posted that on Twitter for the world to see and it got a lot of folks yapping oh absolutely make no mistake a lot of yapping to the point where when I was streaming on patreon folks in my chat let me know that bro on his twitch stream him and a few Lads were talking about this so good times because obviously the cancer breaking down certain characters stats in a more fundamental way so their strength their stamina their skills their hockey their abilities and so on and so forth that is interesting because you really do dive into the minutia of things so I really thought about it you know what let's do a video series on this that lovely so we're going to we're going to be milking these others as much as humanly possible and I have a few videos planned on this one already and this one of course is focusing on the offensive capabilities of Luffy compared to Zoro compared to Sanji the thumbnail will be in the same format and I will update the description box down below for however long this series will continue so if you like this idea my content at large then make sure to of course like my video hey subscribe to the channel and click on the Bell to join the notification Squad now now let's dive into this head first and we're going to talk about the offensive powers of Luffy once again compared to Zoro compared to Sanji and the three primary categories for this are strength attack power and DC also known as destructive capability or destructive capacity essentially how much can the character destroy another way of saying it though not necessarily could be their AOE their area of effect though keep in mind that just because you're going to affect a certain area does that mean that you can destroy that area so that being said in the original post I had Luffy as a 10 in all three categories then I had Zoro at a six in strength a seven in attack power and a six in DC and then I had Sanji as a five in strength a six in attack power and a four in DC however after a month I made some adjustments and I decided here we go to cart blanch lower Zoro and Sanji so now in strength Luffy is again a 10 in all categories Zoro is a five and Sanji is a four attack power luff is a 10 Zoro is a six and Sanji is a five and then in DC Zoro is a five and Sanji is a three now some folks may say hold on now you're saying that Luffy is twice as strong physically as Zoro not necessarily because it's out viewed more logarithmically so let's say hypothetically speaking if a one were to let's say be the same level as destroying an entire city block two wouldn't be destroying two city blocks two would be destroying an entire town and then three you would be like destroying an entire city not destroying Two Towns it's more on an exponential curve though albeit it's not necessarily consistent if you get my drip Luffy being at a 10 and zor being at a five does not mean that Luffy is twice as strong physically as Zoro I would argue that Luffy is exponentially stronger than Zoro in terms of physique especially because of what can't he said ah the gear five when Luffy awakened he gained greater physical strength a tougher body of the na and what he has done in terms of raw physicality bro Luffy has displayed far greater physical strength than Zoro to the point where just simply saying that Luffy is half as strong physically as Zoro in my mind doesn't make much sense we have seen Zoro in the past and alasa lift up buildings and just like completely throw them at Mr one and even though we have seen Zoro do some pretty good things I think in terms of physical strength which does make sense since it is pretty well known that Zoro is training on a regular basis all the damn time in the story I would say his best thing stalling the conquest of the sea the combo move by mom and kaido for a few seconds I would say it does take a lot of physical strength for Zoro to stall that attack for damn sure of course he probably has hockey on his swords too but I still think he needs to have that robust physical strength to just stall that attack no matter what however Luffy skips kaido no no no no no no keep in mind that kaido is so massive that when we first see him in Dr Dragon form he is dwarfing every aspect of that town in the Odin flashback we literally see kaido sitting on top of a mountain like it was a toilet seat kaido is absolutely gigantic last you did a video talking about the strongest attacks in one piece boom check it out and we surmised given the Intel we know so far we surmised that this dude kaido will be twice the size the length of the Burge Khalifa the tallest building in the world and he got skipped he got skipped there's no way no no no no no no in terms of physical strength that is probably one of the nuttiest things I've ever seen ever in one piece and keep in mind that was like Luffy and gear five casual in gigant form if he really wanted to he could have made an open palom version of his baj rang gun and just grab the entire Island like a basketball and move it around as if it were a piece on a chessboard no Luffy physical strength is just otherworldly compared to Zoro and Sanji and Sanji does have cases of actually lifting up large things like we do see him lift up that giant cake and then the seal and that whole cart in hul Kick island with all those chefs and folks on it with a single leg so that is a very good lifting feed for Sanji especially when you know that that cake can even hold up big mom's weight but then on top of that I would say in the pre-time skip when the straw hats make their final play to finally take out ORS Luffy and they have that last combo Sanji is the one that wedes his leg into that giant chain and then he punch the giant chain around ORS Luffy's body that I think is his best strength feet in the pre-time skip for sure in terms of lifting and moving around large objects because it's the chain that's used to maintain the giant sail of of of a a ship that size of an island bro that thing was a Nutty strength feet of course him punching Queen especially in the manga where in the anime it's not as long but in the manga it's like he's going off world and queen's like 20 feet tall man the the dude's massive he's tough