Luffy challenged Whitebeard on the Pirate King. All were surprised - One Piece English Sub [4K UHD]
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Channel: One Piecenimation
Views: 199,929
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Keywords: Luffy, Whitebeard, Summit War, Luffy save Whitebeard from Crocodile, Crocodile kill Whitebeard, Luffy challenge Whitebeard to become Pirate King, Luffy wants to save Ace, Whitebeard save Ace, Ace execution in Marine ford, All are shocked, Ace loves whitebeard, Luffy protect whitebeard, Luffy in the marineford battle, Luffy vs whitebeard, luffy talked to whitebeard, One Piece, english subtitiles, 4K UHD, Pirate King, Luffy save whitebeard from crocordile, Luffy pirate king
Id: HBv9edsGxfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 44sec (104 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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