Luffy Vs Kaido ISN’T Close

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King of the Beast kaido aka the strongest creature is notorious for beating Luffy four times with a 4.6 billion Berry Bounty he has the highest confirmed Bounty just behind white bid and Roger his fight literally lasted for 54 episodes which just goes to show how insane he really is him one shotting Luffy and cury the same Luffy that went extreme diff with katuri just shows the gap between him and every Commander even when Luffy learned Advanced arm man Hy and Advance conquer Hari he still beat Luffy twice again the second time literally killed him Luffy then awakened his level three and it was still an extreme death fight up until kaido eventually lost not to mention him carrying the island fighting the nine scabbards and also fighting the Supernova roughly putting K's durability endurance and stamina above Luffy as he had to fight for longer and endure more injuries onto ka's weakest start which is his speed as when he decided to start taking the Supernova seriously he proceeded to get blitzed by Zoro but then again he blitzed Luffy multiple times who is undoubtedly much faster than Zoro so take that with a grain of salt his hack definitely is his best stat maybe after his durability with his devil fruit having two different forms also being able to create clouds that can lift mountains he can also blast fire and blast wind not to mention his Mastery of all three types of heart but most of the time he spams fond the bwa in his hybrid form and doesn't use these abilities a lot speaking of ha it's about time we move on to Monkey D Luffy and with strength he is one of the strongest in the verse being able to control an island sized attack just with his arm the is literally this small compared to the rest of the island and that umbrella is literally taller than the tallest building on Earth on rooftop Luffy was able to attack kaido countless times over the Advanced conquerors he is able to bypass kaido's durability and injure him onto Luffy speed and this guy in snake man was able to attack with speeds that even blitzed future sight his attacks were fast enough that seeing into the future couldn't help evade them he also attacked Kao numerous times who also has future side onto Luffy Zer ability and is in a league of its own from tanking category's countless backshots to tank an advanc conqueror attack from kaido blast burs Etc but Luffy best start is his hacks stated to be the most ridiculous plower his devil fruit Awakening enables him to be as free as he wants in other words he can literally do anything he wants literally anything he grabbed lightning turned into a giant formed sunlasses out of nowhere G five also boosts all of his stats especially durability this is literally Luffy's face after getting hit by kaido in gear five using direct scaling Luffy without gear five was just clashing against kaido strongest form Luffy has used gear five more after wano meaning he has got much stronger as well on top of his Hy Bloom kaido will also just get power Clift and will look much weaker compared to the other top TI saying the sky and the super NOA did significant damages just false as they literally did no damage I guess Zoro did some damage but it was minimal in conclusion I think Luffy would win extreme diff if they were to rematch but yeah that's all for today let me know your opinions please like like subscribe but yeah that's all for today peace
Channel: Manu
Views: 2,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luffy vs kaido, whitebeard, roger, commander, king of the beast, one piece, gear 5
Id: 0tgCMm6WnAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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