as hell and he's still got punted that far by Sanji and I will be honest here I was strongly no pun intended I was strongly considering putting Sanji ahead of Zoro in terms of physical ability because when sanji's DNA activates and he unlock his germa attributes he gets an ability dump and part of that dump is much greater physical power but in the case of Zoro his most substantial buff is hockey related hockey is a separate component to Raw physical power however in my personal opinion I did give Zoro the benefit of the doubt because Zoro is known for constantly honing his physical abilities and his skills he trains day in and day out so at this point in time I said okay in terms of raw physical ability I'll just give Zoro the lead for the time being and from here I'll then Segway over to attack power with Sanji and Queen Once Again sanji's able to punt Queen through like one or two whole levels in Oni gushima and then he gets sent packing like deep deep off the island and in that chapter chapter 10:35 we see that the explosion that he makes is is huge in that bottom section of the horn at least a few kilometers miles wide and long so these horns are huge and Sanji punted queen that distance and that way through another layer floor on top of that in the anime he doesn't go that far but the explosion is way bigger in the anime version and he does shake the entire Island so to me with Sanji and queen it's very similar to Luffy and doflamingo where Luffy would do way more damage to dress Rosa if you actually hit the ground with this King Kong gun directly compared to sending doy into the ground and considering how Queen could take attacks from Marco several of them but none could put him down and no signs of any lasting damage that Marco could give Queen and Sanji was matching that it's not even outpacing Marco's attacks when he was in Devil leg not even ephere in Devil L CU Sanji calls Queen out on his Shenanigans in the previous chapter 10:34 where he was taking lasting damage from his attacks in the devil leg so son tech power is I think for the most part pretty high end of itself but once again when it comes to Zoro and Sanji I do tend to give Zoro The Edge or Sanji offensively that's why Zoro is a six rather than a five because fundamentally Sanji focuses on more combo moves whereas zor focuses like one giant burst move though to be fair in the anime the beef burst looks a lot better because he does stop his combo Midway and then does the attack and then sends Queen flying off of the island so individually attack does look a lot better in the anime and we already know that his attacks do tend to bypass natural physique because of the heat in combination with the force which allows him to penetrate in terms of damage right down to the bone however Zoro did cut kaido with this tatoki twister attack Zoro did Force kaido to dodge his flying dragon Blaze which also cut the Horn of orima off in the process and on top of that obviously he did Scar kaido and even though we're not too sure about let's say his as de Man game the other attacks that we've seen Zoro do against Kido rooftop we know are weaker compared to what he does against King the Wildfire with the final attack the 103 Mercy's Dragon damn Nation so if zor had conquer his hockey on all three of his swords rather than let's say just enma when he scarred kaido he might have actually succeeded in putting kaido on his knees like what he wanted to do in the first place so fundamentally I do give zor that edge over sanj I think it's fair however compared to Luffy compared to Luffy it's it's it's ridiculous bro like Luffy the kid is really something crazy Zoro did Force kaido to dodge the Flying Dragon Blaze but Luffy also forced kaido to dodge his Red Hawk and Luffy called him out on that like oh yeah that was going to hurt really bad wasn't it kaido and with Zoro and enma you could argue that he's using conqueror's hockey INF Fusion but with Luffy that's just the real hockey with the fire of the Red Hawk and once Luffy gets the conquers hockey and fusion this man just enters a whole new real of power I could really argue the power of the gear 4 over Kong oh man oh just think about right now the gear 4 over Kong gun just just just just oh wow what a move but definitively it is gear five where he he just clears again he does have those attacks that just bend people bodies and it really it really does feel like he's doing massive internal organ damage when he hits you with those shots and we see on the case here with Rob Luchi where Rob Rob Gucci Rob Luchi gets three pieced by Luffy he takes a mole pistol he takes a dawn Whip and then finally a dawn rocket and Luchi who we know is tough where is this Force coming from Luffy is I think bypassing a lot of defenses when he just punches someone and their body gets rubber fied in the process because their organs are not supposed to be rubbery like that so it's got to be massive damage eternally and I'm not talking about even stopping on the Rio hockey he's learned which does even more added internal o it's just nasty it's just nasty with Luffy attack power I have a hard time right now seeing Sanji and Zoro have attacks that are just as strong as the B rocket oh I'll keep it a stack because if ly wanted to he could slap on the conqueror's hockey on that thing oh oh disgusting disgusting the same thing would apply for the white star gun too to say that Zoro or Sanji would have attacks that equal the white star gun is to say that there have attacks that could one tap stun lock an admiral oh hell no no we're no come the end this decade maybe but right now no and even though karo's gting back up right now for sure stun locking an admiral the way Luffy did is just outrageous and none of these attacks come even close to the baj rang gun oh the the baj rang gun is gnarly as hell especially in the an anime where we saw Zoro and Sanji get anime only Buffs which were gari for their Queen and Sanji and King and Zoro fights but the kaido and Luffy fight Luffy with the baj rang gun is able to repeatedly slam his fist multiple times with the ban gun and the bajrang gun even expands and gets bigger in the [Music] anime it's like putting a whole island on a chaining ball and just repeatedly slamming it there's just no way I would say cuz again my video I did last year about the strongest attacks in one piece once again Jafar boom thank you I would say that fundamentally if Luffy's attack power is either at least or at most in the ballpark of multicon Al at least in theory in principle then Zoro would be let's say somewhere in the ballpark of country large country small country and then Sanji will to be in the ballpark of multi- island island something of that sort even though Zoro and Sanji have phenomenal attack power and they've shown that Luffy is just stupid Luffy is just in terms of attack power he is gapping the two by a substantial margin however however there is I suppose maybe some sort of out in terms of zor versus robucci because a dawn rocket without as far as far as I could tell without hockey or even conqueror hockey on it could effectively take out Rob Luchi after a dawn Whip and of mole pistol in the previous chapter and Zoro has been fighting Rob Luchi longer than luia has fought against kizaru in fact as of the chapter I've read that's still ongoing it it's hard to say that it's going to be be a one shot because we haven't seen much of that fight at all however if we do see let's say Rob Luchi get put down by Zoro with one of zoro's midlevel attacks like let's say it's a rashman or a Simone or a black robe Dragon twister one of those moves puts down Rob Luchi for good that would of course only give more Credence to the more powerful attacks that Zoro has so I can see folks saying I should now raise Zoro a little bit higher in let's say this chart compared to Luffy but my argument that would always be hold on now did Luffy use hockey or not when he used the dawn rocket because if he just uses hockey on the dawn rocket the power of that attack goes up Arman hockey the Rio hockey conquer hockey mean my God so wouldn't just let's it depend on zoro's performance as raluchi but also I want to say it depends on the anime too where if the anime does show Luffy beating Rob Luchi and he has conqueror hockey on that attack it does add needed clarity and it does lower the ceiling for the power potential of that attack but that could be then a way of closing the gap between Zoro and Luffy in terms of attack power at at at least slightly not honestly I be with you not by that much because the dawn rocket is not on the not even close to the same level as the boss rank on and then finally you have destructive capability again it's not close this right here is less Theory driven like attack power Luffy was clearly on Pace on Pace to destroy the entire island of orig gushima in a single attack and Luffy is stronger in principle now than he was back then and in the anime they don't skimp on the speed the velocity of Luffy's punch at all when him and kaido begin their clash and the shock waves are just Titanic makes you wonder how on God's green earth did these people in the capital not feel or see anything it's it's it's it's ridiculous but that being said in oda's notes in the root to left tale Oda literally states that the shock waves between those two attacks would span for a, Miles half of Australia and that's just the shock wave Luffy in terms of DC I think could level a whole country honest to God by comparison I can see someone like Zoro being able to let's say cut hole Island in half not like a massive countrysize Island like an alabaster or a drum or or I mean God forbid a wild country no more like of the same scale of zunisha where zunisha would be roughly around the size of the island of Manhattan he did cut the Horn of Oni gushima off he did do that and he has much more powerful attacks than that for sure in principle doing the horn a few times over is not hard to believe though in zoro's case ultimately I think it'll depend on range and if Zoro would be capable of having his attack span that sort of distance to cut it appropriately because that was an issue with Pica in dress Rosa which is why he needed or lumbus cuz P was outside of zoro's range but I'll dive more to that in a future video in Sanji situation in sanji's case we saw with the beef burst the explosion we saw how huge it was compared to the horn and the horn again like I said before is several miles and kilometers thick and long in the anime it it's even bigger and he shakes the whole island but sanji's issue is that unlike Zoro unless say who can let say just do it at face value Sanji has to probably kick something or someone into something and that's how you get the main bulk of sanji's DC so let's say compared to Zoro if Zoro can cut the whole island half Sanji could just break apart blow away a whole section of the island but not the entire Island itself or let's say a whole mountain range a large mountain range is just going down in a single kick and Sanji does have evidence defeats to prove that at at the bare minimum but even still Sanji and Zoro nah bro they just they just can't compare to the monkey massive ncad that is my stance on the monster Trio in terms of their authentic Powers compared to one another their strength their attack power and their DC and that is as of the latest chapter 1 piece uh 1103 I believe so but let let me know let me know your stance on this subject matter at hand with a comment in the comment section down below the series will continue on and next time we go from offense to defense so please do please do be on the lookout once again make sure to give the video a thumbs up if youj my content subscribe to the channel and click on that Bell to join the notification Squad I'mma catch you guys on the flip side see you bye-bye
Channel: King Of Lightning
Views: 33,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KingOfLightning, King Of Lightning, one piece power levels, one piece power level, luffy vs zoro, one piece, luffy power level, luffy vs zoro power level, sanji vs zoro, power scale, power level, luffy vs sanji, luffy vs zoro and sanji, zoro vs anji, zoro power level, sanji power level, power scaling
Id: RYFOqTxy18k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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